Contagion spreading among the vaccinated

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Dec 15, 2015
Just got done admitting another 2 COVID patients with respiratory failure. ICU remains 90% COVID. We have a relatively small hospital too.

BTW, I may me a doc, but I will be the first to profess I don't know everything. Any doctor who goes claiming they do know everything is lying. This is why we have specialists. To put into perspective, Harrisons Internal Medicine is 2 volumes at about 1500pgs and incredible dense reading. The Heart text is 1500pgs on just the heart. I dare anyone to try and memorize that much info and keep up.
Godspeed. I hope you are able to evacuate enough beds to keep up with incoming.


Oct 18, 2005
I swear, you guys don't WANT this to be over. All the good news is summarily dismissed, while repeating the OLD news OVER and OVER.
fuck off. I want nothing more than this to be over with the fewest number of dead humans possible. Persistent refusal by a significant percentage of the population to act like fucking adults is prolonging COVID.

Now I am putting you were you belong.
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Feb 4, 2009

I've read the link and it seems to say we should continue and I believe it said vaccinate agressively PLUS mitigate by wearing masks and reducing exposure risks which I assume means limit indoor dining and concerts and such kind of what we did last year.
I get the concept and it doesn't sound unreasonable to me. How do you expect others to take this advice, especially since in the same article we have this:
Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves called it "foolish."

and this regarding vaccination:
"We have two tools in our toolbox to do this. One is non pharmaceutical interventions such as mask wearing and the whole shebang, and the second is vaccines. From an evolutionary perspective, what is necessary to reduce this (spread) is to vaccinate as many people as possible as fast as possible and across the globe."


Mar 17, 2008
So layman dumdum deductions here. As a vaccinated person, would I want to catch the Delta as a breakthrough? As vaccinated my odds are superb, I am thinking that gaining natural immunity towards the delta ontop of the vaccine is a good bet going forward towards the inevitable Delta-2 variant?
Feb 4, 2009
So layman dumdum deductions here. As a vaccinated person, would I want to catch the Delta as a breakthrough? As vaccinated my odds are superb, I am thinking that gaining natural immunity towards the delta ontop of the vaccine is a good bet going forward towards the inevitable Delta-2 variant?

From a layman.
Sounds reasonable but remember this stuff if predictably on unpredictable.
Would be just as likely that a previous infection lays the ground work for a more severe delta 2.0 infection.
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Reactions: cytg111


Nov 4, 2004
So layman dumdum deductions here. As a vaccinated person, would I want to catch the Delta as a breakthrough? As vaccinated my odds are superb, I am thinking that gaining natural immunity towards the delta ontop of the vaccine is a good bet going forward towards the inevitable Delta-2 variant?

I wouldn't rush into anything 😉
Reactions: cytg111


Jul 11, 2001
Even if its right, that you can trace something in a bone marrow sample, to jump to the conclusion that you have immunity for life, any variant at that, is one HELL of a jump.
It's, they're in the business of getting readers, not convincing medical professionals.
Reactions: cytg111


Jul 11, 2001
"unvarified"? "unvarifiable"? English better not bet your native language because it's kinda funny to get lectured by someone who seems to have flunked English in high school.
Wow! How did you get access to my high school records? Damn!

Oh, jeez, did I misspell some words? The horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way. - Mark Twain

To believe my buddy Mark Twain I shouldn't give a damn about you, obviously! BTW, you should show more respect to the other forum members before posting by inspecting for errors before you submit. You are very remiss in that department. Keep posting crap and you'll join my list of ignored incorrigibles.
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Feb 23, 2005
I've read the link and it seems to say we should continue and I believe it said vaccinate agressively PLUS mitigate by wearing masks and reducing exposure risks which I assume means limit indoor dining and concerts and such kind of what we did last year.
I get the concept and it doesn't sound unreasonable to me. How do you expect others to take this advice, especially since in the same article we have this:

and this regarding vaccination:

I agree also with the article. As far as anti's, well, we as a population really cant do anything about it realistically except call them names and demonize them.
Feb 4, 2009
I agree also with the article. As far as anti's, well, we as a population really cant do anything about it realistically except call them names and demonize them.

Apologies I thought you were a no masks guy
and yes I agree it is time to use peer pressure to get the unvaccinated vaccinated.
Reason and coddling hasn’t worked as I knew it wouldn’t earlier in the year.


Feb 23, 2005
Apologies I thought you were a no masks guy
and yes I agree it is time to use peer pressure to get the unvaccinated vaccinated.
Reason and coddling hasn’t worked as I knew it wouldn’t earlier in the year.

No worries. Happens to me here often. I get painted into a corner because people dont like my typical #bothsides responses.


Golden Member
Feb 10, 2005
Godspeed. I hope you are able to evacuate enough beds to keep up with incoming.

Sadly, 6 more last night with covid. Not yet in the ICU, but we are starting to see what Louisiana is experiencing. I don't know if we're going to be as bad, though. We've done this song and dance before. Thankfully, this time we actually have protective gear. It's still going to be a sucky fall/winter.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2001
Sadly, 6 more last night with covid. Not yet in the ICU, but we are starting to see what Louisiana is experiencing. I don't know if we're going to be as bad, though. We've done this song and dance before. Thankfully, this time we actually have protective gear. It's still going to be a sucky fall/winter.
What state are you in? My wife's hospital in NJ is seeing an uptick in covid cases as well (no where near the peak).


Senior member
Jul 13, 2013
What we know now is that even mild Covid infection will regularly create lifelong immunity to #19.

Just to clarify that, I don't mean 100% protection, nothing is 100%. According to the most informed guy on here, the result that your body will make antibodies for life seems accurate.
Sorry boss man, had to report this horseshit post. Your post is a 100% lie. It most certainly does NOT offer even a years worth of immunity much less a lifetime. Our entire 10000 plus staff was tested for antibodies last summer and only 15% of staff previously diagnosed and treated for Covid had antibodies. We have had countless 2x patients and even have a 49 year old who has contracted Covid 3x now. GFY this act isn't funny.

Feb 4, 2009
Sorry boss man, had to report this horseshit post. Your post is a 100% lie. It most certainly does NOT offer even a years worth of immunity much less a lifetime. Our entire 10000 plus staff was tested for antibodies last summer and only 15% of staff previously diagnosed and treated for Covid had antibodies. We have had countless 2x patients and even have a 49 year old who has contracted Covid 3x now. GFY this act isn't funny.


oh look at that and it brings a good point about a bunch of stuff he’s posted and read. Many state “some people” are protected x better or y longer.
15% sounds like some to me, which means the other 85% weren’t as fortunate.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Part of the reason the pandemic is so bad in the US is because people who are never involved in the scientific method are seeing science unfold in real time. Evidence, changing methodology and errors happen. But in the public eye, it is seen as "they have no idea what they're talking about." Transparency on this scale can backfire because in nearly all other circumstances, science is "opaque" and mostly provided to the public eye through 2nd - 3rd sources. People only see the end result, not the whole process, so anything less then perfect is automatically then labeled "deceptive" or "they are backtracking"

Plus .... It was in the electoral interests of the Republican party to downplay the seriousness of Covid, and make basic health science like masks, vaccines, and social distancing a party political issue. So they decided to do so, knowing full well what consequences would result. They sat down did the math, and decided Covid denial was their best shot at re-election, so Covid denial it was.


May 30, 2008
Nice try. As a matter of fact I ride my bike everyday. I keep myself in good shape. I don't tell fat people we're gonna gas them if they don't lose weight though. I don't suggest we shouldn't cover their medical costs if they have a stroke, because you know, their own stupidity.

I'll tell you what kind: a guy who chose to give up a diploma in electrical engineering from TU Delft to pursue a career in music at the highest level, something virtually impossible in his beloved homeland. I wouldn't live here if it weren't for that; wouldn't be in a place where someone who doesn't know you or anything you've accomplished to tell you he has a pair of bootstraps for ya! LA is closer to a banana republic, with even my good neighborhood FILLED with crackheads homeless people. Families with kids living in tents underneath the overpasses and....

Listen, I've had a wonderful career, I'm very thankful for what this country has given me, I've made some amazing friends for life. Was a part of TWO records in the 2020 year end top 10 Billboard contemporary Jazz albums of the year; got nominated for a Grammy , worked, and are now continuing to work with some of my favorite musicians in the world. I'm not some MAGA troll, no matter how much you guys want to put me in that box.

Not that I care about the details of your career, but I will say that having once stayed in LA and tried to get around as a non-driver, I will grant some grudging respect for anyone who manages to cycle round that place.
Reactions: eikelbijter


Senior member
Aug 27, 2009
Sorry boss man, had to report this horseshit post. Your post is a 100% lie. It most certainly does NOT offer even a years worth of immunity much less a lifetime. Our entire 10000 plus staff was tested for antibodies last summer and only 15% of staff previously diagnosed and treated for Covid had antibodies. We have had countless 2x patients and even have a 49 year old who has contracted Covid 3x now. GFY this act isn't funny.

Ok, I believe you! I was SCOLDED a few pages back, by someone who seems EXTREMELY knowledgeable for saying Antibody levels wane, sometime quite quickly. I really do want to learn and I DO believe empirical evidence has great value. Also, Elledy's work that shows 95 out of 105 made germal centers that make antibodies for life, plus the fact it said antibodies were detectable in those after 11 months was said to be on point, by a dude that seems to know more about this than all of us put together. When I asked if that meant with commonly used tests, the closest to an answer I got was "a simple assay".

May I ask you a few questions? I really AM getting interested in getting to the truth.

How many of those 10k were know to be previously infected? How many reinfections are we talking about? I assume no one has died from reinfection, right? Have reinfections lead to hospitalizations? Intubations? I DON'T want to spread falsehoods, I really don't. But I need the facts if I'm going to have a CHANCE of being well-informed.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2009
Part of the reason the pandemic is so bad in the US is because people who are never involved in the scientific method are seeing science unfold in real time. Evidence, changing methodology and errors happen. But in the public eye, it is seen as "they have no idea what they're talking about." Transparency on this scale can backfire because in nearly all other circumstances, science is "opaque" and mostly provided to the public eye through 2nd - 3rd sources. People only see the end result, not the whole process, so anything less then perfect is automatically then labeled "deceptive" or "they are backtracking"

Plus .... It was in the electoral interests of the Republican party to downplay the seriousness of Covid, and make basic health science like masks, vaccines, and social distancing a party political issue. So they decided to do so, knowing full well what consequences would result. They sat down did the math, and decided Covid denial was their best shot at re-election, so Covid denial it was.
I think you've hit the nail on the head here, but I have to add that the news media are to blame too. I would read a headline that said "anti-bodies last for 6 months max", and then read the ACTUAL study, which was 6 months after Covid started saying "at least" six months because that's all the data they had! I'm not talking about second rate media, I'm talking LATimes, NYTimes. For years they've been making huge blunders like that, and trust me, I've defended these papers as quite valuable to MANY people who have written off the media.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2009
That quote is exactly correct. For someone to run around in this thread claiming "even mild Covid infection will regularly create lifelong immunity to #19." doesn't actually understand what those terms mean and is now making up science to justify his false beliefs.

Persistence of antibodies =/= long-lasting or lifelong immunity. Antibodies reflect antigenic memory, but do not ensure immunity. This is the reason why older adults receive vaccinations now for Varicella-zoster and Pneumococci, despite most older adults having a history of infection with both (and in many cases have persistent antibodies).

Even more disturbing is the fact that someone is claiming I said something to support his points. Nowhere are my posts actually quoted. I request the person claiming I said such things delete those posts, because I have never said such a statement (e.g. "even mild Covid infection will regularly create lifelong immunity to #19.").

It is incredibly intellectually dishonest to suggest I said such a thing. Par the course for his/her posting style.
Listen ABJ13,

I asked you MANY direct questions which you refused to answer, just saying "it's in the paper"; you did say that Antibodies are the most important part of our immunity against viral pathogens, you DID say that the paper is accurate and that antibodies are still detectable and don't wane. As a matter of fact you ridiculed me MULTIPLE times for suggesting that they wane at all. You claimed that the paper is accurate and the headline you scolded me for not reading is "Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime"

I never said you have FULL immunity against reinfection. I never said EVERYBODY will make antibodies for life.

Listen, I read back all our back and forth last night and I must say, you have a VERY unpleasant style of helping, but I did learn a lot. No, my understanding is not nearly and will never be like yours; that's why I asked so many questions, very few of which you answered. Instead you just keep insisting I don't know what I'm talking about.
Reactions: Pohemi


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
That said, I don't believe it's right for a government to mandate Covid19 vaccination any more than it is for it to tell people they can't go snowboarding or bungee jumping.
You . . . seem . . . to wish to present yourself as measured and intelligent. So it surprises me that this proferred analogy of yours is so ridiculously flawed . . . shallow, stupid and flawed.
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