Data from Clinton's calandar seems to be missing...

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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
nickqt: I transparently asked you which "certain records" you're clutching your pearls over, because egads man, as far as I can tell, it is in regards to an entry on a personal calendar.

M: Clearly the OP link delt with entries missing on one calandra but present elsewhere so it regards entries not present. Get your facts straight. This was obvious that missing calendar data is what the link was about. The clutching of pearls is just a product of your irrationality.
The facts are that calendar data is irrelevant to anything, unless you think the calendar data itself is damning, such as, "On September 5th, Hillary will be meeting with ISIS and Wall St. execs to strategize on how to attack Benghazi!".

The only irrationality is assuming that because information from a personal calendar isn't available to you means something is inherently wrong. Kinda like assuming that because you haven't seen the actual long-form birth certificate of Barack HUSSEIN Obama means that he was born in Kenya.

n: It's the same, "show me the birth certificate", "show me the academic records", "show me the long form birth certificate" nothingburger that people without a substantive argument bring up because they got nothin'.

M: I made no such connections nor were such connections made in the link. You are just convulsing, sadly. The link documented the missing data so that is factual. Your claim that nothing was found is just your personal reaction.
Yes, you're right. I brought up the connections, because bitching and moaning about missing "calendar data" is the same thing as bitching and moaning about various birth certificates.

n: The very first time you attempted to wield your own cognitive dissonance as a weapon was as a non-response to me, telling me that yes, you really are worried about personal calendar entries (!), and then something about diapers that will win you the heartfelt "+1 LOL Well spoken" non-response from your new cheerleaders on the right.

Well played!

M: Worry? I posted an article that delt with information that was missing on a public document that could cause some to be suspicious it was an effort to conceal being as how the info would not set well with Sanders voters. I posted to point this out.
Sanders dead-enders who are going to stay home or vote for Trump are few and far between, but the true Sanders dead-enders are going to be suspicious of anything Clinton, so it doesn't matter one bit. #JudasWarren will become #JudasSanders if and when Sanders endorses Clinton.

n: Who Hillary Clinton met with on certain days is irrelevant to pretty much everything. I'm going to guess that she was paid very lucrative speaking fees by the richest banks on the planet because she has been: an attorney, a governor's wife, a first lady, a US Senator, and a SOS. I'm going to assume that she discussed what her own ideas on finance, commerce, and the economy consist of, and because she isn't an utter moron, used gracious terms to describe her hosts and their actions, probably consisting of "finance is important in an economy", "innovative finance is what allows businesses small and large to blah blah blah", and other phrases that didn't consist of Clinton threatening to put each and every banker in jail, even the ones who weren't in banking when the economy was crashing at the end of the-President-who-shan't-be-named administration.

M: what is irrelevant to you is irrelevant to you because you are motivated not to see any relevance. I see relevance. I find your paragraph here amusing in an irrational kind of way.
What is relevant to you is relevant to you because you are motivated to see relevance. Because you're a Sanders dead-ender. I find your reasoning here to be both typical and amusing in a totally oblivious kind of way.

n: Or, perhaps, she really got paid large speaking fees which are nothing but pocket change to banks like GS, because she was telling them all about her diabolical plan to have time-travelling Vincent Foster fix the 2008 election for Future-Obama, allowing her to get a little more experience in gub'mint as SOS...where she of course again used time-travelling Vincent Foster to organize the Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! terrorist attacks, which was really just a ploy to have preteen Hispanics with calves the size of cantaloupes, employed by Agenda21 agents and trained by ISIS, to bring about Sharia Law in the US by taking over Texas WalMarts.

M: Hehe, you should try horror novels.
This is actually what a large segment of TeaPartyPatriots believe, here in objective observable reality. Go visit their websites. Ask them.

n: Using obfuscating language and psychological neologisms to pretend that you know something about others when you're clearly not sure about yourself (which you at least admit to) is entertaining, but not much more than that.

M: I hate to think what lengths of madness would be evoked ifI told you some data was missing on Clinton's calendar. You sure know how to fill a diaper.
Ahh, there's that diaper again.

What is hilarious is that you have to twist yourself into knots, projecting your own shit-the-bed-DATA!-IS!-MISSING! fears onto me.

I'm perfectly OK with personal calendar data being missing. Unlike, say, 18 minutes of recorded conversation being "accidentally deleted".

Show me something of substance and I'll share your criticism and concern.

Clutching pearls and falling onto feinting couches because PERSONAL CALENDAR DATA! is missing doesn't quite make me shit myself as it does you, but thanks again for the great example of projecting your fears onto someone else!


Nov 11, 1999
I don't think you know what a pathological liar is.

Did she get some details wrong? Absolutely! Is this the sort of lie that would end a politicians career? Hardly.

But if you want to start comparing the lies Hillary has told with the lies other presidents and other presidential candidates have told then lets see how she ranks. If you want we can limit it to the candidate you plan on voting for. I suspect the bar you hold so high for Clinton will be lowered rather quickly when it comes to the candidate you support.

People have already done that-

It's amusing to watch the Trumpsters going on about lyin' Hillary, particularly when it's something utterly trivial from 20 years ago...


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The facts are that calendar data is irrelevant to anything, unless you think the calendar data itself is damning, such as, "On September 5th, Hillary will be meeting with ISIS and Wall St. execs to strategize on how to attack Benghazi!".

The only irrationality is assuming that because information from a personal calendar isn't available to you means something is inherently wrong. Kinda like assuming that because you haven't seen the actual long-form birth certificate of Barack HUSSEIN Obama means that he was born in Kenya.

Yes, you're right. I brought up the connections, because bitching and moaning about missing "calendar data" is the same thing as bitching and moaning about various birth certificates.

Sanders dead-enders who are going to stay home or vote for Trump are few and far between, but the true Sanders dead-enders are going to be suspicious of anything Clinton, so it doesn't matter one bit. #JudasWarren will become #JudasSanders if and when Sanders endorses Clinton.

What is relevant to you is relevant to you because you are motivated to see relevance. Because you're a Sanders dead-ender. I find your reasoning here to be both typical and amusing in a totally oblivious kind of way.

This is actually what a large segment of TeaPartyPatriots believe, here in objective observable reality. Go visit their websites. Ask them.

Ahh, there's that diaper again.

What is hilarious is that you have to twist yourself into knots, projecting your own shit-the-bed-DATA!-IS!-MISSING! fears onto me.

I'm perfectly OK with personal calendar data being missing. Unlike, say, 18 minutes of recorded conversation being "accidentally deleted".

Show me something of substance and I'll share your criticism and concern.

Clutching pearls and falling onto feinting couches because PERSONAL CALENDAR DATA! is missing doesn't quite make me shit myself as it does you, but thanks again for the great example of projecting your fears onto someone else!

Never go full retard.


Jun 9, 2016
She seems to get a lot of details wrong

This is why I might as well asked if any of these people have ever been to a dinner party much less known success.

Perhaps it's the case that we should hold leaders to a higher standard, but this is the dumbest possible example to extrapolate a "liar".


Jan 6, 2005
This is why I might as well asked if any of these people have ever been to a dinner party much less known success.

Perhaps it's the case that we should hold leaders to a higher standard, but this is the dumbest possible example to extrapolate a "liar".
If only I attended more dinner parties populated by boastful meglomaniacs, then I would understand.


Jun 9, 2016
If only I attended more dinner parties populated by boastful meglomaniacs, then I would understand.

Again, I'm just pointing out how the world works. You can complain all you want that the people above you at work are shitheads (ignoring the fact that it's an evolutionary advantage often dictated by those below), but at the end of the day they're still your boss. And really if you want to complain, bitching about the story they told at some mixer is stupid.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Brilliant reasoning!

But hey, you got your "+1 Well Said" from your fellow conservative, so everything worked out in the end!

I am extremely liberal. That doesn't mean I have to turn off my brain. It doesn't mean I have to out words in the mouth of people I am arguing with to creat straw,en to egotistically knock down. It doesn't mean I have to turn my opposition into monsters to claim moral superiority. It doesn't mean that the people on the right don't have reasons and instincts behind their opinions. It doesn't mean I have to be an arrogant asshole or that I can't be fair. It doesn't mean I have to shit my pants because somebody doesn't agree with me.

You think I'm here to win this argument but I'm here to show you the difference between being rational and being partisan crazy.

You rushed in to do battle by trying to humiliate the ego of somebody who has died to everything he held sacred and suffered total defeat and probably long before you were born, an amateur psychologist as it were. Hehe. You were not prepared. You don't know the limits of rage or what it means to die on the cross or likely what l'm talking about.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
I am extremely liberal. That doesn't mean I have to turn off my brain. It doesn't mean I have to out words in the mouth of people I am arguing with to creat straw,en to egotistically knock down. It doesn't mean I have to turn my opposition into monsters to claim moral superiority. It doesn't mean that the people on the right don't have reasons and instincts behind their opinions. It doesn't mean I have to be an arrogant asshole or that I can't be fair. It doesn't mean I have to shit my pants because somebody doesn't agree with me.

You think I'm here to win this argument but I'm here to show you the difference between being rational and being partisan crazy.

You rushed in to do battle by trying to humiliate the ego of somebody who has died to everything he held sacred and suffered total defeat and probably long before you were born, an amateur psychologist as it were. Hehe. You were not prepared. You don't know the limits of rage or what it means to die on the cross or likely what l'm talking about.
Again with the shitting of the pants, and diapers. Me thinks the amatuer psychologist doth protest too much.

By the way, you aren't winning any argument. You're shitting the bed because you're a Sanders dead-ender, Bernie-or-Buster.

Which is perfectly fine, by the way. As long as you understand that almost everyone else on the left understands who Clinton is, what her policies are in comparison to Sanders, and yet prefer Clinton to Strongman Trump. We have also watched as the right have attacked Bill and Hillary Clinton for the past 30+ years, and realize that shitting the bed because OH! MY! GOD! PERSONAL! CALENDAR! DATA! IS! MISSING! is weak sauce.

You can be upset and consider Hitlery Clinton the worst person ever because the right has been attacking her for 30 years and look THERE IS PERSONAL CALENDAR DATA MISSING, but it only seems relevant and rational to you, and right-wingers, who just 20 years ago were bitching about how Hillary had Vincent Foster murdered for, well, whatever their batshit delusional worldviews could come up with.

So, you go ahead and keep up with the psychobabble. It's amusing, and it's fun watching the rightwingers who used to consider you a babbling idiot +1'ing your posts now that you merrily spew their same talking points.

Keep on keepin' on, doc.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I am extremely liberal. That doesn't mean I have to turn off my brain. It doesn't mean I have to out words in the mouth of people I am arguing with to creat straw,en to egotistically knock down. It doesn't mean I have to turn my opposition into monsters to claim moral superiority. It doesn't mean that the people on the right don't have reasons and instincts behind their opinions. It doesn't mean I have to be an arrogant asshole or that I can't be fair. It doesn't mean I have to shit my pants because somebody doesn't agree with me.

You think I'm here to win this argument but I'm here to show you the difference between being rational and being partisan crazy.

You rushed in to do battle by trying to humiliate the ego of somebody who has died to everything he held sacred and suffered total defeat and probably long before you were born, an amateur psychologist as it were. Hehe. You were not prepared. You don't know the limits of rage or what it means to die on the cross or likely what l'm talking about.
Well said again, brother.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
nickqt: Again with the shitting of the pants, and diapers. Me thinks the amatuer psychologist doth protest too much.

M: Keep digging. I told you that if you wanted to fool an amateur psychologist you would have to not be transparent. You got your nose rubbed in your ego and can't stop digging.

n : By the way, you aren't winning any argument. You're shitting the bed because you're a Sanders dead-ender, Bernie-or-Buster.

M: You are an arrogant idiot who knows nothing. This is nothing but your delusional arrogance. Yet you seem oblivious to the fact all of this is your made up opinion. You lack the capacity to reason.

n: Which is perfectly fine, by the way. As long as you understand that almost everyone else on the left understands who Clinton is, what her policies are in comparison to Sanders, and yet prefer Clinton to Strongman Trump. We have also watched as the right have attacked Bill and Hillary Clinton for the past 30+ years, and realize that shitting the bed because OH! MY! GOD! PERSONAL! CALENDAR! DATA! IS! MISSING! is weak sauce.

M: I suggested you might want me to change your diaper because tou were too infintile to determine where the information was missing even though where was plain from the link.

n: You can be upset and consider Hitlery Clinton the worst person ever because the right has been attacking her for 30 years and look THERE IS PERSONAL CALENDAR DATA MISSING, but it only seems relevant and rational to you, and right-wingers, who just 20 years ago were bitching about how Hillary had Vincent Foster murdered for, well, whatever their batshit delusional worldviews could come up with.

M: You are going full retard again. It must be terrifying to live in your head. So many Moonbeam monsters about.

n: So, you go ahead and keep up with the psychobabble. It's amusing, and it's fun watching the rightwingers who used to consider you a babbling idiot +1'ing your posts now that you merrily spew their same talking points.

Keep on keepin' on, doc.

M: Only the brain dead could read your insane ravings and conclude you're amused. Sadly ou lack the psychological sophistication to see that you are transparent. Your poopy diapers give you away, You beat a dead horse, but you were not prepared. Salvage what you can.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
nickqt: Again with the shitting of the pants, and diapers. Me thinks the amatuer psychologist doth protest too much.

M: Keep digging. I told you that if you wanted to fool an amateur psychologist you would have to not be transparent. You got your nose rubbed in your ego and can't stop digging.

n : By the way, you aren't winning any argument. You're shitting the bed because you're a Sanders dead-ender, Bernie-or-Buster.

M: You are an arrogant idiot who knows nothing. This is nothing but your delusional arrogance. Yet you seem oblivious to the fact all of this is your made up opinion. You lack the capacity to reason.

n: Which is perfectly fine, by the way. As long as you understand that almost everyone else on the left understands who Clinton is, what her policies are in comparison to Sanders, and yet prefer Clinton to Strongman Trump. We have also watched as the right have attacked Bill and Hillary Clinton for the past 30+ years, and realize that shitting the bed because OH! MY! GOD! PERSONAL! CALENDAR! DATA! IS! MISSING! is weak sauce.

M: I suggested you might want me to change your diaper because tou were too infintile to determine where the information was missing even though where was plain from the link.

n: You can be upset and consider Hitlery Clinton the worst person ever because the right has been attacking her for 30 years and look THERE IS PERSONAL CALENDAR DATA MISSING, but it only seems relevant and rational to you, and right-wingers, who just 20 years ago were bitching about how Hillary had Vincent Foster murdered for, well, whatever their batshit delusional worldviews could come up with.

M: You are going full retard again. It must be terrifying to live in your head. So many Moonbeam monsters about.

n: So, you go ahead and keep up with the psychobabble. It's amusing, and it's fun watching the rightwingers who used to consider you a babbling idiot +1'ing your posts now that you merrily spew their same talking points.

Keep on keepin' on, doc.

M: Only the brain dead could read your insane ravings and conclude you're amused. Sadly ou lack the psychological sophistication to see that you are transparent. Your poopy diapers give you away, You beat a dead horse, but you were not prepared. Salvage what you can.

Schizophrenic word salad.

Seek help, doc.


Jun 9, 2016
I am extremely liberal. That doesn't mean I have to turn off my brain. It doesn't mean I have to out words in the mouth of people I am arguing with to creat straw,en to egotistically knock down. It doesn't mean I have to turn my opposition into monsters to claim moral superiority. It doesn't mean that the people on the right don't have reasons and instincts behind their opinions. It doesn't mean I have to be an arrogant asshole or that I can't be fair. It doesn't mean I have to shit my pants because somebody doesn't agree with me.

You think I'm here to win this argument but I'm here to show you the difference between being rational and being partisan crazy.

You rushed in to do battle by trying to humiliate the ego of somebody who has died to everything he held sacred and suffered total defeat and probably long before you were born, an amateur psychologist as it were. Hehe. You were not prepared. You don't know the limits of rage or what it means to die on the cross or likely what l'm talking about.

If it's your purpose to ask questions, the first relevant question would be whether strict recording of these events is the norm, such that anything missing is a red flag. I can't imagine this is hard to answer if someone already has access to these calendars.

A lot of effort in these threads is wasted because the OP's can't expect out of themselves what they expect of others.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Never go full retard.

But with all them there Moonbeams bouncing about his brain creating a strong desire to lash out at them and you only to be stymied by the absence of a target sitting still enough to be a target... Must be frustrating to punch at the air - so to speak. D:

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
I have no idea what may or may not be missing from her calendar though I have the right to suspect she's acted to prevent others from getting a hold of it and asking questions. If she were running a circle jerk with corporate lobbyists and wished that not be known the omissions from the calendar would be expected just as maintaining a private server for your emails would limit the possibility of others asking questions and digging into those emails. And, make no mistake about it, the Republicans would not hesitate for a femtosecond to demand access to such information for the purpose of muck racking.

It's pretty clear that Hillary has made the calculation that it's better to push things with private servers etc and risk the charges that were certain to come from that than risk giving something the opposition might actually be able to use against her. If the Republicans are going to accuse her of everything under the Sun then perhaps there's no need to not do these things.

Say, are were electing a commander in chief or a lawyer in chief?



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
But with all them there Moonbeams bouncing about his brain creating a strong desire to lash out at them and you only to be stymied by the absence of a target sitting still enough to be a target... Must be frustrating to punch at the air - so to speak. D:

It's just so unfair. Here I am struggling mightily to shed some light on the imbecilic lunacy of his self invented rants and what does he do but reduces it all to me being schizophrenic and in need of mental help. He does seem to need to pay closer attention to what transparent means. . I mean really.....

In what world am I not the doctor and he's not the patient? It reminds me of the first time I saw a psychologist and who told me I was defensive and I responded, "I am not." Ah to be young again. It was to be a while yet before I learned the joys of a padded cell.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
If it's your purpose to ask questions, the first relevant question would be whether strict recording of these events is the norm, such that anything missing is a red flag. I can't imagine this is hard to answer if someone already has access to these calendars.

A lot of effort in these threads is wasted because the OP's can't expect out of themselves what they expect of others.

The AP sued to get the more complete records that showed lots of meetings with wealthy donors and Wall Street people, the kind of information Sanders voters might especially not appreciate. However, I don't really know what you are saying here. It seems circumspect or I am too stupid to figure it out. Can you say what you mean more directly.


Jun 9, 2016
The AP sued to get the more complete records that showed lots of meetings with wealthy donors and Wall Street people, the kind of information Sanders voters might especially not appreciate. However, I don't really know what you are saying here. It seems circumspect or I am too stupid to figure it out. Can you say what you mean more directly.

If you have the calendar already it should be easy to determine if the missing records only represent particularly "suspicious" meetings (ie implying targeted intent), or it was common enough for everything else. That most basic & key math is missing from the OP. Missing some info for 75 entry out of thousand page calendar isn't in itself a smoking gun.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
But with all them there Moonbeams bouncing about his brain creating a strong desire to lash out at them and you only to be stymied by the absence of a target sitting still enough to be a target... Must be frustrating to punch at the air - so to speak. D:
lol +1 Fuzzy pink Christina Aguilera Moonbeam monsters! They're everywhere!

Man, I've missed you here in our little cesspool. Hope everything is well with you and yours.

I have no idea what may or may not be missing from her calendar though I have the right to suspect she's acted to prevent others from getting a hold of it and asking questions. If she were running a circle jerk with corporate lobbyists and wished that not be known the omissions from the calendar would be expected just as maintaining a private server for your emails would limit the possibility of others asking questions and digging into those emails. And, make no mistake about it, the Republicans would not hesitate for a femtosecond to demand access to such information for the purpose of muck racking.

It's pretty clear that Hillary has made the calculation that it's better to push things with private servers etc and risk the charges that were certain to come from that than risk giving something the opposition might actually be able to use against her. If the Republicans are going to accuse her of everything under the Sun then perhaps there's no need to not do these things.

Say, are were electing a commander in chief or a lawyer in chief?

I think this may be a bit different from her email server, even though they are part and parcel of her personality. For the latter, she is improperly handling classified and sensitive documents, dodging legally required FOIA accountability, and deleting and editing official government business for her own political and/or legal benefit. For her official calendar, I'm not at all sure she is required to log meetings with her political and Clinton Family Foundation donors as official business. I want to say yes, since we're paying her damned salary, but I can't swear this is observed by others. Not like D.C. is a place chock-full of clean hands and I fully expect other SecStates held the same meetings, whether or not they did theirs openly. Clinton is among the worst of the worst in arrogance and corruption, but she's hardly unique.

As to what is missing, the AP did yeoman work pointing that out. We probably don't know everything, but we can certainly see the pattern - which, again, may seem more unique than it is.

EDIT: Couple other things here. First, these are coming out so late in the campaign because neither Clinton nor State cooperated. Second, the AP article says that meetings not logged for other SecStates were for "medical and other personal" reasons, NOT donors and Wall Street execs as were Clinton's. And third, State at first denied that they had any of these planning documents, and after being caught out and so ordered by the court, have so far turned over a third of those known. So there may be more deleted meetings, although probably not twice as many more (I would think they mostly duplicate each other) and probably of the same kind. So probably no big surprises.
Last edited:


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
She seems to get a lot of details wrong
Talk to any soldier or Marine with combat experience. I'm pretty sure they'll tell you that having an eight year old read you a poem in front of a bunch of admirers is easily mistaken for being under sniper fire. I mean, really - who among us hasn't made that same mistake?


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Talk to any soldier or Marine with combat experience. I'm pretty sure they'll tell you that having an eight year old read you a poem in front of a bunch of admirers is easily mistaken for being under sniper fire. I mean, really - who among us hasn't made that same mistake?

That would be the Brian-Williams effect, yes?


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
That would be the Brian-Williams effect, yes?
Yes. And . . .

Is it the Brian Williams effect or the bill O'Reilly effect?

At this point, the only political lies to which I really react are when they claim to have fought in Vietnam (or Korea, Iraq, etc.) and/or won medals and then it turns out to be a lie. That still grinds my gears. Beyond that, I'm pretty much resigned to it, even the true masters like Mrs. Clinton.
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