Cut your hair to get a job?

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Diamond Member
Dec 22, 1999
Being this thread has changed subjects, I'll make a comment on the "latest" subject of it.

BV, you can make excuses all you want about how you were raised, and making comments like "White boy" and "Bean boy" are just normal talk to you, but THIS is not your hometown neighbothood!

If you believe addressing someone by the color of their skin is Not racist than you need to take a long break and do some thinking... To top it all off, thinking that &quot;bordered&quot; racism is a TOTAL insult. <<<boarderline racist remark>
sorry but i cringe every time i see a beautiful latina woman thats married to an white guy...i mean it's such a waste, no white man can truly appriciate a latina woman.
</boarderline racist remark>>>


Racism makes me cringe more than anything.

If you want to hide behind your excuse of &quot;This is how I grew up&quot; then perhaps you need to move back to that neighborhood where that garbage is accepted. You're in a world where that garbage isn't. If you want to take part in it, I'd suggest working on how you view others... not by the color of their skin.

And incase you are wondering the meaning of my Nick, &quot;Whitedog&quot;, I got it from when I was in Korea and I used to drink this drink called a &quot;whitedog&quot; (it had vanilla yogart drink in it and made it look white)... I drank them so much, that was what people started calling me. I don't drink anymore, and perhaps should change my nick. Unfortunatly, you can't do that here.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 1999
Now, on subject with this thread...

Unfortunatly, for a LONG time (100's of years) men have always been viewed as unprofessional by wearing their hair long. It's not going to change either.

Businesses hold the right to establish dress codes (which can include the wearing of hair). It's their right.

Most businesses don't have a dress code that requires short hair, but it is frowned upon, and for this reason deserving promotions are passed by.

If you want to play by the worlds rules, than you have to conform to them. Nothing requires you to cut your hair, but if the avenue you want to travel down will frown on you for having long hair, by all means cut it.

I used to have long hair too 15 years ago, but after 10 years in the military and 5 years in the business world, I'll never have hair below my collar or eyebrows again. I simply like it short now.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
<<Unfortunatly, for a LONG time (100's of years) men have always been viewed as unprofessional by wearing their hair long. >>

That's a lot more true than you realize. Short hair for men really started with the ancient Romans. They realized that when fighting (hand to hand combat), long hair was a liability, as it could be grabbed to gain advantage. As such, the Roman soldiers had their hair cut short. Other cultures adopted the same tactics, and pretty soon it was felt that long hair=female and short hair =male. There is basically no biological difference between male and female hair to make it longer or shorter. Area's outside the roman culture's reach don't subscribe to this theory -- for example the Native Americans.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2000
If you make it your sword to fall on go for it if you want to maximize your employment opportunites cut it period.
I often wonder about people who b1tch about their job or when their boss dumps work or whatever. You get paid to do a job, their job, if you want to do what you want, set out your own shingle.
I used to be more bothered by things, but know I look at it as who's show it is if I am appreciated great if not I still get paid.
My wife was going on about how their accounting office wanted perks. . PERKS!! you wage is a perk, dump the perks like drycleaning and just ask for more money geeez. People nowadays feel like they are &quot;owed a job&quot; and parity and equality and job security.
You get paid, for as long as you work there and that is all you are entitled to.


Senior member
Jul 20, 2000
dude... if you want to spend the majority of your adult life at some place &quot;you just work for&quot; thats fine, but dont think thats the way its gotta be... plus a few of you are all like.. &quot;oh people think there entitled,, blah blah blah..&quot; well,, in a way we are.. we are all human, not fn machines.. theres alot more to life than money so why do you think thats all your performance and time shouold be rewarded with? anyways like i said.. if a place wants you to conform, you either can or you can say see ya lata cuz there will be a company out there that wants you for you as a worker and an individual not just another generic office worker type A through C. I guess it comes down to your way of living too, you can either live in the world created for you by others or you can live life without limits..


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
You people who would take long hair over a job or a promotion have your priorities all screwed up!
Most corporations are trying to portray a professional image. It's their company and their perogative. Until you either own the company, or are a majority stockholder, you would be best to follow their house rules.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 1999
Red Dawn,

<<Whitedog, is that one of those drinks laced with pharmaceuticals? >>

uhmmm, I dunno really. It consisted of Sojo (Korean liquor made with rice, kinda tastes like cheap vodka), a splash of 7-up and a splash of vanilla yogart drink, which gave it a milky look. Why they called it a &quot;Whitedog&quot; is beyond me?

Soju, well, this is SOME booze I tell ya. I heard it had formaldihide (spelling?) in it as a perservative. I don't know the truth behind that. But I can tell you this much, that booze causes you to do some pretty crazy things... The more you drink, the more invulnerable you become... I remember one time, waiting on the bus, I pulled a street sign out of the ground and started chasing people with it... until Security police got a hold of me. hehehe...

I'm damn glad they don't have that stuff here in the states or we would have serious problems...

Thank God I quit drinking 2 years ago to.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
This subject is why I now drive a truck rather than stay in Management.

Most paid Seminarians, thost that hold seminars on management and sales, harp on the &quot;If you don't look, act, wear the right clothes, drive the right car, live in the right neighborhood, etc&quot; you can expect to go nowhere!

I've had a beard for 23 years. I'll be damed if I shave for some 2 bit numbskull that I can run rings around in any sales contest he could ever come up with! Believe it or not, I've turned down Truck Driving jobs because I refuse to shave!


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Oh yeah, and to each his own too.
Everyone has different ideas......but you long haired guys who wanna diss the system wanna compare retirement porfolios in 10 years? :Q Who will be more comfortable at that time? Ego's and stubborness don't take you far. If we all only get one pass thru this life, why not get all we can, with in reason? Usually the ones doing all the talking about how money don't matter, have never had any.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

Cut your hair to get the job, then act surprised when the job sucks, your boss doesnt appreciate you and you get laid off because some numbnut wants their cousin to take your place.

PS: Give me the name of the company that has asked you to cut your hair. I want to avoid doing business with any company that puts hair length before the quality of it's employees (and the quality of their products).


Senior member
Sep 22, 2000

Should a person cut their hair to get a job? Depends how bad they want the job I guess. While I agree with bigvince (as always ) that having that sort of stipulation as a condition of employment is unnecessary, becoming part of such a company isn't a God given right and I guess you have to live by their rules. Tis a fine line between that and a company discriminating.

In the medical profession here I know of some old school doctors who frown upon some of the muslim doctors having long beards (NOT impractically long however), but that would be discriminating against them if they were told it was not acceptable. However in the case of long hair, even though it is not contractually an issue, some consultants insist that their male staff have short hair, and the long-haired junior docs cannot do anything about it except get their hair cut. They rely on senior doctors for references, and it won't do them any good at all to kick up a fuss, so they don't.

Kinda sad really, was thinking of growing my hair long


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2000
We are machines, chemical ones and there are 6 billion of us.
So when I say you do what it takes to be employed thats very real because YOU ARE EXPENDIBLE, a cog in the machine, life is not fair and companies don't owe you anything. As an employee you are a prostitute who for money does what somebody tells you to do by selling your brains or brawn.
Now you can argue that it should be the other way and companies should take the high road but more and more I see employees get their training from company A and then go to B for more money. So doesn't the employee owe the company something too? Its a two way street and with the quest for the dollar neither has any loyalty anymore.
I suggested if you want your freedom and individuallity work for small or yourself but don't expect corporations to coddle you.
BTW I've gotten to the point where I don't own things, my possesions own me, probably cause of the wife and family but I've accepted the role and yes for them and that life I will have to sacrifice ideals.
Its not just about me anymore which is probably the problem with NA culture where family and community don't count.

squirrel dog

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I do the hiring,or interviewing where I am now.Someone with long unkempt freaking looking hair isnt very serious about getting a job,where I work.On the other hand,neat stylish nice looking hair is ok.Also shaved heads tend to alarm some people,along with tatoos,ect.But ultimately it comes down to the person,not the hair.I just promoted a guy that has tats all over his arms,looks like a carny almost,but he is a super person,and deserved the 'bump'


Senior member
May 12, 2000
I am a Native American and it is very visually obvious by my features to most people, I advanced where I work to a respected position with long hair (over 30 inches) because I did my job well. But I cut my hair about a year ago and have been given 2 promotions since then (and I am making about 50% more money), not only because of my skill and knowledge but because of my professional appearance. My wife was not happy when I decided to cut my hair and she is still not happy about it, but I did what I had to do to advance my family in this &quot;civilized&quot; world I find myself in. That after all is the true measure of a man to do the right thing, loyalty to country and family, to do one's duty irregardless of personal sacrifice, not how long one's hair is. I do realize there is a principal here but if cutting your hair advances your family and those whom you place before yourself then a man must do what a man must do. Just my .02 cents worth.


Senior member
Jul 23, 2000
I've always had long hair and fortunitly never had to get it cut for a job. Although as a teenager a hotel offered me a job if I got my hair cut. I said HELL NO. It was just a hotel.

Now as for this Whitboy Sh!t. I read a post on SUVs where BV replied saying

<< Those prissy whitegirls >>

and now whiteboys. So I would say racist without a dout.

It amazes me that white people can be called whiteboys and whitegirls but when a white person uses anything other than African American or Latin American etc. they're considered racist. It seems that being politicly correct only applies to White people. Hmmmm

<< sorry but i cringe every time i see a beautiful latina woman thats married to an white guy...i mean it's such a waste, no white man can truly appriciate a latina woman >>

I think that every whiteman should experience a Latin women. &quot;They're such good lovers&quot; And I for one appreciate that!


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2000

<< Are you talking about women from Latin America or Women of hispanic Heritage. If you are talking about the former then I might agree with you. >>

Red - not trying to pick a fight or anything, but can you explain why you might agree with the above?
I ask because I did exactly that - married a woman born and raised in Latin America. In fact, I met her about 3 days after she arrived in the U.S. for University from Latin America, so we are definitely not talking about only of Hispanic heritage (which she of course is).
I'm a caucasian Canadian born to British parents, so I think our marriage fits whichever one Vince was referring to.

I'm surprised people might feel that way - please explain.


Senior member
Jul 20, 2000

<< ......but you long haired guys who wanna diss the system wanna compare retirement porfolios in 10 years? Who will be more comfortable at that time? Ego's and stubborness don't take you far. If we all only get one pass thru this life, why not get all we can, with in reason? Usually the ones doing all the talking about how money don't matter, have never had any. >>

thats really funny.. the thing i dont understand is when in 10 years.. that when the long haird dude is happy and at peace with a smaller amount of expendable goods, the guy with all the money and white picketted fence has to bring him down cuz he doenst understand why the long haird dude is happy with so little... open your fn eyes man, what you said is disgusting.. damn right you only get one pass at the physical life and it aint about collecting a bigger piece of the perverbial pie.. im only 21 and i know already that its about living your life through pureness of thought and love... sh!t man and im lookin at job offers close to 70k on graduation with my piercings, so dont even go there.. and the ego aint in the hair.. its in the &quot;showing what i got that proves my status&quot; attitude that you just proclaimed


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
You're 21... got a lot to learn lad. I never said you could not be a happy human being having a bigger piece of the pie, or not be peaceful. I won't dabate it with you, as not everyone is a capitalist.
We need em all kinds. Please, kid, don't tell me to open my &quot;fn&quot; eyes, this ol dog's seen plenty.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
LOL good response compuwiz!
I'm only 19 so I've seen less, but I'm gonna say your inner peace and love and harmony and whatever else you wanna have sounds fine and all. Now you enjoy your long hair and inner tranquility when I'm nearly wetting myself from dropping the hammer in my twin turbo viper..... Some &quot;sacrafices&quot; are worth it. I don't need material things to be happy, but they sure dont hurt


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hey Red, bite me. When did you ever get an arial shot of my head anyway?


Senior member
May 12, 2000
Steve and Mike, this follows a life principle of mine as well, as long as a man can grow hair he should, when he can't he should b!tch about how these young lnog hairs have no respect for anything. By the way I work at Larson / Glastron Boats so take a peek at one of our sportboats (the profile shot doesn't do it justice) here best thing is you can actually afford to buy one of these babies, we have a loaner policy and although these are not in that I am in Engineering so we have access to the prototypes as well.
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