Criminal probe opened over CIA tapes


Jul 7, 2003

Criminal probe opened over CIA tapes

By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer 28 minutes ago

The Justice Department opened a full criminal investigation Wednesday into the destruction of CIA interrogation videotapes, putting the politically charged probe in the hands of a mob-busting public corruption prosecutor with a reputation for being independent.

Attorney General Michael Mukasey announced that he was appointing John Durham, a federal prosecutor in Connecticut, to oversee the investigation of a case that has challenged the Bush administration's controversial handling of terrorism suspects.

The CIA acknowledged last month that in 2005 it destroyed videos of officers using tough interrogation methods while questioning two al-Qaida suspects. The acknowledgment sparked a congressional inquiry and a preliminary investigation by Justice into whether the CIA violated any laws or obstructed congressional inquiries such as the one led by the Sept. 11 Commission.

"The Department's National Security Division has recommended, and I have concluded, that there is a basis for initiating a criminal investigation of this matter, and I have taken steps to begin that investigation," Mukasey said in a statement released Wednesday.

Durham, who has served with the Justice Department for 25 years, has a reputation as one of the nation's most relentless prosecutors. He was appointed to investigate the FBI's use of mob informants in Boston, an investigation that sent former FBI agent John Connolly to prison.

"Nobody in this country is above the law, an FBI agent or otherwise," Durham said in 2002 after Connolly's conviction.

Mukasey made the move after prosecutors from the Eastern District of Virginia, which includes the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Va., removed themselves from the case. CIA Inspector General John L. Helgerson, who worked with the Justice Department on the preliminary inquiry, also removed himself.

"The CIA will of course cooperate fully with this investigation as it has with the others into this matter," agency spokesman Mark Mansfield said.

Mukasey named Durham the acting U.S. attorney on the case, a designation the Justice Department frequently makes when top prosecutors take themselves off a case. He will not serve as a special prosecutor like Patrick Fitzgerald, who operated autonomously while investigating the 2003 leak of a CIA operative's identity.

"The Justice Department went out and got somebody with complete independence and integrity," said former Connecticut U.S. Attorney Stanley Twardy, who worked with Durham. "No politics whatsoever. It's going to be completely by the book and he's going to let the chips fall where they may."

The CIA already has agreed to open its files to congressional investigators, who have begun reviewing documents at the agency's Virginia headquarters. The House Intelligence Committee has ordered Jose Rodriguez, the former CIA official who directed the tapes be destroyed, to appear at a hearing Jan. 16.

Rodriguez's attorney, Robert S. Bennett, had no comment.

Durham first gained national prominence following the 1989 murder of Mafia underboss William Grasso, which led to one of the biggest mob takedowns in U.S history. He then turned to Connecticut street gangs, winning dozens of convictions, putting some gang leaders in jail for life.

He supervised the investigation that sent former Republican Connecticut Gov. John G. Rowland and several members of his administration to prison on corruption charges.

"He'll suck the political air right out of the investigation and just go after the facts," said Mike Clark, a retired FBI agent who investigated Rowland. "He's going to do it his way and just keep digging."

In June 2005, U.S. District Judge Henry H. Kennedy, who was overseeing a case in which U.S.-held terror suspects were challenging their detention at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, ordered the Bush administration to safeguard "all evidence and information regarding the torture, mistreatment and abuse of detainees now at the United States Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay."

Five months later, the CIA destroyed the interrogation videos. The recordings involved suspected terrorists Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. The Justice Department has argued to Kennedy that the videos weren't covered by his order because the two men were being held in secret CIA prisons overseas, not at Guantanamo Bay.

The tapes' destruction has riled members of the commission that investigated the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. In an opinion piece in Wednesday's New York Times, commission chairmen Tom Keane and Lee Hamilton accused the CIA of failing to respond to requests for information about the 9/11 plot.

Anyone at the agency who knew about the tapes and failed to disclose them "obstructed our investigation," said Keane, a former Republican governor of New Jersey, and Hamilton, a former Democratic House member from Indiana.

The CIA has asserted that Keane and Hamilton's panel had not been specific enough in their requests and they should have asked for interrogation videos if that is what they wanted.

On Capitol Hill, the House Intelligence Committee wants to know who authorized the tapes' destruction; who in the CIA, Justice Department and White House knew about it and when, and why Congress was not fully informed.

The committee, which had threatened to subpoena the records if they do not get access, also wants to know exactly what was shown on the tapes.

Since leaving the White House shortly before Christmas, President Bush has not addressed the tapes' destruction. Before going to Camp David, then his ranch in Crawford, Texas, Bush said he was confident that investigations by Congress and the Justice Department "will end up enabling us all to find out what exactly happened."

He repeated his assertion that his "first recollection" of being told about the tapes and their destruction was when CIA Director Michael Hayden briefed him on it in early December.

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Mukasey's announcement proved that lawmakers "were right to be concerned with possible obstruction of justice and obstruction of Congress."

Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., also lauded Mukasey's decision to launch a criminal inquiry. "The rule of law requires no less," Kennedy said. "Those tapes may have been evidence of a crime, and their destruction may have been a crime in itself."

Sen. Joe Biden, a Delaware Democrat seeking his party's nomination for president, said a criminal investigation is no surprise, but suggested that Mukasey should remove himself from oversight of the investigation and appoint a special counsel "completely independent and free from political influence."

Is there actually going to be someone held accountable for the latest scandal to come out of this administration? So many times it is swept under the rug, I'm hoping we might have an attorney general who cares. Too bad it came so late.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2001
I hope they don't just find another lowly 'scapegoat.'

One thing that I believe is a huge contributing factor for the American people disapproving of our government is the way all cases of corruption end up with a lowly figure as the scapegoat.. Even though this corruption often starts at the top, and is under the watch of the higher-ups, the Pentagon, CIA, Congress, and Executive branch all end up with blame on a relative no-namer..



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
The truth is essential for the integrity both our history and our future. :thumbsup:

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Long odds and at the speed of a snail, this investigation will be delayed well past the time GWB leaves office. And even if a scapegoat is indicted and awaiting trial, GWB will issue some sort of blanket pardon just before he leaves office. Meanwhile security clearances will have to be granted, various court tests will have to be met, and every delaying tactic
under the sun will be used, while GWB's press spokesmen will stress how committed GWB is in being totally fair in getting to the bottom of the matter.

Unless Dunham is made of sterner stuff and gets his blood up, he will go along with the due process of law while defusing demand for a special prosecutor.

But dare we hope, Dunham will find the culprit is really GWB himself, and the GOP will finally have that excuse to lead the fight to impeach GWB&Cheney. If the right whistleblower is found, the conventional wisdoms could go out the window as the teflon luck of GWB&co. finally runs out. As the entire gamut of GWB sins are revealed to a shocked nation and rats start deserting a sinking ship. A day many of us wish for but we are not holding our breath.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Lemon law
Long odds and at the speed of a snail, this investigation will be delayed well past the time GWB leaves office. And even if a scapegoat is indicted and awaiting trial, GWB will issue some sort of blanket pardon just before he leaves office. Meanwhile security clearances will have to be granted, various court tests will have to be met, and every delaying tactic
under the sun will be used, while GWB's press spokesmen will stress how committed GWB is in being totally fair in getting to the bottom of the matter.

Unless Dunham is made of sterner stuff and gets his blood up, he will go along with the due process of law while defusing demand for a special prosecutor.

But dare we hope, Dunham will find the culprit is really GWB himself, and the GOP will finally have that excuse to lead the fight to impeach GWB&Cheney. If the right whistleblower is found, the conventional wisdoms could go out the window as the teflon luck of GWB&co. finally runs out. As the entire gamut of GWB sins are revealed to a shocked nation and rats start deserting a sinking ship. A day many of us wish for but we are not holding our breath.

If it came to it, Bush pardons Cheney for anything and everything, then resigns. Cheney then does the same for Bush.



Jul 7, 2003
IIRC you can't pardon somebody who hasn't been convicted, or at least charged. So they could just stall until he is out of office.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Originally posted by: Farang
IIRC you can't pardon somebody who hasn't been convicted, or at least charged. So they could just stall until he is out of office.

Then you have to worry about the extremists (neocons) having power and still getting a pardon.


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Farang
IIRC you can't pardon somebody who hasn't been convicted, or at least charged. So they could just stall until he is out of office.

Not really. Nixon's pardon was something like "Things that he may or maynot have done"


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Hayabusa Rider
Originally posted by: Lemon law
Long odds and at the speed of a snail, this investigation will be delayed well past the time GWB leaves office. And even if a scapegoat is indicted and awaiting trial, GWB will issue some sort of blanket pardon just before he leaves office. Meanwhile security clearances will have to be granted, various court tests will have to be met, and every delaying tactic
under the sun will be used, while GWB's press spokesmen will stress how committed GWB is in being totally fair in getting to the bottom of the matter.

Unless Dunham is made of sterner stuff and gets his blood up, he will go along with the due process of law while defusing demand for a special prosecutor.

But dare we hope, Dunham will find the culprit is really GWB himself, and the GOP will finally have that excuse to lead the fight to impeach GWB&Cheney. If the right whistleblower is found, the conventional wisdoms could go out the window as the teflon luck of GWB&co. finally runs out. As the entire gamut of GWB sins are revealed to a shocked nation and rats start deserting a sinking ship. A day many of us wish for but we are not holding our breath.

If it came to it, Bush pardons Cheney for anything and everything, then resigns. Cheney then does the same for Bush.

The very thought of Cheney being president, even if just for 20 minutes, makes my stomach turn.


Jul 7, 2003
Originally posted by: outriding
Originally posted by: Farang
IIRC you can't pardon somebody who hasn't been convicted, or at least charged. So they could just stall until he is out of office.

Not really. Nixon's pardon was something like "Things that he may or maynot have done"

Wikipedia says I'm wrong, so yea that sucks that everyone will be pardoned.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
Don't those fago-crats realize there is terror to be fought and democracy to be spread? Don't question our president!

/P&N republican.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally posted by: tomywishbone
I'm sure the CIA & the white house are shaking in their boots. :roll:
I am sure Nixon was shaking in his boots also when he got news that some third rate clowns were caught inside of democratic headquarters. Up until near the end everyone still thought Nixon would get away with it.

Bottom line, GWB&co. have been getting away with worse for years, but sometimes something anything is where their luck finally runs out. All it takes is being caught big time once.

Like I say, I am not holding my breath, but all it takes is once. And this charge may not be the one that brings them down, but the hounds are baying and rocks are being turned over. And as we saw in the Gonzales investigation, GWB&co are now better at handling a cover up than they are in running military occupations.


Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
I don't have any hopes and they will get away with it. Look at what happened to AT&T warrantless surveillance affair. Instead of getting to the bottom of it such as what specific individuals within the government approached to AT&T with the idea, who within AT&T approved it and who within Bush administration tried to cover it up after Mark Klein blew the whistle, now it looks like AT&T will get retroactive immunity for all of its past misdeeds.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Caecus Veritas
i'm hoping against all odds that someone with conscience has made a copy of all records...
Written records of the entire scandal, and everyone involved? Yes, I hope so. Someone needs to do the time for the crime. Records of their destruction, and eye-witness testimony to that effect, should be sufficient to find and punish whoever was involved. (Remember, the crimes being investigated here are the destruction of the tapes, not the interrogations themselves).

I also still believe, wholeheartedly, that we'll all be better off if the videos themselves stay gone forever... no good would come from airing those to the world.



Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Harvey
The truth is essential for the integrity both our history and our future. :thumbsup:

Something civilized that I may agree with. Please, may the real Harvey step forward?



Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Caecus Veritas
i'm hoping against all odds that someone with conscience has made a copy of all records...
Written records of the entire scandal, and everyone involved? Yes, I hope so. Someone needs to do the time for the crime.

But I also still believe that we're all better off if the videos themselves stay gone forever... no good would come from airing those to the world.


Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: brxndxn
I hope they don't just find another lowly 'scapegoat.'

That is why in chess the pawns go first.

Jaskalas does have a point. With Nixon it was a matter of turning over the rocks and getting
the rats that ran out. Then getting those rats to fink on bigger rats. Which all took time, almost 2 years to be exact, but anything starting from zero now, won't have time to work before GWB
is out of office with a get the pawns first and work up.

Which is why catching a big rat early and getting it to sing is almost required. Or we GWB antifans will be saying curses, foiled again.


Jul 7, 2003
Originally posted by: Lemon law
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: brxndxn
I hope they don't just find another lowly 'scapegoat.'

That is why in chess the pawns go first.

Jaskalas does have a point. With Nixon it was a matter of turning over the rocks and getting
the rats that ran out. Then getting those rats to fink on bigger rats. Which all took time, almost 2 years to be exact, but anything starting from zero now, won't have time to work before GWB
is out of office with a get the pawns first and work up.

Which is why catching a big rat early and getting it to sing is almost required. Or we GWB antifans will be saying curses, foiled again.

I don't really see your point.. unless Bush is caught red-handed murdering an infant, he will not face impeachment before his term ends. Even if a big scandal were to break, the proceedings would be tied up too long for any results (even if you think an impeachment could happen within a year, think if there would really be any support by the time he has 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 month to go).

I'm not even sure if Bush would be impeached even if he was personally linked to some previous scandals. People more or less knows he endorses torture of foreign persons he deems "combatants" (Guantanamo), that he fills as many slots as possible with loyalists (attorney scandal), and that he endorses an increase in domestic surveillance of people he deems to be terrorists (warrantless wiretapping). In fact many Republicans today support these positions. With evidence, the uproar would be limited to liberals and a partisan pissing contest would take place before both sides' bladders were empty and a new issue took the spotlight.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Farang
the uproar would be limited to liberals and a partisan pissing contest would take place before both sides' bladders were empty and a new issue took the spotlight.
I think you essentially just described the last four years... or forty!


Senior member
Aug 2, 2006
Well, at the very least, this shows Mukasey is willing to go through the motions (unlike Gonzalez). At best, they'll find someone with a conscious who made copies of the tapes and some truly bad people will get some FPMITAP Love until pardoned.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Seems to me there could have been no torture without Presidential order and there was torture which is against the law. That makes the President a criminal. I see no way around this so, because a major crime by the President has not called up a special council and the investigation will be done by somebody who works for Bush, this whole thing will go absolutely nowhere. This is all about time to let people forget like the weaponized antharax in the mail. Hush little baby don't you cry papa's gonna sing you a lullabye.
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