Constitutional? Louisiana about to pass law requiring 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools

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Oct 6, 2009
Would you please provide me with a couple of examples? I’ve studied the gospels and letters of Saint Paul for some time. I can’t recall any contradictions.
Paul was an incel. Someone he loved told him to fuck off so he decided to make it everyone's problem. He made it his mission to infiltrate the new hotness (Christianity) and inject his incel bullshit.


Jun 30, 2003
With gods it always comes down to, why bother? If you want a god, get a cat. Same obligations on your part and the same indifference to your suffering on the cat's part.
Totally stole this and sent to a friend of mine with 2 cats


Jan 8, 2001
Certainly, but its telling that even the church admits that shit but that person either doesn't know that or wants to keep refusing it. But then I think its the same person that said abortion was the worst thing ever done in all of human history.
I've said it repeatedly here that the abuse happened, and that the cover up was real. I lived the proceeding in my own diocese and a good friend was abuse by a priest. We all knew that there were some pedophile priests. The shock and horror many of experienced after the Boston Globe's expose' was a real mind f*ck. The only reason I downplay it is because others, who aren't even catholic, make it seem like this is the only thing that defines the catholic church. Yet, you keep saying that I deny it. I have no idea why.
Eh, I think he's said quite a bit of fucked up stuff. It does seem to all derive from his religious beliefs (his anti-abortion thoughts for instance), but its not like he's not been saying crazy shit on here for years.
Oh, it's you again.


Jan 8, 2001
Paul was an incel. Someone he loved told him to fuck off so he decided to make it everyone's problem. He made it his mission to infiltrate the new hotness (Christianity) and inject his incel bullshit.
That's idiotic, seriously. I suspect you know nothing about St. Paul.


Oct 6, 2009
That's idiotic, seriously. I suspect you know nothing about St. Paul.
I don't claim to know much about Paul, but I at least know he contradicted some of what Jesus said. For example:

6. On forgiveness of trespasses:

Paul says:


[7] In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace


[25] who was put to death for our trespasses and raised for our justification.

Jesus says:


[14] For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you;

[15] but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

This is kinda mindblowing. Jesus is saying he came to make forgiveness a matter of interpersonal relationships requiring personal accountability, assuming the person who is forgiven is required to sincerely repent. Paul turned it back into a matter of blood sacrifice which removed personal accountability for our lives and actions.


Oct 6, 2009
Gosh, how could anyone think Paul was an incel?

A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing — if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. (1 Timothy 2:11–15)

As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to enquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in church. (1 Corinthians 14:33–35)

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Saviour. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. (Ephesians 5:22–24)


Jan 8, 2001
I don't claim to know much about Paul, but I at least know he contradicted some of what Jesus said. For example:
The first the the theologically correct understanding of what Christ purchased for us by the shedding of His own blood. Paul is teaching the foundations of our faith to the faithful. In the second Jesus expands upon the second great commandment of 'love your neighbor as yourself" - and emphasizes how seriously the Father takes this sin as it can lead to eternal damnation.


Jan 8, 2001


Oct 6, 2009
Honestly, there are so many errors in this, I can't even begin to address them in a forum format. I have no idea who wrote this. Is it from a muslim perspective?
If you read to the bottom you will see that it is. That doesn't change the fact that the verses listed say exactly what the author says they say. Paul hated Jesus' disciples. Then god "spoke" to him and suddenly he knows god's will better than Jesus did. The accounts of his vision contradict each other. It requires motivated reasoning to believe Paul was anything other than a con man exploiting religion for his own purposes.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jan 8, 2001
It requires motivated reasoning to believe Paul was anything other than a con man exploiting religion for his own purposes.
No. It requires a far deeper understanding of scripture, hebrew, greek and latin writing styles and so much more to understand what is really being said. My wife and I spend time reading and meditating on scripture. We have been involved in scripture studies. We have read books on scripture. We have attended talks, in person and online by expert theologians, on scripture, writing styles, root meaning based on the languages of the time. A couple thousand hours between us. Obviously, we share allot. I doubt that muslim has anywhere need our (admitted limited) understanding of new testament writings.

One simple thing. If Paul was rich, why didn't he bribe the appropriate officials to stay out of prison and avoid execution? Not much benefit to being a con man if one is in prison. Oh, and another one for giggles. Why is it a surprise that the account of Paul conversion is slightly different when presented by two different authors? One with first hand knowledge, and the other with second hand knowledge. The core message is that Christ personally intervened in the conversion of Paul, who became the greatest apostle to the gentiles of that time.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
No. It requires a far deeper understanding of scripture, hebrew, greek and latin writing styles and so much more to understand what is really being said. My wife and I spend time reading and meditating on scripture. We have been involved in scripture studies. We have read books on scripture. We have attended talks, in person and online by expert theologians, on scripture, writing styles, root meaning based on the languages of the time. A couple thousand hours between us. Obviously, we share allot. I doubt that muslim has anywhere need our (admitted limited) understanding of new testament writings.
I'm sure all of these books on scripture and these theologians and so forth are approaching the subject matter from an entirely unbiased perspective and seek ONLY the pure, unvarnished truth


Oct 6, 2009
No. It requires a far deeper understanding of scripture, hebrew, greek and latin writing styles and so much more to understand what is really being said. My wife and I spend time reading and meditating on scripture. We have been involved in scripture studies. We have read books on scripture. We have attended talks, in person and online by expert theologians, on scripture, writing styles, root meaning based on the languages of the time. A couple thousand hours between us. Obviously, we share allot. I doubt that muslim has anywhere need our (admitted limited) understanding of new testament writings.
My parents do the same thing for 50+ years now. That doesn't mean they aren't batshit crazy with a tenuous grasp on reality at best. All the studying in the world isn't going to recapture the essence of living in those times. There will always be unknowns. Think about how historians are going to translate "booty call" and "butt dial" 2000 years from now.

One simple thing. If Paul was rich, why didn't he bribe the appropriate officials to stay out of prison and avoid execution? Not much benefit to being a con man if one is in prison. Oh, and another one for giggles. Why is it a surprise that the account of Paul conversion is slightly different when presented by two different authors? One with first hand knowledge, and the other with second hand knowledge. The core message is that Christ personally intervened in the conversion of Paul, who became the greatest apostle to the gentiles of that time.
I didn't say anything about Paul being rich. Does someone going to prison mean they could not have been a con man? What kind of logic is that? I also gave you a literal example: Jesus said you need to forgive in order to be forgiven, Paul said you just need to accept Jesus to be forgiven or whatever. Paul also said that shit about women. Who worships a piece of shit like that?
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It seems to me that one thing Islam and Christianity have in common is faith in a supreme being that is beyond description or name, but faith in whom, via the self annihilation of submission opens a door to Heaven.

I think, also, that there is a force within us that seeks to prevent this process from happening. We can't forgive others because if we did we would have to forgive ourselves and to forgive oneself requires confession of sinfulness.

The belief in sin creates the feeling of guilt and shame and flight from that pain into an alternative reality, the world of the ego, the denial of inner feelings of sinfulness.

This is the force that is in actual control and that for some is transcended mysteriously and without ego volition, accidentally. It is a mystical experience that opens that door to heaven.

The form in which that commanding self manifests is based of the dominant concealed prejudice of the particular time and place and culture that forms our particular biases, and requires particular tailoring by any enlightened teacher. Thus there are many religious paths and traditions especially suited to cultures long dead but contain echos of real wisdom within them.

People divide along various lines and argue for or against various aspects of these antiquated corpses. I think one of the greatest obstacles to truth is the belief that one actually knows something,. In Zen this is called having no room for understanding because one's has a tea cup that is already full. This can also be called self righteousness or arrogance, egotism, etc., all of which has to die before one can see.

One can defeat the commanding self via deep devotion and will or it can evaporate is hopelessness and despair. Christianity, in my opinion is useless to any but the meek of spirit. Having words for a psychological condition, however, does not induce that actual state. How can a ego be meek? The ego deals only is delusions and pretense. Meekness requires ego death, the very thing the ego is there to deny, that we in fact are already dead, living in a false reality.


Jan 8, 2001
I also gave you a literal example: Jesus said you need to forgive in order to be forgiven, Paul said you just need to accept Jesus to be forgiven or whatever
And I gave you a simplified answer, but you are unable to grasp how both are true. Anyway, I feel at this point, that you hate Paul so much, that nothing I say will change that.


Jan 8, 2001
I'm sure all of these books on scripture and these theologians and so forth are approaching the subject matter from an entirely unbiased perspective and seek ONLY the pure, unvarnished truth
Yes, they were seeking the pure and unvarnished truth about the nature of God, ourselves and our right relationship with Him. They weren't trying to solve the world's problems. They were teaching the deeper truths of our faith to believers. Really, what did you expect?


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Yes, they were seeking the pure and unvarnished truth about the nature of God, ourselves and our right relationship with Him. They weren't trying to solve the world's problems. They were teaching the deeper truths of our faith to believers. Really, what did you expect?
I... do not believe this to be a true statement. I do expect you have faith that it's true though. And I do appreciate that you're generally a pretty reasonable representative of your faith, but you still also can't help but tie into the persecution complex that is such a part of your community.


Jan 8, 2001
I... do not believe this to be a true statement. I do expect you have faith that it's true though. And I do appreciate that you're generally a pretty reasonable representative of your faith, but you still also can't help but tie into the persecution complex that is such a part of your community.
I don't think we are being persecuted. It's not like we are being imprisoned or put to death. I do think that there is generally an attempt, by some, to try and silence us (you can have your faith, but shut up and stay out of politics). I'm more concerned what is happening in our own church, than in the world at large. Pope Francis is doing more to suppress devoted US catholics than any government of group (about 30% of US catholics are devote). He's done the same in Africa, but their bishops have put their foot down and refuse to accept some of his 'teachings'. They have some real courage.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
I don't think we are being persecuted. It's not like we are being imprisoned or put to death. I do think that there is generally an attempt, by some, to try and silence us (you can have your faith, but shut up and stay out of politics). I'm more concerned what is happening in our own church, than in the world at large. Pope Francis is doing more to suppress devoted US catholics than any government of group (about 30% of US catholics are devote). He's done the same in Africa, but their bishops have put their foot down and refuse to accept some of his 'teachings'. They have some real courage.
So you are not happy he called residential school a genocide?


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
I don't think we are being persecuted. It's not like we are being imprisoned or put to death. I do think that there is generally an attempt, by some, to try and silence us (you can have your faith, but shut up and stay out of politics). I'm more concerned what is happening in our own church, than in the world at large. Pope Francis is doing more to suppress devoted US catholics than any government of group (about 30% of US catholics are devote). He's done the same in Africa, but their bishops have put their foot down and refuse to accept some of his 'teachings'. They have some real courage.
You don't think you're being persecuted, other than saying "y'all hate Christians", and that some are trying to "silence you" (you probably have NO IDEA how fucking ridiculous this seems to someone who is non-Christian, with just how pervasive Christianity is in American culture).
Does seem weird to take issue with the Pope, who as I'm given to understand it, is picked by god and speaks to god, but you do you!
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