Curious... How many illegals successfully cross the border into the US everyday? *about 5,500 everyday.. fix the border


Jan 10, 2002
AND.. what is Mr. Bush going to do about it?

Also, do you think the numbers are going to increase significantly starting right NOW since Mr. Bush told Vicente Fox that Lady Liberty is just a whore for his re-election?


Jan 15, 2000
well, AFAIK the total number is supposed to be around 2 mil (with an additional million being legal), so that would make ~5500 a day illega.


Jan 10, 2002
This type of politics so saddens me... this is ABUSE of power.

This does not fix anything whatsoever... It only gives other potential illegals more hope.

Fix the border then deal with the individuals who are already here.

I feel that making it legal for employers to exploit people for cheap wages will have some very serious negative repercussions on thisi country... Bankruptcies are at an all time high and credit debt is soaring again... now wages will be lowered and jobs will be even more scarce.
Feb 3, 2001
Well I'm curious to just sit and watch. I live in California, so I see a lot of the illegal immigrant issue up close (people are pretty passionate about it, one way or the other...) Personally I say keep illegals out but don't make it impossible to BECOME legal. It's a tough issue, really; on the one hand we want to share liberty and our good fortune with our neighbors, but on the other hand we have to watch our back and keep security tight enough to stave off terrorist types.

Oh well, not worried.



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: dahunan
This type of politics so saddens me... this is ABUSE of power.

This does not fix anything whatsoever... It only gives other potential illegals more hope.

Fix the border then deal with the individuals who are already here.

I feel that making it legal for employers to exploit people for cheap wages will have some very serious negative repercussions on thisi country... Bankruptcies are at an all time high and credit debt is soaring again... now wages will be lowered and jobs will be even more scarce.

hehe that's the cheap-labor-conservatives wet dream unfortunatly thier ditto-head followers are too blind to see it. The elite don't believe in a prosperous middle class they think everyone should be "over the barrel" for whatever wages they decide to give them as it was for 6000 years of government. More labor pool = less wages = perogatives of wealth and privilege for them. Today they dress it up as the "liberty" card, what they really mean is the liberty to exploit.



Jan 25, 2000
Give me $87B, I'll fix the borders. Israel is spending $1.6M per mile on their security fence.
Our border with Mexico is 2000 miles that comes out to $3.2Billion.
I want to build two sets of electrified fences, with a minefield strip in between, and sentri towers that allow for sharpshooters to kill anyone trying to cross. I am open to the idea of automaticly controlled self aiming machine guns as well.
Assuming we spend 5 times as much as Israel, we can build one for $17B. Maybe we can save and hire some Mexicans to build it
That leaves $70Billion that can be put in an endowment, interest from which will pay to man the fence in perpetuity and to pay for electrifying it.
Problem solved.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Give me $87B, I'll fix the borders. Israel is spending $1.6M per mile on their security fence.
Our border with Mexico is 2000 miles that comes out to $3.2Billion.
I want to build two sets of electrified fences, with a minefield strip in between, and sentri towers that allow for sharpshooters to kill anyone trying to cross. I am open to the idea of automaticly controlled self aiming machine guns as well.
Assuming we spend 5 times as much as Israel, we can build one for $17B. Maybe we can save and hire some Mexicans to build it
That leaves $70Billion that can be put in an endowment, interest from which will pay to man the fence in perpetuity and to pay for electrifying it.
Problem solved.

I would love to FAX this proposal to Vicente Fox and all of those fvckers who claim that Illegal Immigrants are not breaking any laws...

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Have the National Guard Patrol the Border with live Ammo and Fixed Bayonets!


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dahunan
This type of politics so saddens me... this is ABUSE of power.

This does not fix anything whatsoever... It only gives other potential illegals more hope.

Fix the border then deal with the individuals who are already here.

I feel that making it legal for employers to exploit people for cheap wages will have some very serious negative repercussions on thisi country... Bankruptcies are at an all time high and credit debt is soaring again... now wages will be lowered and jobs will be even more scarce.

What's with the sky falling where you are dahunan? Wages are highest ever and rising everyday, more jobs than ever before and we don't have borders between States. Where were you when Mexico was made our 51st State?



Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003
Having been an Inspector for INS on the Southern Border in the second hottest (drugs/crimes/illegals) sector in the U.S., I can tell you that FAIR U.S. (the link above) is anything but objective and un-biased as far as immigration is concerned. They are generally unaware of the INS regulations regarding 8USC sec 1182. They (the applicant) would be required to be adjudicated before ever being granted legal worker status. This would weigh the benefit to the U.S. versus whether they have EVER recieved publicly available aid (of any form). If they have recieived any aid, then they are classified as likely to become public charge, or intended immigrant. Many have been here more than a year, and would be ineligible from the get-go, barring pending family reunification applications. If any of sec 1182 applies, then the adjudicator can begin the removal process.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
All these bastards wouldn't be crossing the border in you worthless assed Americans weren't to damn lazy and self important to do the jobs they do. You don't want foreign workers eating your lunch start working for nothing.


Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Give me $87B, I'll fix the borders. Israel is spending $1.6M per mile on their security fence.
Our border with Mexico is 2000 miles that comes out to $3.2Billion.
I want to build two sets of electrified fences, with a minefield strip in between, and sentri towers that allow for sharpshooters to kill anyone trying to cross. I am open to the idea of automaticly controlled self aiming machine guns as well.
Assuming we spend 5 times as much as Israel, we can build one for $17B. Maybe we can save and hire some Mexicans to build it
That leaves $70Billion that can be put in an endowment, interest from which will pay to man the fence in perpetuity and to pay for electrifying it.
Problem solved.

I would love to FAX this proposal to Vicente Fox and all of those fvckers who claim that Illegal Immigrants are not breaking any laws...

Are you 2 twins.... ? Both of you are complete idiots..... Unfulfilled killing desires? too much playing in the computer? Yeah, you are the kind of wackos that give your country the image of "bloody savages".....
Ah, and then you will claim "we are the land of freedom, we defend LIFE...."

Sorry, I forgot you are "under attack", you need to "protect yourself" and illegals can lead to terrorists......

Those people only want money to feed their families! Do you know how the people smuggling process works? Find out before speaking your garbage.......

The ONLY solution (as I said before) is to establish SEVERE punishment to those who hire someone knowing the person has not legal work documents....... Severe punishment... How about jail? If no jobs are available for the ones without documents, then there will no reason for those people to be there...... As simple as that. Obviously, the greedy ones who take advantage and exploit the illegals won't be that happy.

Ah, and also make your fat lazy workers be more productive..... that way any competitive advantage we have won't be labeled as "dumping".......
Lift the illegal ban on several of our products! You say you "defend freedom", start
acting like you do......


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: alexruiz
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Give me $87B, I'll fix the borders. Israel is spending $1.6M per mile on their security fence.
Our border with Mexico is 2000 miles that comes out to $3.2Billion.
I want to build two sets of electrified fences, with a minefield strip in between, and sentri towers that allow for sharpshooters to kill anyone trying to cross. I am open to the idea of automaticly controlled self aiming machine guns as well.
Assuming we spend 5 times as much as Israel, we can build one for $17B. Maybe we can save and hire some Mexicans to build it
That leaves $70Billion that can be put in an endowment, interest from which will pay to man the fence in perpetuity and to pay for electrifying it.
Problem solved.

I would love to FAX this proposal to Vicente Fox and all of those fvckers who claim that Illegal Immigrants are not breaking any laws...

Are you 2 twins.... ? Both of you are complete idiots..... Unfulfilled killing desires? too much playing in the computer? Yeah, you are the kind of wackos that give your country the image of "bloody savages".....
Ah, and then you will claim "we are the land of freedom, we defend LIFE...."

Sorry, I forgot you are "under attack", you need to "protect yourself" and illegals can lead to terrorists......

Those people only want money to feed their families! Do you know how the people smuggling process works? Find out before speaking your garbage.......

The ONLY solution (as I said before) is to establish SEVERE punishment to those who hire someone knowing the person has not legal work documents....... Severe punishment... How about jail? If no jobs are available for the ones without documents, then there will no reason for those people to be there...... As simple as that. Obviously, the greedy ones who take advantage and exploit the illegals won't be that happy.

Ah, and also make your fat lazy workers be more productive..... that way any competitive advantage we have won't be labeled as "dumping".......
Lift the illegal ban on several of our products! You say you "defend freedom", start
acting like you do......

Huh? The point is to deterr anyone from trying to cross the border by making it a sure suicide. You can't stop people from comitting suicide, but it'll deterr those who want to live. Either way, they won't be here. Sure beats putting Americans in jail like you are suggesting.



Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: SuperToolHuh? The point is to deterr anyone from trying to cross the border by making it a sure suicide. You can't stop people from comitting suicide, but it'll deterr those who want to live. Either way, they won't be here. Sure beats putting Americans in jail like you are suggesting.

Why is it better than putting US people in jail? So, human life is not importan at ALL...... It is better to kill a foreigner in need than punish a greedy local.....

This means we back into the middle age.... maybe you are as your "justification" is totally racist.....

By the way, NO amount of money spent or technology involved will be enough to kill a desire to get money in order to feed your family...... Are you the product of the "first world" education system...? If I didn't knew a lot of good people in the land of hanburguers, I would assume warped values and thirst for blood is your common denominator..... Fortunately I know not all the people there are wackos as you...... Ah, and the most sarcastic thing would be IF you or your ancestors were immigrants....


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: maluckey
Having been an Inspector for INS on the Southern Border in the second hottest (drugs/crimes/illegals) sector in the U.S., I can tell you that FAIR U.S. (the link above) is anything but objective and un-biased as far as immigration is concerned. They are generally unaware of the INS regulations regarding 8USC sec 1182. They (the applicant) would be required to be adjudicated before ever being granted legal worker status. This would weigh the benefit to the U.S. versus whether they have EVER recieved publicly available aid (of any form). If they have recieived any aid, then they are classified as likely to become public charge, or intended immigrant. Many have been here more than a year, and would be ineligible from the get-go, barring pending family reunification applications. If any of sec 1182 applies, then the adjudicator can begin the removal process.

Nobody is claiming that it IS unbias. I'm not unbias. The website isn't unbias. But it's still spot on and a good read. What Bush is doing is bullsh|t. Illegals will still be here stealing from the American people no matter what kind of bill like this is passed. Until we tighten our borders and deport the ones that are here, I will NOT be happy.


Golden Member
Nov 10, 2003
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Give me $87B, I'll fix the borders. Israel is spending $1.6M per mile on their security fence.
Our border with Mexico is 2000 miles that comes out to $3.2Billion.
I want to build two sets of electrified fences, with a minefield strip in between, and sentri towers that allow for sharpshooters to kill anyone trying to cross. I am open to the idea of automaticly controlled self aiming machine guns as well.
Assuming we spend 5 times as much as Israel, we can build one for $17B. Maybe we can save and hire some Mexicans to build it
That leaves $70Billion that can be put in an endowment, interest from which will pay to man the fence in perpetuity and to pay for electrifying it.
Problem solved.

WTF!! Israel is spending 1.6Mil per mile!! what the hell are they building? a super smart fence that shoots palestineans on sight?! [or smell?]

and yeah, your idea for a fence that protects our borders sounds a lot like mine except mine goes like this:
1 row of 20ft thick 20ft tall reinforced hardened concrete with 5 ft tall razor wire on top
50ft long 20ft deep gap in between this wall and the next,
1 row of 20ft thick 30ft tall reinforced hardened concrete with 5ft tall electrified razor wire on top
behind this wall, security outposts placed every 50 miles with a small armed force [15 guys] to chase and capture anything lucky enough to get over the fences.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: alexruiz
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Give me $87B, I'll fix the borders. Israel is spending $1.6M per mile on their security fence.
Our border with Mexico is 2000 miles that comes out to $3.2Billion.
I want to build two sets of electrified fences, with a minefield strip in between, and sentri towers that allow for sharpshooters to kill anyone trying to cross. I am open to the idea of automaticly controlled self aiming machine guns as well.
Assuming we spend 5 times as much as Israel, we can build one for $17B. Maybe we can save and hire some Mexicans to build it
That leaves $70Billion that can be put in an endowment, interest from which will pay to man the fence in perpetuity and to pay for electrifying it.
Problem solved.

I would love to FAX this proposal to Vicente Fox and all of those fvckers who claim that Illegal Immigrants are not breaking any laws...

Are you 2 twins.... ? Both of you are complete idiots..... Unfulfilled killing desires? too much playing in the computer? Yeah, you are the kind of wackos that give your country the image of "bloody savages".....
Ah, and then you will claim "we are the land of freedom, we defend LIFE...."

Sorry, I forgot you are "under attack", you need to "protect yourself" and illegals can lead to terrorists......

Those people only want money to feed their families! Do you know how the people smuggling process works? Find out before speaking your garbage.......

The ONLY solution (as I said before) is to establish SEVERE punishment to those who hire someone knowing the person has not legal work documents....... Severe punishment... How about jail? If no jobs are available for the ones without documents, then there will no reason for those people to be there...... As simple as that. Obviously, the greedy ones who take advantage and exploit the illegals won't be that happy.

Ah, and also make your fat lazy workers be more productive..... that way any competitive advantage we have won't be labeled as "dumping".......
Lift the illegal ban on several of our products! You say you "defend freedom", start
acting like you do......

USA is NOT the PROBLEM... Illegals are not our problem

The ILLEGALS need to fix their own country ... YOU are the one who claims Mexico is so great -- DO SOMETHING TO KEEP THOSE PEOPLE IN MEXICO!


Platinum Member
May 9, 2001
I want to build two sets of electrified fences, with a minefield strip in between, and sentri towers that allow for sharpshooters to kill anyone trying to cross.
That's similar to my desired arrangement, except that fully covering the border with manned sentry towers would probably be prohibitively expensive. Much better I think to have the fence covered by electronic surveillance pumped back to regional monitoring stations. If a criminal trespass is observed outposts like Genesys suggested would then scramble to intercept. That should reduce the amount of manpower (which would probably be the largest annual expenditure) needed to secure the border.

Does anyone know whether it's feasible to electrify fences of that length? Seems like it might be rather costly, even at non-lethal levels of current.

I think a border zone like this would work on the Canadian side as well. True, the terrain is harsh in many areas, which would boost the initial outlay necessary, but after that lump sum payment the automated, low-maintenance nature of the barrier would go a long way towards neutralizing the benefits inhospitable ground affords to trespassers.



Dec 1, 2003
This is racist, the south west was mexican long before whites got there and stole it so by all rights mexicans should be allowed to live and work in America. This is like saying palestinians shouldnt live in Israel - its wrong.


Dec 1, 2003
And why dont you whites go home ? Mexicans are predominantly Native american so we have legitimate Native claim to the South west, none of you do, so if mexicans are forced out of thier homes then all whites should get deported back to europe.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Rmex
This is racist, the south west was mexican long before whites got there and stole it so by all rights mexicans should be allowed to live and work in America. This is like saying palestinians shouldnt live in Israel - its wrong.

That's right, LAWS, WARS, Land AGreements etc etc NO LONGER APPLY


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Rmex
And why dont you whites go home ? Mexicans are predominantly Native american so we have legitimate Native claim to the South west, none of you do, so if mexicans are forced out of thier homes then all whites should get deported back to europe.

WAIT.. You should probably lay claim to SPAIN TOO -- LOL


Golden Member
Nov 10, 2003
Originally posted by: Rmex
This is racist, the south west was mexican long before whites got there and stole it so by all rights mexicans should be allowed to live and work in America. This is like saying palestinians shouldnt live in Israel - its wrong.

lol, this isnt racist. im not making my decisions on the subject because they are Mexican, i am making my decisions based on what is legal and [for once] what is fair. do you think it is fair to all the people that are legally immagrating that we let people from Mexico come here illegally without [or with little] fear of reparations? not only that, but it is ILLEGAL for them to be here without proper documentation.

So, basically, i made my decision based on what is fair to those who worked their tail off to become leagal citizens and based on what the law says, not based on something as silly and ridiulous as race.
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