Could use a little advice on buying new phone


Apr 24, 2013
I've used my current phone for 4 years and 4 years ago it was considered old. It lags for about 10 seconds when I try to load text-message conversations reaching into the 70+ count. The plan I'm on is set to expire in the second half of this year and I'm considering getting a better phone.

I only have calls and unlimited texting currently and don't foresee getting data plans soon because I am paranoid of going over the limit and getting charged a lot. I've been going to stores to look and play with phones before I buy and have a hard time deciding. I hope you guys can help me out.

What I've considered:
  • Nexus4 - I like that it is cheap. At $300-$350, I can't see another phone with more value.
  • BlackBerry Z10 - I really like the calendar app on it (at least the default one). But at almost $600, I'm not sure if that application is worth the extra cost.

I'm currently with AT&T. This would be my first smartphone. I've played around with some Windows Phones and I think the menus are too smooth - they make me dizzy.

Some things I priortize:
  • Battery life - I work all day on a computer and I don't use the phone a whole lot. I'd like the phone to last (idling) at least 1-2 days with nominal calls and texts.
  • Decent keyboard - I text.
  • Calendar - I like being able to see my schedule for the day/week. The majority of the screen should be the schedule, not tabs to other things.
  • Cannot be big - definitely no 5" screens. Nexus4 at 4.7" is already stretching it and I only considered it because its such a good value.
  • No Apple - I disagree with the company's policies so I will not buy their products.

I don't really care about apps (unless its the calendar app). Benchmarks are almost irrelevant for me too when it comes to graphics; I am only looking to text and use the calendar. Storage size is also not important to me.

If there are other phones to consider, please let me know. I'd like to give it a try at a store before buying. Thanks for reading!

Update: After looking around and reading reviews some more, I stuck with the Nexus 4. I am an extremely value-oriented guy, and I think the Nexus 4 delivers just that. It has enough specs that will keep me happy for the foreseeable next two years (I don't change much) and allows me the option of getting a data plan later on if I choose to. A colleague at work had one, and the calendar option seems decent. Given its integration with other Google services (which I use a few of), I expect I should not have too many problems with that.

Thanks for all the help!
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Aug 8, 2001
Too bad about Windows Phone, because the calendar is pretty good in WP8, and they tend to get great idle battery life in my experience. Usually not a lot of background apps sucking power (unless you have bluetooth and GPS on - GPS is a power hog). They have smaller displays on average than the Android flagships - the HTC 8X for instance is 4.3" and the Lumia 920 is 4.5".
I haven't noticed that the transitions are any smoother than Android anymore, or any current phone for that matter. Maybe it's phone specific, but if you try a few in store and they make you dizzy, I guess it's not an option. Windows Phone otherwise looks like the perfect option if apps aren't the biggest priority.

What's your budget, and are you looking to buy using contract extension or off-contract? The Nexus 4 is one of the better options for the price in any case. If keyboard matters a lot to you, it's still hard to beat a physical keyboard so the Blackberry Q10 looks like an attractive option, as well.
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Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
Wait, you're afraid of using too much data so you don't want any data at all? This isn't making much sense. Are you in decent T-Mo coverage? They throttle to 2G after you hit the cap -- no overages. Also you could just get true unlimited...

In general, yes, get an Android device and an agenda widget like Pure Calendar (Agenda). But the details depend on carrier etc. N4 is probably the weakest high-profile device now on battery.


Apr 24, 2013
Too bad about Windows Phone, because the calendar is pretty good in WP8, and they tend to get great idle battery life in my experience. Usually not a lot of background apps sucking power (unless you have bluetooth and GPS on - GPS is a power hog). They have smaller displays on average than the Android flagships - the HTC 8X for instance is 4.3" and the Lumia 920 is 4.5".

Indeed I think it is a shame I get a little dizzy with my experience so far. I'll give it another shot whenever I can again. I do like the fact that their phones are on the small-screen size.

What's your budget, and are you looking to buy using contract extension or off-contract?

Right now, I don't really plan on switching out of my current plan - some large number of minutes + unlimited texting. I haven't done any research into the types of data plans available. I am extremely cost-conscious and love doing amortized cost analysis over 2-year periods seeing as how that's usually the length of a contract.

As for an actual number, I'd like to keep it low. Of course, the Nexus4 at in the mid-$300 range is pretty good. I can't see myself spending more than $450 on getting a phone that I won't use to its full capacity (a data plan).

Of course, I could enter into a contract, but I'll have to research how that works before signing up for one.

The Nexus 4 is one of the better options for the price in any case. If keyboard matters a lot to you, it's still hard to beat a physical keyboard so the Blackberry Q10 looks like an attractive option, as well.

I haven't tried out the Q10 yet, so I'll definitely try to get my hands on a display model to play around with. While typing is of importance to me, I would not shy away from getting away from a physical keyboard. I hear there are some excellent apps to help type on a touch screen. Either way, I'll definitely check out this model since it seems to have great battery life. Thanks for the suggestion!


Senior member
Feb 13, 2011
If you're looking for value, you can consider the Lumia 521 on T-Mobile. I know you said Windows Phone made you dizzy, but you may want to experiment a little. It seems like you're so accustomed to a laggy phone that you have a hard time acclimating to one that is smooth.

You can't go wrong with the Lumia 920, either. The Lumia 820 is excellent, but the price isn't much lower than that of the 920.

Nexus 4 is excellent, too. I also know you said no 5 inch screens, but you may want to look at the Samsung Galaxy S4. It has the same dimensions as the SGS3, yet has a five inch display.

On the note of contracts and data plans: if you can afford to purchase a phone off contract, it is very beneficial. Though $450 seems expensive, you generally pay $50 or less per month when you avoid contracts. After the two year period you'd have a contract for, you actually come out having saved money by purchasing outright.

As for data, you will need a data plan. Exceeding data limits is generally easy to avoid. I'm not sure about other carriers, but AT&T actually sends you messages when you reach 65% and 90% of monthly data. You can also monitor data usage pretty easily.
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Apr 24, 2013
Wait, you're afraid of using too much data so you don't want any data at all? This isn't making much sense.

I don't have data now and I can survive without it. One barrier for me to getting a data plan is what happens after I breach that cap. Paying more for services I didn't want is what makes no sense to me.


Senior member
Oct 23, 2004
When I switched from a Blackberry to an iPhone 4 I was dizzy from using it for the first week, then it went away and I haven't had an issue with smartphones since. YMMV...


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
Are you sure it's the 'smoothness' that causes dizziness? For me it was because the screen was too sharp (high dpi) when I went from iPhone 3GS -> 4, and again when I got my HTC One (450+ dpi)


Apr 24, 2013
When I switched from a Blackberry to an iPhone 4 I was dizzy from using it for the first week, then it went away and I haven't had an issue with smartphones since. YMMV...

Are you sure it's the 'smoothness' that causes dizziness? For me it was because the screen was too sharp (high dpi) when I went from iPhone 3GS -> 4, and again when I got my HTC One (450+ dpi)

Hmm, good points. I will give WP another go. Might just be my eyes being unaccustomed to the phone. I thought it was just me being stupid when I felt dizzy from using some of the phones.


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Don't the latest Android/WP8 versions allow you to set a data limit and cut off data after that limit is reached automatically?

That would eliminate one of your fears.
WP 8 -
Android -

Or t-mobile doesn't do overages, they throttle after the limit is reached.

Also some of the new phones with 5" screens are the same size as the Nexus 4, they just have less bezel, but more screen.

I would go with the Nexus 4 (good deal) or a Lumia 920 if you like it (also not a bad deal at $450?).
If you plan on extending your contract and getting the phone subsidized then maybe Galaxy S4.
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Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2006
Or t-mobile doesn't do overages, they throttle after the limit is reached.
I told him this earlier but he seems pretty set... honestly you don't even really need a smartphone if you aren't using data.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
The problem is, I think, that any phone you buy is going to require you to add data. The Nexus 4 might keep you off it if AT&T isn't recognizing it. They didn't recognize my Galaxy Nexus.

But, you can turn mobile data off. Not just on the phone itself, but through the AT&T my account app. You go to check usage and there an option to manage mobile data and you can turn it completely off. With your usage, I'd suspect you won't even use 300MB of data a month. AT&T also gives you warnings at 50, 65 and 90 percent.

If you're staying with AT&T, I wouldn't see any reason to not get a newer subsidized phone. But you'll need to factor in that extra $20/mo as well.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2011
If you want a physical keyboard and good battery life, you'll probably want to get a blackberry. You may want to wait for the Blackberry Q10 to come out though as it will have their newer OS (and the calendar app that you said you liked) as well as a physical keyboard. It looks like reviews have just started hitting various sites so you may want to check a few out.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010
OP, have you checked out the new Nokia 521 for tmobile? You mentioned cost is an important factor. You can buy it outright for less than $150, and use it with straigttalks month to month plan. I also see TMobiles $35 a month plan mentioned a lot, but I can't find a link to it right now.

This is what I am planing on doing once the phone becomes available in the next week or so.

Anyone know of the $35 a month TMobile plan? As I stated above, I see it mentioned a lot online but I can't find it on tmobiles website.


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
The problem is, I think, that any phone you buy is going to require you to add data. The Nexus 4 might keep you off it if AT&T isn't recognizing it. They didn't recognize my Galaxy Nexus.

But, you can turn mobile data off. Not just on the phone itself, but through the AT&T my account app. You go to check usage and there an option to manage mobile data and you can turn it completely off. With your usage, I'd suspect you won't even use 300MB of data a month. AT&T also gives you warnings at 50, 65 and 90 percent.

If you're staying with AT&T, I wouldn't see any reason to not get a newer subsidized phone. But you'll need to factor in that extra $20/mo as well.

Ooo good point we overlooked, if you are on postpaid ATT they will require you to add-on data if you get a smartphone they recognize (not sure if the Nexus 4 is recognized?). I think the lowest data they offer is 300MB?

On prepaid, you could get away without getting a data add-on.
Or t-mobile's new plans include 500MB in the plan cost.


Mar 30, 2013
Anyone know of the $35 a month TMobile plan? As I stated above, I see it mentioned a lot online but I can't find it on tmobiles website.

Tmo does still offer two $30 prepaid plans but they are nearly impossible to find online since they changed their website for the new plans.

$30 - Unlimited web and text with 100 minutes talk | First 5GB at up to 4G speeds
$30 - 1500 minutes talk & text with 30MB of data | Offer only good in-store


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
Anyone know of the $35 a month TMobile plan? As I stated above, I see it mentioned a lot online but I can't find it on tmobiles website.

The most commonly mentioned plan is the $30 prepaid plan for 100 minutes a month with unlimited texting and 5GB of unthrottled data.

Look here:

Under the 'Pay by the day' header in tiny letters.

If you have good tmobile coverage where you live/work/travel and you have a AWS compatible phone, AND you use less than 100 minutes a month, that plan is a great deal.

As for the Lumia 521 on AT&T, I'm not sure if AT&T will be able to recognize it or not and it looks like you need to wait a week before TMo will unlock it. I'm still waiting to be able to submit mine. Otherwise, it should work perfectly on AT&T and seems to be a pretty fantastic phone for $130, especially if you're not a heavy data user and are just looking for some basic smartphone features.


Jul 29, 2001
I've got a Z10 and love it.

The calendar and keyboard are definitely great. The way the OS / UI is built, it is a fantastic phone for emailing / texting. It is so easy to switch back and forth between conversations and other apps.

Battery life is okay. If you just idle it, it'll last 2 days. If you use it quite a bit, it makes it through a day. The nice thing is you can get the external battery pack with an extra battery to double your battery life when you need it.


Apr 24, 2013
The problem is, I think, that any phone you buy is going to require you to add data. The Nexus 4 might keep you off it if AT&T isn't recognizing it. They didn't recognize my Galaxy Nexus.

But, you can turn mobile data off. Not just on the phone itself, but through the AT&T my account app. You go to check usage and there an option to manage mobile data and you can turn it completely off. With your usage, I'd suspect you won't even use 300MB of data a month. AT&T also gives you warnings at 50, 65 and 90 percent.

If you're staying with AT&T, I wouldn't see any reason to not get a newer subsidized phone. But you'll need to factor in that extra $20/mo as well.

I did not know this. If that's the case, I might have to consider getting a data plan (and it would make getting the Z10 easier, which is what I'm leaning towards at the moment).

bearxor said:
As for the Lumia 521 on AT&T, I'm not sure if AT&T will be able to recognize it or not and it looks like you need to wait a week before TMo will unlock it. I'm still waiting to be able to submit mine. Otherwise, it should work perfectly on AT&T and seems to be a pretty fantastic phone for $130, especially if you're not a heavy data user and are just looking for some basic smartphone features.

I'll take a look at the 521. I did not really take a good look at the WP calendar app so I will be sure to do so next time I go to the store to check out some phones. I'm assuming it is the same across the different models?


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
Yes, the WP experience is the same across all devices, just like iOS and BB. It's only Android where you really get in to a lot of differences with the stock apps.


Aug 8, 2001
I'll take a look at the 521. I did not really take a good look at the WP calendar app so I will be sure to do so next time I go to the store to check out some phones. I'm assuming it is the same across the different models?

Yes, it's the same. You can use Google Images to get an idea of what it looks like.

Microsoft also has the best productivity apps natively because it's Office. Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint all work better than their equivalent apps on Android or iOS (though official Microsoft apps are in the works), and Outlook can sync with WP's calendar. You have the option of saving files to local storage on the phone or to SKydrive - it's a fairly seamless way of having access to your files anywhere via "the cloud", but you don't have to use the cloud features.

Windows Phone is the best and easiest out-of-the-box experience of all the smartphones, iOS has the largest store and best app support, and Android has the best in the way of customization. Blackberry has fluid multitasking and the best input (especially with Q10's keyboard) from what I've seen, but I haven't played with BB10 yet personally, and frankly I lost some trust in RIM/Blackberry because of the Blackberry Storm which was the most unstable and terrible phone I've ever owned. BB10 does look good, though, but I need to play with one to make sure it's not buggy before I would buy one.
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