Crysis 2 leaked

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Feb 13, 2011
Just because something is illegal, doesn't make it wrong.

"In doing something that's against the law, you are by definition doing something wrong".

That's actually incorrect, and not the definition. It's a bad perspective to have.

Wasn't it at one point illegal for women to vote? Do you still think it's wrong for women to vote? What made it any less 'right' when it was illegal?

Unless you are trying to say that if something is illegal, it is wrong to break the law, even if the illegal thing being done is only 'wrong' BECAUSE it is illegal.

Let's take driving 65 in a 55mph zone. Is driving 65 on that road wrong? Probably not, especially if it is a highway. It would be 'wrong' to break the law that says driving 65mph in that zone, but it's breaking the law that's wrong, not what you are doing that is causing you to break the law.

Example? If it's wrong to drive 65 in a 55, what happens when the raise the speed limit to 65? It now becomes legal. It doesn't make it any more or less right, just legal.

Law NOT EQUAL moral
The "illegal" band wagon lol, what do you get for being true fully honest, hard working and respectful? other than pride? nothing. Well i suppose i was gifted with a gorgeous partner and daughter, i drive, a decent sized house, aswell as having many things of excitement in my life (hobbies, activities), i have only recently finished my last contracted job, but still, again, what do you get for paying for most games nowadays? Take COD series, they'l screw you over, try expecting you to pay for stupid DLC for a borked game that was released, they leave it to rot in the ground full of cheating and exploits just like modern warfare 2. I felt like this when i purchased DiRT2, having no weather conditions or much rally? i mean c'mon!


Sep 5, 2000
The "illegal" band wagon lol, what do you get for being true fully honest, hard working and respectful? other than pride? nothing. Well i suppose i was gifted with a gorgeous partner and daughter, i drive, a decent sized house, aswell as having many things of excitement in my life (hobbies, activities),

So you would rob others from having those things by stealing content?


Feb 13, 2011
So you would rob others from having those things by stealing content?
I never steal, I may well pirate something (which either isn't worth the money, is missing something, or it has no support), i dont class that as stealing, i class that as a screw job from the developers.

Anyone who steals/pirates most if not all are despicable, i know i'm kinda contradicting myself, but i actually support the developers in most games or whatever else i'm talking about, could be movies, music, whatever.

Out of all my games on PC, the only pirated game i have no my machine is Fifa 11.


Sep 5, 2000
I never steal, I may well pirate something (which either isn't worth the money, is missing something, or it has no support), i dont class that as stealing, i class that as a screw job from the developers.

Anyone who steals/pirates most if not all are despicable, i know i'm kinda contradicting myself, but i actually support the developers in most games or whatever else i'm talking about, could be movies, music, whatever.

Out of all my games on PC, the only pirated game i have no my machine is Fifa 11.

The problem is that something doesnt have worth anymore. It only has value if you assign it value. This means all content has to be a game changer or every movie has to be life changing to deserve your money. Is this really the bar of acceptability? Cant something be entertaining for a few hours with some beers? This mindset grew FROM piracy. Piracy has given people the ability to consume media without paying for it and they can say "Oh well it wasnt good". Well what is good? Didn't it entertain you for some amount of time? I work in film and I have never worked on something I would call life changingly great. Does this mean I should starve to death? This is why the internet needs a complete overhaul. People should not be allowed to move data they dont own around.


Sep 5, 2000
what you are saying is "I get to have the house, the family, the car and the disposable income" and because my chosen profession is in a industry that you can just eat all you want for free I am denied those things by you.

Well fuck you.


Feb 13, 2011
what you are saying is "I get to have the house, the family, the car and the disposable income" and because my chosen profession is in a industry that you can just eat all you want for free I am denied those things by you.

Well fuck you.
Huh? i don't screw people out of things, i purchase everything (-Fifa 11 on PC), so f**k you back?!


Sep 5, 2000
Huh? i don't screw people out of things, i purchase everything (-Fifa 11 on PC), so f**k you back?!

You dont purchase everything. And it is the mindset that if something does reach some level it isnt worth buying but you will certainly steal it. And now the bar of totally horrid is "It's not worth the download" meaning not only will you not pay for it but you wont even spend the time downloading it for free. So thats where we are?

Something epic beyond belief - I will give them my money because I believe in them. :wub:

Something meh to good - I will download it and check it out. I may play it I may not but I have 15 other downloaded games so I will just give it 10 minutes :|

something people have told me sucks - I wont even download it because others have told me it sucks. The other people were probably in the something meh to good category and in the 10 minutes they spent on the game hey deemed it not worthy.

With movies I'm sure the logic is "I will download it and watch it but I would of never paid to watch it in the first place so it doesn't matter".

They watch it on there 20" computer monitor with there crummy computer speakers and declare to people that it wasnt worth the download and that they would purchase movies if something good was ever made. :\


Oct 9, 1999
The problem is that something doesnt have worth anymore. It only has value if you assign it value. This means all content has to be a game changer or every movie has to be life changing to deserve your money. Is this really the bar of acceptability? Cant something be entertaining for a few hours with some beers? This mindset grew FROM piracy. Piracy has given people the ability to consume media without paying for it and they can say "Oh well it wasnt good". Well what is good? Didn't it entertain you for some amount of time? I work in film and I have never worked on something I would call life changingly great. Does this mean I should starve to death? This is why the internet needs a complete overhaul. People should not be allowed to move data they dont own around.

Your rage might be righteous, but the solutions arent. The internet will not be completely overhauled to suit media companies' bottom line. Thats absurd.

Heres reality: People will pirate. Yes its wrong, but people will do it. Justifications aside, morality aside, but people will still do it. Overhaul the internet, and people will STILL find a way to pirate. To talk about stopping piracy as if its even a realistic goal shows a total lack of understanding.

Something must be done. But two wrongs do not make a right. Cutting hands off is obviously not the answer. Million dollar lawsuits against people downloading a $20 movie is obviously ridiculous, and its downright disgusting when a lawyer can use this threat to extort a few thousand dollars as a secondary revenue stream.

Some people are incorrigible, but the vast majority of people would rather do the right thing given the choice. But they naturally want it on their terms, and the "system" hasnt seen it fit to serve those needs. The music biz seems to be finally getting it with their DRM free music, and I keep hearing about how music piracy is way down. Sure, they can no longer sell CDs for $15 as the entry level, but the alternative was to lose all the sales to free downloads. They seem to be doing just fine at 99c a song.

The game and movie businesses seem to just be way behind on it. Its only going to keep getting worse until they start serving their customers better.


Sep 5, 2000
The game and movie businesses seem to just be way behind on it. Its only going to keep getting worse until they start serving their customers better.

The reason they are way behind is that in the music "industry" you can have 2 people sit in a home studio for 6 months and make something of value. To recoup the cost of this is fairly trivial given quality work and time.

A 100 million dollar film with 800 people working on it can not function in this way.

It is not possibly to make a decent film for under 5 million dollars (with exception). Those scifi channel movies? The ones that SUCK beyond belief? 1 to 1.5 million before fluffing the numbers.

We have already seen the american indie film industry disappear. It's gone. The "names" in this world have been bought by the big houses. It took no time to die. The rest can go just as fast.


Oct 9, 1999
The reason they are way behind is that in the music "industry" you can have 2 people sit in a home studio for 6 months and make something of value. To recoup the cost of this is fairly trivial given quality work and time.

A 100 million dollar film with 800 people working on it can not function in this way.

It is not possibly to make a decent film for under 5 million dollars (with exception). Those scifi channel movies? The ones that SUCK beyond belief? 1 to 1.5 million before fluffing the numbers.

We have already seen the american indie film industry disappear. It's gone. The "names" in this world have been bought by the big houses. It took no time to die. The rest can go just as fast.

What does that have anything to do with piracy?


Sep 5, 2000
What does that have anything to do with piracy?

Movies are pirated as well. I'm talking about the differences between how music and movies and games are made and the funding needed to make them.

You gave music as a example of a industry that pirating is down and you attributed that to the the choice to not use drm. I told you that the movie/game industry are very different then the music industry from a $ input aspect.


Sep 5, 2000
Let me also say that in music artists make a huge proportion of their money from live performance. This option does not exist for film and games.


Golden Member
Feb 8, 2010
I like how this turned into a debate on piracy...

This can all be solved very simply: Release content that's worth the user's money, release it in an easy to consume fashion, and don't bog it down with crappy DRM that only hinders people who purchased it.

If the content is worth people's money, publishers/devs will not have a problem making money off of it. You can blame the internet for piracy all you want, but since people have started selling things, people have been stealing them. A few people are always going to steal something, there's absolutely no way to prevent this. The way to counter-act it is to release content that's so good that you make enough sales off of it to not have to worry about the few copies that were stolen. You can make the argument that everyone deserves to be paid for their work, but that's not the way our society works. We use a little thing called capitalism where everyone is free to offer a product onto the market and only those deserving will get profit.

If you release the content in an easy to consume fashion, people won't have an excuse for pirating it. A lot of the reasoning behind pirating is pure convenience. One of the easiest way to obtain a product is to pirate it, and that really shouldn't be the case. If legal digital copies of products were as easy to obtain as pirated copies, I think we would see a dramatic decrease in the amount of piracy. Digital copies also should not be watered down versions of the hard copies. An example here would be a digital copy of a movie that you can only watch on one PC or for X amount of hours.

Finally, don't include crappy DRM that only hinders the people that actually paid for it. No matter how hard publishers try, or how much money the spend on it, NO DRM will ever remain uncracked. Why? It's our right to have a product that runs properly, and half of the DRM out there makes it so it won't work with certain OS's or with certain programs, so people are going to remove it to make the products that they paid for function. We go back to the quality of the product here. If you've got a good product that's worth people's money, you don't need to waste time on DRM because you don't have to worry about losing a couple of copies of your product; you've made enough money on the sales that you got.
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Sep 5, 2000
I like how this turned into a debate on piracy...

Thtas because of how people see this issue now. It is there right to download what they want and if "the man" only made good content they would make profit regardless. :\

This can all be solved very simply: Release content that's worth the user's money, release it in an easy to consume fashion, and don't bog it down with crappy DRM that only hinders people who purchased it.
You cant compete with free. If people say to themselves "well that wasn't worth my money but it was still worth a download." How can you compete with that? And since when has anyone had the right to download content, consume the content and then decide its value? No you pay the price for the content then you consume it. If you dont like it tell your friends write a review or do something else to stop people from spending money on that content. You do not have the right to consume then decide.

If the content is worth people's money, publishers/devs will not have a problem making money off of it. You can blame the internet for piracy all you want, but since people have started selling things, people have been stealing them. A few people are always going to steal something, there's absolutely no way to prevent this. The way to counter-act it is to release content that's so good that you make enough sales off of it to not have to worry about the few copies that were stolen. You can make the argument that everyone deserves to be paid for their work, but that's not the way our society works. We use a little thing called capitalism where everyone is free to offer a product onto the market and only those deserving will get profit.
You are intentionally downplaying the amount of piracy that goes on. It is beyond anything at any time in the past.

If you release the content in an easy to consume fashion, people won't have an excuse for pirating it. A lot of the reasoning behind pirating is pure convenience. One of the easiest way to obtain a product is to pirate it, and that really shouldn't be the case. If legal digital copies of products were as easy to obtain as pirated copies, I think we would see a dramatic decrease in the amount of piracy. Digital copies also should not be watered down versions of the hard copies. An example here would be a digital copy of a movie that you can only watch on one PC or for X amount of hours.
Those easy to consume digital files would need to be 20gb in size or they downres the files for internet delivery.

Finally, don't include crappy DRM that only hinders the people that actually paid for it. No matter how hard publishers try, or how much money the spend on it, NO DRM will ever remain uncracked. Why? It's our right to have a product that runs properly, and half of the DRM out there makes it so it won't work with certain OS's or with certain programs, so people are going to remove it to make the products that they paid for function. We go back to the quality of the product here. If you've got a good product that's worth people's money, you don't need to waste time on DRM because you don't have to worry about losing a couple of copies of your product; you've made enough money on the sales that you got.
i agree not to use crappy drm. What we need is a global drm that is seamless. Something like a lockout on the cpu if a illegal copy of a digital file is found.


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2003
If you release the content in an easy to consume fashion, people won't have an excuse for pirating it. A lot of the reasoning behind pirating is pure convenience. One of the easiest way to obtain a product is to pirate it, and that really shouldn't be the case. If legal digital copies of products were as easy to obtain as pirated copies, I think we would see a dramatic decrease in the amount of piracy. Digital copies also should not be watered down versions of the hard copies. An example here would be a digital copy of a movie that you can only watch on one PC or for X amount of hours.

Yep, the day I discovered Steam was the day I stopped pirating games.


Golden Member
Feb 8, 2010
... You cant compete with free. If people say to themselves "well that wasn't worth my money but it was still worth a download." How can you compete with that? And since when has anyone had the right to download content, consume the content and then decide its value? No you pay the price for the content then you consume it. If you dont like it tell your friends write a review or do something else to stop people from spending money on that content. You do not have the right to consume then decide. ...

If that's the case, then why does anyone pay for anything? Why doesn't everyone just steal everything? I'm sure we could all get away with it if everyone did it. Why? Because people feel like certain things that have had a lot of time and care infested into them deserve to be paid for.

You're a bit out there. It's not really worth my time to continue to debate with you because you obviously are an extremist.


Sep 5, 2000
If that's the case, then why does anyone pay for anything? Why doesn't everyone just steal everything? I'm sure we could all get away with it if everyone did it. Why? Because people feel like certain things that have had a lot of time and care infested into them deserve to be paid for.

You're a bit out there. It's not really worth my time to continue to debate with you because you obviously are an extremist.

Go steal a car and report back on how that worked out for you.


Oct 9, 1999
Movies are pirated as well. I'm talking about the differences between how music and movies and games are made and the funding needed to make them.

You gave music as a example of a industry that pirating is down and you attributed that to the the choice to not use drm. I told you that the movie/game industry are very different then the music industry from a $ input aspect.

Then they need to make and distribute them differently. Gaming is managing it. A game like super meat boy would have never had a chance in the boxed retail arena, but with online services like XBLA and steam, such a thing can be a reality.

Gaming is certainly finding ways around piracy. You've got ad-supported free to play games, subscription based MMO games, micropayment based games. All are basically immune to piracy.

What could EA have done about crysis 2? Release it right now, or released it on steam the second it gets leaked. Worldwide. Get those boxes out there and tell retail to break street date. They should have been prepared for this inevitability. Whats actually happening? They post on their own blog its been leaked like a bunch of retards. They spent a ton of marketing money on getting people excited for the game, but it has to be available for people to buy it.

Piracy is not only the easiest way to get it right now, its the ONLY way. How can they allow that to continue being the case after all these years of experience getting screwed by it?
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Sep 5, 2000
You're a bit out there. It's not really worth my time to continue to debate with you because you obviously are an extremist.

Yeah you know you are fucked when advocating against piracy is "being out there" :|


Sep 5, 2000
Piracy is not only the easiest way to get it right now, its the ONLY way. How can they allow that to continue being the case after all these years of experience getting screwed by it?

Because its not finished?


Golden Member
Feb 8, 2010
Go steal a car and report back on how that worked out for you.

Did you even read all of what I posted? I said that everyone doesn't go out and steal everything because people believe that hard work and quality should be rewarded.

Yeah you know you are fucked when advocating against piracy is "being out there" :|

No, just the ways that you propose to get rid of it. You are NEVER going to get rid of it, plain and simple. No matter how hard you try to lock something down, someone is going to figure out how to break it open.

The solution is what I posted above. Good products, easy to consume, no hindering DRM. Devs/publishers don't need to focus all of their efforts on getting rid of something that we aren't ever going to get rid of. They need to focus their efforts on making products that are exceptional and make people line up at the door with money in hand.
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Oct 9, 1999
Because its not finished?

In this case its a startlingly bad fuck up because it was apparently internally leaked, but the general situation is the game is leaked long after it goes gold, probably by someone within the manufacturing process. This situation is rather unusual, but it should have been completely under their control. If they havent pressed discs yet and it got out there, they have a huge problem on their hands. But if whats out there really is a beta then its not as damaging as a true leak, but still.

In all other cases, they should just release the damn thing.
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