Corsair H-50 Cooler Saving the World From the Zombie Apocalypse


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2001
Nothing worse than Zombies in hospital robes having their way with you!
Nice video!


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
guys this waterkit is crap.

Its much worse then there old kit.

This product gets a two thumbs DOWN from aigo.


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2009
i generally don't give my money to anyone who does business on facespace, anyway.

reminds me that i put my resume on careerbuilder earlier this week and it gave me a spot to put in a link to my blog. whatever happened to professionalism?


Madame President
Aug 10, 2005
Upper 70's with prime? How about trying Linpack guys. Also no two chips are alike. I'd be willing to bet if the chip from the crashing system is put in the other it would crash as well. I'm with Aigo on this one. The Nautilus was probably better.


Platinum Member
May 23, 2008
guys is it just me or are you running your TRUE without a fan in push? it's blatantly obvious at 37 seconds and 55 seconds into the video that the cooler is a TRUE, and it becomes even more apparent after looking at it for about half a second that it doesnt have a fan mounted on it in push AT ALL. someone care to explain this? no offense, but whoever overlooked the fact that the TRUE, you know., needs a fan in push to operate optimally (like most every air cooler.... well lets just say i will be giggling inside until this goes answered. also, what TIM was used (including application method), was the TRUE lapped (and if not what did the base of it look like, razor test please), and why ooh WHY didnt you guys use linpack or OCCT in some form or another for your testing? cause my friend's I7 920 runs at 3.8GHz stable without ever breaking 60c under OCCT v3 with a lapped TRUE and 100~CFM fans in push/pull (all in all it costs about the same as the H-50). would be interesting to see how the H-50 stacks up against this setup lol

ed: + what rubycon mentioned. i was to steamed about their test setup being so suck to begin with that i didnt even think to notice that they were using 2 different CPUs to test each cooler. sounds like the one in the air cooled system could do 4.4GHz easily on a properly set up air cooler (megahalems anyone?) with a proper fan in push at the very least.

ed2: ooh and they didnt even say what fan they used with the TRUE in pull, since the TRUE doesnt even come with a fan lol


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
This takes up a ton of less space is great for smaller cases with only a single 120mm fan. It's much cheaper than the nautilus so it's not a fair comparison.

edit: corsair introduces a good WC kit for the money and everyone just flames them. lol. Nice. WC isn't a value type of affair, but this kit comes close, and it fits in places that the massive TRUE would not offering maybe marginally less performance. Ex. SG05. Mini-ITX form factor.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Originally posted by: faxon
lol i love how there is still no reply from corsair on this

i dont think they ever intend to.

This product has been shot down on XS, and even here.

Its probably the same everywhere.

Were no longer in the era where h2o is so new, so vendors can get away with crap. Products like this, with forums who have h2o people will shoot this product down faster then corsair can say DOMINATORS.


May 16, 2002
Corsair, you have GREAT PSUs, and GREAT memory. Keep up the good work!!

But.... try again on the WC stuff


Golden Member
Sep 9, 2003
It's very odd to me how people make assumptions and take off on some sort tangent based on what is obviously a low tech humorous video. People have come to conclusions based on these incorrect assumptions.

It seems some sort of reply is expected so, here goes.

guys is it just me or are you running your TRUE without a fan in push? it's blatantly obvious at 37 seconds and 55 seconds into the video that the cooler is a TRUE, and it becomes even more apparent after looking at it for about half a second that it doesnt have a fan mounted on it in push AT ALL. someone care to explain this?

There is a fan on the TRUE. This is a low res video. You need to look a bit closer before stating that we would do something that stupid. And, TRUEs CAN be bought with a fan, please look at the TR site before running off and claiming we didn't use one, etc etc etc. It's the TR-FDB-12-1000.

This is a short video meant to generate product interest in a humorous way. I'd think that most people would pick up on that since we included zombies and gave the thread here an absurd title. This was supposed to be fun.

It's impossible to present all the testing done or the methodology used in a short video like this. But, there are more incorrect assumptions here that need to be curbed aside from the erroneous "fact" that TRUEs can't be bought with fans.

and why ooh WHY didnt you guys use linpack or OCCT in some form or another for your testing?

Who says we didn't? You certainly can't deduce our complete testing methodology from this video.

what rubycon mentioned. i was to steamed about their test setup being so suck to begin with that i didnt even think to notice that they were using 2 different CPUs to test each cooler. sounds like the one in the air cooled system could do 4.4GHz easily on a properly set up air cooler (megahalems anyone?) with a proper fan in push at the very least.

Yes, the systems in the video were 2 IDENTICAL systems and they were shown in this video for visual purposes side by side to represent a head to head test. They were our show systems from Computex. What you can't see is that the coolers were swapped between both systems shown and even more in the lab to accomodate some of the anomolies between any 2 identical pieces of equipment. There's been an immense amount of testing done before we ever released this product.

The real thing to keep in mind here is that this product is OBVIOUSLY not aimed at the DIY or accomplished water cooling user. But, it is a valid product in its price range. If you don't like the product or the video, that's fine, move on. But, there's no need to try to stroke your ego by slamming us based on bunch of info that you got wrong.

I always welcome and encourage discussion. So, if there is something you need, just ask before hurling the bricks.

EDIT: It's amazing what a little Googling will do.



Platinum Member
May 23, 2008
Originally posted by: Yellowbeard
It's very odd to me how people make assumptions and take off on some sort tangent based on what is obviously a low tech humorous video. People have come to conclusions based on these incorrect assumptions.

It seems some sort of reply is expected so, here goes.

guys is it just me or are you running your TRUE without a fan in push? it's blatantly obvious at 37 seconds and 55 seconds into the video that the cooler is a TRUE, and it becomes even more apparent after looking at it for about half a second that it doesnt have a fan mounted on it in push AT ALL. someone care to explain this?

There is a fan on the TRUE. This is a low res video. You need to look a bit closer before stating that we would do something that stupid. And, TRUEs CAN be bought with a fan, please look at the TR site before running off and claiming we didn't use one, etc etc etc. It's the TR-FDB-12-1000.

This is a short video meant to generate product interest in a humorous way. I'd think that most people would pick up on that since we included zombies and gave the thread here an absurd title. This was supposed to be fun.

It's impossible to present all the testing done or the methodology used in a short video like this. But, there are more incorrect assumptions here that need to be curbed aside from the erroneous "fact" that TRUEs can't be bought with fans.

and why ooh WHY didnt you guys use linpack or OCCT in some form or another for your testing?

Who says we didn't? You certainly can't deduce our complete testing methodology from this video.

what rubycon mentioned. i was to steamed about their test setup being so suck to begin with that i didnt even think to notice that they were using 2 different CPUs to test each cooler. sounds like the one in the air cooled system could do 4.4GHz easily on a properly set up air cooler (megahalems anyone?) with a proper fan in push at the very least.

Yes, the systems in the video were 2 IDENTICAL systems and they were shown in this video for visual purposes side by side to represent a head to head test. They were our show systems from Computex. What you can't see is that the coolers were swapped between both systems shown and even more in the lab to accomodate some of the anomolies between any 2 identical pieces of equipment. There's been an immense amount of testing done before we ever released this product.

The real thing to keep in mind here is that this product is OBVIOUSLY not aimed at the DIY or accomplished water cooling user. But, it is a valid product in its price range. If you don't like the product or the video, that's fine, move on. But, there's no need to try to stroke your ego by slamming us based on bunch of info that you got wrong.

I always welcome and encourage discussion. So, if there is something you need, just ask before hurling the bricks.

EDIT: It's amazing what a little Googling will do.

lol it's no sweat. i just get really pissed off when marketing teams seemingly do all the testing on a product both before it is released and in demos of the product (the way it came across here). also didnt see the hexus review, most of the reviews i have seen had the H-50 lining up somewhere in the performance range of the S-1283V. still, the only thing i can recommend this cooler for is in a situation where a properly performing air cooler just wont fit. maybe if you guys want to generate enough good press for the product you should release your entire testing methodology through and through so others can compare how you got your results. would be interesting at least, and it might shut a lot of the nay sayers up


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Ok Yellow Beard i'll be factual and tell you why this kit isnt approved by me.

1. Ive asked countless times on XS though your vendors there on what the pump unit was. I know the product was designed by ASTEK, and there not a great company first off.
Your vendor there shook me off like I was nothing. So i am mearly extending that warm feeling i had over there here.

Another thing that made me mad was how that vendor tried to sneak it on XS and BYPASS the LC section entirely. Instead he placed it on news section where it was hiden until our entire water section jumped in it and shot it down.

2. The unit looks like what i call a bastardization of a coolermaster AquaGate.
You guys remember this? It was coolermasters failed attempt'd at h2o as well.

What you guys did was try to recreate the swiftech Mini.

Now let me tell u all the places that your kit fails in lew of the swiftech mini.

1. The mini uses a Laing DDC. Your new kit doesn't, Your Old Nautilus 500 did.
2. The mini uses an Apogee GT base, which is known as the camary of our H2o World. Your new kit i have yet to see the base, but knowing astek, its probably not great. Simple large diamond matrix pins, im assuming.

In watercooling your temps are dictated by:
1. Ambients
2. Radiator capacity'
3. Flow
4. Blocks Cooling potential.

If we look at all 4, the H5O is very lacking.

You want me to reconsider my opinion? Give us a full data sheet on that pump, and a picture of the block base. Then i'll give you my reassesment.

However, unless you guys did a modification of a DDC like swiftech did, no, this kit will not get a thumbsup in h2o from me. I will push new people to use a TRUE because of the safety of pump failure, as well as less hassle in migration, without full evidence.

I am not a simple h2o enthusiast either. I probably own more h2o eq then everyone on this forum, and i have close ties to the vendors who i constantly complain about. But when they get a good product out, they hear praises from me.

So if u want this product to get a second life, show me a tech sheet, i'll review it with my pal skinnee and Martin, and we'll give you our new final assessment.

As it stands, you guys make awesome RAM, (im using dominators), Pick out awesome PSU's, Your HX series ROCK.

BUT... your H2O is still behind OCZ's and needs major work. Possibly you guys should team up with a much better full vendor like Swiftech, DangerDen, or Koolance Even.

Heres what another forum has to say for this product:

To your link, i say read post 27. HardForums did not find your product to be superior to the TRUE.

And u guys know what XS forums thinks of it.


Golden Member
Sep 9, 2003
Originally posted by: Gillbot
Originally posted by: Yellowbeard
EDIT: It's amazing what a little Googling will do.

I take most reviews with a grain of salt anymore. Many times the people reviewing are given the products to review free of charge so many will not give an honest review for fear of losing future freebies.

If you'd like to accuse Tarinder or Hexus of that, take it up with them please.

Aigomorla, I don't have all the info you've requested here but I can get it. In the future if you need something from Corsair, come to me please. Don't rely on some third party vendor and don't slam us for being unresponsive when you have not asked for anything directly from us.

Have you actually looked for a picture of the block? There's one on our site and in every review I've seen:



Jan 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Yellowbeard
Originally posted by: Gillbot
Originally posted by: Yellowbeard
EDIT: It's amazing what a little Googling will do.

I take most reviews with a grain of salt anymore. Many times the people reviewing are given the products to review free of charge so many will not give an honest review for fear of losing future freebies.

If you'd like to accuse Tarinder or Hexus of that, take it up with them please.

Aigomorla, I don't have all the info you've requested here but I can get it. In the future if you need something from Corsair, come to me please. Don't rely on some third party vendor and don't slam us for being unresponsive when you have not asked for anything directly from us.

Have you actually looked for a picture of the block? There's one on our site and in every review I've seen:

I'm not accusing anyone of anything, i'm just posting my opinion of online reviews. Hell, send me one of these and I'd be more than happy to post an honest review of it. Even better, send one to Aigomorla and let him post a review for himself.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005


Madame President
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Yellowbeard

and why ooh WHY didnt you guys use linpack or OCCT in some form or another for your testing?

Who says we didn't? You certainly can't deduce our complete testing methodology from this video.

Of course you know what the temps are and it's obvious the decision was made NOT to use (Linpack) on the video because the system would have crashed or throttled. :laugh: Kyle Bennett was on the verge of hitting TJMAX with just Prime95!

I agree to move on and let the consumer determine the fate of this product with their wallet.

Originally posted by: Yellowbeard

Have you actually looked for a picture of the block? There's one on our site and in every review I've seen:

Looks like someone's been using Phillips drivers on those Pozidriv screws!


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Yellowbeard
guys is it just me or are you running your TRUE without a fan in push? it's blatantly obvious at 37 seconds and 55 seconds into the video that the cooler is a TRUE, and it becomes even more apparent after looking at it for about half a second that it doesnt have a fan mounted on it in push AT ALL. someone care to explain this?

There is a fan on the TRUE. This is a low res video. You need to look a bit closer before stating that we would do something that stupid. And, TRUEs CAN be bought with a fan, please look at the TR site before running off and claiming we didn't use one, etc etc etc. It's the TR-FDB-12-1000.

You never really answered the question... He realizes that there is a fan on the TRUE, but we what we don't know is if the fan is mounted so it pulls the air or pushes the air through the TRUE.

EDIT: It's amazing what a little Googling will do.

This review doesn't mirror or confirm your results. While the Hexus review does give the H50 a edge in temps, the end result between it and the TRUE are the same: both achieve a max stable frequency of 4.05GHz @ 1.4V. This is pretty contradictory to showing the TRUE crash a system in 27mins at slighly lower clocks while the H50 runs for 16hrs.


Junior Member
Nov 3, 2005
Hey guys, Redbeard here. (well, Redbeard was taken on Anandtech when I registered a few years ago so I chose Barbarossa, which is Italian for Redbeard...)

I'm the PM on the case and cooling products, and I think the point of the H50 is being misunderstood.

The H50 is not designed to be a great watercooling solution. It's designed to compete with high end aircooling. We could have included a copper radiator, a more intricate coldplate, a higher flow pump, etc, but that would have driven the price higher.

This is designed to sell for about $70 street price, which means that it's competitive with things like the TRUE, Noctua, Titan, Baram, etc. It's not designed to put your high-end watercooling kit out of business.

We know that for cooling a Core i7, this is probably one of the best coolers in the world at the price point.

If you want to spend $50 more, you can probably beat it. If you want to spend $100 more, you can build your own watercooling loop and beat it. We would never claim otherwise.

But I think we should keep a bit of perspective on our intended goal. Calling the H50 "crap" because it doesn't outperform a watercooling kit that costs more than twice as much is a bit like calling a $25,000 car crap because it doesn't outperform a $50,000 car.



Platinum Member
May 23, 2008
Originally posted by: Barbarossa
Hey guys, Redbeard here. (well, Redbeard was taken on Anandtech when I registered a few years ago so I chose Barbarossa, which is Italian for Redbeard...)

I'm the PM on the case and cooling products, and I think the point of the H50 is being misunderstood.

The H50 is not designed to be a great watercooling solution. It's designed to compete with high end aircooling. We could have included a copper radiator, a more intricate coldplate, a higher flow pump, etc, but that would have driven the price higher.

This is designed to sell for about $70 street price, which means that it's competitive with things like the TRUE, Noctua, Titan, Baram, etc. It's not designed to put your high-end watercooling kit out of business.

We know that for cooling a Core i7, this is probably one of the best coolers in the world at the price point.

If you want to spend $50 more, you can probably beat it. If you want to spend $100 more, you can build your own watercooling loop and beat it. We would never claim otherwise.

But I think we should keep a bit of perspective on our intended goal. Calling the H50 "crap" because it doesn't outperform a watercooling kit that costs more than twice as much is a bit like calling a $25,000 car crap because it doesn't outperform a $50,000 car.

i think the idea is that people are calling it crap exactly because it only performs with high end air cooling. most places i have seen are charging $20-30 more for it than a TRUE or a megahalems though depending on where you look for both, which brings up the ultimate question of if there is any purpose to it. the answer would be of course there is, there are a good few situations where i could see using this unit (lanbox comes to mind), but in the vast majority of situations, most people would opt for the cheaper air cooling instead. now, in the future im sure the price will eventually come down, or corsair will take measures to cut the cost of the unit on their end, but until then it probably wont be much more than a niche product. if corsair plans to make a fair profit off of it, my recommendation would be to work out a deal with an OEM which deals in high end gaming PCs (cyberpowerPC comes to mind), giving them volume discounts on the cooler so they can offer it at a lower price as an alternative to tower coolers, again expanding case offering options, or as a means of making the system quieter (assuming of course the cooler's pump isnt ridiculously loud).

the big issue at hand here is that most of the time most watercooling prebuilt kits or loops suck for the money (better spent on cheap air or custom loop), and there IS a demand for kits that are worth their price tags. given, there are a few kits out there which you wouldnt do bad to use, but most of them are from boutique dealers or custom built by small companies in shop (danger den comes to mind). If the water cooling crowd is to gain traction in the mainstream market, they want to see a kit you can buy, for say $150-200, which is better than any air cooling by a big enough margin to warrant the price, easy to maintain, and is offered by a major vendor (like corsair) which has the business model to support it, market it, and all in all get it into customers hands so it is worth it to keep producing.

the i want to try every interesting new product side of me talking: now i want to get a microATX board and case just so i can put my e5200 + HD4670 in a lanbox so i can test out how this thing would work out in that type of setting. usually most tower coolers just DO NOT fit in a box designed to fit inside a large backpack, but i dont lan much anymore either, so doing this will be up for debate until a later date lol


Junior Member
Nov 3, 2005
Originally posted by: faxon
i think the idea is that people are calling it crap exactly because it only performs with high end air cooling. most places i have seen are charging $20-30 more for it than a TRUE or a megahalems though depending on where you look for both, which brings up the ultimate question of if there is any purpose to it. the answer would be of course there is, there are a good few situations where i could see using this unit (lanbox comes to mind), but in the vast majority of situations, most people would opt for the cheaper air cooling instead. now, in the future im sure the price will eventually come down...

Well, in our internal testing it outperformed every high end aircooler we tested in the majority of cases. Sometimes by 1-2 degrees, sometimes by 10 degrees or more.

We started the project to create the world's best ~$70 cooler. Not watercooler, not aircooler, but all around cooler. I think we did that. I don't think there's a product that's significantly better in our price range.

We know that our best performance is in a typical computer case with standard cooling design, not in a super high airflow case like the HAF 932 or something. But we also know that there are a lot of people out there who don't feel comfortable with nearly 3 Lbs of heatsink hanging off their $400 motherboard and $300 CPU, dangling precariously above their $400 video card.

We also know there are a lot of people concerned about the size of the giant heatpipe tower coolers, and we are targeting this demographic.

We have a lighter, smaller, better performing solution and I think it will do quite well. Pricing will calm down as orders get filled - right now we're still hustling to fill backlog. Demand has been very strong.

I never expected everybody to like it - there's no way to get 100% of you guys to agree on anything. Trust me, I'm one of you, and sometimes I disagree with the posts I read on this forum (and others) so much I have to log out and close the window before I type something that'll get me fired.

But I think it's a really good cooler for most people - it's not going to set any records, but I think it redefines the performance you can expect from low-priced watercooling and it opens up options for fans of high-end aircoolers.



Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2008
Originally posted by: faxon

the big issue at hand here is that most of the time most watercooling prebuilt kits or loops suck for the money (better spent on cheap air or custom loop), and there IS a demand for kits that are worth their price tags. given, there are a few kits out there which you wouldnt do bad to use, but most of them are from boutique dealers or custom built by small companies in shop (danger den comes to mind). If the water cooling crowd is to gain traction in the mainstream market, they want to see a kit you can buy, for say $150-200, which is better than any air cooling by a big enough margin to warrant the price, easy to maintain, and is offered by a major vendor (like corsair) which has the business model to support it, market it, and all in all get it into customers hands so it is worth it to keep producing.

the i want to try every interesting new product side of me talking: now i want to get a microATX board and case just so i can put my e5200 + HD4670 in a lanbox so i can test out how this thing would work out in that type of setting. usually most tower coolers just DO NOT fit in a box designed to fit inside a large backpack, but i dont lan much anymore either, so doing this will be up for debate until a later date lol

Did you guys consider a higher end water cooling kit like faxon mentioned?

I personnally think it would be a good idea, although I obviously haven't done any market research to confirm that such a market exists (that would be what you guys need to do, if you haven't done so already ).

Edit: Plus a well-known manufacturer like Corsair would put some clout behind such a product and maybe bring water cooling into the mainstream market. Who knows?

You could have a basic kit with a 'normal' res and 120mm rad with fans pre-fitted. Then offer optional extras such as 240mm rad, 360mm rad and bay res. Also have suggested component locations for the more popular cases with cooling benchmarks for common architectures (socket 775 core 2 duo, core 2 quad, I7, AM3 dual core, triple core and quad core, etc.). Just some ideas, which could be BS.


Platinum Member
May 23, 2008
Originally posted by: Barbarossa
Originally posted by: faxon
i think the idea is that people are calling it crap exactly because it only performs with high end air cooling. most places i have seen are charging $20-30 more for it than a TRUE or a megahalems though depending on where you look for both, which brings up the ultimate question of if there is any purpose to it. the answer would be of course there is, there are a good few situations where i could see using this unit (lanbox comes to mind), but in the vast majority of situations, most people would opt for the cheaper air cooling instead. now, in the future im sure the price will eventually come down...

Well, in our internal testing it outperformed every high end aircooler we tested in the majority of cases. Sometimes by 1-2 degrees, sometimes by 10 degrees or more.

We started the project to create the world's best ~$70 cooler. Not watercooler, not aircooler, but all around cooler. I think we did that. I don't think there's a product that's significantly better in our price range.

We know that our best performance is in a typical computer case with standard cooling design, not in a super high airflow case like the HAF 932 or something. But we also know that there are a lot of people out there who don't feel comfortable with nearly 3 Lbs of heatsink hanging off their $400 motherboard and $300 CPU, dangling precariously above their $400 video card.

We also know there are a lot of people concerned about the size of the giant heatpipe tower coolers, and we are targeting this demographic.

We have a lighter, smaller, better performing solution and I think it will do quite well. Pricing will calm down as orders get filled - right now we're still hustling to fill backlog. Demand has been very strong.

I never expected everybody to like it - there's no way to get 100% of you guys to agree on anything. Trust me, I'm one of you, and sometimes I disagree with the posts I read on this forum (and others) so much I have to log out and close the window before I type something that'll get me fired.

But I think it's a really good cooler for most people - it's not going to set any records, but I think it redefines the performance you can expect from low-priced watercooling and it opens up options for fans of high-end aircoolers.

hehe im glad we got some clarification on corsairs intentions here, their aim, and how things are going on behind the scenes as far as supply/demand goes. my only request now is that you guys have your representative talk to fry's main office to see about stocking a couple of these units. right now the palo alto branch only has TT bigwater 760i kits (which are shitty and notorious for leaks), and $200+ DD waterbox WC kits (link), which no one ever buys because the market for that price range of WC kits is the market that usually just does DIY loops instead since the price difference is maybe $100 more for a complete loop with your favorite triple rad + 355 pump and high end water blocks for CPU and chipset, netting considerably more performance/$. as far as our cooling options go, at least at the palo alto frys we are severely castrated in what we offer, with the best cooling you can get coming in at $55 for a Xigmatek S-1283V Dark Knight. if you could get this cooler in store at $65 i could educate the staff on it before we have a video conference with one of your reps, and we would have a compelling offering for people looking to get into enthusiast level overclocking without the stress of having to go online and hunt down the best cooler, or having to pay an arm and a leg for an S-1283V when they can be had for $20 less online (not to mention you can get a megahalems or a TRUE for the same price).
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