DaveB3D 3dfx and nVidia


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

This is not addressed towards you, simply about you, mods sorry for the OT nature, but this involves GH and only GH

:|WTF is everyone's problem with Dave and his comments?:|

Most of what he says certainly can be discussed(asside from NDAd topics) and certainly doesn't require the blind bashing that he is getting. Try discussing the topic, or heck even attacking the topic and not Dave.

Don't like his comments on the supriority of tiling? Then ask him why he thinks tiling will be extremely important instead of flaming him for backing his company(if anyone cares to "check up" on Dave, he held this stance long before he went to work for 3dfx, and before 3dfx purchased Gigapixel).

Have a problem with his views on where things are headed? Then discuss why you don't think they will, or offer an alternative view instead of bashing him for stating what he honestly believes.

He is not here to work for 3dfx's PR, he is stating what he honestly thinks to be truths.

There have been far too many threads where he is getting attacked for nothing at all, and it is quite frankly tiring. I expect more out of the posters on this board. The occasional flaming is one thing, I have been known to jump in from time to time, but the constant bashing of a member because of his employment is becoming very tiring.

This kind of childish behaviour has me thinking about leaving, it is rather bothersome that the members of this board who wish to can't have an intelligent discussion about upcoming or existing technologies because so many others find it necessary to attack a messenger. Go after the message and use the matter between your ears before you write another flame post towards him.

This is getting pretty d@mn old....


Oct 11, 1999
I agree. Having someone here with the amount of knowledge and insight Dave has is truly an asset, and underappreciated by a sizable portion of the members here. The fact that he works for 3dfx changes nothing about the arguments he makes. If you disagree, attack what he is saying, not the man himself.



Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Thank you...although I don't think Dave is unbiased, and I don't agree with a lot of the stuff he says, I am damn sick of everyone targeting him. Hardware has gotten to the point where he baits Dave in his threads: "Unlike Daves (mosaic...) come here and see some real facts on a real hardare you can buy today!"(Awesome new Kyro review (with HSR hardware) cant even beat a Geforce SDR ). Threads that could have provided a good discussion are turning into "let's all bash Dave because he works for 3dfx." This really needs to stop now. This forum is turning more and more into an AOL chatroom, and I don't blame Ben for thinking about leaving (the thought has crossed my mind more than a few times in the last week as well).


Senior member
Sep 11, 2000
"Its better to keep your mouth shut, and let everyone think your stupid, than open it and prove them right."

That?s for all the hardcore flamers out here, not my words, but wise words. Noone seems to have good arguments; people are getting ripped for nothing. I don?t see why Dave is getting treated this way. Same goes for Tom and Sharky. You don?t like them? Don?t read them, and stop spreading hatful rumors. I agree with Ben here.

Edit: Yo Ben, just chill, you know better than just leave this place


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 1999
He gets bashed because the majority of the members in the forum are in fact nvidiots or zealots on a whole. Those zealots see someone who represents 3dfx in the best way and bumrush dave because he is the only one that will fight back with facts and not speculation. If NFS4 or Ben was working for 3dfx they would do the same too. Its mainly that guy hardware who baits dave in a thread then dave tries to respond back with hard facts and he gets bashed so hard he doesn't return back to the thread, but who runs away laughing there arse off? Hardware! If thread crapping is lockable then member bashing should be under the same claim. Why can't hardware be put under some sort Of Forum Probation By the Mods for Thread harrassment or something. :|


Oct 9, 1999
I have nothing against him or anything, I agree with him 100% that tiling is the future, its just rather anoying when he is allways hints on these NDA issiues and doesnt tell us any facts. Just leaves us hanging Still, nice to have him here.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
I agree with BenSkywalker. Bashing people serves to do nothing but cut down the amount of discussion takes place. Anandtech's BBS' are gaining a reputation for that (not the main review site).



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Dave response are well put and informative. I may have poke a at him a bit, but nothing like what some other people have done. I for one hope he sticks around here. I enjoy reading what he has to say.


Oct 1, 2000
After seeing him make unrealistic claims about what the V5 can do on current drivers, and seeing the way he gets snotty with others here, I don't blame people for flaming him. He brings it on himself by starting it.


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
After seeing him make unrealistic claims about what the V5 can do on current drivers, and seeing the way he gets snotty with others here, I don't blame people for flaming him. He brings it on himself by starting it.

No, I totaly agree with Dave and the other people in this post.

People just get so worked up about video cards and who goes for what company that they start pining their hate onto people. As pointed out above in the post with madthumbs.

The samething happens in Football, Politics, Car Companies... heck almost everything. The people that really show no knowledge are the people that attack a person and not their claims. It is really getting old and I believe it is un-becoming of the intelligent people that post here.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
madthumbs - It was you that was making unsubstantiated claims and who fled with his tail between his legs when asked to support your views. You're the one who bragged about being banned from another BBS for the same type of behavior. You're part of the problem that BenSkywalker is complaining about. You must not value the insight that Ben and Dave can bring to discussions. Do you realize that both are capable of explaining 3D concepts in language that people like me and others, who are not in the industry and do not have the same expertise, can understand.

How about you go away and not crap in Ben's thread anymore.



Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
You ppl are a bunch of a$$ kissers. The tone of his posts insinuates that Anandtech readers are bunch of clueless dinks who know nothing of the hardware market. Most of us in this forum work with computers, work for computer companies, sell computer hardware, fix computer hardware for a living. We don't need to be talked to like we are a bunch of 5 yr old preschool kids. His responses generally have a very asinine tone to them. Sure he is knowledgable about the field he works in, but that certainly doesn't mean he is privy to all the goings on of every company.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
rickn - how about discussing or, if you wish, attacking the content of the post instead of the person? Namecalling (@sskissers) doesn't help any discussion.



Golden Member
Feb 7, 2000

Everyone is biased. Get over it. If

<< His responses generally have a very asinine tone to them >>

, then obviously he has a different bias than you. Dave does not pretend to be unbiased. He's stated numerous times that he is not unbiased. Many flamers like to pretend that they are unbiased and directly in the middle, when they could not be farther from the truth.

He works at 3dfx. Suppose, just for a moment, he knows a bit about that company (and others) than you do. Does that give him the right to be &quot;asinine&quot;? No. It does give him a right to his opinion, which carry more weight than just another hobbyist who gets their &quot;insider industry news&quot; from websites.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
He can *yap yap yap* about how good 3dfx is, how good GP3 is, how good tile rendering is (and knowing Bubba and 3dfx, they will probably claim they had the first tile based renderer), but that don't amount to a hill of beans. START DELIVERING. START PUSHING THE ENVELOPE. Everyone disses Nvidia, atleast they are in the forefront of 3d technology, not sitting on the sidelines. I certainly hope 3dfx can deliver. They got me started in 3d gaming. But, talk is cheap. Dave kinda reminds me of jpprod and Bitboys. And for the record, I have owned 3dfx, I owned a geforce, and now I own a Radeon. I have no bias against any of the 3d chip makers.


Senior member
Aug 7, 2000
And you have just confirmed what we have been talking about, yet you don't even realise it. That's kinda sad madthumbs.

I'll second what everyone in this thread is saying:
Hardware, get your act together. Your posts are for teh better part not worth teh webspace they take up. You are taking valuable members away from this board, and many people have considered leaving because of your childish, ignorant, and uninformed posts. STFU and LEARN for once!!!!

DaveB3D: I'd like to apologise to you on behalf of the members participating in this thread and the anandtech BBS as a whole, the way we have treated you is unacceptable. You are a valuable asset to this board, and we'd hate to lose you.

Come on people, show your support for dave, we *don't* want to lose him.

Just my $0.02


Jun 3, 2000

<< After seeing him make unrealistic claims about what the V5 can do on current drivers, and seeing the way he gets snotty with others here, I don't blame people for flaming him. He brings it on himself by starting it. >>

What unrealistic claims? As far as I can tell he's claimed that the Voodoo5 has a whole truck load of performance tweaking options and that the board performas alot better with the new drivers than the old. Both of those are true...where's the unrealistic claims?

Rickn, if you got sh*t on as much as he does you'd be asinine to. And he's never claimed at all to be Unbiased, he claims that he's speaking from factual knowledge about 3dfx's products which I guess is true. He's also claimed that he likely knows more about nVidia's products than we do. As a former member of Beyond3D it's his job to know what all the companies are doing, and now as a 3dfx employee it's part of his job to know what the competition is doing. Why do you guys find it so unreasonable that he likely know more about what nVidia is doing than the rest of us do? That seems quite reasonable to me. And if he's Biased toward 3dfx so what? Are any of us truly unbiased? And sh*t they pay his rent...I'd be biased towards them if they paid my rent to.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I have no problem when dave hypes 3dfx products but bashing on nvida without any fact is another thing!


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 1999
But, talk is cheap. Dave kinda reminds me of jpprod and Bitboys.

I certainly took this comparison as a compliment, as Bitboys should, since I appreciate the contribution DaveB3D is making to these boards as a technically knowledgeable person and a 3dfx employee alike. But I bet it wasn't meant as such. I dare you to link to a thread where I have insisted that Bitboys will bury the competition. Can half-sarcastic admiration of a nearby big-mouthed GFX company really be classified as zealotism?


Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
I agree with rickn. Knowledge cannot be used as a precursor to credibility. Dave posted a video card &quot;test&quot; in which the voodoo5 outperformed the gts. He omitted the fact that he works for 3dfx in his post. If I were following someone's &quot;test&quot; I sure would like to know that the tester worked for one of the tested card's companies, even if it were unofficial. Take a look at PM, he works for intel, yet he always takes to time to explain things in a fair, non-asinine manner. I can't think of anyone on this board that has critisized PM, yet there are numerous senior members who have directly critisized Dave. Just food for thought...


Jun 16, 2000

<< After seeing him make unrealistic claims about what the V5 can do on current drivers, and seeing the way he gets snotty with others here, I don't blame people for flaming him. He brings it on himself by starting it. >>

Yea unrealistic claims...I used his tweaks and gained 20 fps. Yea I'm sure glad those claim are unrealistic. He gets &quot;snotty&quot; with people who act as though they deserve to be treated that way. Frankly, you're one of them.

<< Everyone disses Nvidia >>

Rickn, what are you talking about? Over the summer, almost all that was ever posted here was anti-3dfx pro-nvidia garbage. Lately the attitude has changed to a more neutral tone. I don't know where you got that from.

<< I have no problem when dave hypes 3dfx products but bashing on nvida without any fact is another thing! >>

I've never seen him just bash nvidia without being able to back it up. If he can't give details because it would get him fired, there's nothing wrong with that. Is you getting information more important than his job?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Well here are my 2 cents since I've read many threads where Dave3D has posted. I do agree that quite a bit of the flames he receives are completely unjustified. However, being a vocal employee of 3Dfx who often posts controversial thoughts (i.e....criticizing nVidia or other companies) leaves him open to criticism. Also, quite frankly, I've seen Dave3D hurt his credibility by posting rather inflammatory comments. The more extreme members of this board then react to that.

No doubt that Dave has proven himself to be very knowledgeable within his industry and every post he makes does not deserve the flames it often receives.

Read this thread and then I think you can conclude that Dave could have handled himself better in his responses. My point is that, no, not all the flames are deserved...but sometimes Dave3D seems to agigitate flames. I will give him credit in saying in the last several threads Dave3D has really toned it down and provided more insightful knowledge rather than flame fodder.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Bash a company, bash a product, bash a feature, but never bash a person. Unless of course that person repeatedly bashes other people or makes unsubstantiated claims(GUTB, Hardware...most of the time...hehe).

Dave always provides &quot;evidence&quot; for his opinions about current vidcards/features. Sure he is vague concerning future features/vidcards, but even those of us who &quot;know&quot; the future are basically relying on rumours. So he is &quot;right&quot; then, we will all know in time and it seems idiotic to get all worked up about something that we have no real clue(no examples, no tests, no reviews)about.
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