Conventions are over - Your thoughts?


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
Much of what I think is via Media... I watched Romney's speech, and Obamas, but mainly ignored other speeches,

Romney killed his speech, following that cowboy...

Obama. talked, and talked, and talked...



Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
I thought the DNC did a much better job. The RNC's message was a lot more negative and disjointed imo.


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
I thought the DNC did a much better job. The RNC's message was a lot more negative and disjointed imo.

RNC's platform is hate and fear... it's all they have. So their convention fit right into what they wanted. However, that is a stupid ass platform to run on and fear and hate can only get you so far.


Jun 19, 2000
This pretty much sums up the DNC for me although the author neglected to mention the delegate from NY that publicly stated she wanted to kill Romney.

Hope n' Change

Rain of Error

What a week it's been for the Democratic Convention. The "War on Women" party staged a salute to Teddy "Ladykiller" Kennedy, then put a serial abuser of women (and likely rapist) named Bill Clinton onstage. So delightfully wonderful was Clinton's speech that a rhapsodic Chris Matthews gushed that if the former president were somehow transported to Mars (we like the idea so far...) that he'd know how to have sex with the Martians.

And no, we don't know what that means either, other than that Chris is off his meds again.

Meanwhile on Earth, the media picked up on the story that the Democrats had removed God and Jerusalem from their party platform, and panicked Democratic leaders quickly called a voice vote of delegates to put them back in. Unfortunately, the delegates angrily shouted down the "God" proposal three times before a teleprompter told the convention chairman to just declare the motion passed, quite possibly making this the first official vote fraud of election season.

Hilariously, Barack Obama's (ahem) "historic" acceptance speech had to be moved from a giant outdoor stadium to a much smaller indoor venue. Everyone with a double-digit IQ knows that the Democrats were unable to fill the stadium - even with free tickets, free bus rides, free hotel rooms, and (for all we know) the promise of free sex with Martians.

But to save face, the Dems declared that they'd moved the event because of the extremely dangerous possibility of lightning strikes (and less that 50% chance of rain) at the stadium. Showing, perhaps, that a few of them believe in God after all.

But now the conventions are done and the battle is officially on - and Hope n' Change couldn't be happier about that. Let's roll.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Then you weren't paying attention as both handily sent honey back to the trailer park, tiara in hand.

Good to know. Honey isn't a viable third party

At my place we spent our viewing time watching Dr. Who from Christopher Eccleston to present. Haven't done that in a while.


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2009
Both were bullshit, but both also showed that they don't give a damn about what the delegates want or the rules. Both showed blatant disregard for the supposed rules and democracy as a whole.


Jun 19, 2000
Sums it up beautifully. GOP talking points essentially devoid of fact or any value. Good find! :thumbsup:
Well here's some more for you.

September 8, 2012 The Charlotte Freak Show

Not since the tear gas and mass arrests of Chicago 1968 have the Democrats put on a convention that better demonstrated to the American people the sorry state of the left's values and ideals. From the opening refrains that echoed the macabre yet unifying obsession amongst Democrats in Charlotte to promote the killing of unborn children to the culminating moment of President Barack Obama telling us why we need more of him in our lives to survive, the Democrat National Convention revealed just how deplorable things have become in that party.
Truth be told, most casual observers could see the train wreck coming a mile away. Once the speaker line-up for the convention's opening day had been released, the ensuing circus was completely predictable. First, the Democrats would give the floor to a communist from the SEIU, followed by the most rabid abortion fanatic in the country. Then, Harry Reid would take to the stage, presumably to tell everyone of a secret phone call he had just received informing him that Mitt Romney had once molested a pack of wild penguins. He wouldn't have proof, because it's Romney's job to prove that it didn't happen.
And just in case the mentally unstable Senate majority leader wasn't embarrassing enough, corrupt Mayor Rahm Emanuel was invited to take a break from his busy schedule of presiding over Chicago's descent into the third layer of Hell to come lecture on good government. Not that Emanuel's speech was necessary to depict exactly what Democrats see as an effective administration. The stirring video tribute to the disastrous Carter years, as well as the keynote address from a man with the appropriate last name of Castro, pretty much said it all.
When Michelle Obama finally approached the microphone, she was following a procession of idiocy and buffoonery that no conservative commentator could even hope to parody. And keep in mind that that was just the first day.
But lest you were tempted to think that the Democrats are incapable of equaling such incoherence, day two should have laid those fears to rest. For that was the moment when the podium was handed over to a thirty-year-old woman whose life mission appears to be getting you to pay for her birth control. Perhaps nothing better defines or encapsulates the left's view of government's appropriate role than having it function as a prophylactic Pez Dispenser. And what does it say about the extent of liberal visionaries when a prime speaking role is given to an individual who is significant only because a popular radio host called her a nasty name?
Yet amazingly, Sandra Fluke wasn't the real spectacle of the evening. Nor was the keynote speaker, former President Bill Clinton, who spent his time reminding Americans how he balanced the budget and created jobs. Apparently, we were all supposed to just ignore the inconvenient reality that such success was predicated upon Clinton following the pro-business, free market policies enacted by a Republican Congress. Absent from Clinton's speech, of course, were the multiple criticisms he has made in recent years of President Obama's decision to abandon that pro-growth approach in favor of economy-crushing, high-tax, big-government regulation.
But the pinnacle of the week came in two key moments. The first occurred in an opening DNC video that included the jaw-dropping line "Government is the only thing that we all belong to." Who exactly wrote the script for this video? Chairman Mao? As Mitt Romney appropriately tweeted in response, in America, "[w]e don't belong to the government. Government belongs to us." That Democrats see this foundational reality completely backwards is extraordinarily instructive.
Couple that revelation with the Democrats' decision to drop the one reference to God from their platform. Now, in some ways this was a mere formality -- codifying what their public policy agenda has embraced for some time. After all, when the leader of your party and president of the United States shakes his fist at the sky and tells God that His definition of marriage is bigoted, removing His name from the platform shouldn't really be a surprise.
And yes, after public outrage, the Democrats reinserted God -- to much consternation, boos, and hisses from the raucous crowd. But the larger point comes in the context of a convention dedicated to the proposition that government is the new god. It cares for us, provides for us, nurtures us, teaches us, corrects us, props us up, and wipes the tears from our eyes. Without it, we can do nothing -- we are nothing. We are a people of, by, and for the government.
So while we didn't witness SWAT teams and riot gear this time around, we were left to consider this pathetic reality: in 1968, most mainstream Democrats were embarrassed by what happened in Chicago. In 2012, they are thumping their chests with pride over the spectacle in Charlotte.
Peter is a public high school government teacher and radio talk show host in central Indiana. E-mail, visit, or like him on Facebook.


Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I watched some of each of the conventions. I didn't watch everything, but the overall impression I get is that conventions are pretty much the place where the most fervent and ignorant from each side get together and revel in their collective ignorance. You can easily see that most of those at the convention would support their party no matter how stupid the platform or ideas. Kind of depressing that this is the collective 'leadership' of this country.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I watched some of each of the conventions. I didn't watch everything, but the overall impression I get is that conventions are pretty much the place where the most fervent and ignorant from each side get together and revel in their collective ignorance. You can easily see that most of those at the convention would support their party no matter how stupid the platform or ideas. Kind of depressing that this is the collective 'leadership' of this country.

Conventions exist to motivate the base and promote conformity thought. Marvelous examples of anti negative capability in action.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2005
The best part of the conventions was watching the weather reports, between the hurricane and moving Obama's speech away from the outdoor venue, there was a lot of weather talk.

Like a lot of folks, I was unimpressed. I'm not a fan of either guy. I'm looking for a reason to vote for one of them. Didn't find it.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
What we saw in the two conventions was the difference between light and dark, between mental health and madness, between reason and fear, between depression and hope, between civility and hate, between good intentions and a lust for power, between freedom and control, and how these differences radiate and affect the human spirit they shine on. In the Democratic convention we saw what the human spirit of hope looks like. In the Republican convention we saw how attractive pretense, anger and phoniness are. One party is alive and the other party is dead. Fairness, love, and empathy are genetic, the Will of God and nothing stands before the Will of God.

The election will be about one party which must provide both a liberal and conservative view, that will be tasked with finding a way forward, and another party that succumbed to madness and went off the deep end. We will elect adaptive, analysis capable human beings or sickly programmed machines, those bound by the gravity of darkness, or those who seek to escape, those who limit opportunity only to the worthy which is also only themselves, or those who want real opportunity for themselves and others.

Everybody gets stuck on their issues, their own particular peeves, the Democrats didn't do this or that right, etc, but the Democrats are sapped of power trying to move the Republican road block, and belly up to bankers for campaign funds, etc. That's the fault of fools who vote for the traitors that step on America's neck to destroy the President. That's the fault of folk who voted in the Republicans that nominated the members of the Supreme Court, who, in turn, passed two rulings on money and corporations that destroyed the election process while also electing a turd for President.

All the long term hard work and change that will be required to fix this country, all the politically unpopular decisions that must be made can only be made by the party that can still adapt and think, that is reason and analysis based, that is open to ideas and will try new things, and they will only do that if they can get reelected. The whole country must move way way to the left or we will die as a nation. Only the progressives, those who care more for the truth than party, conservative or liberal, will bring any real hope.

Gather the best ideas, analyze, compromise, apply, test, if successful, support, if not revise. The job of the body politic is to destroy the sad negativity demonstrated in this thread by demonstrating the success of policies applied. Give hope and inspire faith by success. Good luck my Beloved Country.
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Well here's some more for you.

September 8, 2012 The Charlotte Freak Show

Not since the tear gas and mass arrests of Chicago 1968 have the Democrats put on a convention that better demonstrated to the American people the sorry state of the left's values and ideals. From the opening refrains that echoed the macabre yet unifying obsession amongst Democrats in Charlotte to promote the killing of unborn children to the culminating moment of President Barack Obama telling us why we need more of him in our lives to survive, the Democrat National Convention revealed just how deplorable things have become in that party.
Truth be told, most casual observers could see the train wreck coming a mile away. Once the speaker line-up for the convention's opening day had been released, the ensuing circus was completely predictable. First, the Democrats would give the floor to a communist from the SEIU, followed by the most rabid abortion fanatic in the country. Then, Harry Reid would take to the stage, presumably to tell everyone of a secret phone call he had just received informing him that Mitt Romney had once molested a pack of wild penguins. He wouldn't have proof, because it's Romney's job to prove that it didn't happen.
And just in case the mentally unstable Senate majority leader wasn't embarrassing enough, corrupt Mayor Rahm Emanuel was invited to take a break from his busy schedule of presiding over Chicago's descent into the third layer of Hell to come lecture on good government. Not that Emanuel's speech was necessary to depict exactly what Democrats see as an effective administration. The stirring video tribute to the disastrous Carter years, as well as the keynote address from a man with the appropriate last name of Castro, pretty much said it all.
When Michelle Obama finally approached the microphone, she was following a procession of idiocy and buffoonery that no conservative commentator could even hope to parody. And keep in mind that that was just the first day.
But lest you were tempted to think that the Democrats are incapable of equaling such incoherence, day two should have laid those fears to rest. For that was the moment when the podium was handed over to a thirty-year-old woman whose life mission appears to be getting you to pay for her birth control. Perhaps nothing better defines or encapsulates the left's view of government's appropriate role than having it function as a prophylactic Pez Dispenser. And what does it say about the extent of liberal visionaries when a prime speaking role is given to an individual who is significant only because a popular radio host called her a nasty name?
Yet amazingly, Sandra Fluke wasn't the real spectacle of the evening. Nor was the keynote speaker, former President Bill Clinton, who spent his time reminding Americans how he balanced the budget and created jobs. Apparently, we were all supposed to just ignore the inconvenient reality that such success was predicated upon Clinton following the pro-business, free market policies enacted by a Republican Congress. Absent from Clinton's speech, of course, were the multiple criticisms he has made in recent years of President Obama's decision to abandon that pro-growth approach in favor of economy-crushing, high-tax, big-government regulation.
But the pinnacle of the week came in two key moments. The first occurred in an opening DNC video that included the jaw-dropping line "Government is the only thing that we all belong to." Who exactly wrote the script for this video? Chairman Mao? As Mitt Romney appropriately tweeted in response, in America, "[w]e don't belong to the government. Government belongs to us." That Democrats see this foundational reality completely backwards is extraordinarily instructive.
Couple that revelation with the Democrats' decision to drop the one reference to God from their platform. Now, in some ways this was a mere formality -- codifying what their public policy agenda has embraced for some time. After all, when the leader of your party and president of the United States shakes his fist at the sky and tells God that His definition of marriage is bigoted, removing His name from the platform shouldn't really be a surprise.
And yes, after public outrage, the Democrats reinserted God -- to much consternation, boos, and hisses from the raucous crowd. But the larger point comes in the context of a convention dedicated to the proposition that government is the new god. It cares for us, provides for us, nurtures us, teaches us, corrects us, props us up, and wipes the tears from our eyes. Without it, we can do nothing -- we are nothing. We are a people of, by, and for the government.
So while we didn't witness SWAT teams and riot gear this time around, we were left to consider this pathetic reality: in 1968, most mainstream Democrats were embarrassed by what happened in Chicago. In 2012, they are thumping their chests with pride over the spectacle in Charlotte.
Peter is a public high school government teacher and radio talk show host in central Indiana. E-mail, visit, or like him on Facebook.

The '68 Democrat convention rocked! It's really the last convention I spent any time watching on TV. If either of the parties want me to waste time watching them they'll have to step up their games.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The '68 Democrat convention rocked! It's really the last convention I spent any time watching on TV. If either of the parties want me to waste time watching them they'll have to step up their games.

Logic question! If you don't watch how will you know? Surely you're not going to go with somebody else's opinion.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Logic question! If you don't watch how will you know? Surely you're not going to go with somebody else's opinion.

Word of mouth, i'll get a call from a friend or a family/extended family member who'll say "you won't believe the shit that's happening at the dem/rep convention, you got to watch it!''

In which case i'd turn it on.


Apr 25, 2001
I don't have a lot of thoughts about the convention except that the Dems had at least a few good speeches (and Kerry's "Ask Osama bin Laden if he's better off now than he was 4 years ago" line was pretty funny).

The interesting thing to me though is that pundits (of the professional and amateur variety) on both sides have spent a LOT more time talking about the Democratic convention. The conservatives seem more interested in bashing the Democratic convention than praising the Republican one, and liberals seem more interested in praising the Dems than bashing the Reps. The rhetoric about the convention closely follows that of the election as a whole...whether you like or don't like Obama.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Word of mouth, i'll get a call from a friend or a family/extended family member who'll say "you won't believe the shit that's happening at the dem/rep convention, you got to watch it!''

In which case i'd turn it on.

I had the opposite problem. I tried to watch the Republican convention and got told to shut in off by a family member because she claimed it was draining her IQ. I only felt sick to my stomach because I don't have any IQ to drain.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
Both party platforms suck. Although i dont like dividing things into 3 categories, i will here anyway. That said, I haven't read the democrat's full foreign policy platform, but i like how they weren't quite as militaristic. I'll give the democrats a 2.5 out of ten for foreign policy because they weren't as militaristic and proentangling alliance as the republicans. since they support the UN, because they don't favor closing all of our bases overseas, and because they don't have a plank completely ruling out american involvement in future wars and sanctions they lose exactly 7.5.
Economic issues, the democrats get a zero. I"ll give the republicans a 2 out of ten. They lose 5 points for dishonesty and they lose another 3 points for failure to want to cut as much as dr. Paul would, the mention of public private partnerships, the forced state-federal partnerships, their pro-IP positions, and their protectionist rhetoric, whether they carry out higher tariffs on china made goods or not (i suspect they will). China isn't doing anything more than the us govt is doing in terms of trade and even if they were, it benefits at least half of us. I like how the republicans want to reduce revenue slightly by eliminating the death tax, adding some cg tax exemptions, and repealing the amt.

On social issues, id have to say it's a draw simply because the democrats want forced abortion. they are no longer satisfied with a "woman's right to choose", they simply want more abortions.

The democrats win by a half a point (out of 30), 8.3% vs 6.67%, which is insignificant.
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