Dating a battered woman


Senior member
May 14, 2005
It Started a few weeks back, i met kelly ( not her real name ) online after she sent me a PM on one of those friend websites. We talked for maby a month and thne we finally met. When i saw her she was ALOT better looking than in her photos, so i was very pleased. We spent the night playing pool chatting about life her 2 kids and whatever else, then we went to a movie and made out like teenagers, it was great. I topped out the night by taking her to my place drank alittle more flirted with the idea of sex with some light foreplay and i called it a night.

All and all it was the most fun ive had since my first date when i was 15.

Now after bliss comes terror.

Next day i didnt call her right away, so i went to the beach with some friends and i get a call.
So guy calls my phone asking who is this, so i reply with u called me who are you. The caller hangs up and does the same thing like 5 times till i blew up and started shouting at the caller and eventually he ask me how the ****** i know kelly, i told him how is that any of your business, so he gets even more angry all of a sudden and start asking me you ****** her you ****** her, by this time i am well pissed so i tell him yes im ****** her , thne i hear her all of a sudden shouting and crying, and he hangs up.

Id say about a week passes and i get a email from her. It urns out the x fiance also the father of her 2 children took her phone when he came to pickup their kids and saw my name number and flipped out.

She told me she couldn't have called because he destroyed her phone, choked her till she passed out and basically told her u and every part of you belongs to me so no man gets to ****** my property.

So now im in this position. I really like this woman ALOT. But i dont know if i should just toss her aside, because id have to deal with her x, which isnt the main problem, but it still is a problem. I orginally got conserned cause of her need for violence or hurtfull acts during more intimate stuff. Also the slightest conversation she cowers down immediatly if i disagree and she says sorry almost immediatly. These things ive never had to deal with before, so im in this present bind.

any advice as how to deal with it would be appreciated


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Uhhhh... do you REALLY need us to tell you to stay the fsck away?


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Bushman5
It Started a few weeks back, i met kelly ( not her real name ) online after she sent me a PM on one of those friend websites. We talked for maby a month and thne we finally met. When i saw her she was ALOT better looking than in her photos, so i was very pleased. We spent the night playing pool chatting about life her 2 kids and whatever else, then we went to a movie and made out like teenagers, it was great. I topped out the night by taking her to my place drank alittle more flirted with the idea of sex with some light foreplay and i called it a night.

All and all it was the most fun ive had since my first date when i was 15.

Now after bliss comes terror.

Next day i didnt call her right away, so i went to the beach with some friends and i get a call.
So guy calls my phone asking who is this, so i reply with u called me who are you. The caller hangs up and does the same thing like 5 times till i blew up and started shouting at the caller and eventually he ask me how the ****** i know kelly, i told him how is that any of your business, so he gets even more angry all of a sudden and start asking me you ****** her you ****** her, by this time i am well pissed so i tell him yes im ****** her , thne i hear her all of a sudden shouting and crying, and he hangs up.

Id say about a week passes and i get a email from her. It urns out the x fiance also the father of her 2 children took her phone when he came to pickup their kids and saw my name number and flipped out.

She told me she couldn't have called because he destroyed her phone, choked her till she passed out and basically told her u and every part of you belongs to me so no man gets to ****** my property.

So now im in this position. I really like this woman ALOT. But i dont know if i should just toss her aside, because id have to deal with her x, which isnt the main problem, but it still is a problem. I orginally got conserned cause of her need for violence or hurtfull acts during more intimate stuff. Also the slightest conversation she cowers down immediatly if i disagree and she says sorry almost immediatly. These things ive never had to deal with before, so im in this present bind.

any advice as how to deal with it would be appreciated

I hope that guy is rotting in jail now.

If not you should be in jail.


Jul 11, 2000
you have fvcking mental problems to even be considering this. It is not your job to clean up someone elses mess. Also, she has kids she's looking for a father to help make raising them easier. This is just like the worst scenario I can imagine. no wait it would be worse if you worked with her too.

reverend boltron

Senior member
Nov 18, 2004
Well, honestly, you know what is happening in her life, you know the terror that she is living with, why are you going to let her continue to live like that? Maybe not dating her now would be the best thing, but definitely helping her out of that situation would be the best thing you could ever do for her. No joke. I mean, like, you can date her if you want to, but it's going to be a long journey of healing for her, but being a friend, helping her get a restraining order and all that jazz, that is what she needs now.


Senior member
May 14, 2005
1 she dosent want to go to the police

2 she says no he would never kill me

I am at a ross road here. I really like her, im wondering if i should try to help her. If it wasnt for hr x beating her up and her having this syndrom i could really see us going places.


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: reverend boltron
Well, honestly, you know what is happening in her life, you know the terror that she is living with, why are you going to let her continue to live like that? Maybe not dating her now would be the best thing, but definitely helping her out of that situation would be the best thing you could ever do for her. No joke. I mean, like, you can date her if you want to, but it's going to be a long journey of healing for her, but being a friend, helping her get a restraining order and all that jazz, that is what she needs now.

she isnt his responsiblity. he has (presumably) his own life to deal with and he would be retarded to toss it out the window for some broad he met on myspace. The woman is an adult not a helpless child. She can have out of whatever shituation she got herself into in the first place.


Mar 31, 2003
I'd have her stay with me and make sure the guy knew that she was with me. When he breaks into my house to do soemething about it, I'd rip him 30 new 7.62mm holes with my AK. Problem solved

On a serious note, you really really need to arm up and keep her with you until he does something about it. Don't let on that you're packing heat until you're pulling the trigger. Make sure he breaks in before you start shooting.


Dec 1, 2000
Get a lawyer and put that ass in prison.

But yeah, it is acceptable to bail out of a relationship more than a friendship. You can still be her friend and help her out though. I agree with reverend bolton.

She probably has too many issues to deal with to even consider being a good girlfriend.


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Bushman5
1 she dosent want to go to the police

2 she says no he would never kill me

I am at a ross road here. I really like her, im wondering if i should try to help her. If it wasnt for hr x beating her up and her having this syndrom i could really see us going places.

you are so pathetically naive. just forget about her. you must be super desperate to even be considering this an option.


Jun 22, 2004
That guy is a worthless human being. He should definately be rotting in jail, and have multiple restraining orders filed against him.

If you stick it out and show her how a man should act, you will help her get over a horrible part of her life.


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: acemcmac
I'd have her stay with me and make sure the guy knew that she was with me. When he breaks into my house to do soemething about it, I'd rip him 30 new 7.62mm holes with my AK. Problem solved

On a serious note, you really really need to arm up and keep her with you until he does something about it. Don't let on that you're packing heat until you're pulling the trigger. Make sure he breaks in before you start shooting.

wtf gun toting moron. this isnt his battle or his business. he needs to walk away.


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2000
This is the sort of guy that thinks restraining orders are another way of saying I love you. Seriously. The Ex is a threat that must be dealt with if you were to have a relationship with this woman.

How much do you like this woman? Do you want to try and help her? Do you want to try and fix her? Because you could help her make a positive change in her life. Personally, depending on where I was at in my life, I might take the chance on this one.

The ex wouldn't be a big deterrant to me. The kids are, but not the ex. Strange, huh?


Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
Originally posted by: Bushman5
1 she dosent want to go to the police

2 she says no he would never kill me

I am at a ross road here. I really like her, im wondering if i should try to help her. If it wasnt for hr x beating her up and her having this syndrom i could really see us going places.

*sigh* If she is unwilling to go to the police, then you are going to be stuck in the worst situation possible, because she has already accepted that as her reality. And there it's hard as hell to change someone after that.


Platinum Member
Sep 2, 2000
Originally posted by: reverend boltron
Well, honestly, you know what is happening in her life, you know the terror that she is living with, why are you going to let her continue to live like that? Maybe not dating her now would be the best thing, but definitely helping her out of that situation would be the best thing you could ever do for her. No joke. I mean, like, you can date her if you want to, but it's going to be a long journey of healing for her, but being a friend, helping her get a restraining order and all that jazz, that is what she needs now.

agreed on what she needs but is it his place? inserting himself in the middle of this mess could be worse than just having a casual relationship (which i'd not suggest). that woman is going to have to do this on her own, maybe with help from friends and family that are aware of the problem...

the best he can do is point her in the direction, make a suggestion or two and run like mad after that... this could be a recipe for disaster for the OP if he does anything more.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Cripes, it's time like this that I'm reminded of how many ATers live in a fantasy land.

If he nearly choked her to death and she has not gone to the police herself already, she will only be convinced to leave when he puts her in the hospital - otherwise, no words you can say to her will make her leave. Wash your hands of this dangerous mess and let her act like an adult if she has the brains to do so.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: IcebergSlim
Originally posted by: reverend boltron
Well, honestly, you know what is happening in her life, you know the terror that she is living with, why are you going to let her continue to live like that? Maybe not dating her now would be the best thing, but definitely helping her out of that situation would be the best thing you could ever do for her. No joke. I mean, like, you can date her if you want to, but it's going to be a long journey of healing for her, but being a friend, helping her get a restraining order and all that jazz, that is what she needs now.

she isnt his responsiblity. he has (presumably) his own life to deal with and he would be retarded to toss it out the window for some broad he met on myspace. The woman is an adult not a helpless child. She can have out of whatever shituation she got herself into in the first place.

Yeah, just think of yourself first, last, and always! Fellow human beings should never be considered as anything other than a means toward your own ends (so continue to lead her on and use her for your own sexual gratification), but by no means help her in any way. :roll::disgust::|


Jul 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Mursilis
Originally posted by: IcebergSlim
Originally posted by: reverend boltron
Well, honestly, you know what is happening in her life, you know the terror that she is living with, why are you going to let her continue to live like that? Maybe not dating her now would be the best thing, but definitely helping her out of that situation would be the best thing you could ever do for her. No joke. I mean, like, you can date her if you want to, but it's going to be a long journey of healing for her, but being a friend, helping her get a restraining order and all that jazz, that is what she needs now.

she isnt his responsiblity. he has (presumably) his own life to deal with and he would be retarded to toss it out the window for some broad he met on myspace. The woman is an adult not a helpless child. She can have out of whatever shituation she got herself into in the first place.

Yeah, just think of yourself first, last, and always! Fellow human beings should never be considered as anything other than a means toward your own ends (so continue to lead her on and use her for your own sexual gratification), but by no means help her in any way. :roll::disgust::|

stop putting words in my mouth


Senior member
May 14, 2005
Like i said the x i dont think is a problem. As far as she has talked about him to me, he is a coward, small guy with loads of gambling debts. I like this girl alot as i said. If i knew her better id say it was close to love. I grew up with sisters so i feel my heart sink when i think about it.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Bushman5

So now im in this position. I really like this woman ALOT. But i dont know if i should just toss her aside, because id have to deal with her x, which isnt the main problem, but it still is a problem. I orginally got conserned cause of her need for violence or hurtfull acts during more intimate stuff. Also the slightest conversation she cowers down immediatly if i disagree and she says sorry almost immediatly. These things ive never had to deal with before, so im in this present bind.

Besides dealing with they psycho ex (I hope you live in a CCW state), she clearly has some serious issues that require professional help.

It is your choice if all the investment you will have to put in is worth it to you.


Fullmetal Chocobo

Moderator<br>Distributed Computing
May 13, 2003
Oh, and do your friend a favor, AND REPORT THIS ****** FOR HER. Obviously, she isn't going to be able to do it herself. The only reasonable reason as to why she couldn't (not shouldn't, but couldn't) is if she felt in danger for her life or her childrens. And that right there is enough to get her any amount of help from countless agencies. The worst thing you could do it to let this slide, as far as I'm concerned, as a friend or otherwise.
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