Data from Clinton's calandar seems to be missing...

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Her calendar.


Her calendar is missing information, folks.

It's pretty obvious that she murdered Vincent Foster, ordered the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, and sent ISIS classified information.

Keep on keepin' on, amateur psychologist.

First you ask a stupid question because you're too lazy to read and now you evoke the absurd in a flailing attempt to recover your dignity. Nice to see a person who pulls his foot out of his mouth once in a while even if only to change feet. It does, however, make you charge about me being an amateur psychologist rather funny


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
First you ask a stupid question because you're too lazy to read and now you evoke the absurd in a flailing attempt to recover your dignity. Nice to see a person who pulls his foot out of his mouth once in a while even if only to change feet. It does, however, make you charge about me being an amateur psychologist rather funny

Shorter you:

I've got nothin'.

Keep on keepin' on, amateur psychologist.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Shorter you:

I've got nothin'.

Keep on keepin' on, amateur psychologist.

If you want to immunize yourself against amateur psychologists, try not to be so transparent.

And don't feel bad. Everything I can see in you I can see because I've seen it in me. We are all the same.

So here's your psychology lesson for today:

The more you know about yourself the greater will be your PhD in everybody else. I'll let you decide how many amateurs you think are aware of that. Love you.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2012
This thread is just sad.

Some people are immune to seeing patterns unless they can make it fit their own narrative. This is true for both sides. Hillary is a terrible candidate and very corrupt. Trump is a horrible candidate and we assume very corrupt but most likely just self interested. One thing I think we can all agree on is that if there are debates they will be both entertaining and tragic.


May 15, 2000
This thread is just sad.

Some people are immune to seeing patterns unless they can make it fit their own narrative. This is true for both sides. Hillary is a terrible candidate and very corrupt. Trump is a horrible candidate and we assume very corrupt but most likely just self interested. One thing I think we can all agree on is that if there are debates they will be both entertaining and tragic.

For someone ranting about people failing to see patterns you seem to have ignored the most obvious pattern of all, 30+ years of Republican propaganda aimed at the Clinton's. She's corrupt because that's what you've been told and because you yourself aren't capable of seeing the pattern you assume the propaganda is true.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2012
It isn't propaganda if it's true, or was that just your version of sniper fire?


May 15, 2000
It isn't propaganda if it's true, or was that just your version of sniper fire?

What exactly is true? Go through the list of Hillary scandals and tell me which one are true?

Is her sniper fire story a scandal in your eyes?


Jun 9, 2016
I suppose Hillary is "corrupt" in the self-serving quid pro quo sense that most successful people in fields that deal with people are. It takes a very exceptional person to be exempt, and surely Hillary isn't that person, but blowing it out of proportion just makes it clear the accuser don't really understand how the world works.
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Dec 9, 1999
What exactly is true? Go through the list of Hillary scandals and tell me which one are true?

Is her sniper fire story a scandal in your eyes?

Maybe this could be a good learning experience for you:

Take your sniper fire scandal example. Go to YouTube and find video of Billary explaining how she landed under sniper fire, then more video of Billary explaining how they were running from said sniper fire. Watch Billary. Listen to Billary. Do you see how smoothly Billary does Billary? Now, had there been no video of her having not been in those conditions, or someone who would speak out on it, what would have happened? The 'facts have a liberal bias' would have been 'Billary dodged sniper fire, man she is brave, let me vote for her - twice if I live in Chi!'.

If she'll so perfectly and smoothly lie for something you really think massive ego political whore Billary isn't going to be lying about everything else she can for political gain? Especially things that aren't going to have potential video evidence? What do you think she's going to do when she knows ahead of time there is no way for someone (and, that someone is generally the media, who overwhelmingly is liberal) to actually expose the lie (misrepresentation and exaggeration, especially for self-benefit, is basically a lie), and this she can Billary out anything she wants for the sheeple?

It's like you Simple Jack mofos can't learn from Hope and Change 'Most Transparent Ever!' O'Bummer, you'll run right back to the rich fake candidate who will tell you Intellectual head nodding material so you can go head nod at each other how this rich fake is going to do something for you because he/she cares. I mean...buwhahahaha....for Intellectuals you guys consistently are pretty F'ing dumb, ya know?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Umm, you continually post reasons for us to be jaded.

Am I to take this as a statement you find my posts cause you to feel jaded? If so, have you ever thought about why that could be your condition? If that is your intention to insist such a reaction would be normal, I would insist there's a better explanation. As you are doubtless aware I have taken exceptional interest in you as a person owing to how down on yourself you come off, and gone the extra mile to cheer you up. As a person who is well aware, acutely aware, even, of the need self haters have to push away any form of love, I am fully aware you might have an exceptional need to attack me. Know then that my desire that you get real knowledge that your negative attitude toward yourself is not justified outweighs any fear I can have that you will feel a desire to insult me. Like you, my contempt for myself outweighs any scorn YOU could heap on me by a factor of millions. Love you.


Nov 11, 1999
This thread is just sad.

Some people are immune to seeing patterns unless they can make it fit their own narrative. This is true for both sides. Hillary is a terrible candidate and very corrupt. Trump is a horrible candidate and we assume very corrupt but most likely just self interested. One thing I think we can all agree on is that if there are debates they will be both entertaining and tragic.

Patterns? The only real pattern is the slinging of endless innuendo against the Clintons for decades.

It's like grandpa taking the kids fishing to a place where there aren't any fish, over and over. The kids finally figure it out but True Believers never will. They're always eager to believe that this time it'll be different.


Jun 9, 2016
Maybe this could be a good learning experience for you:

Take your sniper fire scandal example. Go to YouTube and find video of Billary explaining how she landed under sniper fire, then more video of Billary explaining how they were running from said sniper fire. Watch Billary. Listen to Billary. Do you see how smoothly Billary does Billary? Now, had there been no video of her having not been in those conditions, or someone who would speak out on it, what would have happened? The 'facts have a liberal bias' would have been 'Billary dodged sniper fire, man she is brave, let me vote for her - twice if I live in Chi!'.

If she'll so perfectly and smoothly lie for something you really think massive ego political whore Billary isn't going to be lying about everything else she can for political gain? Especially things that aren't going to have potential video evidence? What do you think she's going to do when she knows ahead of time there is no way for someone (and, that someone is generally the media, who overwhelmingly is liberal) to actually expose the lie (misrepresentation and exaggeration, especially for self-benefit, is basically a lie), and this she can Billary out anything she wants for the sheeple?

It's like you Simple Jack mofos can't learn from Hope and Change 'Most Transparent Ever!' O'Bummer, you'll run right back to the rich fake candidate who will tell you Intellectual head nodding material so you can go head nod at each other how this rich fake is going to do something for you because he/she cares. I mean...buwhahahaha....for Intellectuals you guys consistently are pretty F'ing dumb, ya know?

As a reader I'm left pondering if you've known any successful people in life, given that a relatively inconsequential embellishment we'd expect of family/friends' stories is so shocking. If anything else I'd recommend choosing a more substantive lie because this is a particularly weak example for your case.
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Dec 9, 1999
I'm curious if you've known successful people in life given that a relatively inconsequential embellishment we'd expect of family/friends' stories is so shocking.

Except this isn't a inconsequential embellishment. This is a political whore needlessly and massively fluffing up her trip so she can score public points for the benefit of her political stature. And she was caught red handed at it. If she does this for a nothing like her safe trip, can you trust anything that comes out of her mouth that she already knows ahead of time will be impossible/difficult to check her on (if the media even has the true will)?

Or, asked another way: Does a serial compulsive liar/exaggerator/political comment crafter deserve trust? If this serial whore so smoothly lies about something so unimportant, WhoTF is dumb enough to actually believe anything else she says?

Well, we have our answer: Predictably, it's the Left. Lulz... Good job Lefties! You could have had Bernie, instead, you've got Billary! Oh :thumbsup:


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
It must have went over my head, it makes no sense to me.

See Hillary, if you'd have married him, [then] you wouldn't be married to the president of the United States. Hillary responded, "No, I'd still be married to the president..."

It doesn't make any sense as written. He needs to to change "you'd have" to "you hadn't." <shrug>


Jun 9, 2016
Except this isn't a inconsequential embellishment. This is a political whore needlessly and massively fluffing up her trip so she can score public points for the benefit of her political stature. And she was caught red handed at it. If she does this for a nothing like her safe trip, can you trust anything that comes out of her mouth that she already knows ahead of time will be impossible/difficult to check her on (if the media even has the true will)?

Or, asked another way: Does a serial compulsive liar/exaggerator/political comment crafter deserve trust? If this serial whore so smoothly lies about something so unimportant, WhoTF is dumb enough to actually believe anything else she says?

Well, we have our answer: Predictably, it's the Left. Lulz... Good job Lefties! You could have had Bernie, instead, you've got Billary! Oh :thumbsup:

Uh, I don't know what else to tell you but otherwise ordinary people embellish stories for entertainment value when it warrants. Eg. "you mean gramps never stabbed that nazi right in the eye like he tell everyone who'd listen? my life is a lie."

To make this worthwhile you need to find some actual sinister or at least cynical narrative instead of just insinuate it.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It doesn't make any sense as written. He needs to to change "you'd have" to "you hadn't." <shrug>

It seems grammatically interesting to me because you'd have sounds OK to my ear sort of like if 'you'd of' crossing over with if you had, but I think, in any case I think if he had said 'if you hadn't' that would make no sense since she didn't marry him but married Bill. Anyway.....


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
If you want to immunize yourself against amateur psychologists, try not to be so transparent.

And don't feel bad. Everything I can see in you I can see because I've seen it in me. We are all the same.

So here's your psychology lesson for today:

The more you know about yourself the greater will be your PhD in everybody else. I'll let you decide how many amateurs you think are aware of that. Love you.
I transparently asked you which "certain records" you're clutching your pearls over, because egads man, as far as I can tell, it is in regards to an entry on a personal calendar.

It's the same, "show me the birth certificate", "show me the academic records", "show me the long form birth certificate" nothingburger that people without a substantive argument bring up because they got nothin'.

The very first time you attempted to wield your own cognitive dissonance as a weapon was as a non-response to me, telling me that yes, you really are worried about personal calendar entries (!), and then something about diapers that will win you the heartfelt "+1 LOL Well spoken" non-response from your new cheerleaders on the right.

Well played!

Who Hillary Clinton met with on certain days is irrelevant to pretty much everything. I'm going to guess that she was paid very lucrative speaking fees by the richest banks on the planet because she has been: an attorney, a governor's wife, a first lady, a US Senator, and a SOS. I'm going to assume that she discussed what her own ideas on finance, commerce, and the economy consist of, and because she isn't an utter moron, used gracious terms to describe her hosts and their actions, probably consisting of "finance is important in an economy", "innovative finance is what allows businesses small and large to blah blah blah", and other phrases that didn't consist of Clinton threatening to put each and every banker in jail, even the ones who weren't in banking when the economy was crashing at the end of the-President-who-shan't-be-named administration.

Or, perhaps, she really got paid large speaking fees which are nothing but pocket change to banks like GS, because she was telling them all about her diabolical plan to have time-travelling Vincent Foster fix the 2008 election for Future-Obama, allowing her to get a little more experience in gub'mint as SOS...where she of course again used time-travelling Vincent Foster to organize the Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! terrorist attacks, which was really just a ploy to have preteen Hispanics with calves the size of cantaloupes, employed by Agenda21 agents and trained by ISIS, to bring about Sharia Law in the US by taking over Texas WalMarts.

Using obfuscating language and psychological neologisms to pretend that you know something about others when you're clearly not sure about yourself (which you at least admit to) is entertaining, but not much more than that.


May 15, 2000
Thanks for making my point for me.

Was your point that you are a mindless drone incapable of independent thought and who is unaware of the same patterns you say other people don't see? Yeah, I made your point then.

I also noticed your refusal to address my question another common pattern by people like you.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
It seems grammatically interesting to me because you'd have sounds OK to my ear sort of like if 'you'd of' crossing over with if you had, but I think, in any case I think if he had said 'if you hadn't' that would make no sense since she didn't marry him but married Bill. Anyway.....

Ha, yeah, my bad. I thought the gas station attendant was speaking, not Bill.


Jan 6, 2005
As a reader I'm left pondering if you've known any successful people in life, given that a relatively inconsequential embellishment we'd expect of family/friends' stories is so shocking. If anything else I'd recommend choosing a more substantive lie because this is a particularly weak example for your case.

Confusing shaking hands with little girls as coming under sniper fire is hardly an inconsequential embellishment. It is the signs of a pathological liar. There is also a consistent pattern of lies, extending to the details surrounding her personal server. Many pathological liars are also successful people, but shouldn't we expect more of our elected leaders?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
nickqt: I transparently asked you which "certain records" you're clutching your pearls over, because egads man, as far as I can tell, it is in regards to an entry on a personal calendar.

M: Clearly the OP link delt with entries missing on one calandra but present elsewhere so it regards entries not present. Get your facts straight. This was obvious that missing calendar data is what the link was about. The clutching of pearls is just a product of your irrationality.

n: It's the same, "show me the birth certificate", "show me the academic records", "show me the long form birth certificate" nothingburger that people without a substantive argument bring up because they got nothin'.

M: I made no such connections nor were such connections made in the link. You are just convulsing, sadly. The link documented the missing data so that is factual. Your claim that nothing was found is just your personal reaction.

n: The very first time you attempted to wield your own cognitive dissonance as a weapon was as a non-response to me, telling me that yes, you really are worried about personal calendar entries (!), and then something about diapers that will win you the heartfelt "+1 LOL Well spoken" non-response from your new cheerleaders on the right.

Well played!

M: Worry? I posted an article that delt with information that was missing on a public document that could cause some to be suspicious it was an effort to conceal being as how the info would not set well with Sanders voters. I posted to point this out.

n: Who Hillary Clinton met with on certain days is irrelevant to pretty much everything. I'm going to guess that she was paid very lucrative speaking fees by the richest banks on the planet because she has been: an attorney, a governor's wife, a first lady, a US Senator, and a SOS. I'm going to assume that she discussed what her own ideas on finance, commerce, and the economy consist of, and because she isn't an utter moron, used gracious terms to describe her hosts and their actions, probably consisting of "finance is important in an economy", "innovative finance is what allows businesses small and large to blah blah blah", and other phrases that didn't consist of Clinton threatening to put each and every banker in jail, even the ones who weren't in banking when the economy was crashing at the end of the-President-who-shan't-be-named administration.

M: what is irrelevant to you is irrelevant to you because you are motivated not to see any relevance. I see relevance. I find your paragraph here amusing in an irrational kind of way.

n: Or, perhaps, she really got paid large speaking fees which are nothing but pocket change to banks like GS, because she was telling them all about her diabolical plan to have time-travelling Vincent Foster fix the 2008 election for Future-Obama, allowing her to get a little more experience in gub'mint as SOS...where she of course again used time-travelling Vincent Foster to organize the Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! terrorist attacks, which was really just a ploy to have preteen Hispanics with calves the size of cantaloupes, employed by Agenda21 agents and trained by ISIS, to bring about Sharia Law in the US by taking over Texas WalMarts.

M: Hehe, you should try horror novels.

n: Using obfuscating language and psychological neologisms to pretend that you know something about others when you're clearly not sure about yourself (which you at least admit to) is entertaining, but not much more than that.

M: I hate to think what lengths of madness would be evoked ifI told you some data was missing on Clinton's calendar. You sure know how to fill a diaper.


May 15, 2000
Confusing shaking hands with little girls as coming under sniper fire is hardly an inconsequential embellishment. It is the signs of a pathological liar. There is also a consistent pattern of lies, extending to the details surrounding her personal server. Many pathological liars are also successful people, but shouldn't we expect more of our elected leaders?

I don't think you know what a pathological liar is.

Did she get some details wrong? Absolutely! Is this the sort of lie that would end a politicians career? Hardly.

S News correspondent who was on the trip with Clinton wrote her own account of it in 2008, after Clinton's speech at George Washington University. She did admit that there were some potential security risks, but acknowledged that it didn't rise to the level of landing under sniper fire.

Sharyl Attkisson recalled:

"Due to the possibility of sniper fire, our pilots used what we were told are 'assault take-offs and landings.' In short, the climb and descent are very fast, and very steep to minimize exposure to hostile fire on the ground."

"It's exciting and frightening and, in the midst of it all, wearing our helmets and bulletproof vests, it's easy to imagine we may be narrowly escaping enemy bullets."

"In reality, we had no known incidents of enemy fire on our aircraft."

To be fair, however, Attkisson did note in her 1996 CBS report that the "frontline outpost" that Clinton and Chelsea visited was "one of the most dangerous places where US forces are operating."

"The president himself never made it this far inside Bosnia when he visited in January," Attkisson said in the report.

But if you want to start comparing the lies Hillary has told with the lies other presidents and other presidential candidates have told then lets see how she ranks. If you want we can limit it to the candidate you plan on voting for. I suspect the bar you hold so high for Clinton will be lowered rather quickly when it comes to the candidate you support.
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