Cyber Bullying Cease&Decist


Aug 11, 2005
What a bunch of retards...they get drunk and get kicked out of a bar, then they go on youtube and start claiming they where attacked/sexually assaulted and ask their followers to harass the establishment...except...

Looks like the bar didn't do any of the things they where accused judge plays the smack down

Judge orders YouTube stars Alissa Violet, Ricky 'FaZe' Banks, to cease 'cyber-bullying campaign' against Cleveland bar

A Cuyahoga County judge has ordered YouTube personality Alissa Violet and her boyfriend, Ricky "FaZe" Banks, to stop posting on social media about the Barley House after she set off an online firestorm for accusing staff at the bar of mistreatment.



Oct 22, 1999
Yup, shows the biggest problem with social justice. It is great when it is right, but a lot of times it's aimed at the wrong people or at the wrong amplitude.


Oct 22, 1999
This has absolutely nothing to do with social justice and everything to do with dishonest idiots.

Read the article:

Their followers, who call themselves the CloutGang, unleashed on the bar after the two posted photographs and videos accusing staff at the bar of groping Violet and assaulting both of them before kicking them out of the bar, and then egging on two patrons to attack them.

The bar claims its employees have been getting death threats and fans have sent employees threatening text messages that include photographs of their homes.

The bar's website was hacked, and fans upset over the incident left hundreds of 1-star reviews on Yelp! and Google, sinking the bar's overall rating.

Social justice warriors went to work on a company that had done nothing wrong. Yes, the dishonest idiots started it, but the damage was done by social justice warriors.

When goes back to what I said:

It is great when it is right, but a lot of times it's aimed at the wrong people or at the wrong amplitude.

There is a reason why vigilante justice is a bad thing.


Nov 28, 2004
Read the article:

Social justice warriors went to work on a company that had done nothing wrong. Yes, the dishonest idiots started it, but the damage was done by social justice warriors.

When goes back to what I said:

There is a reason why vigilante justice is a bad thing.

The fact that you are using the term "social justice warriors" points to your ignorance and hate. The article made no such reference.


Mar 9, 2005
When you wrongfully accuse another and get caught you should have to pay the price for it especially when you've caused them harm.


Oct 22, 1999
The fact that you are using the term "social justice warriors" points to your ignorance and hate. The article made no such reference.
So someone accuses the bar of doing something socially found bad. People on social media find out about it. Those people on social media then attack the bar accused of doing the bad thing in extremely high numbers, in damaging ways, mostly through the anonymity of the internet. But this isn't social justice in action?

As for using the term Social Justice Warriors, I find extreme vigilantism repugnant regardless of which side is doing it. It doesn't mean I am against social issues, but I am against destroying people's businesses over a random comment on YouTube or destroying people's lives over a bad joke on Twitter.

So people tell me, if it wasn't social justice warriors running rampant, who/what made the death threats on the bar staff and left hundreds of negative reviews?

Since you don't like the term SJW, what should a group a vigilantes that focus on social issues and often respond with extreme measures, with very little evidence of true wrong doing, be called? Maybe the Hipster KKK?
Last edited:


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
If you go check out these two YouTube stars, they are doubling down on their stupid. Seriously. They're going full trump. And it seems their followers are backing them.

We've become a nation of cults. Seriously. We're more cultish than ever before. Cults of personality, which used to gain a mild allegiance has now seemed to reach religious level following. YouTube is a collection of cults. That's it. That's all it has become. From Trump worship to YouTube personalities like Cernovich or Molyneux or Alex Jones to people like this, it is a collection of Jim Jones level cults whose followers blindly worship at the altars of their engaging personalities while completely missing their illogical idiocy.


Jun 19, 2006
If you go check out these two YouTube stars, they are doubling down on their stupid. Seriously. They're going full trump. And it seems their followers are backing them.

We've become a nation of cults. Seriously. We're more cultish than ever before. Cults of personality, which used to gain a mild allegiance has now seemed to reach religious level following. YouTube is a collection of cults. That's it. That's all it has become. From Trump worship to YouTube personalities like Cernovich or Molyneux or Alex Jones to people like this, it is a collection of Jim Jones level cults whose followers blindly worship at the altars of their engaging personalities while completely missing their illogical idiocy.

Dregs of society, they contribute nothing.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
"Social Justice Warriors" ... are people like Martin Luther King Jr. They are people who fight, and put their lives on the line, and sometimes, the die in the name of justice.

A group of morons on the internet is just a group of morons on the internet.

Great. So now you've decided to try to redefine what a social just warrior is and to connect the term to something noble?

Here's a hint. Words don't mean what you WANT them to mean. They mean whatever the widely accepted definition of them is. You've gravely insulted an individual like MLK Jr. calling him a social justice warrior. Justice Warrior

Reactions: Zorba
Mar 11, 2004
Yup, shows the biggest problem with social justice. It is great when it is right, but a lot of times it's aimed at the wrong people or at the wrong amplitude.

A lot of times is a full on ass pull. I'd even say its pretty much the total opposite. Sure, some times it is levied unjustly, but oftentimes it actually doesn't do enough. See how long women have been trying to say "we're being preyed upon, and people think its a joke or say it was our own faults", only for people to now finally be going "yeah, there's something to this". After thousands of untested rape kits, the President admitting to sexual assault, accusers after accusers after accusers being needed to get people to even consider taking on serial assaulters. I mean, look at what it took for people to start going "WTF this is fucked up". Even still we have people trying to deny it or use the same old bullshit arguments.

Hell look at how people acted over Penn State. There are people that have nothing to do with the school defending that shit because they viewed it as a witch hunt.

If you go check out these two YouTube stars, they are doubling down on their stupid. Seriously. They're going full trump. And it seems their followers are backing them.

We've become a nation of cults. Seriously. We're more cultish than ever before. Cults of personality, which used to gain a mild allegiance has now seemed to reach religious level following. YouTube is a collection of cults. That's it. That's all it has become. From Trump worship to YouTube personalities like Cernovich or Molyneux or Alex Jones to people like this, it is a collection of Jim Jones level cults whose followers blindly worship at the altars of their engaging personalities while completely missing their illogical idiocy.

I think that's cyclical. Its not shocking that we're seeing a rise of cult mentality alongside fights for equality (hello 1960s). The thing is, that just because we had the Civil Rights Movement doesn't mean we dealt with racism/bigotry/sexism, we similarly didn't actually do anything about cultism. They were both still major issues, but they kinda took a backseat as people collectively couldn't sustain momentum about dealing with them. So we fall back into lulls of delusion/distraction as other issues become pressing.

I think the reality is that we're just seeing it dip in and out of public consciousness. Its perpetually there. Cultism has been an issue for about as long as man has existed, possibly longer (various animals have been making "tribes").

Another similarity with the 60s. There's a fervor for space flight. Weirdly, I'd say artistically though, society has been raging hard for the 80s.

"Social Justice Warriors" ... are people like Martin Luther King Jr. They are people who fight, and put their lives on the line, and sometimes, the die in the name of justice.

A group of morons on the internet is just a group of morons on the internet.

Yep. Really that group of morons is a lynch mob, since that's what it actually resembles better.

Great. So now you've decided to try to redefine what a social just warrior is and to connect the term to something noble?

Here's a hint. Words don't mean what you WANT them to mean. They mean whatever the widely accepted definition of them is. You've gravely insulted an individual like MLK Jr. calling him a social justice warrior. Justice Warrior


Ah yes, UrbanDictionary, that bastion of legitimacy. I'm sure no way its a bunch of Gamergate dipshits posting "definitions" for that term on there.

Also, uh, did you bother to read your fucking links? Because they actually back up his claim. The term was originally descriptive and even positive.

The phrase originated in the late 20th century as a neutral or positive term for people engaged in social justice activism. In 2011, when the term first appeared on Twitter, it changed from a primarily positive term to an overwhelmingly negative one.

Both of your other links state that.

What you're getting pissy about is your own fucking fault. Its recent assholes that started spouting it as a pejorative to try and insult people that believe in social justice that changed the definition. So if you want to get mad about people's definitions maybe take it up with the assholes that bastardized it in the first place. The reality is that assholes like Nazis, misogynists, racits, bigots, and the like tried to make it pejorative in the past, but because they were revealed for the vile pieces of scum they were, it didn't catch on. It wasn't until a bunch of neckbearded pimple faced man-children started meming it that it became "widely accepted in the negative" which happened in the last 10 years.

You've gravely insulted him by being a monumental idiot about this. He would have no fucking problem being called that and he'd look at you like "WTF that you think people fighting for social justice is something to skorn". You know that he absolutely viewed things under a marketing perspective? They had been doing bus sit-ins for a while before Rosa Parks. MLK knew they had to find someone to put a specific face to it, to win people's favor, in order to maximize the outrage so as to try to bring about positive change.

Kindly know what the fuck you're talking about before trying to take others to task over it. Super seriously.

So how do we use this on Trump?

We don't. There's no reason to involve that festering hemmorhoidal boil. I don't care if he's the living embodiment of this type of behavior. He's just the cyst, you can pop it but if you don't deal with the underlying cause more will pop up.


Oct 10, 1999
Great. So now you've decided to try to redefine what a social just warrior is and to connect the term to something noble?

Here's a hint. Words don't mean what you WANT them to mean. They mean whatever the widely accepted definition of them is. You've gravely insulted an individual like MLK Jr. calling him a social justice warrior. Justice Warrior

Applying the logic of "Words have meanings" ...

It seems like lots of people are applying some kind of derogatory slang meaning which has nothing to do with the actual words.

adjective: social
  1. 1.
    relating to society or its organization.
    "alcoholism is recognized as a major social problem"
    synonyms: communal, community, collective, group, general, popular, civil, public, societal
    "a major social problem"
    antonyms: individual
    • relating to rank and status in society.
      "a recent analysis of social class in Britain"
    • needing companionship and therefore best suited to living in communities.
      "we are social beings as well as individuals"
    • relating to or designed for activities in which people meet each other for pleasure.
      "Guy led a full social life"
      synonyms: recreational, leisure, entertainment, amusement
      "a social club"
  2. 2.
    (of a bird) gregarious; breeding or nesting in colonies.
    synonyms: gregarious, interactional;
    "a uniquely social animal"

noun: justice; plural noun: justices
  1. 1.
    just behavior or treatment.
    "a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people"
    synonyms: fairness, justness, fair play, fair-mindedness, equity, evenhandedness, impartiality, objectivity, neutrality, disinterestedness, honesty, righteousness, morals, morality
    "I appealed to his sense of justice"
    • the quality of being fair and reasonable.
      "the justice of his case"
    • the administration of the law or authority in maintaining this.
      "a tragic miscarriage of justice"
    • the personification of justice, usually a blindfolded woman holding scales and a sword.
      noun: Justice
  2. 2.
    a judge or magistrate, in particular a judge of the supreme court of a country or state.
    synonyms: judge, magistrate, jurist
    "an order made by the justices"

noun: warrior; plural noun: warriors; noun: warrior pose; plural noun: warrior poses
  1. 1.
    (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter.
    synonyms: fighter, soldier, serviceman, combatant, mercenary
    "fearsome warriors"
  2. 2.
    any of a number of standing poses in yoga in which the legs are held apart and the arms are stretched outwards.
    "when you return to downward dog after the first round, add warrior poses I and II"


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Great. So now you've decided to try to redefine what a social just warrior is and to connect the term to something noble?

Here's a hint. Words don't mean what you WANT them to mean. They mean whatever the widely accepted definition of them is. You've gravely insulted an individual like MLK Jr. calling him a social justice warrior. Justice Warrior


So then liberals are the most patriotic, rational, democracy-minded individuals, right? I mean, liberals founded this country. liberalism is the current most advanced form of egalitarian governmental leadership. Basically, I'll keep your complaint close to my heart, the next time I spy a conservative that has redefined "liberal" to their own purpose.
Reactions: KMFJD


Oct 10, 1999
Loss of business and reputational harm lawsuit.
Its kinda hard to sue what is essentially a lynch mob.
Suing the youtube guy might help recoop some losses, but, that likely will rile up the youtuber's hornets nest of followers ...
That business was put into a tough decision without a perfect solution. I have Sympathy for the mom and pop or whomever runs & owns the place.


Oct 22, 1999
"Social Justice Warriors" ... are people like Martin Luther King Jr. They are people who fight, and put their lives on the line, and sometimes, the die in the name of justice.

A group of morons on the internet is just a group of morons on the internet.
I would agree with you, except I didn't invent the term. SJW clearly refers to online vigilantes attempting to wreck people's lives, typically based on very little evidence or due to minor infractions. The are a virtual Lynch mob.

This comment is like being pissed off that someone used the term Nazi, because Nazis weren't actually socialists.


Oct 10, 1999
I would agree with you, except I didn't invent the term. SJW clearly refers to online vigilantes attempting to wreck people's lives, typically based on very little evidence or due to minor infractions. The are a virtual Lynch mob.

This comment is like being pissed off that someone used the term Nazi, because Nazis weren't actually socialists.
I thought people using them term were just being sarcastic.


May 30, 2008
Read the article:

Social justice warriors went to work on a company that had done nothing wrong. Yes, the dishonest idiots started it, but the damage was done by social justice warriors.

When goes back to what I said:

There is a reason why vigilante justice is a bad thing.

This only works if you use an entirely circular definition of 'social justice warrior' (to mean, someone who posts anonymous death-threats and such like in response to unsupported accusations of bad behaviour by someone). In which case it becomes true but tautologous. Using the term doesn't add anything to the point and just confuses the issue with all the other associations of that term, including who uses it. Why not just stick with the simpler traditional term, vigilante?

My understanding is, the term started as a mildly derogatory term used by leftist activists about those of their own who seemed far too fond of striking poses and fighting battles they didn't have direct experience of or really understand, then got seized on by the right to describe almost anyone on the left and use as a means of avoiding having to actually address issues so they could instead just dismiss anyone who said anything they didn't like. This is pretty much exactly the same pattern followed with the term 'political correctness'. The way these words migrate seems very predictable because everyone in politics is stuck performing the same dance forever.

Mind you, what jumped out at me was the term 'youtube personality'. I suppose I'm being just as bad as you are, and its because I'm old, but I just mentally-translated that as 'tiresome attention-seeker'.
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