Cyberpunk 2077

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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
ok so, last thing first. I don't hate the borderlands series. I liked BL1 and BL2 - it's hard to say which better, but i am leaning on 2 - but i have always lamented the lack of skill involved. In BL both you *and* the enemy are spongy, and with all the on-shield-depletion effects, second wind, and broken builds, it's pretty darn impossible to die after midgame. The main appeal of those games is the big visual effect of tons of explosions coming out of the absurd guns you use, and the comedy aspects of the campaign. Tiny Tina is such a great character, i can't get enough of her. Claptrap, not so much.

the deus ex series is a mixed bag. DX1 is excellent, in gameplay, but also in story. But it's too old to be considered here, really. Invisible War was okaish, people hated it because it lacked the complexity of DX1 and frankly the map design is shit, but i see an ok game that runs well with decent graphics and an interesting plot, plus you can upskirt NG Resonance.

Human Revolution is garbage. Not only the boss fights, but throughout the game you're put into a pure shoot'em'up situations against mobs who are way stronger than you, who have infinite bullets while you get maybe 4 bullets back when you kill one, and take 5/6 headshots to put down. The entirety of the game is played cheesing the AI behind a corner. Peak, shoot, hide. That, and a horrible control scheme - both crouch and ADS are on toggle only ??

Mankind Divided is amazing. First, because you always have real options in how to approach a situation, thanks to some of the best map design i have ever played. The only defect is the near-omniscence of enemies who have been alerted, but the gunplay is near-realistic on both ends. Most normal mobs will go down with 1 headshot, augmented humans die in a burst, and big-ass cybertanks take a cplip or two. Weapons are accurate and having quick and precise aim really changes the gameplay.
this means that if i am 200ms faster than the enemy, i can turn around a fight.

In CP77 being 200ms faster than the enemy means nothing. Being able to aim means nothing, if your guns spread out in a comedic spray cone, and they take a dozen headshots or more to die.

Don't you think there's something wrong with game design if you can just pop out of the place you are fighting in, craft yourself 20-30 health packs, and then return to the fight??

Metro Exodus (might as well throw this one in as well) has enemies that take a beating, but balances this with the fact that your weapons are capable of dealing a considerable amount of damage with careful aim and control. The problem comes with the ridiculous weapon degradation and the fact that the game isn't above respawning a ton of mobs that give zero drops, just to ruin your guns.

Both Exodus and CP77 have the same defect though. Not related to how horrid the gameplay is, but compounding the problem: they dont let me play. When i'm crouching behind a crate to avoid mobs 1-shotting me, and waiting for them to lose the aggro so i can pop one miserable headshot before i get a overheating attack that requires yet another hypostim, I AM PLAYING. When i am waiting for a NPC to give me the same speech every mediocre action film has while riding in a car i can't get out of, i am *not* playing. If you keep me stuck in a 10-minute braindance tutorial for a mechanic i will never willingly use, you are asking for me to hate your game. Funny however how the game does no tutorial for crafting items which you NEED in order to even survive the prologue.

.. i have to go back to DXMD because of how much i loved that game. See, in mankind divided you got a gun. And if you see a mob, say, a policeman blocking you from accesing a quest, you have these options:
1. you can try to stealth your way in
2. you can explore and try to find an alternative entrance
3. you can go around talking to people and find information that allow you to progress through dialogue
4. you may have dedicated a lot of praxis to one type of breaching which fits the mission
5. you can try to find a adventure-style (i.e. place lamp on floor) solution by gathering clues
or 6... you can shoot your way through.
And what i like best about this is that the game isn't afraid to give you actual guns. Guns that can kill stuff. You CAN kill those policemen, but then you'll have the entire police force on your ass, exoskeletons, drones, cameras, turrets, and tons of policemen ready to drop you.

And the game is balanced for stealth as well, yeah you can stealth around the building, but hey, you know, if you get caught, ALL the guys you didn't kill will be looking for you.. and they hear noises, they see bodies, they notice changes in the world.
I'd also add that not only the map design is excellent, but the location of the various game items, consumables, ammo, etc throughout the game is also far superior to CP77.

TLDR: what is an exploit for every other game is standard gameplay for Cyberpunk2077

I'd say that the crafting right now isn't even worth it--but I didn't know you could craft medkits in the middle of fights? Never tried that, yes it sounds cheese, but I just didn't need it? I died a lot because either I'm stupid for not knowing that or being terrible at FPS...dunno. but anyway, you don't really need to do any of that for that for the prologue, even though yes, it does seem cheap early on.

the bullet point Deus ex stuff...that is basically every mission, and particularly the gigs, when you get further in. All of them are actually like that. Up until the Heist, and a few primary mission stories, yeah, I think they are geared more towards "Assault" ....but the stealth is actually really solid, with all of those options taht you demand. It just is. The only difference is you don't see big orange haloed "Grates" that are just conveniently there to open. You really do have to explore the terrain, especially above you, to find sashes that you might be able to remotely open, if you are teched that way, and to camber up, if you can jump in, or jump to the next building and over, and find your way in. I Promise: 90% of the actual missions/gigs in this game have exactly ALL of those demands you have your Deus Ex just isn't boldly and inappropriately highlighted for you to see, immediately. ...and you don't have to clear out some drunken Czech pensioner's dingy apartment, in every map, just to find that highlighted crawl you do all parts of DX MD, lol. (I mean, how did you not hate that, lol? jk)

BUT--yeah, a lot of the early stuff just isn't designed that way (or it was so long ago and I was so terrible that I didn't have the experience to explore those options, not that I get some of it).

the cinema stuff...yeah, game like this, you either have to deal with it or not. I'll tell you. I HATE those Xenogears games. HATE THEM. Why? because I played that first one for PS1...fight as Mechs YEAH! ...overworld FF-like map and JRPG stuff...YEAH! Nice story? YEAH! ...but then you get to the 3rd disk...and it's what, 3 straight hours of sprite people on a black screen, you're just clicking buttons to get them to....text talk? about...some story that I AM NOT PLAYING A GAME...I suddenly have to click through and suddenly OH>>THE GAME IS NOT THE STORY THE DISC IS CLICK STORY NOPT GAME. Man...screw those games. screw that Idea...screw it ALL> I hate you game for turning fun into CLICK THROUGH PICTURE STORY TIME FOR @ HOURS OF MY LIFE. I stopped playing that game. I gave up. Never gave those people money ever again. I probably enver will. ...because of this uncontrolled, text trash garbage emo story that was not what i signed up for and HEY--maybe if I learned that within the first ~hour of the game? KOOL! Alas...

Anyhoo, point of that is....I know what you're saying. BUT. this doesn't cheat you. You know what's happening going in. This is a story driven, cinematic game. It took me maybe 10 hours to realize that about the Mafia game (ooo, nice open world! 50s! super chill, man, open! ... stuff...stuff...oh, there is nothing to do here? hmm...), but then you realize that the point, is you just do the missions. the script is, actually. well, actually. ...this is good. Someone put love into this orchestration. All of this, pulling me here to there, is done on purpose, the way it is being done. It gets into chill, and it gets very nice.

I don't know how else to explain that. You're either down with playing a game that FINALLY wants to give you a good story and pull you through for the first time in, seriously...think about it, When? never, right? you want to hate on games for turd stories and hopefully good enough gameplay. I get it..that's why I love BL1--the best one, the worst story. but that's the point, right? BL2 confused people actually has a story? now I'm confused.

CP has, honestly, above average, perhaps better than you should reasonably expect, action gun/whatever RPG mechanics, for this type of FP Open world game (these don't really exist anywhere else, by the way), for what really is a brilliantly-constructed, directed, cinematic piece.

Either you subscribe to that, or don't? That's the best I can explain it.

(and yes! holy crap, why is the driving a thing in this game? it's comical how bad it is....I just can never fail to emphasize the total and enviable failure that the entirety of driving is in this game. It is unique. Again, a shame, because so much of the mood comes from the radio station tracks, and they are quite brilliant)


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Ooooh, yeah, I know which part you mean .. where you are in the cave after she drives you in "the beast" and you get ambushed. I had to do that more than a few times as well, and similarly got the same dumb glitch where you spawn inside of her. I pretty much used a sniper rifle for that part, hiding behind barriers, sneaking shots, healing. One thing that has really made the game pretty cheap at this point is the perk for no damage falloff for pistols .. I can one shot an entire mob with a silenced pistol before they see me, and the AI is too dumb to do anything but sneak around slowly and look for me while I easily line up headshots lol. I don't think I had that at that point in the game though.

I finished Altered Carbon S1 the other night .. loved it. Did not expect katanas and swordfighting to actually be part of cyberpunk lore .. I'm going to make a close quarters build next, probably after the next patches.

yup, that's the one. Yes, the pistol stuff is so broken, but it is also all broken late game, at least. My early game troubles were because I was Cold Blood/Pistol/Quick Hack spec all through...and you really need level ~20-24? before Cold Blood really starts to work...and yeah, you can start effectively sniping people with your pistols, or at least trust your rush armor from Cold Blood/Stealth to keep you alive long enough to move in. I was maybe level 12 or 14 at that point in the game, so, lol. Much dead. I gave up on that mission. Only one. ....then you get System Shutdown quickhack later in game, and just turn everyone off. A Cyber Psycho or actual Boss as soon as you see them. ...that thing is broken

Yep, more patches here, too, and maybe some DLC? I think I'll do male nomad power playthrough-shotguns and fists, and then back to assassin..but pure mele/cyber, corpo, prolly a lady. I'm going to stick to the "natural" storylines/main NPCs for those character types, though, and try to ignore the others. ...try.


Jun 3, 2011
i haven't uninstalled it just yet, but it's not really screaming at me "play me, play me". it's gonna be a long affair.


Aug 18, 2012
That apology video is mainly because they are getting sued. "We tested the game on old gen and didn't see any issues until release". Really?

It's not even that it runs great on pc, yea it does if you have a really beefy rig. It's that lots of features from this game are just plain missing. The complex AI they had mentioned several times, the decisions you can make in quests, and other features talked about before while it was in development, that are just plain missing.

The world is awesome looking but non interactive. It didn't really answer anything about content they are adding or how they are addressing some of the immersion breaking issues. I think they will spend this year fixing it so it can work on the base consoles before meaningful content can be added to the game.
Reactions: Igo69


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
(and yes! holy crap, why is the driving a thing in this game? it's comical how bad it is....I just can never fail to emphasize the total and enviable failure that the entirety of driving is in this game. It is unique. Again, a shame, because so much of the mood comes from the radio station tracks, and they are quite brilliant)

You have self driving cars. You can summon cars. Why for the love of god can I not just pick a destination on the map and have it drive me there and skip the actual travel like you can when you're a passenger? It was kinda neat just to watch the world go by as a passenger.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
That apology video is mainly because they are getting sued. "We tested the game on old gen and didn't see any issues until release". Really?

It's not even that it runs great on pc, yea it does if you have a really beefy rig. It's that lots of features from this game are just plain missing. The complex AI they had mentioned several times, the decisions you can make in quests, and other features talked about before while it was in development, that are just plain missing.

The world is awesome looking but non interactive. It didn't really answer anything about content they are adding or how they are addressing some of the immersion breaking issues. I think they will spend this year fixing it so it can work on the base consoles before meaningful content can be added to the game.

Yeah, that was a terrible, duplicitous response. "We expected the first major patch to solve most of the console issues--we tested it!" Obviously, they didn't test it. If they actually played what they sold...which I'm sure they actually did...then no one could honestly claim that this fix would work.

You have self driving cars. You can summon cars. Why for the love of god can I not just pick a destination on the map and have it drive me there and skip the actual travel like you can when you're a passenger? It was kinda neat just to watch the world go by as a passenger.

Oh, that's a good idea. Keeps you from running into half a dozen mindless pedestrian bots just because you want to make a simple right turn. I never really tried the Delamain service--I ended up letting his imprisoned bots take over, even though I liked the thing, and then never heard or thought about it again. But, isn't that how it is supposed to work when you call him, or does he just drop off a car like your other cars? (I know you can get a cab--that you have to control--in your car inventory when you finish the story line...or at least if you let his AI take over they give you one. not sure)

Though I can see a problem with this if implemented in the current state of things, how the traffic AI just doesn't adjust to anything. No one passes. Cars stop in the middle of the road at invisible lights, for no reason, then proceed to the next fake stop and pause. continue on. It's strange to watch. I was running through that tunnel in the south western part of the map that connects the downtown area to the southern part of Pacifica--it runs under the bay there. It's just one tunnel, so no intersections, no peds. The cars started stopping all on their own, at fixed points and on both sides of the road, all through that tunnel. There was no reason for it. They'd stop every 500 feet or so and just wait, continue on. I have no idea what's going on there but just one of the many unfinished/broken mechanics in this game.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Yeah, that was a terrible, duplicitous response. "We expected the first major patch to solve most of the console issues--we tested it!" Obviously, they didn't test it. If they actually played what they sold...which I'm sure they actually did...then no one could honestly claim that this fix would work.

Oh, that's a good idea. Keeps you from running into half a dozen mindless pedestrian bots just because you want to make a simple right turn. I never really tried the Delamain service--I ended up letting his imprisoned bots take over, even though I liked the thing, and then never heard or thought about it again. But, isn't that how it is supposed to work when you call him, or does he just drop off a car like your other cars? (I know you can get a cab--that you have to control--in your car inventory when you finish the story line...or at least if you let his AI take over they give you one. not sure)

Though I can see a problem with this if implemented in the current state of things, how the traffic AI just doesn't adjust to anything. No one passes. Cars stop in the middle of the road at invisible lights, for no reason, then proceed to the next fake stop and pause. continue on. It's strange to watch. I was running through that tunnel in the south western part of the map that connects the downtown area to the southern part of Pacifica--it runs under the bay there. It's just one tunnel, so no intersections, no peds. The cars started stopping all on their own, at fixed points and on both sides of the road, all through that tunnel. There was no reason for it. They'd stop every 500 feet or so and just wait, continue on. I have no idea what's going on there but just one of the many unfinished/broken mechanics in this game.
Was the tunnel underneath other roads? I wonder if the stopping points of intersections on the roads above accidentally transfer down as well


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Was the tunnel underneath other roads? I wonder if the stopping points of intersections on the roads above accidentally transfer down as well

good thinking but it runs under the bay, so the only thing on top is a bunch of water. Could be that it's remnants from on Old map that they...just couldn't get working for some reason, so they just replaced that section with water, but all the pre-water code stayed with the tunnel? ...or they just copy-pasted resources from one of the other roadways in the game, along with the traffic control? Both seem like preposterously lazy and/or careless possibilities here.

look at the western edge of Pacifica--it's that long-ass tunnel that connects it to the southwestern edge of City Center. The cars just...stop every couple of feet, and start again. lol.


Jun 3, 2011
i've been doing some side missions; on the plus side, i get to do some gameplay, mostly not interrupted (who thought it was a good idea to get phone calls while driving, and have the overlay of the call RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN), which is good. I'm still really ... confused, on why i am given the option to drive 5km to a location where i need to kill 4 guys who each can 1-shot me (even with a knife) while each can tank 5 clips of AR.

I've done Delamain's "find my lost cabs" mission, all of it in one go (i figured this was probably meant to be done casually, over time).
I'm also happily exploiting a design flaw in the "crime in progress" missions as you can just run in, grab the evidence, run out, and you get your Street Cred and mission bonus even if you dont kill anyone.
Currently lev 16 and focusing on Tech for the crafting.

Q: what is - in simple words - the easiest way to make a character get stronger damage-wise? Assault rifles in particular.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
Q: what is - in simple words - the easiest way to make a character get stronger damage-wise? Assault rifles in particular.

I focused on headshot multiplier. Also I think the DPS rating downplays the importance of higher rarity weapons. They put a lot of status effects on. I played pistols and sniper rifles. High single shot damage, headshot multiplier (both on weapons and skills) allows you to fire and mostly stay in cover.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
yeah, I also went pistols--headshot multiplier. ...I think that is something they will eventually patch, if they pay attention to such things. Some late-game pistols with 5.5x what kind of idiot thought that was a good idea?

Anyway, for assault rifles, maybe high crit chance/crit damage? I haven't spent much time looking at that tree, but it's in the same attribute as pistols, right? So Reflexes is giving you that high crit damage.

I'm curious if crafting works out for you. I also wanted to do that early on, because you get some decent crafting specs early on, but I eventually found that a lot of gear is relatively easy to find/acquire as you progress. In the end the only things I crafted regularly were armor and weapon mods, which don't really require any investment to make good ones as you level up--and they are generated randomly from your regular specs, so whenever you craft an armor upgrade, craft at least 5 at a time. You'll end up with some epic ones, and the output levels up with you.

Also, be aware that the armor bonus advertised with each Tech level doesn't work. So, that ain't going to help you with being one-shot. I haven't really used it much, but cyberware like sandivesten, which replaces your cyberdeck hacky thingy and is meant for pure assault, probably works really well with assault rifles. But equipping that removes a lot of the stealth/sneaky through strategy of the game because so much of that is accessed through your cyberdeck/hacking tools. Otherwise, do spend time at the ripper docs and the various grades of cyberware that they have and what are available to you. High Intelligence (crit chance) also gives you access to a lot of really good cyberware. Intelligence + Reflexes might be what you need.


Golden Member
Sep 22, 2012
Man, ray tracing looks good in this game. Not that I can run it at playable famerares with it on my poor mobile RTX 2060... lol



Golden Member
Sep 22, 2012
Patch 1.1 is out

Various stability improvements including:
  • Memory usage improvements in various systems within the game: characters, interactions, navigation, in-game videos (news, tv, etc.), foliage, laser effects, minimap, devices, AI, street traffic, environmental damage system, GPU-related, and more.
  • Various crash fixes (related to, among others, loading saves, game opening/closing and Point of No Return).
Quests/Open World
  • Fixed an issue where calls from Delamain would end immediately and seem like they cannot be picked up in Epistrophy.
  • Fixed an issue where players would not receive calls from Delamain when approaching relevant vehicles in Epistrophy.
  • Fixed an issue where the objective could get stuck on "Answer the call from Mr. Hands" in M'ap Tann Pèlen.
  • Fixed an issue where Judy could teleport underground in Pyramid Song.
  • Fixed an issue where it would be impossible to talk to Zen Master in Poem of The Atoms.
  • Fixed an issue where Takemura wouldn't call in Down on the Street.
  • Fixed an issue where Jackie could disappear in The Pickup.
  • Fixed an issue where it could be impossible to get out of the car in The Beast in Me: The Big Race.
  • Fixed an issue where players could stop receiving calls and messages after moving too far away from A Day In The Life area.
  • Fixed an issue where opening the package wouldn't update Space Oddity.
  • Retro-fixed the saves affected by a rare issue where speaking to Judy in Automatic Love would be impossible due to an invisible wall. The underlying issue is under investigation.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from collecting the reward in Gig: Freedom of the Press. The quest will auto-complete for those who could not collect the reward previously, and the reward will be provided automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where Delamain would remain silent throughout Epistrophy if the player initially refused to help him.
  • Fixed an issue where prompt for exiting braindance could be missing.
  • Removed an invalid item from loot.
  • Fixed an issue where a grenade's trajectory could be displayed in photo mode.
  • Fixed particles' hue appearing pink when viewed close up.
  • Fixed cars spawning incorrectly in Reported Crime: Welcome to Night City.
  • Fixed an issue where completing one of theassaults in progress in Santo Domingo would sometimes not contribute towards progression for The Jungle achievement, preventing its completion.
  • Addressed the issue responsible for saves getting oversized (related to the modifier indicating if the item is crafted), and trimmed the excess size from already existing saves (note: this won’t fix PC save files corrupted before 1.06 update).
  • Fixed an issue where input could stop registering upon opening the weapon wheel and performing an action.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Continue" button in the Main Menu could load an end game save.
  • Performance optimization of crowds on PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5.
  • Various crash fixes on PlayStation 4.
  • Improved memory usage for character creation, mirrors, scanning, camera remote control, menus (inventory, map) on Xbox One, Xbox One X and Xbox One S.
  • It will now be possible to obtain achievements while in Steam offline mode. Note: Offline mode needs to be enabled before starting the game. This change does not work retroactively.
  • Addressed the game startup crashes related to loading cache on NVIDIA graphics cards.
  • Concert audio should no longer be inaudible in Never Fade Away.
  • Fixed corrupted textures on several melee weapons.
  • Tweaked default deadzone settings to be more responsive. Note: the change will not affect settings unless they’re set to default.


Jun 3, 2011
i've played a lot of Grand Theft NPC Drama Simulator Night City 2077 during these last 3 days and ..

well, it's not as bad as the beginning, but it's not great.

First off, i am not using the arms launcher cheese because at that point i might as well not play the game. There is one combination of cyberware and mod that lets you oneshot anything in the game, with almost no aim required.

The one thing that's really getting on my nerves, is the Panam character. How the game desperately tries to push you into the romance (i don't like her), and take note that hers is the only available romance for male characters - unless you're up for sucking sausage.
Her missions are so slow, so cringy, full of bullshit drama. I mean, the whole friggin game is full of BS drama, but her missions really take the cake.

Jobs and Gigs are ok-ish, i like to drive to them rather than fasttravel, at least it gives me something to do. VERY stronk GTA vibe when playing Gigs.

HATE getting calls, i HATE how the UI is a complete mess (aside from the bugs - did you know you can open your home stash from your motorcycle?), trying to find a shard to crack in a pile of junk messages, trying to complete a cyberpsychosis mission by sending a text to the NPC, the clutter of the inventory, the undroppable completed-quest items in my inventory, etc ..

Crafting is pretty cool in a sense that it's broken, and you can just .. not only craft whatever you need anywhere, but also exploit the system to give yourself infinite crafting materials. AND, to make it worse, not only the system is broken in your favour, but it's also broken AGAINST you, if you've dedicated time and points to crafting, you still can't craft crap without the random-loot crafting specs. With this crafting system, you can't make actually useful stuff, but oh boy, you can make TONS of garbage.
(i've beaten more than one tough encounter by just chucking 50 grenades at the enemy)

Combat-wise, i've gotten the Overwatch sniper from Panam and it will kill anything with a headshot, anything with a critical bodyshot, goes through cover, comes with a no-damage-reduction suppressor, and is faster to reload than the regular sniper. Given the above infinite-components exploit, i've been able to upgrade it a lot and now it leaves any other weapon in the dust.

And, i hate, hate hate games where a PISTOL does more damage per shot than an assault rifle.

Johnny Silverhand is a cool character. I like that he's a douchebag who THINKS he's always right, but most of the time isn't. Instead of being a hero to emulate, it's a companion with some advantages but also some defects. (after the abysmal Bill & Ted 3, i had really no good hope for K.R. to pull this off successfully, but i guess i was wrong)


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Man, ray tracing looks good in this game. Not that I can run it at playable famerares with it on my poor mobile RTX 2060... lol

What resolution? I find it perfectly playable on my 2060 mobile, but I'm at 1080


Golden Member
Sep 22, 2012
What resolution? I find it perfectly playable on my 2060 mobile, but I'm at 1080

I'm playing at 1080p with DLSS quality and using Digital Foundry's recommended settings. My laptop is an MSI GS65 and it's one of the thinnest laptops housing an RTX 2060 so it might be more thermal and power limited than most.

Thing is I like to run my games with vsync on to avoid tearing, stuttering and to have a more consistent experience. Luckily the game has the option for 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 refresh rate vsync so for my 144hz screen I could run the game at 72hz, 48hz and 36hz with vsync. Unfortunately only 36hz is the most stable option, it very rarely dips below that but that means there's no way for me to enable raytracing and maintain that framerate without sacrificing other quality settings.

Coupled with riva tuner statistics server to limit the framerate at 35.99 fps to drastically reduce input lag and improve frametime consistency for me the game is playable at 36 fps.
Last edited:


Jun 3, 2011
i've completed the game.

..which is not to say, "i've played 100% of the game", but i did all the jobs that i felt my character would do, and moved on to the end when i thought the moment was ready.

I played most of the game on Hard, and moved to Very Hard around level 30 - just because that's when i noticed there was an option for "very hard".

.. my initial feeling is that CP77 is a mixed bag, some of it quite good, some not so good, and a few things extremely irritating.

1. playing on a 4670k, 8Gb RAM and a RX 590 @ 1080p the game played faultlessly on medium. I didn't bother trying for higher settings because i don't want to hear the noise of the GPU.
I should mention that on most social media, people are *extremely* happy about CP77. Of course all the XBox people are pissed off, but .. i partially blame the XBox owners. Come on, it's 2020 (the year that Cyberpunk 2020 was orginally set in, LawL), you should know better than to expect a top-tier PC game to run on your s* little console.

2. the art design of this game is really good, both because it connects to the ol' 1998 P&P RPG, and because they have managed to expand it into a believable world. To me, this is Cp77's biggest claim to fame.

3. Most of the character are annoying. Jackie, Panam, V himself (could they not get a better voice talent for the main character???). I hated Jackie's stereotypical mexicano BS mostly because it's been done to death, Panam is drama in a bottle, V is a whiny asswipe. Johnny is cool, i like him because HE'S WRONG. The only character in the whole game who isn't always right or always perfect. A few of the minor characters are ok, most are monodimensional, which some times is almost a relief.

4. the direction is .. mixed. The beginning of the game is really infuriating, due to many different compounding issues - bad UI, gameplay inbalance, the game throwing a shitton of information at you that one cannot possibly take in all at once, and the decision of throwing you into the main questline right at the start.
I've played as Corpo which is ridiculous, as you're thrown out of your corporation within the first 5 minutes of the prologue.
The game gets substantially better, and the story substantially more interesting, once you break free of the first act, not just due to the freedom, but because Johnny's interests in various parts of Night City give you a reason to explore and meet people - something which, for example, GTA does not have.
All that "relic malfunction" thing is well done, and interesting.
The way that the backstory of Johnny unfolds is interesting; his Samurai years, why he fought the corporations, what he means as a character.

5. the gameplay is .. mediocre. Not terrible, but wildly unbalanced. I spent a good 30% of the game being one-shotted by everything, about 10% getting decent fights, and the rest - short of the epilogue - one-shotting everything in my way. There are serious balance issues that reduce much of the gameplay to exploration. The limitless resources and free crafting of *everything* is silly, but just the way the game is structured, some builds are WAY more powerful than others, all you need to do is focus on one thing and pump it to the max, then exploit it until the cows come home.

obviously after having finished the game, i gave it thought if i wanted to play it again with a different character build .. and the answer is no.
The story is dominant, which means that there's no way to "see a different side of it". There is little incentive in exploring or doing other gigs, because they are all very similar, and there isn't even loot to consider, as the loot is leveled so finding that great katana you didn't find last time, at level 5, isn't really gonna do much to change your game experience. Also, good luck upgrading anything without a solid 14/14 in crafting.

.. i feel a strong influence of Borderlands in CP77. The neverending stream of gun drops with tiny little differences that really don't amount to much until you hit level cap, which you can't really do in the story anyway.


Cyberpunk 2077 is a game where you drive around, jump around, sneak around and occasionally headshot mobs, in a gorgeous fully 3-d enormous city. The city itself is the gameplay. The gameplay proper is mediocre and shouldn't be considered the focal point of the game. While i am not ethically convinced that this is right, i didn't hate the game.
As a comparison, i HATED with the furious intensity of an exploding sun, that pile of **** which is Metro Exodus. CP77 on the other hand is far more pleasant, i enjoyed playing GTA on it, just driving around doing random gigs, with little care for what lines of text some poor bastard had to write on a shard that nobody is going to read, because i fully understood that all i had to do to go ahead was double-jump on a roof and headshot all the guys with the red signs on their head. And for that, CP77 is ok. Add the fact that you get to do this in the immense model of Night City, and you got enough entertainment for the evening. You can EVEN do a storyline mission.

if somebody asked me if they should buy Cyberpunk 2077, i would say "eh, it's ok".
Reactions: zinfamous


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
^ with Jackie, I couldn't get over the fact that it's Wakka from FF X, and how gd annoying Wakka was.

distracting as hell.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
I'm glad you stuck it out. There are certainly a lot of warts, but still a worthwhile experience.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
^ with Jackie, I couldn't get over the fact that it's Wakka from FF X, and how gd annoying Wakka was.

distracting as hell.

Bender rules! Wakka drools!


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aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
I'm playing at 1080p with DLSS quality and using Digital Foundry's recommended settings. My laptop is an MSI GS65 and it's one of the thinnest laptops housing an RTX 2060 so it might be more thermal and power limited than most.

Thing is I like to run my games with vsync on to avoid tearing, stuttering and to have a more consistent experience. Luckily the game has the option for 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 refresh rate vsync so for my 144hz screen I could run the game at 72hz, 48hz and 36hz with vsync. Unfortunately only 36hz is the most stable option, it very rarely dips below that but that means there's no way for me to enable raytracing and maintain that framerate without sacrificing other quality settings.

Coupled with riva tuner statistics server to limit the framerate at 35.99 fps to drastically reduce input lag and improve frametime consistency for me the game is playable at 36 fps.


My monitor is freesync compatible which works pretty well. I haven't had to deal with vsync in most games anymore


Oct 1, 2010
you should know better than to expect a top-tier PC game to run on your s* little console.

You should tell that to CDPR who insists on selling it to run on XBox One. Digital Foundry tested 1.1 on XBO (boy are they milking it for all it's worth) and its still not any better. Still getting the popin-popout issues and frame rates are still too low. I wonder if you would get the same issues if you played on PC with a platter drive.
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