Creationist Museum

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Senior member
Jan 3, 2001

I'm pretty sure the person who wrote the Book of Genesis was not in the garden taking notes during creation.

A creationist saying that evolution can't be proven because it can't be observed, is just too ironic. This quote from the article was about the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

"Everyone who rejects his history ? including six-day creation and Noah's flood ? is `wilfully' ignorant.''

Darwin's theories have also been misinterpreted and twisted . Survival of the fittest is a phrase that has been twisted and used by people to justify their mistreatment of others. This "Social Darwinism" really has nothing to do with his theories.

I wonder how creationists can explain that we share 99% of our genetics with chimpanzees. You only have to watch a documentary on chimpanzees to see the similiarities, they're so blatantly obvious.

I do think there is a place for spirituality and religion though. And it can co-exist with science. Science isn't at the point where it can explain everything. But if a powerful supreme being did create the universe and the earth , he definitely didn't do it in 6 days , and didn't sit down and tell one of us the story.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2003
Who cares really.
Is it really that big a deal to some of you people for other beliefs to have Museums or whatever that look at how things formed from a different perspective ?

This is what tolerance is all about people.


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
The second Law of Thermodynamics is clearly violated as evolution says that everything began as simple forms and gradually evolved into more complex ones. But as that law states, everything tends to disorder

wow i've never seen ignorance like this, i've heard this argument brought up a thousand times, you leave out the reason behind increasing complexity, to order systems, oother systems increase in disorder, and you forgot about the dH term, which states that increase in order can be acheived in a system if energy is brough into the system (heat, light, radiation), what do you think happens in an endothermic reaction? the creation of explosives is perfect evidence.

listen, before you spread this fodder

1) go to college
2) take a junior level course in physical chemistry (differential equations based) and then one in quantum mechanics
3)stop going to your brainwashing e-free sessions

A creationist saying that evolution can't be proven because it can't be observed, is just too ironic. This quote from the article was about the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

so buy this rational, the evidence for creationism is that evolution can't be proven? thats not evidence


Jan 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
If you read it right, I said the "only believer in AN intelligent being." I didn't say I was the only intelligent being here.

Also, while I was at Mass today, I remembered something I learned at CCD. There are two separate time measurements, on, Chronos, is what we use on earth. The other, Chyros, is used in heaven. Up there, one second equals a milenia on earth. Perhaps that gives credence to some of this. Still don't believe in evolution though.

its your choice not to believe in evolution, but what do you base that choice on? How do you refute the physical findings and carbon dating? Do you think all the bones are simply a hoax, or perhaps they were placed there by God to 'weed out the true believers' or something of that nature. How do you explain the difference in our hair patterns, skin pigment, bone structure, etc? Are those not a product of very small gradual changes over time to adapt to less shade, warmer/colder climate etc?

If life forms (or remnants) are found to exist outside of earth, say on mars or a moon of jupiter or saturn, would you then begin to think evolution is possible?


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
To me, Gods' existence can be proved with one question. If he doesn't exist, what is the point to living?
Ummm.... Good love, good music, good art, good sex, good food, good wine, good computers. I'm not out of reasons, yet. These didn't have to be in order, did they?
If you're into science, you believe everything has a reason that it's the way it is, right?
Nope. AFIC, religion is a very bad excuse for philosophy. Both attempt to answer questions about the unknown, but at least, in philosophy, I don't know is an acceptable answer.
If you look at this, it seems like I'm the only, believer in an intelligent being around here.
I would say there are a lot of intelligent beings on this forum. There are also a bunch of dogmatic religious zealots whose minds are made up and don't want to be confused with little things like facts and reality.
My logic in God is fullproof,...
I believe the word you wanted was foolproof, but that's not possible. There are simply too many fools.
... but I still don't see the logic in atheism and why everyone who doesn't believe that is automatically a cook, which is the feeling I'm getting from the idiot. I still can't believe someone who names themselves the idiot insulted me.
At least, he did a good job of it. :laugh: BTW, I think you also meant kook, instead of cook. However, if you're really a good cook, how about inviting everyone to your house for dinner? :beer: :wine:
More proof that man and dinosaur existed side by side.


Aug 26, 2001
The thing that bugs me most is the conservatives who set this museum up are now using it to lash out at homosexuals, and that's just wrong.

The Bible preaches love for every man. Why is that so hard to comprehend? Love EVERY man. Who cares if he lives with another man, that doesn't mean he created AIDs. This whole thing gets me so angry.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: BlinderBomber
The thing that bugs me most is the conservatives who set this museum up are now using it to lash out at homosexuals, and that's just wrong.

The Bible preaches love for every man. Why is that so hard to comprehend? Love EVERY man. Who cares if he lives with another man, that doesn't mean he created AIDs. This whole thing gets me so angry.

Well duh, that's Gays are not "Man" to the RRR FLL's. :roll:
Jan 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
To me, Gods' existence can be proved with one question. If he doesn't exist, what is the point to living?

Ummm.... Good love, good music, good art, good sex, good food, good wine, good computers. I'm not out of reasons, yet. These didn't have to be in order, did they?:

A.Your avoiding the philosophical discussion. Why would we be here just to die?


If you look at this, it seems like I'm the only, believer in an intelligent being around here.

I would say there are a lot of intelligent beings on this forum. There are also a bunch of dogmatic religious zealots whose minds are made up and don't want to be confused with little things like facts and reality.
Jan 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
To me, Gods' existence can be proved with one question. If he doesn't exist, what is the point to living?

Ummm.... Good love, good music, good art, good sex, good food, good wine, good computers. I'm not out of reasons, yet. These didn't have to be in order, did they?:

A.Your avoiding the philosophical discussion. Why would we be here just to die?


If you look at this, it seems like I'm the only, believer in an intelligent being around here.

I would say there are a lot of intelligent beings on this forum. There are also a bunch of dogmatic religious zealots whose minds are made up and don't want to be confused with little things like facts and reality.

B. Perhaps if you took some time to learn to read between the lines and be as intelligent as you think you are, you'd know that I said "BELIEVER, in AN intelligent being" meaning, in my religion, God. Dogmatic religious zealot I may be, in your distorted vision of the world, then again what's the point in name calling. It gets' us nowhere you atheistic communist moron.


My logic in God is fullproof,...

I believe the word you wanted was foolproof, but that's not possible. There are simply too many fools.

C. We all make mistakes. Your existence proves the second half to me.


... but I still don't see the logic in atheism and why everyone who doesn't believe that is automatically a cook, which is the feeling I'm getting from the idiot. I still can't believe someone who names themselves the idiot insulted me.

At least, he did a good job of it. BTW, I think you also meant kook, instead of cook. However, if you're really a good cook, how about inviting everyone to your house for dinner?

D. Yeah, perhaps I can lace some things with Arsenic.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Mustafa Kemal AtaturkA.Your avoiding the philosophical discussion. Why would we be here just to die?
Why not? And why does it matter? If more people spent more time trying to live a good life with respect to others, this time around, they wouldn't have much to worry about in whatever next life may or may not exist.

Furthermomre, I can't really see any alleged all knowing deity giving a sh8. Does she? :Q
Perhaps if you took some time to learn to read between the lines and be as intelligent as you think you are, you'd know that I said "BELIEVER, in AN intelligent being" meaning, in my religion, God.
Perhaps I read your statement as you meant it, and I chose not to respond to it in those terms. I don't deny you your right to believe as you choose, but personally, I find the concepts of religion and a god (or gods) to be shallow and meaningless excuses for serious thought.
Dogmatic religious zealot I may be, in your distorted vision of the world, then again what's the point in name calling. It gets' us nowhere you atheistic communist moron.
Atheist? Yep.
Communst, or even communist with a lower case "c," hardly.
Moron? There you go, opening your mouth again, just to change feet. Now, considering the last two sentences, maybe you meant OXYmoron. :roll:
C. We all make mistakes.
I was having a little fun with your choice of words, but I didn't get into heavy name calling as you did, above. I'll ask you not to go there with me. If you do it, again, you may find it is you who is making yet another mistake.
Your existence proves the second half to me.
Speaking of mistakes, you're mistaking me for someone who really gives a damn what you think, but at last we agree on something. :laugh:
D. Yeah, perhaps I can lace some things with Arsenic.
Oooh... Getting a little hostile, aren't we? Want a cookie?


Jul 17, 2003
Yeah, perhaps I can lace some things with Arsenic.

I'm not sure what exactly is your condition is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. Keep it up - I look forward to having one less ignorant nut around here.


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
i'm still waiting for mustafa to retort the second law of thermal dynamics, as usual, the cohorts of religion pick and chose what they want form just about everything, in this case it was a thermal dynamics law

here is what i typed, i'm waiting in amusement to see what your answer is

wow i've never seen cherry picking like this, i've heard this argument brought up a thousand times, you leave out the reason behind increasing complexity, to order systems, other systems increase in disorder, and you forgot about the Heat (H) term, which states that increase in order can be acheived in a system if energy is brough into the system (heat, light, radiation), what do you think happens in an endothermic reaction?

by the way, the measure of disorder of a system is called entropy (FYI for you non-science speakers)


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
"a Darwinian process of evolution"

That's funny, Darwin never supported the theory of evolution going around today. He showed that natural selection is a device for the perpetuation of certain genes... of course, some crackpot scientists desperately wanting to end religion(s) decided they wanted to extend the theory one step further... and voila! You have the sad and laughable theory of evolution and the "Big Bang" theory. You know, it's funny. Scientific laws actually say that the Big Bang could never have happened. Yes, that's right, you CAN'T create something out of nothing - unless God exists. Another interesting tidbit - chimps are actually closer to us genetically compared to Neanderthals. So much for evolutionary processes...


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
You have the sad and laughable theory of evolution and the "Big Bang" theory. You know, it's funny. Scientific laws actually say that the Big Bang could never have happened. Yes, that's right, you CAN'T create something out of nothing - unless God exists. Another interesting tidbit - chimps are actually closer to us genetically compared to Neanderthals. So much for evolutionary processes...

where do you get your mis-information? quantum mechanics has been able to explain how the big bang happened, this in conjunction with classical physics, would you mind expalining the red-shift of light that comes from the fringe of the universe?

how would you know that chimps are genetically closer to us than neanderthals? last time i checked we didn't have a sequenced genome of a neanderthal, and even if we had a genetic sample, how degraded do you think it would be, how long do you think it would take to sequence the genome? you are obvioulsy one of those people that knows nothing about biological science except things you read or hear in the mainstream media -which i might add is on the comprehension of about a second grader

do me a favor, next time you go to the pharmacy, think about "us crackpot scientists" and then go buy your antibiotics, and/or cancer drugs that WE figured out how to make USING SCIENTIFIC THEORY

care to explain how bacteria can gain drug resistance in a relatively short amount of time, how about the super strains that are now starting to arise that are immune to 3-4 kinds of antibiotics? it can't be?!


Golden Member
Dec 1, 2004
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: GMElias
Originally posted by: kage69
I feel sorry for these people.

I feel sorry for myself to have to live in a world crowded with these ignorant folks...and I am religious too...just not stupid!


Well I'm not sorry...I thikn that would be wrong looking down upon them...but I am also relgious and beleive in God and I don't see how this is possible...Science is supposed to help us understand what God did and how things came together...I still haven't seen science discredit the existance of God...

And seriously, I can't beleive they actually think that dinsaurs lived with man.... Then again in 9th grade I had a friend that beleived that and said the last dinosaurs went extinct ~mid 1800s in the Mid West of the USA....I wonder if he still thinks that.

Either way I don't see how evolution/science discredits god at ALL.

If you are reasonable in your interpretation of the bible - science most certainly doesn't discredit the existence of God.


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
Either way I don't see how evolution/science discredits god at ALL.

quantum mechanics can, all events essentially come down to probability on a small scale (on the atomic scale)


Golden Member
Dec 1, 2004
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
Either way I don't see how evolution/science discredits god at ALL.

quantum mechanics can, all events essentially come down to probability on a small scale (on the atomic scale)

I fail to see how quantum mechanics (which only works well in specific realms of physics) can disprove God's existence. Regardless of how you feel about whether God exists or not it is inherently impossible to prove either way - that's why it's called faith


Feb 6, 2002
How about Genetic creationism. God was just a scientist with a little genetic engineering and a few other specialties.

In the bible Create was translated from terms which mean "TO ORGANIZE".

I dont beleive the Bible says the earth was created in 6 days. That is an oversimplification. It says God created ....., there was an evening, and they called it a day. The term used to translate Day is another special term which literally means period of time. There are also some references in the bible where they make a distinction between a day for God and a Day for Man being radically different.

Why cant God just be a really smart scientist. Why do some people give credence to aliens populating a planet, but cant see the possibility that God could be just a very smart Scientist.

We may yet see a computer capable of downloading a person's Brain.
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