Crysis 2 Demo is out!

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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
So can anyone who pirated the alpha leak comment on how terrible this demo looks? Are these the graphics that the game is going to ship with? It reminds me of the last Wolfenstein (the most disappointing piece of shit ever).

There are plenty of screenshots of the leak floating around.

Unfortunately, both the leak and the demo look the same. There is no improvement to be seen in the leak.

Also the menu/graphics options are the same in the leak as they are in the demo.

Prepare for likely disappointment.


Junior Member
Mar 4, 2011
The original Crisis on the low and medium settings looked pretty shabby and was nothing special. On which settings are you comparing Crysis 2 to the original where it looks "HORRIBLE"?

So you played Crysis with bog-standard graphics yet when the same thing happens with it's sequel it is the worst thing in the world.

No, they really aren't screaming anything like that at all.

To be honest the most pathetic thing about all this is people being so concerned about how this new game looks. You admit to playing the original on settings that meant it didn't look very good yet for some reason playing the sequel like that is blasphemy.

The graphics weren't that bad on medium or low settings and I said the game was "playable" at those settings, not a graphics powerhouse at those settings. Since the first time I played the game, I've upgraded my graphics cards a few times and now have a GTX 570. I can run Crysis and Crysis Warhead completely maxed out just fine. Crysis 1, Warhead especially, look beautiful compared to the Crysis 2 MP demo. So the answer to your question is I'm comparing the max settings to max settings. You can't say it looks good compared to Crysis, because it's the obvious truth that it does not - it literally stares you in the face.

I've played and replayed Crysis with different graphics cards, and can currently play it at max settings. Your argument here doesn't make much sense; you seem to imply that I really liked playing Crysis 1/Warhead with standard graphics settings. I love to max the graphics settings in all of the games I play and if I can't, so be it. I might feel a little disappointed that I don't have the hardware yet, but the fact is...the option is there and I CAN set the quality higher so the game looks amazing. It's up to ME to be able to handle that graphics setting and enjoy it. Crytek took this option away from PC gamers by reducing the graphics quality. The game is a graphical step backwards from Crysis, as I've said before. To be quite honest, I think games based on UE3 look better than this. BFBC2 also looks leaps and bounds better than this.

Your argument that implies "I enjoyed playing Crysis 1 on standard graphics settings, so I should be okay with the standard graphics in Crysis 2" is completely invalid as I've pointed out. The only "pathetic" thing here is the fact that Crytek took a leap backwards in the graphics quality of their new engine in order to better accommodate consoles, which in turn shafted the PC market for the game. You assumed too much about what I stated and "over-argued" your point.

When I played Crysis, I was coming from the original CryEngine that powered Far Cry, which was a great achievement in graphics quality of the time. Crysis took that even further with CryEngine2, pushing the envelope. Crysis 2, utilizing CryEngine3, firmly backed off from that envelope.

Most people today can run Crysis with a GTX 460 utilizing graphics settings that make the game look GREAT. With tweaks, you can tune the engine to look even better, without pushing the hardware requirements too high. No amount of graphics tweaking will be able to make this engine look good. You can change the FOV settings, you can tweak small things here and there, but the engine itself is what ultimately fails here. One would need to do quite a lot to make this game, as it stands now, graphically comparable to Crysis 1/Warhead. If they somehow get the game to run DX11, add better lighting enhancements, and boost the texture resolution so they don't look like they're out of Half-Life 1, the gameplay could be quite pleasurable for a PC gamer.

As for the "console look" to the UI, I understand this could just be quickly ported to the PC so they can complete work on the game. So I would expect them to make the final version of the UI look more geared towards a PC audience. But for some reason, I have this nagging thought in the depths of my mind telling me that this is what we'll see in the shipped version of the PC game. It would be quite unfortunate.

You're crazy if you think the game looks horrible compared to the original. You haven't even played the full release, and you've only played the MP, which is certainly streamlined for efficiency. You do realize that the MP was made by a completely different studio in a different country, right?

Face it.. you just don't like Crytek. The only people that are saying the graphics are a deal breaker are the haters. It's a fun game, and the graphics are more than good enough for what it is. I've shown other gamer friends the MP demo, and they all thought it was gorgeous. The Pier 17 map is stunning.

I'm not crazy. Maybe, just maybe, you're a Crytek fanboy or some other sort of fanboy that has aligned himself with the game for some reason or another. Maybe you love CoD? Maybe you love console gaming and think it's the greatest thing since cake? I really don't know. What I do know, and what shines out like a fat kid humping a pillow, is that the graphics in the Crysis 2 MP demo look pretty terrible when compared to Crysis 1/Warhead. Period. There is no getting around that and if you can't see that, then you might have problems with your vision and you might need to see an optometrist.

Nope, I haven't played the full release. But do you think that the studio over there in the UK or wherever it is, is utilizing a different graphics engine for the game? No. Crytek is using the same engine that the MP demo utilizes. Streamlining a game for online efficiency to look as bad as the Crysis 2 MP does only happened back in the days when Valve ported Counter-Strike to it's Source engine. A lot of people still ran dial-up connections then and they wanted the best possible experience for online gameplay. Given the number of people today that have exceedingly fast broadband connections and exceedingly fast computers, this kind of "streamlining" is no longer needed.

I used to love Crytek. Back when I played Far Cry, and then Crysis, Crytek was the absolute pinnacle of graphics design for video games. Yes, there was and still is Source. Yes, there was and still is UE3, but CryEngine2 still outshines them both. I don't hate them now, and I don't really dislike them. But I do strongly disagree with the direction they are going with this game and stand firmly against it. Any genuine PC gamer would.

You can show as many friends as you like the graphics quality of that demo, and they can all say it looks amazing. The fact here, is that you think it looks pretty good for what it is. And the people you surround yourself with and call friends more than likely share the same feelings and beliefs as you, otherwise you might not be friends with them. You assume I just don't like Crytek? Based on what - assumptions without reason? I don't see anything that I typed that you could base an assumption like that on. As far as I'm concerned, your judgment is null and void.
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Golden Member
Aug 25, 2004
I'm going to laugh if the game doesn't include an editor. That would be the final straw.

Funny that Cryengine 2 > Cryengine 3. Probably the first game in history to look worse than it's predecessor.


Oct 11, 1999
Well I played it a bit more and now have 6 rounds done. I like it. I kind of wish they didn't go all out CoD with the killstreak rewards, medals and all the unlocks, but I do like at least having stats and classes.

I didn't do so hot the last few rounds and down to 1.22 K/D ratio. It does seem a bit easy to get headshots, considering I have 28 out of 39 kills.

I still only have the Assault class unlocked. When I try to pick another one of the four, it says it requires a class unlock, but I know I've gotten them.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2009
After turning the settings down to gamer the game looks better and plays better than it does on hardcore... Really weird. The stupid vaseline filter is gone when you set it to gamer and everything looks better.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
Just looked up on Wikipedia that the original Crysis sold 98K copies in it's first 2 weeks of release. In contrast, Call of Duty Black Ops sold 7 million copies in the first two weeks. Crysis, four years later, has sold 3 million copies and Warhead 1.5 million. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, in only a year and half, has sold over 20 million copies.

Let's face it - Crysis 2 was always going to be multi-platform, Crytek is an ambitious company and although they do have roots in PC gaming when that much money is staring you in the face - you have to go for it.

I will say that Crysis 2 is such a blatant ripoff of the CoD formula I'm almost embarrassed for Crytek... but that's what people want so...


Golden Member
Sep 14, 2007
I got crossfire to work. Rename the exe to Fear, I went from an average of 35fps up to 58fps.


Oct 17, 2002
I'm going to laugh if the game doesn't include an editor. That would be the final straw.

Funny that Cryengine 2 > Cryengine 3. Probably the first game in history to look worse than it's predecessor.

You realize that anything you can do in CE2 can be done in CE3, right?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
So I finally was able to create an account. I got into a couple games. I must say its not near as bad as everybody is making it out to be. Yeah it may not have dx10 or 11 support yet, but it looks very good and runs like butter on my rig. q6600 @ 3.0 Ghz 4GB of DDR2 and a 6950 2GB unlocked to a 6970. My average fps is 76 @ 1080p on hardcore settings. I couldn't dream of doing that on Crysis 1 or Warhead with this setup. And as far as how it looks compared to the first two installments, I don't think it looks worse than the previous two, it just has a different feel and look to it that I think is throwing people off.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
It's in vogue to dump on this game, c'mon man it''s EA + Crytek + Consolification tied up into one tidy bundle.

The game is not anywhere near perfect though and there's plenty of issues with this demo - WTF 8 servers for North America, of which maybe half actually work??? Crytek are you serious.

Kind of a fun trailer here, heavily exaggerated in terms of how the demo actually plays (you will never see people run around together in squads...etc.) but still a fun watch -


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2010
Lol, so you guys wanna hear a joke?

I actually played with my PS3 controller and did much better than with MKB

Oh, no aim assist btw.


Oct 11, 1999
Well I played some more rounds; about 90 minutes playtime. I'm liking it a fair amount. I'm not doing that well and it's really fast paced, but I'm managing a 1.3 K/D ratio so far. Mainly just using the SCAR/assault class though I tried the LMG for a little and it was okay.

It seems like my Suit Module unlocks (perks) were lost. After leveling each module to 2, I unlocked a new one for each for my custom class. Later I noticed all but the default modules are showing locked again. So like I've been using them with my custom class but it says they're locked and unfortunately I wasn't receiving any of the skill assessment stats. I don't think I lost them though (still have 2 unlocks for power, 1 for armor/stealth).

What modules and weapon setups do you guys like? The Air Stomp I never used and can't imagine much cases where it would be helpful.

Do you have health or just energy? And if you're not in Armor mode, does the energy even matter? Like if I'm in power, and I'm sprinting and using nanovision, then get in a fight while I have like 20 energy, am I worse off than if I had 100 (in power mode still)?

I haven't gotten much streaks if at all except just now I had a streak of 4 or 5. I never got anything coming up about the killstreak reward like the radar or anything?

Overall I think it's pretty good so far. And for me, the Crysis games have been about the awesome SP campaign. So if they keep a great campaign, then a decent or even great MP game is just a huge bonus for me. Though from the few gameplay trailers I've seen of the SP, most of it looked pretty lame and generic. As far as it being a port... I dunno the interface seems fine, graphics fine and it runs well. Not really sure why so many complaints though that's expected from a lot of PC elitists.
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Nov 11, 2004
As far as it being a port... I dunno the interface seems fine, graphics fine and it runs well. Not really sure why so many complaints though that's expected from a lot of PC elitists.

Because it looks worse than a game that came years before it and plays exactly like a CoD clone, and not even a good clone at that. PC gamers expect more out of games than console people do and rightfully so as we spend infinitely more on hardware to play games.


Oct 17, 2002
Well I played some more rounds; about 90 minutes playtime. I'm liking it a fair amount. I'm not doing that well and it's really fast paced, but I'm managing a 1.3 K/D ratio so far. Mainly just using the SCAR/assault class though I tried the LMG for a little and it was okay.

It seems like my Suit Module unlocks (perks) were lost. After leveling each module to 2, I unlocked a new one for each for my custom class. Later I noticed all but the default modules are showing locked again. So like I've been using them with my custom class but it says they're locked and unfortunately I wasn't receiving any of the skill assessment stats. I don't think I lost them though (still have 2 unlocks for power, 1 for armor/stealth).

What modules and weapon setups do you guys like? The Air Stomp I never used and can't imagine much cases where it would be helpful.

Do you have health or just energy? And if you're not in Armor mode, does the energy even matter? Like if I'm in power, and I'm sprinting and using nanovision, then get in a fight while I have like 20 energy, am I worse off than if I had 100 (in power mode still)?

I haven't gotten much streaks if at all except just now I had a streak of 4 or 5. I never got anything coming up about the killstreak reward like the radar or anything?

Overall I think it's pretty good so far. And for me, the Crysis games have been about the awesome SP campaign. So if they keep a great campaign, then a decent or even great MP game is just a huge bonus for me. Though from the few gameplay trailers I've seen of the SP, most of it looked pretty lame and generic. As far as it being a port... I dunno the interface seems fine, graphics fine and it runs well. Not really sure why so many complaints though that's expected from a lot of PC elitists.

To prevent kill streaks earned by camping, you have to go retrieve the dog tag off the person you killed.


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2008
Now I am being accused of hacks. No recoil hack lol.

Demos bring out all kinds of noobs. Went 25-0 joining late in a round and 35-2 next round.


Oct 11, 1999
Well I played another few rounds. This game is pretty tough. I have 132 hours (not all gameplay though) for MW2 and do decently in that (been above 1.5 K/D ratio for a while and slowly worked up to 1.73 lately), tear up Left 4 Dead, and generally do okay in most shooters. My stats show I'm still holding a 1.3 K/D in Crysis 2 but most games I feel like I get whooped and struggled to say above 1:1.

Also it's annoying why my unlocks keep getting lost. I unlocked for the second time several nanosuit modules, but next time I went in they were locked again. So it prevents me from getting the skill assessments I think because I can use it but it thinks its locked.

edit: Just for kicks, I'm going to have to try with my 360 pad. I never play PC shooters with a gamepad, and never was very good with it playing Halo and such at friends house. From what some people say, it is competitive to use (aim assist might help with that).
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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
This game is too easy in multiplayer. I don't use stealth ever. I just walk around with nanovision on in armor mode and take out noobs. End most rounds 7-1 type ratios.


Nov 3, 2009
This game is too easy in multiplayer. I don't use stealth ever. I just walk around with nanovision on in armor mode and take out noobs. End most rounds 7-1 type ratios.

yeah nanovision + armor + LMG does some nice damage if you get find the right spot

recon shottie sprinting is humorous too
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