Crysis 2. Anyone buy it and currently playing it?

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Nov 3, 2009
It's similar, but different.

Cervat Yerli (crytek ceo) said Crysis 2 is more like beads on a string. You have open play areas (the beads) and when you are finished, you take a linear path (the string) to the next bead.

The play areas aren't as big as Crysis 1, but for every 1 HUGE play area in Crysis 1 (the entire level might be one area), you have 3 BIG play areas in Crysis 2 that are strung together for one level.

Also, since you are in the city, taking different routes means going around different buildings and streets, and being on roads/sidewalks certainly feels more linear than being on soft open ground.

However, in most areas, there are MANY ways through the buildings. So there are still many ways you can attack an area.

so crysis 2 is like anal beads?


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2009
Getting further into the game I'm beginning to think it's more graphically impressive than the original. The textures aren't as good perhaps, but the lighting is amazing. Also, the art direction is simply stunning to me.

Story isn't easy to follow as I would have hoped coming from a writer like Richard K. Morgan. Also, is anyone else really annoyed by how you just appear in a completely different area after you complete a level?

There is simply no transition between levels. You could end one level on the ground and start the next on top of a skyscraper. It really kills the immersion for me.

Other than that the destroyed beauty of new york is just plain haunting to look at. Play the game and you'll understand. You just kinda wander around staring and stuff because of the ridiculous sense of scale a huge city gives you.


Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2010
There is simply no transition between levels. You could end one level on the ground and start the next on top of a skyscraper. It really kills the immersion for me.

Other than that the destroyed beauty of new york is just plain haunting to look at. Play the game and you'll understand. You just kinda wander around staring and stuff because of the ridiculous sense of scale a huge city gives you.

That's one thing I noticed too, but I didn't let it bother me too much. In a way they sort of do it with the in between cutscenes, but not very well executed. I'll have to give it to the COD series to tie all the various missions together through the "mission briefing" cut scenes--Crysis 2 sort of does this, but just not as well or rather not as engaging as the COD ones.


Oct 17, 2002
I think the story is obscured by design. They've mentioned they want it to be very deep and meaningful, and basically need to play through it a few times to get the 'big picture'.


Senior member
Sep 3, 2005
I think the story is obscured by design. They've mentioned they want it to be very deep and meaningful, and basically need to play through it a few times to get the 'big picture'.

Of course you would think that.

Poorly written hard to follow story = Deep, meaningful tale of woe and triumph

I bet you loved "The Fountain" also.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2009
The kotaku review of crysis 2 touched on the deeper meanings in the story. The frailty of your character when the nanosuit isn't a factor is something any regular human can connect with.

One other thing that is annoying the crap out of me is the random pauses for like 10 seconds before an NPC says their next line. It's just silly stuff like that that is bothering me about the game. Easily fixable stuff that could take this game from great (which it is) to legendary.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
This is a good game, I'm a couple hours into it but there are some tough stretches I kept dying at... the checkpoint system is frustrating but also very rewarding. It's old school as all hell amd I dig it.

The most under-rated aspect of Crysis 2 so far is the incredible audio tracks that play in-game. The soundtrack is absolutely beautiful, man they did an incredible job here. Oddly enough, I don't actually like the main menu music too much.

The game started out weak but it's picking up steam as I get further in. Also with motion blur disabled it's actually not hurting my eyes now... what a difference that made!


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
Or it goes to show most people don't seem to know the value of anecdotal evidence vs statistical evidence.;user-score

If you went by AT postings you'd think 98% of high profile big budget games were complete shit.

And Giantbomb game 4/5, a website started by the guy who left/was fired from gamespot b/c he wouldn't be "loyal" to publishers.

That doesn't mean they can't be loyal to console gamers and choose to screw PC gamers. Crysis 2 isn't even dx 11 and every PC oriented website has said pretty much the same thing. The game is a console port no ifs, ands, or butts about it.


Oct 11, 1999
After hosing my rig trying to get the VC++ redist to work so Crysis 2 would work, I finally got everything formatted and installed and played Crysis 2 campaign. Only played 1-1.5 hours.

It was great though. I kind of wish it didn't have the suit show you all these ways around and stuff, but that's okay (honestly I don't know why it's not an option according to difficulty like the first Crysis was). But the feel of the guns and play is awesome. Sound and music is awesome. AI is decent. I was caught bad one time when a couple flanked me nicely. Good physics. Good graphics. Sure they're not cutting edge like Crysis was but I'm kind of glad because there's no way I could run it like I do (1680x1050 high details on a AMD X2 5400+, 2GB ram, ATI 4870 512).


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Played for a while. This is getting blown WAY out of proportion on the graphics. The textures are low res, and that's really the only problem I see with it. For a DX9 based game the lighting, shadows, and particle effects are fantastic. Unless you get right up close to stuff, you really don't notice the textures. The way I play the game I really don't notice anything. TBH, I've been more impressed with the way this looks than the original Crysis. That could be because that was so built up and this was so flogged that I expected the best/worst, but whatever the case people need to stop whining. With the original Crysis (which TBH I did only start playing a couple weeks ago) all of the plants are right up in your face so any flaws are always apparent. Without a texture pack I would have been pretty disappointed in what people have said is still the best the PC can offer in terms of graphics. In Crysis 2 the only things in your face are concrete and steel... things that are pretty muddy and blurry anyway so when you're in the game it's hard to notice if they look off.

I did run into problems getting multiplayer to work, but I think it finally took my key permanently. It's a pretty fun diversion, but probably won't hold my attention for long unless I find some people to play with. I'm pretty sure I already saw an aimbot hacker, but it was on an unprotected custom server so that's what to expect I suppose.

A few things I haven't liked though:
-There doesn't seem to be much damage modeling on the cars. They are either new, or blown up it seems... they don't get damaged when you kick them like I expected.
-Also when you kick over the cars, the undersides are completely flat. It's not hard to at least make a TEXTURE of the car underside, but really I expected it to have a fully modeled underside including exhaust and everything. Yes it's nickpicking but it really confused me as to why one of the first things you try to do reveals something they forgot to include.
-Long chain of unskippable intro videos, luckily they can be disabled through the config files or editor
-Annoying limit of 2 guns, even though you have a supersuit capable of lifting damn near anything. (the first one has this limit too... I hate how all shooters do this)


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2009
I think people need to go back and play the original crysis again. Instead of using their memories of crysis to judge this game they need to reload the original. If you do this you'll realize that the texture quality is the exact same. There are crap textures all over Crysis 1. Just like there are the same crap textures in Crysis 2.

It's funny how Crysis 1 was so mind blowing back when everyone played it that they have this overblown memory of how great the graphics were. Crysis 2 looks better hands down once you turn off the ridiculous motion blur and blurry AA.

Now the civilian character models for Crysis 2 are the most disappointing thing I've noticed with the game. Look at the shape and animations for the soldiers and ceph, and compare them to the citizens. The citizen's look like they were pulled straight out of half life 2 and not crysis.

Also all this talk about DX11 is preposterous. Crysis 2 looks better than any DX11 game that has been released. Do not try and tell me it doesn't.


Oct 11, 1999
Oh yeah, the weapon limit is kind of annoying. In Crysis, it was actually three: two primary weapons, and a pistol/machine pistol. So I could run the pistol, SCAR, and AK/sniper/gauss/shotgun.

In Crysis 2, I haven't figured out my favorites yet. Currently I'm just using the pistol and SCARAB. I seen that the shotgun doesn't have the fire mode select to vary the spread, which was awesome in Crysis. The shotgun with the tight spread could really tear up the little alien fliers at short-medium distance.

I should probably switch out the Nova 12 pistol for the machine pistol or the shotgun. And not only are you limited to one less primary, but you can only carry like half the ammo. Though you can pick it up so often it doesn't matter yet. Also I miss the tranq dart from Crysis. I think it was underutilized by most players. I rocked it all the time. You didn't need to hit a headshot to silently drop a player in one hit. In addition, it made the nanosuit guys cake, and it allowed you to save ammo. Most players dropped the SCAR early in the game, but I always kept it since using the dart and accurate shooting kept you with plenty of SCAR ammo (SCAR is much superior to the AK in Crysis).


Oct 11, 1999
Ah, I see the weapon customization is a bit different. Unfortunately you don't just pick up scopes and such anymore. The SCAR is different from the SCARAB. And one can be suppressed and use the reflex sight while the other can't be but can use the grenade launcher and ACOG.

Doh! In Crysis, I loved having my SCAR with the suppressor and ACOG/Sniper, or changed to no silencer and reflex for CQB, while generally using the AK for close up work. I loved the laser sight, but it makes sense it's now mutually exclusive with the optic, because in Crysis there was zero reason not to use it (it improved accuracy a lot but couldn't be seen unlike what it said).

Not a big deal at all though; just pointing out some differences. So far, after maybe 3 hours into the campaign, it is AWESOME. Very well done by Crytek.

Another thing different... not sure if it's the game or me, but I am horrible at stealthily taking bases and checkpoints. In Crysis, I would master that stuff (using the tranq dart and/or silencer) and take big bases down perfectly, reloading the save if needed. In Crysis 2, it seems even when I try to be quiet I generally alert them all and have to blast them all. I know the suit points out possible routes, but I seem to always mess it up on the way there or whatever.


Mar 24, 2010
The Fountain is tied for my favorite movie of all time.

you would love 'sunshine' then.

Crysis 2 is painfully repetetive gameplay. I can't sit for more then about 30-45 minutes before becoming overly bored. Some missions like the sepre fi or die are so boring and linear that I see they were instituted to lenghen and otherwise short experience. It's too bad there wasn't more variety. Crysis 1 seemed to have a substantially better balance of explore, fight, and vehicle.

Also, the fixed graphics options are a killer, I used the modded app for custom modes and the game looks far better without AA as it blurs all the textures. I wish they had more dev console support as well. they clearly dicked the pc community on this.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
Anyone who is on the fence, do yourself a favor and do not buy this game. I wanted to see if the game was really as bad as everyone was saying since every big review site said it was amazing. I gambled and lost. This has to be the single worst game I've played in at least three years. I want my money back


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
This game is consistently great after the first couple levels. It's never as wide open as the beginning levels of Crysis 1 but it's also not as linear as the last couple levels in Crysis 1 either.

My first impression was definitely disappointment over the muddy textures and painful motion blur, the textures aren't a big deal once you get into the game a bit. Crysis 2 still looks fantastic once I edited some of the settings (no motion blur and 2xAA, the rest max). After doing so the game has never felt like a console port. There were a ton of concessions made to accomodate the 360, but the game is still FUN and that's the important part. Killing enemies is satisfying, always. The suit is EXTREMELY powerful however you'll still die if you don't use hit and run tactics.

I also like the checkpoint system, it's old school for sure and I've never felt the "constantly quicksaving" style was conducive to immersive gameplay. Thus far I'm still not quite sure there's any real plot in this game... and yet it doesn't matter. The game just feels good, like a PC game should.
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aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Anyone who is on the fence, do yourself a favor and do not buy this game. I wanted to see if the game was really as bad as everyone was saying since every big review site said it was amazing. I gambled and lost. This has to be the single worst game I've played in at least three years. I want my money back

Really? The WORST game you've played in 3 years? Look, everybody's entitled to their opinion, but there are a lot of games that are played in 3 years so it sounds like epic bullshit to me.

Just off the top of my head, these are games that I've played a decent amount and have enjoyed enough in the past 3 years... yet I'd still consider worse than Crysis 2 already:
-Bioshock 2
-Street Fighter 4
-Metal Gear Solid 4
-Little Big Planet
-Dragon Age: Origins
-Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Yeah, those are all a lot different than Crysis... but you said single worst game so you we have to consider everything. Worst SHOOTER maybe? Worst PC shooter? Worst PC shooter RELEASED in the past 3 years (not just played)? That's fine if you really think it's the worst game you've played, but it sounds like people are just ragging on it to rag on it.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2009
Anyone who is on the fence, do yourself a favor and do not buy this game. I wanted to see if the game was really as bad as everyone was saying since every big review site said it was amazing. I gambled and lost. This has to be the single worst game I've played in at least three years. I want my money back

I'd say the only video games you've played in the last 3 years are Half Life 2, Mass Effect 2, and Crysis Warhead.

That or you're just a troll spouting the same BS that every other person who hasn't played the game is saying. No, the game doesn't have DX11. Though it just so happens to look better than any DX11 game that has been released. Yes some of the textures are bad. Go back and play Crysis 1 and you will see terrible textures there too.

The only problems with the game are that the AI has pathfinding issues, there are some graphical glitches, and people aren't smart enough to edit their graphics config themselves. Even with those issues this is still one of the top 5 best FPS's released since Half Life 2.

What does that mean? Probably not much in terms of storytelling, and having some deeper meaning. The flip side is that you would be hard pressed to find me a single FPS game that gets those things down much better. Crysis 2's story is very similar to other great FPS games in that you're just some ordinary person caught up in extraordinary events, and while that may be standard fare for the genre there are some very compelling moments when the suit malfunctions leaving your character completely helpless. Other games like Call of Duty do not offer you superpowers, and yet you never feel the sense of total helplessness this game can convey when things go awry.

Shortcomings of the story aside. The game play is fantastic. The streamlined Nanosuit offers a much more fluid experience than the original game, and the ability to uprade adds a level of depth to the suit that was missing in Crysis 1. When the AI works it is challenging, and makes you think about how you are going to tackle the next tactical problem. Finally anyone saying that the graphics are a step down from Crysis 1 has an overblown sense of the original and has never even played Crysis 2. The Ling Shan Island setting may have been beautiful, but Crytek's vision of a destroyed New York has much better atmosphere. The art direction in Crysis 2 is a major improvement upon the original.

After a few patches to fix some of the glaring bugs in the game it will be one of the better games I have ever played, and I've played a lot of them in the last 27 years.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2010
I'd say the only video games you've played in the last 3 years are Half Life 2, Mass Effect 2, and Crysis Warhead.

That or you're just a troll spouting the same BS that every other person who hasn't played the game is saying. No, the game doesn't have DX11. Though it just so happens to look better than any DX11 game that has been released. Yes some of the textures are bad. Go back and play Crysis 1 and you will see terrible textures there too.

The only problems with the game are that the AI has pathfinding issues, there are some graphical glitches, and people aren't smart enough to edit their graphics config themselves. Even with those issues this is still one of the top 5 best FPS's released since Half Life 2.

What does that mean? Probably not much in terms of storytelling, and having some deeper meaning. The flip side is that you would be hard pressed to find me a single FPS game that gets those things down much better. Crysis 2's story is very similar to other great FPS games in that you're just some ordinary person caught up in extraordinary events, and while that may be standard fare for the genre there are some very compelling moments when the suit malfunctions leaving your character completely helpless. Other games like Call of Duty do not offer you superpowers, and yet you never feel the sense of total helplessness this game can convey when things go awry.

Shortcomings of the story aside. The game play is fantastic. The streamlined Nanosuit offers a much more fluid experience than the original game, and the ability to uprade adds a level of depth to the suit that was missing in Crysis 1. When the AI works it is challenging, and makes you think about how you are going to tackle the next tactical problem. Finally anyone saying that the graphics are a step down from Crysis 1 has an overblown sense of the original and has never even played Crysis 2. The Ling Shan Island setting may have been beautiful, but Crytek's vision of a destroyed New York has much better atmosphere. The art direction in Crysis 2 is a major improvement upon the original.

After a few patches to fix some of the glaring bugs in the game it will be one of the better games I have ever played, and I've played a lot of them in the last 27 years.

GREAT commentary!


Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2002
This is the most fun, best playing of the previous in the series...

Sure the visuals aren't as good but the game play is to my liking. It is still too short even though I finished it in about 12 hours exploring as much as possible.

The Nano-catalyst bug is irritating to say the least.

I really like the way you can scan each battlefield and have a tactical choice of completing the arena.

I really hope PCer's will get some more options (editor,textures, etc,) in the future.



Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002

Calling me a troll is utterly ridiculous. Did you even read what I posted? I bought the game because I thought people were whining and bitching over nothing. I figured it couldn't possibly be that bad and they were exaggerating. Buying and playing the game proved me wrong. Sorry, but this game is pure trash. Disagree all you want, it doesn't make me a troll. Visuals and DirectX support have absolutely nothing to do with it, the game is garbage from a gameplay standpoint and a storyline standpoint. It is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with modern mainstream gaming. I thought Crysis 1 and Warhead were quite good(not great or legendary or the like, but good) games by the way.
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