CPU's you've owned and OC'ed ?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
It might not bring any useful information, but for curiosity's sake I'd like to know what is your history of CPU over-clocking. Just list the CPU's (brand, exact or approximate model/core name and stock/OC'ed speed) in chronological order if possible. I'll start with my humble list, some of them weren't over-clocked, but I still include them to have a complete list of CPU's I've owned. If you want you could always include some back story for some of the oldest or "best" CPU's (you don't have to of course).

1) VIA C3 733Mhz @ Stock

That's my first ever CPU (It was my first ever PC of course), I knew nothing about OC'ing back then (that was around summer 2001, yup, I'm fairly new to the PC world, but it's a respectable five years of investment or so since then still). One thing I did know about that chip was its model name, which was told to me by my father (who bought it for almost nothing, it was second-hand PC), and it was a "Samuel" core, or Samuel2 or 3, can't remember exactly though. Although it meant nothing to me, I was like "Samuel core ? huh, alright I guess that means it's cool, thanks dad !" ... yeah, ah the memories ! I also got internet access soon after, and that's when I started leaving Console gaming slowly, but surely.

2) VIA C3 1.0Ghz @ Stock

I still knew pretty much nothing about PC's, but at least it didn't cost me too much, since again I had that CPU in my 2nd PC, that time bought 50/50 with my father. I got that one I believe in February of the following year. I didn't OC it, and I never tried to, BUT my interest towards hardware technology started during the late months of owning that chip, with more and more web-sites popping up regularly giving more info about PC's and overall details about them. That's also when I started registering in discussion forums and started to ask questions, which ultimately were answered by others and myself buying my very first, own custom built PC. By the way I never gamed much on that one, I had Diablo II around, Baldur's Gate and SWAT 3 I think. I got that one for a year or so, until summer 2003 ...

3) Intel Pentium 4C 2.4Ghz @ 2.9Ghz (first OC experience)

Ah yeah, it's summer 2003 now, and it's time to talk about business ! My first day-time job leads me to my very first custom-built PC. And oh boy did I OC that one. I loved it, and I praised my 2.4Ghz for months, until I reached 2.9Ghz on air. Unfortunately I've had a couple of issues with my Power Supply so I believe that my "OC issues" were just in fact my PSU limiting me, however I wouldn't have tried to push it too far because it was already somewhat unstable at 2.9 in some of my games (perhaps, again, due to the PSU, but it wasn't certainty). I almost considered getting a 3.0Ghz+ P4C later on and put better air cooling (third party), but I decided to save my money for a future upgrade on a new architecture instead. Another marking point for me back then was the start of my "PC gaming" career, because I also had enough money to get myself a shiny Radeon 9500, and later on 9600, which allowed me to literally discover PC games. I eventually sold the whole system except for the case to a friend for my next upgrade ...

4) AMD Athlon 64 Clawhammer 3500+ 2.2Ghz @ 2.7Ghz

After I sold my Pentium to my friend, he told me of an independent PC store which mostly focused (but not exclusively) on AMD-based CPU's in their pre-built PC's and for sell for custom builds. So I headed there a couple of times, discussed with the seller (he was a good seller, but far from being idiot, he must have built tens and tens of PC's, so I liked the fact that he even suggested Intel-based builds even though he sold more AMD stuff). But the prices eventually won, so I decided "hey, why not, I don't know AMD, let's try and then let's see".

I liked that chip BUT it had some serious over-heating issue on air, once OC'ed, even with properly applied (in fact re-applied at least for the 4th time) AS5 and efficient case air-flow. It just refused to stay below 65ºC on load at 2.7Ghz+. The thing is ... it NEVER failed on me even at 2.8Ghz. It was frighteningly stable at that speed with load temps reaching as high as 68ºC (might have been higher, since the sensors are rarely 100% accurate). I never tried to push it higher though. So yes I reached 2.8Ghz, but I hadn't left it at that speed for more than just a few hours for testing purposes, I never actually gamed at those speeds and temps. I usually left it at 2.6Ghz for 24/7 usage, although I could have used 2.7Ghz which was the highest I wanted it to be due to scorching temperatures. Oh and ... that freakin' stock air-cooling was LOUD.

5) AMD Athlon 64 San Diego 2700+ 2.2Ghz @ 2.7Ghz

We're now in August 2005, and I just couldn't feel comfortable with that Mobo-scorching overly-heated Clawhammer anymore, so I needed to change it (although it terms of gaming performance did the job relatively well, especially OC'ed). So I opted for the highly-recommended and praised San Diego (although Venice was tempting as well). I had read enough articles and seen enough gamer's experiences with that chip that I couldn't resist. It was a half-thought-out purchase, it was more of an impulsive one than anything else, but it was technically justified in the end. It was indeed radiating less heat even at 2.7Ghz than my Clawhammer, and I believe consumed a little less energy (although I might be wrong about that one).

I tried to push it further, but it wouldn't stay stable in gaming above 2.74Ghz. That was on air once more, however I had a third-party cooling solution from Zalman (CNPS7000B-Cu). Only then I had the feeling to own a "true Athlon 64", hehe. I still have that one sitting in its original box.

6) AMD Athlon 64 X2 Toledo 4400+ 2.2Ghz @ 2.42Ghz

Well, that's my current one. And even though I do like this chip for "general purpose", I absolutely hate it for OC'ing. I managed to make the system boot with it at 2.7Ghz even ... but it refuses to stay stable above 2.48Ghz. One of the cores always fails while the other resumes on benching/testing. I bought mainly because I wanted to experienced the Dual-Core technology, again perhaps an impulsive purchase, but it is technically faster, more "snappier" than my San Diego was.

My future with AMD is uncertain though. Now I am awaiting for Penryn, I'll see the prices and then ... I'll take a decision, but I don't see myself with anything near an AMD K8-based PC ever again. I like OC'ing too much to be limited by such poor performers. I am currently suffering by reading all those reviews and the excitement surrounding the G0's (Q6600), but I must resist !

That's pretty much about it. My story of six CPU's in around five years. I was kinda bored so I made this thread. Thanks for reading if you did, I just wanted to type out some of my experience with CPU's so if you want to share some of yours I'd like to read them.

Wanna share guys ?


Senior member
Nov 12, 2001
p4,2.4@3.4 currently using as a css server. 3 years and going strong
pm1.7@2.26 current laptop


Moderator Emeritus <br>
Apr 2, 2007
Should have bought a x2 3800+ Mine runs rocksolid at 2.6ghz, from 2ghz stock that's pretty nice and does feel like a decent achievement. Even cooler would be to have a e6300 or so and OC it to 3ghz or higher. I too must resist hehe, can't wait for the new cpu's to come out, then I'll have to wait a little for prices to go down, and hopefully I'll own a nice qaudcore in roughly a year or so.

First PC I owned and bought myself, was a venice 3000+ btw, oc-ed from 1.8ghz to 2.6ghz, that's where my mobo doesn't like it anymore, it simply won't do 270fsb or higher. The ram is tricky too, especially with the nforce 4 mobo, which won't run it at ddr400 when there are 4x512mb sticks in it. All other PC's I used were my dads, and I basicaly had to share with my little brother. I guess I had some 486 or pentium 200mhz in my room, which was basicaly mine, but I was 12 years old and didn't know jack about pc's, so never got into overclocking those

Funny thing is, I think that once you start overclocking and see the potential all these cpu's have but that isn't being used, you simply have to overclock your next cpu. And, why spend 200$ when you can spend half, and OC it to speeds exceeding that of the 200$ chip


Junior Member
Mar 23, 2005
My overclocking career is very short but here goes!

PIII 500mhz - Our first family computer had this cpu, I also had no idea what overclocking was at the time but I loved playing Age of Empries I/II.

PII 233 @ 333mhz - It wasn't my computer but I was there to convince a friend we should "overclock" his 233 using the jumpers on the Asus motherboard. From that point I always attempted to overclock.

Duron 900mhz @ 1ghz - my first PC I ever owned, I picked up the chip and mobo for $10 from a friend of mine. On a ECS motherboard I managed my first overclock of 100mhz! I played FarCry on this PC with a 9200SE at 1024x768 and it was a frickin slideshow.

A64 3000+ (Venice) 1.8ghz @ 2.4ghz - After having my own computer, I wanted something much faster. I used this CPU in the first custom PC I ever built for myself! I was so proud and with the X800XL I never had the urge to get another gaming console.

A64 3800+ 2.0ghz @ 3.0ghz - I couldn't resist the dual core prices recently, so I made the jump and I'm very happy with the results.

Who knows what the future has in store, but I think my next CPU will probably be Intel.



Moderator Emeritus <br>
Apr 2, 2007
Wow nice overclock on that x2 3800+. I know it can do 3ghz, but not to many seem to hit that.

Cookie Monster

Diamond Member
May 7, 2005
First was the P486 (my uncle used this as a key ring later on)
Second i remember was the P4 2.53ghz northwood around the year 2000~.
Third, jumped to a P4 3ghz northwood during the FX days.
Currently looking to jump to a Q6600.


Junior Member
Aug 12, 2007
Cyrix 6x86 150Mhz @ stock (got it back in 98)
I had this with a Tseng Labs Graphics card, with 4Mbs Vram

AMD Athlon XP 2600+ Barton 1917Mhz Stock @ 2008Mhz (Crappy SiS741GX Mobo)
My Current system, Have had it for 3 or 4 years.

Intel Pentium MMX 200Mhz @ 300Mhz
Got from my aunt (her old computer since, god knows when) and decided to overclock it, It has a TNT2, USB 2.0 PCI thing, ISA Creative SB card, and a cheapo 10/100 Ethernet card, I use it for a File/printer server.

Next System: Intel Core 2 Duo (Unless AMD makes something very good) E6750 @ 4Ghz (Unless I get a bad chip/Ram/mobo)
DDR3, Gigabyte DQ6, 8800GTX, Water cooling, It will last me for pretty long.


Senior member
Apr 9, 2001
I've always been sort of a 'mild' overclocker...just a bit of free speed, thanks, and that's about it..I don't push my components to the limit or anything, so this is mine:

First overclock:
Pentium 166MHz @ 180MHz. Tried overclocking later in its life. Wouldn't post at 200MHz, but 180 worked fine, though there was virtually no speed improvment...slower bus + 14MHz kind of evens out.

I couldn't overclock my next machine:
PII 350MHz @ 350 MHz (it was a Gateway, and had no adjustments available.)

Then, my first full build:
Athlon XP 1700+ 1.47GHz @ 1.6 GHz. Wow, really pushing it huh?

My last machine:
Athlon64 3000+ 1.8 GHz @ 2.26 GHz. My biggest OC to that point, though when it started going funky on me, I went back to stock...it lasted another 4 months at stock before the motherboard died.

C2D E6420 2.13GHz @ 2.67 GHz. See what I mean by mild? I'm on stock cooling, so I'm not pushing it hard. In fact, I haven't even tried anything beyond 2.67. I'm happy to run my 6420 as a 6750. In a year or two, when I need some extra speed, I'll probably try going further.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
hmmm let me see, I too think back a long time....

The first overclocker that I had was discovered by mistake...wrong jumper settings that resulted in a i486SX-25 running for 2 years as a i486SX-33...no heatsink or fan, it never missed a beat.

i486DX2-66@ DX2-80 (40mhz bus)

i486DX4-100@ 120mhz (40mhz bus)

Am5x86-133 PR75 (DX5)@ 160mhz (40mhz bus)

K6-233@ 300mhz (100mhz bus)

K6-2/400@ 475mhz (105mhz bus)

Celeron 300A@ 450mhz (100mhz bus)

K6-2+/450@ 550mhz (I still have this system)

K6-III+/450@ 550mhz (I still have this system)

Athlon T-bird 1200C@ 1600mhz (my first watercooled system)

Pentium III-S 1400@ 1733mhz (I still have this system)

Athlon XP 2000+ (Palamino)@ 1800mhz (I still have this CPU and it's GA-7VRXP somewhere in a box)

Pentium 4 2.4B@ 2.8ghz

Athlon XP 3000+@ 2.33ghz (I still have this system)

Pentium 4 3.06ghz (northwood)@ 3.45ghz (I still have this system)

Pentium 4 3.0E (Prescott)@ 3.4ghz (I still have this system)

Athlon 64 3000+ (E6 venice)@ 2.87ghz (I still have this system)

C2D E4300@3.33ghz (I'm posting from this system)

I have a few other systems as well, but these are the ones that I can recall.

Most of the early 486 overclocking was usually due to an incorrect jumper setting, but hey if it works why not?

the Systems I still own are currently on my home network.

I should add that the first system that I built was an Am386DX-40 setup way back in early 92, which I still have and it works however I have to get a new external CMOS battery..but other than that it still runs fine.



Junior Member
Sep 12, 2006

First overclocks i remember doing were on old 286 machines.
They didn't have programable clock gen chips, you had to change the crystals.

This normally didn't involve soldering as they were generally fitted into sockets.
There were 2 types electrically the same but different physically, both had 4 pins.
The Square ones each side about 10mm, and the rectangular ones twice as long.

Anyway all you had to do was find one with a higher frequency and swap em out.
I did a lot of 16mhz to 25mhz overclocks that way.
Also did a few 386 and 486 overclocks by changing the osscilators.

486 SX25 to 33 Overclock was very popular, sometimes because the end user did it themselves or more frequently the shady PC retailers flogging 25mhz chips as 33's.
They used to glue a Heatsink on the chip so you couldn't tell what it really was.
Early 486 boards still used the plug in crystals.
Had a SX25 myself for a while, could never get it to run at 40mhz properly, 33mhz was easy though.

Most noteable pre Pentium overclock i did was an AMD 486 DX4 133 to 160 overclock.
Used that as a game box for at least a year whilst the price of Pentiums came down.
That had VLB [Vesa Local Bus].
If memory serves it had a Western Digital Paradise Video card and a Promise Caching IDE Controller, both VLB.
8MB RAM on the MB all one MB simms, 4MB on the Promise.

Had fun with a pair of Celeron 300a's in a BP6 running at 450mhz, 50% overclock and SMP with budget chips.
This was my first home Server

End of part one.



Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
I forget what the name of the settings were for overclocking on AMD platforms, so forgive me if I say something wrong...

My X2 4200+ (same multiplier, smaller L2 cache I believe) kept getting stuck at high 2.4 - low 2.5GHz for a long time. I was running some nice memory, so I knew that wasn't the problem. After letting it sit at 2.5 for 6-8 months, I went back and gave it another shot. The only thing significant that I changed was raising the HTT multiplier from 3x or 4x to 5x, keep in mind, it's always recommended to lower the multiplier as you're increasing the FSB speed, which makes no sense in this case. I worked on it a little more with the new 5x HTT, and got it to clock up to mid 2.7's without too much trouble.

That was actually my first REAL overclocking experience. Before that, I stayed pretty much at stock speeds; but then again, I never really had any good overclocking hardware.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
p2 333 @ 416
2x p3 1000 @ 1100
p4 1.8A @ 2400
p4-m 1600 @ miserable oc
p4 2.4B @ 3333
xp tbred-a 2200 @ 1.9
xp-m 2500 @ 2.3
a64 winchester 3000 @ 2.5


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: FDCPCZ

Had fun with a pair of Celeron 300a's in a BP6 running at 450mhz, 50% overclock and SMP with budget chips.
This was my first home Server

End of part one.

Hey I still have one of those in box somewhere with a pair of 466's on it, IIRC they used to run at around 550mhz and were pretty good in Win2k.

Hmmm maybe I should dig it up and build myself an old school SMP server....



No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
man, that's a trip down memory lane I started with an Apple //e for Christmas in 1984.

It got Transwarped sometime after from it's paltry 1MHz

Later I moved to a IBM PS/2 Model 80 386/25 and did a 'CPU' overclock by dropping in a 486 class Cyrix CX486DRx2/50 Old Model 80 Link

After that I picked up a PS/2 Model 95 and a 486DX50 processor board to run an AMD 5x86 133MHz chip at 150MHz Old Model 95 Link

Once I was out of college I bought an all new system a pentium 133MHz which I didn't overclock mostly due to not using it so much. Ex-Pentium Link

I then started the machine that became what I have now...still the same case, but I don't think anything else has stayed.

Celeron 300A @ 464MHz to Intel Pentium III 850MHz @ 995MHz (8.5x117)

Intel Pentium III 850MHz @ 995MHz (8.5x117) to Celeron 1.1A @ 1.42GHz

Intel Celeron 1.1A @ 1.42GHz to Intel Tualatin PIII-S 1.4GHz/512K [SL657, FPO/Batch: H208017W] @ 1.5GHz

Intel Tualatin PIII-S 1.4GHz/512K [SL657, FPO/Batch: H208017W] to AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (2000MHz) Winchester, 3820+ (2520MHz): 280.0 x 9, 3x HTT

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (2000MHz) Winchester, 3820+ (2520MHz): 280.0 x 9, 3x HTT to AMD Athlon 64 4000+ (2400MHz) San Diego LCB9E 0646RPMW 4400+ (2830.0MHz): 283.0 FSB x 10.0, 3x HTT

Scroll to the bottom to see the evolution of all components of my rig


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2000
Pentium 166 @200
Celeron 300a @450
Duron 600 @ 950
Athlon 1700 @ 2375
Athlon 2600 @ 2500
Opteron 144 @ 2910
Opteron 165 @ 2910


Senior member
May 7, 2000
1. K6-233 @ 2.5*100.

2. K62-350 @ 380 (can't remember specifics).

3. Celeron 300a @ 464.

4. Celeron 466 @ 583.

5. Pentium 3 550 @ 733.

6. Athlon 1.2 @ 1.3.

7. The next generation Athlon 1.4, can't remember overclock.

8. Palomino 1.8, can't remember speed, didn't do well.

9. "T-Bred" 2.0, can't remember speed.

10. XP 2200+, can't remeber overclock speed.

11. XP-M 2400+ @ 2.2.

12. XP-M 2600+ @ 2.4.

13. S-754 A-64 "Clawhammer" 3200+, barely overclocked.

14. S-754 A-64 3400+ @ ~2.4, can't remember.

15. Two "San Diego" 4000+, one @ 2.7, the other @ 2.8, both with little or no voltage bump. Gave away the 2.7, still using the 2.8.

16. Opteron 180 @ 2.65 w/1.42v, planning to sell.

17. E6600 @ 7*485 w/1.33v. Very happy for now.

Edit: forgot the "Barton" era.


Aug 28, 2001
Pentium 3 550e @ 733
Pentium 3 700e @ 933
Pentium 4 1.8b @ 2.9 (vapochill)
Pentium 4 2.4C @ 3.2 (water)
Athlon 64 3000+ 1.8ghz @ 2.8ghz (water)
Athlon 64 3000+ 1.8ghz @ 2.7ghz (air)
Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 @ 3.2 (air)
Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 @ 3.37 (water)
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 3.0 (water)(B3 so far, watercooling upgrades on the way)


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
AMD 386DX-40 (not really overclocked, but it ran at 40Mhz instead of 33MHz like Intel's chips)
486DX2-66 (not overclocked)
AMD 5x86-133 (not overlocked, couldn't get it to 160 like some people could)
PMMX 166 @ 233
K6-2 400 @ 450
PII-300 @ 450
Athlon XP (Thoroughbred A) 1800+ CPU @ 2000+ speed. (Lame mobo wouldn't allow more than a 0.5v overvolt, and my chip had a stock voltage of 1.5v. Yet other stock chips rated for higher speeds had 1.65v stock speed. If I could do that I would have OCed futher.)
Celeron Tualatin 1.2Ghz (not overclocked, couldn't get it to 1.6Ghz)
C2D E4400 2.0Ghz @ 2.8Ghz (current rig)

Also at some point,
AMD64 4000+ San Diego 2.4Ghz @ 2.89Ghz
Opteron 165 1.8Ghz @ 2.7Ghz (and hopefully more, once I get it reinstalled onto a new DFI board I picked up)



Jul 29, 2007
P-MMX 233 @ 262 MHz (no 83 FSB on my board at the time)
P3 700E @ 933 MHz
P4C 3.0 GHz no overclock
E6600 2.4 @ 3.0 GHz

Also OC my mother's Celeron 400 to 500 (no vcore adjustment on that POS board).


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2006
Pentium 133 - no overclock

Pentium II 233Mhz - no overclock

Pentium II 333Mhz - no overclock

Pentium III 800 @ 1104

Pentium 4 2.8C - no overclock

Pentium 4 EE 3.2 @ 3.76

Athlon64 4000+ @ 2.6

Athlon64 X2 4800+ @ 2.6

e6600 - no overclock

Q6600 - 3.0Ghz



Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2003
Didn't start overclocking till later:

P2 350mhz @ stock (the machine still runs great)

AMD XP 1900+ palomino @ stock

2xAMD MP 2000+ @ stock

AMD XP 2500+ barton @2.2ghz

AMD64 3200+ @ 2.2ghz

AMD64 x2 3800+ 2ghz @ 2.8ghz (current system)


Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2005
Pentium 1 166MHz @ 233MHz - My first system with Windows 95, wooo

Pentium 2 MMX 300MHz @ 450MHz - A system that somebody threw away and I fixed it and I put there Windows 98SE, wooo'

Pentium 3 Tualatin 1.13GHz - My Compaq laptop that I never was able to overclock.
Pentium 4 Northwood 2.4B @ 2.8GHz - My first Pentium 4 CPU with a POS Gigabyte mobo.
Pentium 4 Northwood 3.4C @ 3.73GHz - My first Hyper Threaded CPU with the current mobmo model that I got, cause the previous Gygabyte mobo wasn't able to support this CPU even though the website stated that it does!!

Pentium 4 Gallatin 3.4GHZ @ 3.6GHz ¬¬ - Didn't overclock that well and was obtained very cheap thanks to appopin which posted a place to find them cheap!!!

Pentium M Dothan 2.26GHz @ 2.6GHz - I ordered 2 Asus CT-479 CPU adapters from Canada and bough this CPU from eBay to install it on my current mobo and lowering the heat dissipation in my room and increase the gaming performance. Quite hard to overclock and find the sweet spot.


Senior member
Jan 2, 2005
Cyrix MII 'PR300' @ PR333 (I forget the clock speed)

AMD K6-2 500 @ 525MHz

P4 530 3.00GHz @ ...3.00GHz (Yes! First owned chip with L2 cache!)

X2 4200+ 65W @ 2.4GHz
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