CPU Overclocking History


Oct 9, 1999
Every couple of years I post this...

I've owned a lot of CPUs in the past. 95% I've bought with the purpose to overclock them. All of these were my primary system CPUs at one point over the past 15 years.

Pentium 166C to 180MHz = 8.5%
K6-2 300 to 333MHz = 11%
Celeron 300A to 450MHz = 50%
Celeron 300A to 464MHz = 54%
Celeron 366 to 550MHz = 50%
Pentium III 450 to 600MHz = 33.3%
Pentium 500E to 700MHz = 40%
Pentium 500E to 750MHz = 50%
Pentium 650 to 910MHz = 40%
Pentium 650 to 1021MHz = 57%
Athlon TBird 1000MHz to 1150MHz = 15%
Athlon TBird 1200MHz to 1250MHz = 4.2%
Athlon TBird 1000MHz to 1350MHz = 35%
Athlon XP 1600+ 1400MHz to 1500MHz = 7.1%
Athlon XP 1800+ 1533MHz to 1600MHz = 4.4%
Pentium 4 1800MHz NW to 2520MHz = 40%
Pentium 4 2000MHz NW to 2667MHz = 33.3%
Pentium 4 2.4C to 3120MHz = 30%
Pentium 4 3.2E to 3500MHz = 9.4%
Athlon 64 3700+ 2200MHz to 2700MHz = 22.7%
Core 2 X6800 2933MHz to 3200MHz = 9.1%
Core 2 E8400 3000MHz to 4050MHz = 35%
Core i7 920 2666MHz to 3800MHz = 42.5%
Core i7 930 2800MHz to 4000MHz = 42.9%
Core i7 980X 3333MHz to 4200MHz = 26.0%

What is your CPU overclock history?
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Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2001
Arent you the guy who installed like 300 games on your computer?


Golden Member
Oct 21, 2002
Simple Crystal Swap use to do the Trick
Amd 286 8 to 12 Mhz
386 DX 20Mhx to DX33 and DX 33 to 40
486 DX 33 to 40 MHZ
P 90 to P 100
AMD K6 2 3000 to 350
Intel Celeron 300 to 450
Intel PIII 300 to 450 (end of O.C)


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2007
PII-350 @ 400mhz 15%
XP-M 2100+ 1.73ghz @ 2.23ghz 29%
E2180 2.0ghz @ 3.2ghz 60%
E8400 3.0ghz @ 3.6ghz 20%
E6750 2.66ghz @ 3.6ghz 35%
i5-760 2.8ghz @ 3.8ghz 36%


Ph II 940BE 3.0ghz @ ?? (TBD...Xmas present for my kids)


Oct 9, 1999
K6-2 450 @ 550mhz 22%
celeron 300A @ 450mhz %50
celeron 366 @ 550mhz %50
Duron 700 @ 1Ghz %42

Lived under rock and played consol games for a few years

Back into it:

AMD 7750BE 2.7Ghz @ 3Ghz %11, The worst OC'ing chip i have ever seen
AMD 940BE 3.0Ghz @ 3.6Ghz %20 , a little better OC but took hella voltage
Intel i7 930 2.8Ghz @ 4.2Ghz %50

So i guess the bottom line is if shooting for %50 overclocks buy intel.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
i7 970 3.2GHz -> 4.6GHz - 44%
i7 920 2.66GHz -> 4.1GHz - 54%
C2D QX6850 3GHz -> 3.6GHz - 20%
C2D Q6600 2.4GHz -> 3.4GHz - 42%
C2D E6400 2.13GHz -> ???
P4c 3.4GHz -> 3.6GHz -> 6%
P3 850MHz -> 900MHz -> 5%
P2 400MHz -> ???
486DX2 66MHz -> never OCed
286 10MHz -> turbo mode!!!!! -> 6MHz non turbo mode


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2007
P4 2.4Cghz @ 3.55ghz - 48%
Athlon 3800 x2 2ghz @ 2.75ghz - 38%
Phenom 9850 2.5ghz @ 3.3ghz - 32%
Phenom 9550 2.2ghz @ 2.9ghz - 32%
Phenom II 940BE 3ghz @ 3.9ghz - 30%
Phenom II 720BE 2.8ghz @ 3.9ghz - 39%
Phenom II 1090T 3.2ghz @ 4.2ghz - 31%

wow lucky me....


Feb 26, 2001
Slot-A Athlon 700 @ 900
Athlon XP 1800+ @ 2.1ghz
Phenom II x3 @ 3.8ghz

Kinna lost interest in building computers for a while, then got back on it when I realized my 1800+ system was showing its age even browsing just the internet.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Every couple of year I post this...

I've owned a lot of CPUs in the past. 95% I've bought with the purpose to overclock them. All of these were my primary system CPUs at one point over the past 15 years.

Pentium 166C to 180MHz = 8.5%
K6-2 300 to 333MHz = 11%
Celeron 300A to 450MHz = 50%
Celeron 300A to 464MHz = 54%
Celeron 366 to 550MHz = 50%
Pentium III 450 to 600MHz = 33.3%
Pentium 500E to 700MHz = 40%
Pentium 500E to 750MHz = 50%
Pentium 650 to 910MHz = 40%
Pentium 650 to 1021MHz = 57%
Athlon TBird 1000MHz to 1150MHz = 15%
Athlon TBird 1200MHz to 1250MHz = 4.2%
Athlon TBird 1000MHz to 1350MHz = 35%
Athlon XP 1600+ 1400MHz to 1500MHz = 7.1%
Athlon XP 1800+ 1533MHz to 1600MHz = 4.4%
Pentium 4 1800MHz NW to 2520MHz = 40%
Pentium 4 2000MHz NW to 2667MHz = 33.3%
Pentium 4 2.4C to 3120MHz = 30%
Pentium 4 3.2E to 3500MHz = 9.4%
Athlon 64 3700+ 2200MHz to 2700MHz = 22.7%
Core 2 X6800 2933MHz to 3200MHz = 9.1%
Core 2 E8400 3000MHz to 4050MHz = 35%
Core i7 920 2666MHz to 3800MHz = 42.5%
Core i7 930 2800MHz to 4000MHz = 42.9%
Core i7 980X 3333MHz to 4200MHz = 26.0%

What is your CPU overclock history?

My list is almost identical, from your start, but mine starts at ...
8088 4.77 to 7 mhz..
80286 6 mhz to 9 mhz...

And continues..


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2008
Athlon XP 2600+ 2133MHz to I don't remember, but it didn't get very far. At most 2250 MHz. I think I'll just say 0%
Athlon XP-M 2400+ 1800MHz to 2275MHz 26%
Athlon XP 1700+ 1467MHz to 2000MHz 36%
Athlon X2 4000+ 2100MHz to 2677MHz 27%
Athlon X2 5000+ 2600MHz to 3108MHz 19%

That 1700+ was a monster. In fact I have never taken the chip to its limit as I was limited by DRAM speed. I've taken the XP-M 2400+ past 2275, and it seemed stable, but I saw no performance increase in benchmarks since I had to use memory dividers.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2007
Zilog Z80 6MHz => 15MHz (150&#37
Core2Duo E6400 (Conroe) 2.13GHz => 3.733GHz (75%)
Core2Quad Q6600 2.4GHz => 3.6GHz (50%)
Core2Quad Q9400 2.66GHz => 3.46GHz (30%)
Core i7 920 2.66GHz => 3.99GHz (50%)
Core i7 860 2.8GHz => 3.46GHz (24%)

Most of my machines are at stock now. The power and the time for stability, degradation of OCs, etc, just put me off. Plus, I stopped buying exotic cooling solutions. I'm only OC'd for 1 month per year now... December... for the TeAm F@H Race.


Senior member
Apr 28, 2009
Intel Core 2 Duo E7200—2527MHz to 3781MHz ~50%
AMD Phenom II X2 555—unlocked to quad and OC'ed 3200MHz to 3800MHz ~19%
AMD Athlon II X2 250—3000MHz to 3450MHz ~15%

The AMD's deserve better than the crappy mobos they were bundled with from Fry's, but I'm a broke a college student.
Poor effort on the Phenom II, but I can't play with it anymore 'cause I gave it to a friend as an early Christmas present. :\


Senior member
Jan 24, 2009
E2140 1.6Ghz to 3.2Ghz 100%
E4400 2.0Ghz to 3.2Ghz 60%
i7 920 2.66Ghz to 4Ghz 51%

I loved my E2140. 100% OC for what was at the time a 80$ chip. I was very satisfied. Swapped it for an E4400 I got combo'd with a mobo and sold it off in the FS/FT forum with some other parts.

My 920 is overkill, I could've been happy with an i5 or a heavily OC'd i3. But for 200$ and a 51% OC, I'm certainly not complaining. It'll last me awhile. It cost me more than I would've liked but getting into the X58 platform is going to save me money in the long term. Only my GFX is going to need an upgrade.
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No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I had an XT with a Turbo switch and an 8087 co-proc, then I had a 286-12 (didn't OC that one), then had a 386DX-40 (sort of factory overclocked, compared to Intel), then a 486DX-33 or DX2/66, I don't remember. I did finally overclock my AMD 5x86-133, or at least I tried. It crashed and wiped my MBR. I had to manually reconstruct it, and that was the end of my overclocking adventures on that platform.

Later, I had a Pentium MMX 166, OCed to like 225 or 233, memory is kinda fuzzy. At least 200. Then I got a Pentium II 300Mhz SL2W8, easy OC to 450. I had some intermediate PII/PIII slot-1 chip too, I think. Then I tried to get a Tualatin chip working on my BX6-r2, and I fried my mobo. Damn pin mods. So I gave that Tualatin chip to my sister, got her a S370 mobo (ECS, no less), and a friend of mine bought me an MSI KT4V-L (KT400 chipset), and an Athlon XP 1800+, which I overclocked up a notch, but couldn't go higher, because the board I was using limited my overvoltage to +0.05v, and the stock voltage on my chip was 1.5v, whereas stock voltage on higher-rated XP chips was 1.65v.

Then I got a C2D E4400 (2.0Ghz), and OCed it to 2.8Ghz, on an 865PE mobo. Stupid ASrock mobo had a crazy quirk, the FSB adjustment in the BIOS DISAPPEARED once you installed an add-on storage card, like my Syba 4-port PCI SATA SI3114 card. The only way to get it back was to reflash the BIOS. It was crazy!

I also got a couple of E2140s, OCed from 1.6 to 3.2, had to drop one down to 2.8 though, cause it would reboot after about a week. Never could figure out why.

Bought some Q6600s, overclocked one to 3.6 on low voltage, got a cherry chip. Nice DFI X48 mobo too.

Done some AMD unlocking and overclocking too.

Skipping Nehalem and Sandy Bridge.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Started with a 386DX25 OC'd to 27MHz. Too many to count since then.


Senior member
Jun 7, 2009
Pentium-II 400 @ 500 - 256MB
Dual Pentium-III 800 @ 900 - 1GB
Pentium-IV 2.6 w/HT @ 3.2 - 2GB
E6600 2.4 @ 3.6 - 4GB
Q8300 2.5 @ 3.6 - 8GB
i7860 2.8 @ 4.0 - 8GB

Current: Q8300 2.5 @ 2.0 (Underclock) - 8GB
Current: i7 980X 3.3 @ 4.3 - 24GB
Current: Dual Xeon 5620 2.4 @ 3.4 - 48GB



Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2005
same for me on the 300A
Celeron 300A to 450MHz = 50%
one of the best OC chip I ever played with.


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
E6320 conroe 1.86 GHz => 2.4 GHz
Q6600 G0 2.4 GHz => 3.6 GHz
i7 920 C0 2.66 GHz => 4 GHz
i7 920 D0 2.66 GHz => 4.2 GHz (also took a friends D0 920 to a decent 3.6, stopped there, but I suspect it was a better OCer than mine, didnt need much juice)
i7 980x QS B1 3.33 GHz => 4.4 GHz


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
What is your CPU overclock history?

i would get ban'd by mark if i started listing out all the cpu's i oc'd.

The list would get so incredibly long, all of you guys would think you were reading programing language with all the stepping numbers.


Oct 9, 1999
i would get ban'd by mark if i started listing out all the cpu's i oc'd.

The list would get so incredibly long, all of you guys would think you were reading programing language with all the stepping numbers.

I have no doubt this is true

Not to mention we would all end up getting a fund together for a hit man because the jealousy would eat us alive


Feb 8, 2004
Opteron 170 2.0ghz - 2.2ghz
Core i7 920 2.66ghz - 3.2ghz

Im not huge on overclocking didnt have much luck with my opty, the i7 can go higher but i dont need it to right now.


Senior member
Jul 23, 2003
The following list applies to my personal (daily use) computer and is comprehensive, covering about 11 years (I upgrade my computer very infrequently).

Pentium (original series) from 90MHz to 100MHz (11.1&#37 [can't remember the board]
Celeron 300A (Mendocino core) from 300MHz to 450MHz (50.0%) [ABIT BX6 Rev. 2.2 board]
Celeron 600 (Coppermine core) from 600MHz to 900MHz (50.0%) [ABIT BX6 Rev. 2.2 board]
Sempron 2500+ (Socket 754, Palermo E6 core) from 1400MHz to 2200MHz (57.1%) [Chaintech VNF3-250 V1.0 board - my current rig, running Win2K!]

The next list applies to builds for friends, etc. with their FULL knowledge and consent, and with a stability guarantee. This list is not comprehensive.

Athlon XP 1800+ (Thoroughbred "B" core) from 1533MHz to 2200Mhz (43.5%) [ASUS A7N8X Rev. 2.0 board]
Athlon XP 1700+ (Thoroughbred "B" core) from 1467MHz to 2000Mhz (36.3%) [DFI LANParty NFII Ultra B Rev. A board]
Sempron 2800+ (Socket 754, Palermo E6 core) from 1600MHz to 2300MHz (43.8%) [Chaintech VNF3-250 V1.0 board]
Pentium dual-core E2140 from 1600MHz to 2667Mhz (66.7%) [Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L Rev. 2.0 board]
Pentium dual-core E5200 from 2500MHz to 3000Mhz (20.0%) [Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2L Rev. 2.0 board]
Core I3-530 (Clarkdale core) from 2933MHz to 4000Mhz (36.4%) [Biostar TH55B board]

ALL the overclocked frequencies listed above were achieved with zero or minimul (less than 10%) Vcore increases. I'm a conservative overclocker.
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