Custody Battle Waged Over Brain-damaged Mom's Triplets


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000

Incredibly sad story. Woman was pregnant with triplets. During the birth, she went into cardiac arrest due to excessive bleeding and as a result suffered brain damage but she became paralyzed, unable to speak. She received $7.8 million from the medical malpractice settlement. One year after the birth of the triplets, her husband left her. And now is refusing her to have visitation rights with her now 4-year old children.

One fucked up situation. At least the judged ruled in favor of Abbie.
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Feb 7, 2005
Two different takes on her condition. He says she's a vegetable, the parents' doctor says she can verbally respond yes and no. That's quite a spread.

It's his children but I'm not sure what he thinks he's protecting them from.
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Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
I doubt if this is her lawsuit, it's being pursued by her parents. It's a grandparents visitation lawsuit using her status to seek visitation for themselves.


Feb 7, 2005
I doubt if this is her lawsuit, it's being pursued by her parents. It's a grandparents visitation lawsuit using her status to seek visitation for themselves.

Doubt it, the article says nothing about the ex denying the grandparents visitation to their grandchildren. His concern is the kids will be weirded out by their mom's condition. If the grandparents were being denied visitation they could sue on their own behalf. Again, no mention of that in the article which there probably would be if it were in issue. They are suing on her behalf probably b/c they think it's important her kids maintain a relationship with her.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Grandparents usually lose visitation lawsuits, not always, but it's a much weaker lawsuit with less chance for success. From a previous article
"A year later her husband, believing she would never recover, divorced her and is raising their children at his Los Angeles home. Her parents, meanwhile, took her to their Myrtle Beach, S.C., home where they are caring for her. As the conservators of her estate, they also manage her malpractice settlement of nearly $8 million.

They want her ex-husband to bring the children there for regular visits."

This is all about the Grandparents that moved her to the other side of the country and now are demanding the father bring the kids to see them.


Sep 5, 2000
They should have the right to see the kids but taking them 3000 miles every other week is stupid.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
At least her209 got one thing right, its incredibly sad. Somehow we think attorneys and the legal community can somehow improve a very sad situation. Add in a few doctors
like Dr. Frisk, diagnose at a distance, and the brain dead are suddenly elevated to the status of fully functioning human being due to the compassion of idiots.

Yup, Her209 got it right, its sad, but we are unable to understand, sometimes all the kings horses and all the kings men, can't put Humpty Dumpty together again. But given all that delicious lawsuit money, the American legal community can put everyone together again.
Aug 23, 2000
At least her209 got one thing right, its incredibly sad. Somehow we think attorneys and the legal community can somehow improve a very sad situation. Add in a few doctors
like Dr. Frisk, diagnose at a distance, and the brain dead are suddenly elevated to the status of fully functioning human being due to the compassion of idiots.

Yup, Her209 got it right, its sad, but we are unable to understand, sometimes all the kings horses and all the kings men, can't put Humpty Dumpty together again. But given all that delicious lawsuit money, the American legal community can put everyone together again.

You're kind of right. Except, the baby daddy in this case is probably the one after the money. They got $7.8 million for the malpractice. If the mother is capable of communicating, even through blinking, she deserves to see her children, and her children deserve to see her. Dear daddy just doesn't want the kids to see mom and see how big of a douche he was for leaving their mother like that.

He is a selfish prick and is more proof that marraige means absolutely nothing.
Old marraige vow:
I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.

New age marraige vow:
I offer my reluctant vow to be your, as far as you know, faithful partner in health and good times. But should those times get rocky or something should happen to you, good luck, I'm out.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Earth to Jeffrey Lebronski, as you say with blithe certainty, "Except, the baby daddy in this case is probably the one after the money. They got $7.8 million for the malpractice. If the mother is capable of communicating, even through blinking, she deserves to see her children, and her children deserve to see her.

OK OK we have a testable hpothesis, "if the mother is capable of communicating even through blinking", then she is brain alive. If its just random blinking, no such presumption of brain alive exists. We know enough as human kind to tell which it is.

But if this happened to some famdamily with no such big mal practice judgment and without two nickles to rub together would we have the legal and political community feeding frenzies we have now?

If the family has have the money honey, aholes have the slime to make the time.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
If all the husband wanted was the money and to sleep around all he needed to do was keep his severely disabled wife in a care facility and done whatever he wanted. If anyone wants to assign blame in this case put it on the hospital and the doctors that screwed up by the numbers in this poor mothers case and paid $7.8 million for doing it.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
If all the husband wanted was the money and to sleep around all he needed to do was keep his severely disabled wife in a care facility and done whatever he wanted. If anyone wants to assign blame in this case put it on the hospital and the doctors that screwed up by the numbers in this poor mothers case and paid $7.8 million for doing it.
Just because the hospital was on the wrong end of a 7.8 million judgment does not in itself prove that the hospital was negligent or they were the cause of the mothers problem.

It more likely means that hospital were unprepared for an extremely rare medical emergency, and after that some minor mistakes were made.

The point being, if every maternity hospital had to be prepared for every possible rare emergency, they would have to charge at least two million dollars for every normal live birth.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
"The first two births took place without incident, but as a doctor was delivering Yossi he accidentally nicked Dorn's uterus. Before doctors could stop the bleeding, her heart had stopped, a defibrillator they used malfunctioned and her brain was deprived of oxygen."

From an earlier link. She was having triplets, which should have had the doctors/hospital ready for more then a typical birth, non-functioning defibrillators in that case is gross negligence by the hospital. The doctors allowed the woman to bleed out to a point her heart stopped and she suffered severe brain damage. I'm not a fan of the huge $7.8 million result of the lawsuit, but the responsibility for her condition rests with the hospital and the doctors.


Dec 11, 2006
You're kind of right. Except, the baby daddy in this case is probably the one after the money. They got $7.8 million for the malpractice. If the mother is capable of communicating, even through blinking, she deserves to see her children, and her children deserve to see her. Dear daddy just doesn't want the kids to see mom and see how big of a douche he was for leaving their mother like that.

He is a selfish prick and is more proof that marraige means absolutely nothing.
Old marraige vow:

New age marraige vow:

If he is after the money then why did he divorce her? Wouldn't HE automatically control the funds that his wife received from the lawsuit? In her current condition, regardless if she can blink yes/no or not, he could do damn near whatever he wanted with impunity. Its not like she could catch him banging some new chick or anything.

Reasonable child support should be paid from her estate and my personal opinion is that if she is alive she should have visitation rights of some sort and especially "skype visits". No way in hell should she be given custody of the children, if the father is unfit as a parent then someone else should be pursing custody but she is in no way fit to be the custodial parent.

As far as the marriage vow part, I sure as hell hope my wife would move on and have a life for both herself and my children should I become essentially a vegetable.


Aug 23, 2007
"The first two births took place without incident, but as a doctor was delivering Yossi he accidentally nicked Dorn's uterus. Before doctors could stop the bleeding, her heart had stopped, a defibrillator they used malfunctioned and her brain was deprived of oxygen."

From an earlier link. She was having triplets, which should have had the doctors/hospital ready for more then a typical birth, non-functioning defibrillators in that case is gross negligence by the hospital. The doctors allowed the woman to bleed out to a point her heart stopped and she suffered severe brain damage. I'm not a fan of the huge $7.8 million result of the lawsuit, but the responsibility for her condition rests with the hospital and the doctors.

You're not a fan of the $7.8 million lawsuit payment? How much is a human life worth?


Aug 23, 2007
You're kind of right. Except, the baby daddy in this case is probably the one after the money. They got $7.8 million for the malpractice. If the mother is capable of communicating, even through blinking, she deserves to see her children, and her children deserve to see her. Dear daddy just doesn't want the kids to see mom and see how big of a douche he was for leaving their mother like that.

He is a selfish prick and is more proof that marraige means absolutely nothing.
Old marraige vow:

New age marraige vow:

So he should waste the rest of his life married to a vegetable? It's "in sickness and in health" not "in brain death and in health".


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
If he is after the money then why did he divorce her? Wouldn't HE automatically control the funds that his wife received from the lawsuit? In her current condition, regardless if she can blink yes/no or not, he could do damn near whatever he wanted with impunity. Its not like she could catch him banging some new chick or anything.

Reasonable child support should be paid from her estate and my personal opinion is that if she is alive she should have visitation rights of some sort and especially "skype visits". No way in hell should she be given custody of the children, if the father is unfit as a parent then someone else should be pursing custody but she is in no way fit to be the custodial parent.

As far as the marriage vow part, I sure as hell hope my wife would move on and have a life for both herself and my children should I become essentially a vegetable.

1. the money is likely in a trust, her parents control her estate, but the money is almost certainly in a trust and even if he did not divorce he, he would not have control over it. If she dies it will either cover any remainder of her medical bills or go straight to the triplets without the dude having any control over it.

2. She should not and will not have to pay child support. Dude is a douche and obviously wants a piece of the money. Won't get it though.
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
I don't put a price tag on human life.

Yes you do, you just don't know it.

Otherwise, you would be in favor of an nearly unlimited increase in your taxes and in government regulations to provide, among other things, 100% free health care for every person legally or illegally in our country, immediate full scale clean-ups of every single Superfund site, drastic increases in regulation of our air and water quality, etc, etc, nearly ad infinitum.

Shall I go on?


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
So he should waste the rest of his life married to a vegetable? It's "in sickness and in health" not "in brain death and in health".

She is not brain dead. And it is disputed that she is a vegetable. More than likely not, since both mean she would be in the hospital on 24/7 life support and not at her parents house.


Dec 11, 2006
1. the money is likely in a trust, her parents control her estate, but the money is almost certainly in a trust and even if he did not divorce he, he would not have control over it. If she dies it will either cover any remainder of her medical bills or go straight to the triplets without the dude having any control over it.

2. She should not and will not have to pay child support. Dude is a douche and obviously wants a piece of the money. Won't get it though.

1. Wouldn't that require a living will that specifically stated that her parents, not her husband, had some sort of power of attorney? Right now if I am in the same situation I am almost certain that my wife would have full control of all of my finances, assets, etc...

2. Why should her trust not pay child support? The entire idea of child support is to better the lives of the kids and to ensure they are supported. Even if the guy is a douche, why should the children be punished because of it? I have never in my entire life heard of a man getting out of child support because his ex-wife is "a douche".

Is there another article that I didn't read or something? She is definitely not fit to be the custodial parent. I have read nothing that states that he is unfit. "She" might be suing for custody but it is the grandparents that are making ALL of the decisions unless she is blinking Morse code to her attorney or something...

I still think that he should allow the kids to see their mother and grandparents but he should not have to travel to the other side of the country to do so. If the grandparents want to come pick the kids up and bring them back and forth a week or two during the summer that is very reasonable.


Dec 11, 2006
She is not brain dead. And it is disputed that she is a vegetable. More than likely not, since both mean she would be in the hospital on 24/7 life support and not at her parents house.

The fact that it is "disputed" means she is at the very least really really close to being a vegetable and either way I don't see how that would change his point.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Yes you do, you just don't know it.

Otherwise, you would be in favor of an nearly unlimited increase in your taxes and in government regulations to provide, among other things, 100% free health care for every person legally or illegally in our country, immediate full scale clean-ups of every single Superfund site, drastic increases in regulation of our air and water quality, etc, etc, nearly ad infinitum.

Shall I go on?

You must be right, since i'm an avid supporter of abortion, my price tag must be really low.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
"The first two births took place without incident, but as a doctor was delivering Yossi he accidentally nicked Dorn's uterus. Before doctors could stop the bleeding, her heart had stopped, a defibrillator they used malfunctioned and her brain was deprived of oxygen."

From an earlier link. She was having triplets, which should have had the doctors/hospital ready for more then a typical birth, non-functioning defibrillators in that case is gross negligence by the hospital. The doctors allowed the woman to bleed out to a point her heart stopped and she suffered severe brain damage. I'm not a fan of the huge $7.8 million result of the lawsuit, but the responsibility for her condition rests with the hospital and the doctors.
Excuse me, its difficult for me to believe that any doctor would simply allow a patient to simply bleed out, but I can believe that the added shock could cause the shock to cause cardiac arrest. As for a defective defibrillator, we presume that any layman or medical professional can tell, at a glance, when a formerly working medical device becomes gostoppen.

I too have been in the situation where I started my car, got miles down the road, and then stepped on the brakes, only to discover one of my brake lines had developed a big leak, and I have no breaks. What is the solution? OH OH, get a brand new car every time? When its common that your brand new car has a pile of factory defects.

Nasa tried that trick, test every system before hand, and they only discovered that the device they tested before failed the next time.

No easy answers, but the bleed out negligence crap is only the assertion of the plaintiff.
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