Crashing issue: The most CONFUSING COMPUTER ISSUE EVER!!


Junior Member
Jul 17, 2006
This is a problem that has existed for 1 year now, and I am at my wit?s end. If anyone has any ideas..please respond. If not, it is understandable. I?m not quite sure if anyone could possibly think of anything else, but I have been surprised before. I apologize for the length of this, but after a year's worth of troubleshooting, I don't want someone to reply with "Have you tried reformatting?"

Without further delay, here is my issue.

I built a system for my brother last year for his graduation. This system is as follows:

AMD 64 3500+
2G (2x1G) OCZ Platinum
BFG Geforce 6800GT OC
2x 250G Maxtor SATA
Sony DVDRW 16x Dual layer
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Antec NeoPower 480W
Onboard Gigabit NIC
2 Cold-Cathode UV
Thermaltake Tsunami w/ 2 120mm fans
Samsung 930B w/ DVI cable when I first built the computer, after I installed Windows XP Pro and the games he plays, I ran a game and it crashed on me after about 10 minutes of play. I could make it through a round of 3dmark 2003 with no problems. The game in question is Battlefield 2. first thing I thought was.. I must be experiencing that BF2 issue. I loaded a few other games. Let them run for about 15-20 minutes but did not have any problems, but did not want to sit there for hours making sure it was 100% stable. The next day my brother was able to get in some gaming. He called me up telling me his computer is crashing. It didn?t have much of a pattern, but it could last in a game for 30 minutes then crash, or last for less than 5 minutes then crash. So, I went back to my parents house to start troubleshooting. I first thought it may be a heat issue even though everything is stock and I am running a XP-90 on the proc. The temps were fine, during load it got up to 48 but from what I could tell is no more than that. I then started searching around and people were saying the new Athlon 64?s were having issues running 2G of ram because of the memory controller. So I decided to run with half the RAM (1G stick in single channel mode.) It appeared that made the computer more stable. I was able to play Battlefield 2 and COD2 for about 45 minutes, but then it crashed. So then I decided to take my ram (OCZ Gold VX 512x2) in his computer and run it in dual channel. This was slightly more stable, and yielded the same results as running 1G in single channel) It was stable for anywhere from 30-45 but it was still crashing. Then people were saying the DFI LanParty mobo combined with the ram was possibly the problem. I put his 3500+ in my motherboard (at the time a MSI Neo2 Platinum), and my motherboard ran it fine with my OCZ Gold VX running dual channel. Then I decided to take my ram out, and put his 2G of OCZ platinum in my setup. I ran this with no problems either. I ran both of these setups for a day while I was gaming. No crashes with either HIS processor, or HIS ram. When I put MY AMD 64 3000+ in his computer, it was still crashing. So I just assumed..maybe it IS this DFI mobo. I contacted New Egg, and had them RMA the mobo, and get me a different mobo. I had them send me a MSI Neo4 SLI Platinum. Since my memory was getting close to the expiration of the warranty, I decided to trade in the 2G for 1G due to the better timings. I figured might as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone, and games of that day really didn?t call for that much RAM. So I had them send me a Gig kit of OCZ Platinum (TCCD chips). Once the parts came in, I set it all up once again. Went through the exact same ordeal, only to find out the computer was STILL crashing. So I not the ram, it?s not the processor, and it?s not the mobo. A month or two of troubleshooting and waiting on RMA?s down the drain. So I went on and on trying to troubleshoot timings, underclocking the CPU..increasing voltages on ram and processor. I was running Prime 95 stable for days, and not ONE error in memtest86 after 24 hours of testing. I was underclocking the videocard, but the one main issue was..I did NOT have a PCI-E video card I could test as an alternative. Finally, a few months later, and a million crashes later, I built a system for a buddy of mine. His computer is almost identical to my brother?s system. Same mobo, same ram, same sound, same optical drive, same power supply, even the same case. The only thing that is different is he bought a 7800GTX. His computer ran fine, and was rock stable, so I asked him if I could come over to his place with my brother?s video card. So I popped in my brother?s video card into his mobo. Within 5 minutes of playing Battlefield 2, it crashed.

Now let me also describe the type of crash that happens (and this is on ANY game..specific ones are Battlefield 2, Doom III, Call of Duty UO, Call of Duty , Counter Strike Source, Half Life 2, and the list goes on..hell even Rogue Spear which is a 6 year old game.) the game will be playing fine, and then, the monitor looses it?s signal, and the sounds continue to loop. It is not a crash to desktop. It doesn?t really ?reboot? either, you have to do that manually to get the computer to respond again.

So now, with the realization that his video card, pulled out of his system, and put into a stable system, is making that perfectly stable system crash, I was definitely dealing with a video card issue. I RMA?d the video card with New Egg. The RMA took a little while to come back, but once it did, I put it in his system, and expected the best, but got the worse. My brother does not have a bunch of time to dedicate to hours of gaming. He is typically able to play 1 round of Battlefield at a time. Typically about 30 minutes of gaming. The crashes are sooooo random. They can happen within 5 minutes, or they can last 45 minutes. So for a while, I was assuming his computer was running fine, until he mentioned to me that it was still doing the same thing. He was hesitant to tell me because the crashes were about 30 minutes apart, and he just dealt with it because he did not want to be out of a computer for another week or two. I continued to troubleshoot. Checking event viewer, reformatting a million times, only reformatting and then installing the essentials to run the game. Tried running iintegrated sound and took the SB Audigy out. Still crashing. Due to the fact that it takes 30-45 minutes for me to drive to my parents house, I cannot continue to troubleshoot. I have to make one change, and if I do not have the ability to sit down for 1-2 hours to test, I will not know it is running flaky still. Well, a year passes of me troubleshooting in the same fashion.

Let?s skip to a few weeks ago. Since we have the same mobo now, and identical hardware, I figured I would take his 2 SATA drives out and put them in my computer. When I did that..I formatted, and ran Windows with 1G of ram, and it ran fine. No crashes for over 1 ½ hours. So I figured out it wasn?t the HD. So I decided to do the same troubleshooting step I did over a half year ago. I took MY 7900GT out of my computer, and put it in his. It ran for almost an hour. Then I took his video card, and put it in MY computer. It crashed within 3 minutes of playing. My computer hasn?t crashed in AGES. I can game for days with no problems, but the second his BFG 6800GT went in my computer, my computer started crashing. It crashes with the exact same monitor signal..have to manually restart the machine.

SO ONCE AGAIN.. if my years of doing this has taught me anything is that Linear troubleshooting is ALWAYS a must, and if Computer ?A? crashes all the time, and Computer ?B? does not, and you take the video card (which you think may be the culprit) out of computer A, and put in computer B, and it makes Computer B crash. And Conversely, if you take the video card out of Computer B, and put it in Computer A, and it solves the problem..wouldn?t you assume it?s the video card?

So I RMA?d the video card once again but this time with BFG. I received it last week, and put it in my brother?s computer, but it still continues to crash. I reformatted and reinstalled but it did not solve the problem.

So what do YOU think? Do I have a poltergeist in my parents house hell bent on screwing me over? Should I light it all on fire, and buy him a whole new rig on the CC?

I can safely say I have put together over 50 computers since the year 2000. My first build was my 486SX 25MHz 4M of ram with Windows 3.1. I have been doing this a while (not as long as some of you) but I have NEVER had a problem I didn?t solve. This is the most frustrating thing in the world to me. I have spent more money in gas to my parents house to afford a whole new rig possibly.

His computer specs CURRENTLY
is as follows:

AMD 64 3500+
MSI Neo4 SLI Platinum
1G (2x512M) OCZ Platinum
BFG Geforce 6800GT OC
2x 250G Maxtor SATA
Sony DVDRW 16x Dual layer
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Antec NeoPower 480W
Onboard Gigabit NIC
2 Cold-Cathode UV
Thermaltake Tsunami w/ 2 120mm fans
Samsung 930B w/ DVI cable

Parts I have swapped out with the parts above:
CPU: AMD 64 3000+
MOBO: Same exact mobo, and a DFI LAnParty UT SLI
RAM: 2G of OCZ plat, & 1G (512x2) of Patriot TCCD
Video: 7900GT, and 2 other 6800GT?s
HD: 160G Seagate




Mar 14, 2004
Ok, I didn't see in your post whether or not you ran his computer with a known, good video card (say, like the one you have in your computer). Another question is concerning a flaky power supply that could be dipping in voltage when you run intensive games, and in doing so, causing the new video cards to fail randomly.



Junior Member
Jul 17, 2006
yeah..sorry about the length of the is hidden in there:

"I took MY 7900GT out of my computer, and put it in his. It ran for almost an hour"

But one thing I have not done is take my Power Supply and test it in his computer. Now I didn't because I wouldn't understand how I could run a 7900GT in his computer with no problems, yet it still be the power supply in his computer, but one question, does the 7900Gt consume less power than the 6800GT???

thanks in advance for the help on this phios, any help is mucho appreciated.


Jul 11, 2006
First off, you have done a pretty good job at troubleshooting the problem with your brothers PC. Dump the BFGTech Geforce 6800GT. They overclock the video card at the factory so it is already overclocked when you open the box, clocked at 370MHz core frequency, which is 20MHz faster than a stock 6800GT. Because of this, the card tends to have problems. The power requirements on this particular card require more power than the you can provide even if you wanted to. I have seen many of these cards with only 1 extra power connector on the rear of the card and this is not enough. Especially if it is overclocked already. Nvidia calls for a minumum of 2 power connectors in order to provide the card with the additional power requirements of the Geforce 6800GT GPU. BFG revised the card, but even that one wasn't stable enough either at times. I have tested several different manufacturers GPU's with the Geforce 6800GT chipset on-board. If you want to stick with the Geforce 6800GT, get one that follows the manufacturering specs and is a certified manufacturer like XFX. Don't get me wrong, BFG makes a good product, and in most installations, their GPU's works great. However, in this case. the card isn't as stable as it should be. This should resolve your problem.

And Yes. The 7900GT consumes less power than the 6800GT.


Junior Member
Jul 17, 2006

Thanks for the info on that BFG stuff. I knew about the overclock but not about the 2 power connectors. I figure...MAYBE..if it does consume more voltage, it may be a good idea to swap out the power supply. Problem is I don't have the ability to sell the card, and if it is a voltage issue, there may be a good possibility the problem lies in my power supply directly, and the BFG is just causing a indirect issue. I just took my brother's computer, and told him I was bringing it back to my place and he wouldn't get it back until it was stable all day long.

Thanks for the ideas people, keep the ideas coming.. Quakecon is in a few weeks and I would LOVE to have a solution for him.


Junior Member
Jul 17, 2006

I got home last night with my brother's computer. Decided to just fire it up, and start playing battlefield expecting a crash in a few minutes. I played for 2 FRIGGIN HOURS!!! No nothing...

this has happened before. I would bring his computer back to my place. Make a bunch of changes, and then it would be working for hours. Bring it back to his place, and it starts crashing. I've tried a different wall outlet (Even though the outlet he is using used to be MY old room, and the outlet I used to use..and when I lived there, I had 3 computers connected to that outlet at the same time with no problems.

I am going to go home and piss on it...that'll make it crash!! mwahahahah --> crazed laugh

I will keep on keeping on though.... any ideas would be great.


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2003
Believe it or not, I had the same problem with my boss's computer a couple of years ago. I upgraded her motherboard, CPU and RAM. I checked all hardware and software after the upgrade and ran F@H and Prime for a whole day at my house with no problems. She took it home and says that it rebooted on her 5 minutes after plugging it in and turning it on. After a couple of crashes, it ran stable, but she only used it for less than an hour. She said that every time she went to use it, it would crash at least once. She finally got tired of having to reboot it, that she gave it back to me to fix.
I brought it home, plugged it in and had no problems with it. I ran F@H and Prime again, and it ran rock stable. So I sent it back to her, and she said it kept crashing.
Turned out to be a faulty power strip. When she switched it for a better one, it worked fine.

Maybe the wiring in your bro's room has deteriorated since you lived there. Have you tried plugging it in to a socked that is on a different breaker?

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