Core i5 in September @ near price parity with i7?


Jun 14, 2004
I've been waiting entirely too long to upgrade my main system, but does intel really plan on selling i5 at the same price as i7 like this article at digitimes says?

I think this is FUD to try and spur people to go ahead and plunk down their cash on i7 instead of waiting on the mainstream i5. At least that was my initial thought when I saw those prices.

Any thoughts?


Mar 27, 2009
I'll bet the motherboards are a lot cheaper though. Supposedly we will be able to buy P55 chipset motherboards in July or August.

My question is when do the 32nm CPUs come out? And will the early P55 mobos be compatible with them?


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Just learning
I'll bet the motherboards are a lot cheaper though. Supposedly we will be able to buy P55 chipset motherboards in July or August.

My question is when do the 32nm CPUs come out? And will the early P55 mobos be compatible with them?

not this year...

lets see 45nm comes out august.. then you expect intel to EOL that entire line in 4 months?

There not 32nming the i7 either, there going gulftown which is a hexcore chip.

So people who were expecting 32nm this year... like i said dont hold your breath.

Also the P55 boards will be cheaper then the i7 boards... however i doubt by much.

Ultimately it depends on how good this IGP is.
If your gonna get a dedicated display adapter tho, i7 is a better platform.


Platinum Member
Jan 25, 2009
i5 is going to come out and show everyone that it's approximately as fast a platform as i7 with only dual channel DDR3. Because of this, intel is going to have a hard time justifying the higher cost of the i7 if they both perform similarly. Price parity may end when the hex core comes out. But until then, how much cheaper do you think they would be willing to price the i5 if it performs the same as i7?


Mar 27, 2009
Originally posted by: alyarb
i5 is going to come out and show everyone that it's approximately as fast a platform as i7 with only dual channel DDR3. Because of this, intel is going to have a hard time justifying the higher cost of the i7 if they both perform similarly. Price parity may end when the hex core comes out. But until then, how much cheaper do you think they would be willing to price the i5 if it performs the same as i7?

x58 has dual x16 PCI-E 2.0 lanes though which is really going to help if RV870 and/or GT300 are used in Crossfire/SLI.

P55 chipset can only support dual x8 PCI-E 2.0 (which is basically the same as x16 PCI-e 1.x)


Platinum Member
Jan 25, 2009
Originally posted by: Just learning
Originally posted by: alyarb
i5 is going to come out and show everyone that it's approximately as fast a platform as i7 with only dual channel DDR3. Because of this, intel is going to have a hard time justifying the higher cost of the i7 if they both perform similarly. Price parity may end when the hex core comes out. But until then, how much cheaper do you think they would be willing to price the i5 if it performs the same as i7?

x58 has dual x16 PCI-E 2.0 lanes though which is really going to help if RV870 and/or GT300 are used in Crossfire/SLI.

P55 chipset can only support dual x8 PCI-E 2.0 (which is basically the same as x16 PCI-e 1.x)

while that is true, intel's design appointments do not generally hinge on the appeasement of gamers. most machines are workstations, not game systems. It's not that outrageous to spend $200-220 on a baseline X58 if you are spending $650+ on two dx11-generation GPUs.

Has P45 ever offered multiple full speed slots? No, you had to go with X38/X48 to get that, and there were premiums that went along with it. This policy will continue except this time a change of socket is involved (1156 to 1366). P45 and P55 will offer full support for Dx11 cards because they are PCIe 2.0. PCIe lane compromises come in with multiple GPUs, not single GPU.

Socket 1156 is going to expand into 32nm as well. It is not going to be a single-use, disposable system. The trouble is that intel hasn't announced any 32nm quads or hex chips for that socket yet. It would not make sense for a mainstream socket to support 45nm quads and only 32nm duals. If there is concern about this, you should just buy an X58 system now. And if those leaked scores are any veritable insight into production i5 performance, I would also avoid i5 altogether unless they are priced near Deneb and overclock great.


Senior member
Sep 24, 2004
i5 looks to be 10-20% slower than i7 and i7 can be found for $200 on occasion and $250 on any given day. I would think that i5 2.66 version would need to be $200 everywhere for it to sell. Especially since it is competing with the Phenom II X4. The link I have above indicated it will be $196 and not $280.


Platinum Member
Mar 18, 2005
i5 looks to be 10-20% slower than i7

that is only true for apps where even the triple channel memory or the CSI bus is getting fully utilized, which is uncommon. the latency to the PCI bus is lower on a lynnfield than the bloomfield going through tylersburg, so technically i5 should do better in games, but i have yet to see any data in public websites due to NDA.


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Shaq

And i5 is slower clock-for-clock. So if i5 is slower and can't fully utilize new video cards it's not worth it to me to save $50 on CPU/motherboard. Plus 1366 socket is supposed to support 6 core CPU's next year. P55 is "mainstream" platform and will have limited upgrade potential.

Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions. The 2.66GHz variant of Lynnfield don't have HT, and the benchmarks tested are surely affected by it.

i5 is going to come out and show everyone that it's approximately as fast a platform as i7 with only dual channel DDR3. Because of this, intel is going to have a hard time justifying the higher cost of the i7 if they both perform similarly. Price parity may end when the hex core comes out. But until then, how much cheaper do you think they would be willing to price the i5 if it performs the same as i7?


Motherboards are going to be much cheaper.


Senior member
Sep 24, 2004
Originally posted by: IntelUser2000
Originally posted by: Shaq

And i5 is slower clock-for-clock. So if i5 is slower and can't fully utilize new video cards it's not worth it to me to save $50 on CPU/motherboard. Plus 1366 socket is supposed to support 6 core CPU's next year. P55 is "mainstream" platform and will have limited upgrade potential.

Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions. The 2.66GHz variant of Lynnfield don't have HT, and the benchmarks tested are surely affected by it.

i5 is going to come out and show everyone that it's approximately as fast a platform as i7 with only dual channel DDR3. Because of this, intel is going to have a hard time justifying the higher cost of the i7 if they both perform similarly. Price parity may end when the hex core comes out. But until then, how much cheaper do you think they would be willing to price the i5 if it performs the same as i7?


Motherboards are going to be much cheaper.

X58 motherboards are already below $175 in some places. P55 motherboards would be hard pressed to be much below $150 at launch. And by then X58 boards may be had for that price.


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Shaq

X58 motherboards are already below $175 in some places. P55 motherboards would be hard pressed to be much below $150 at launch. And by then X58 boards may be had for that price.

So you do agree it'll be cheaper? Add that P55 will bring features more of the majority will care and not many will look toward i7.

the latency to the PCI bus is lower on a lynnfield than the bloomfield going through tylersburg, so technically i5 should do better in games, but i have yet to see any data in public websites due to NDA.

I'm pretty sure this is gonna make it worth to lot more people.


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2004
Wow, that's kind of disappointing. I still don't see any reason to upgrade from my Q6600. If the power consumption numbers were better, maybe, but it'd be a side-step rather than an upgrade anyway.


Feb 27, 2009
Originally posted by: Shaq
i5 looks to be 10-20% slower than i7 and i7 can be found for $200 on occasion and $250 on any given day. I would think that i5 2.66 version would need to be $200 everywhere for it to sell. Especially since it is competing with the Phenom II X4. The link I have above indicated it will be $196 and not $280.

Agreed, I'm not sure what Intel is trying to accomplish withe the I5. Being the the I7 is such a monster and it can be had relatively inexpensively why would anyone want a I5? Quite frankly if I'm going to build a inexpensive system I'm going phenom II at this point. The only way that would change is if I5 blew Phenom II away but then again if that happened it would be just as fast or faster than I7.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
im telling you its all dependant on how important that IGP really is.

If that IGP is really revolutionary, then the i5 will dominate the consumer market, since consumers are more heavily ranked on GPU performance. Ie. Games, movies.

If that IGP blows, and its just a extra heat source, well.... then all hell will break lose, and AMD will be toasting champaigne on the intel failure.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
When clarkdale launches I intend to be drinking champagne regardless of its performance :laugh:


Golden Member
Jul 21, 2006
My problem is the 2 games I care about (supcom and crysis) are complete opposites. supcom is deathly CPU bound, while crysis is starved for GPU. Crysis seems to be fine with a dual, and a high speed (5Ghz+ on water) would work well for supcom. Any GPU for crysis is going to be plenty for supcom. Anything sufficient for those two is gonna run UE3 nicely. Of course, soon supcom2 is gonna start factoring into the choices.

And lynnfield is pretty much a non-starter to me.



Jun 14, 2004
After reading anand's preview, the 2.8ghz lynnfield sounds like the chip to grab (HT, ultraturbo mode), but only if you can find it combo'ed with the right motherboard for a good price. Otherwise, you might as well get an i7. Then again, intel may get rid of all sub $500 i7s.


Senior member
Feb 2, 2009
Originally posted by: Shaq
X58 motherboards are already below $175 in some places. P55 motherboards would be hard pressed to be much below $150 at launch. And by then X58 boards may be had for that price.
^ This and immature boards/BIOSes at launch (though that only counts if you need a new setup soon like me).
I just priced (and bought) the following :

i7 920 - $199 + tax
Gigabyte EX58-UD3R - $150
Xigmatek DK SV1283V - $41.99
OCZ Platinum XTC DDR3-1600 (1.65V, 7-7-7-24) - $70

TOTAL = ~$465 :shocked:

That's just amazing to me. I can get it now and have the advantage of QPI, full 16x PCI-Es and 3rd memory channel over its lifetime. Sure, upgrading the CPU might be an expensive proposition with Intel axing the lower cost 1366 parts, but I tend to switch my CPU/mobo simultaneously and even then those upgrades come after vid card upgrades.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2008
Sort of a touchy situation still.No one knows for sure how it will handle the gaming.
I am in need of a new build now so I am trying to wait it out.

I care about the gaming factor more then the application factor.Hopefully i5 is priced at or below $200 and mobos are only $100.

I read a review somewhere but now I cant find it about the i5.It said the i5 will be more focused towards gaming then the i7 is.

Oh well all we can do is sit back with a bag of popcorn and wait for results


Senior member
Feb 2, 2009
Originally posted by: Bman123
Hopefully i5 is priced at or below $200 and mobos are only $100.
Unless you're looking quite a bit past September, isn't that overly optimistic?

The crappiest P45 mobo is ~$85-90 or so on the egg and something that OCs decently is probably more like ~$100. I guess we can figure that nice boards will be closer to $150 or thereabouts.
Add price gouging (if availability is an issue) and the fact that it is a brand new platform (BIOS bugs, etc.) and it looks somewhat unattractive right now. Plus you nominally have to wait another 3-4 months for it.



Senior member
Jan 18, 2005
Originally posted by: Jabbernyx
Originally posted by: Shaq
X58 motherboards are already below $175 in some places. P55 motherboards would be hard pressed to be much below $150 at launch. And by then X58 boards may be had for that price.
^ This and immature boards/BIOSes at launch (though that only counts if you need a new setup soon like me).
I just priced (and bought) the following :

i7 920 - $199 + tax
Gigabyte EX58-UD3R - $150
Xigmatek DK SV1283V - $41.99
OCZ Platinum XTC DDR3-1600 (1.65V, 7-7-7-24) - $70

TOTAL = ~$465 :shocked:

That's just amazing to me. I can get it now and have the advantage of QPI, full 16x PCI-Es and 3rd memory channel over its lifetime. Sure, upgrading the CPU might be an expensive proposition with Intel axing the lower cost 1366 parts, but I tend to switch my CPU/mobo simultaneously and even then those upgrades come after vid card upgrades.

Where do you get those numbers? I can't find those prices anywhere. I get:

i7 920 - $280
Gigabyte EX58-UD3R - $180 AR $200 Up front
Xigmatek DK SV1283V - $42
OCZ Platinum XTC DDR3-1600 (1.65V, 7-7-7-24) - $80 AR $100 Up front.

Total = $582 AR or $622 Up front

Plus a good portion of people would need a new power supply and, as you mentioned, the upgrade path is sketchy unless you're okay spending $500 - 1000 on your next CPU. QPI is also detrimental vs Lynnfield unless you have more than 1 GPU. Most people only have one. Triple channel memory hasn't been proven to give much as far as performance goes.

A big unknown though is how well Lynnfield is going to OC. i7 are doing pretty well.


Senior member
Feb 2, 2009
Deal is dead now, but Microcenter was having a $199 sale on the i7 920s.
Get the EX58-UD3R at eWiz/Superbiiz - $170 shipped AR - Live CB - $10 (TAKE10).
OCZ Kit was on ZZF for $70AR shipped.


Mar 21, 2004
i5 - 200$
i5 mobo - 100$ and less

i5 speed? it has a massive turbo mode for individual cores, greater than the i7... so it should perform really well...

As for the advantages of QPI... QPI only connects the CPU to the X58 northbridge... which has ONLY a PCIe video card connection and a DMI link to the southbridge... the P55 is basically just the southbricge with DMI, with the i5 integrating the entirely X58 fucntionality of connecting to the video card into the CPU itself, and getting rid of the expensive QPI link between the two...

it actually makes more sense to do it that way.
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