Day Z alpha: How the zombie apocalypse should be


Mar 30, 2001
I'm crouching beside one of the other survivors, spotting for a third that is reconning a barn that looks like it might have some food or other supplies.
A gentle breeze is blowing and birds are chirping away farther into the forest behind us.

Day Z is a mod for ArmA II, that requires both ArmA II and Operation: Arrowhead, that simulates how a real zombie apocalypse might play out. Survivors are placed on an island with a 24 hour day/night cycle and it is left up to them on how to survive.
You can go it alone and try to eek out survival, or team up with other survivors and try to forage for food, weapons and other supplies.

Conversely you can become a 'bandit', and prey on the weak and helpless. Set up traps at locations where supplies might be and wait for the clueless to wander into them.

Towns, cities, and military bases are where the best items are. But also where there are usually more people willing to kill you for what you have.

After calling out a few zombies to our scouting companion a shot rings out from behind us. My friend screams and falls over, quickly bleeding out from the chest wound.
I drop to prone and scramble quickly for cover, but I'm unable to make it back to him before he dies.
Not wanting to get shot by the unseen assailant ourselves my other compatriot and I leave his body and supplies behind and make a run for the woods on the hill opposite of where we were.

There are 5 main stats that are tracked by the game; Humanity, Body Temperature, Blood, Water, and Food.
Humanity is a measure of your 'karma'. Kill innocent people and your humanity decreases, heal someone and it will go up. Let it drop low enough and you will be labeled as a 'bandit' and you will become a free kill for anyone lucky enough to do so. (Removed in Patch
Body Temperature measures how cold you are. If your body temperature drops low enough you will begin to shiver and may catch a cold. Colds will cause you to lose up to 2000 blood and may be passed to other players if you come in contact with them.
Blood is a measurement of your life, let it drop and your vision will desaturate, let it drop lower and your vision will pulse and you may black out randomly. Drop to zero and you're dead. Some wounds will bleed and must be bandaged before you bleed to death. Blood transfusions and food will restore lost blood.
Food and water decrease over time and must be replenished. Letting them drop dangerously low is hazardous to your health.
Canteens are refillable from lakes and wells and cans of soda may be found. Food usually comes in the form of cans, but meat may be harvested and cooked from some of the islands remaining animals. But the correct supplies (a knife and matches, and fire wood) must be found before it can be eaten.

We meet up with another survivor, he has lost a lot of blood from a confrontation with some zombies and has a tendency to pass out randomly. He says there is a grocery store in Guglovo, about 2-3 km from where we met him, where there should be supplies and food. We reach the outskirts of town after about 10 minutes of trekking only to find no grocery store. We decide to try and loot whatever might be in the town anyways.

Being an ArmA II mod the interface is clunky at best, looting, fighting and foraging are slowed by a menu system that takes a bit of time to get used to.
It is also very easy to get lost, you don't start with a map or compass and all signage is in Russian. Having a second monitor with the map open makes it much easier to navigate.
Bugs also abound; from the mundane disappearing items, graphical glitches and sometimes non functional chem-lights to the game breaking where you fall through a floor and die or have zombies attack you through walls.

As we crawl our way towards a mechanics garage that looks like it may contain some supplies our newfound friend passes out directly in the lumbering path of one of the undead.
I raise my Winchester lever-action rifle, and take the shot at the zombie just as it attacks him. We drag him into the garage and try to triage the wound, but it is too late.
We have a larger problem on our hands now. My shot has attracted the other zombies in the area. The horde are quickly closing in on our position in the garage, and they are hungry.

Overall the game is very intense, playing like a mix of STALKER and Fallout: NV in hardcore mode. Your position and gear and stats are stored on a master server, meaning if you log out of one server and into another you have everything you did before. For better or worse.
Your hunger and thirst meter continue to tick by as time passes, even if offline. You cannot die from simply being offline, however you will be very hungry and thirsty the next time you log in. So be prepared.
For anyone looking for an intense, realistic as possible zombie apocalypse simulator and don't mind putting up with some bugs Day Z is for you.

A note from the OP:
If anyone notices bad or out of date information in the OP please send me a PM. I'll be happy to correct it and I'll give you credit for pointing it out.

Information and Website Links

A link to the mod website.

A downloadable map of Chernarus Island.
Another map, with some building locations and Google Maps style controls.
A high detail map of Chernarus with Google Map style controls. Linked by LessThanDan, Thanks!

This thread on the Steam Forum has an installer for the Day Z mod making it much easier for getting everything where it needs to be.

Imaheadcase posted this link to the Day Z forum that has an auto-updater for the mod. Thanks!

For the newbs!
Links to guides and information for new players. Thanks to LessThanDan and Nemesis13!

Something I noticed that wasn't in the guides; turn the in-game music off. Being able to hear your surroundings is extremely important. The in-game music isn't event triggered and is actually a detriment to your survival.

Going prone in the wrong place can break your legs. Fences, walls and stairs are the biggest offenders.
When navigating stairs, doors and inside of small buildings it is best to use crouch walk (x and then shift), you make the same amount of noise as being prone and are only a bit more visible to zombies.
I've noticed a few people stating they have been on servers where there are no zombies.
If there are no zombies there is no loot. Just something to remember.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2008
This is the only game I've been playing for the past week or so now. It's badass.

I honestly wonder why it took so long for someone to make a "realistic" zombie survival simulator.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
very interesting.

How do items and stuff like that work? If I go into a town and take all the food, is there no more food there forever?


Mar 11, 2005
very interesting.

How do items and stuff like that work? If I go into a town and take all the food, is there no more food there forever?

I imagine the food does re-spawn in spots, since the guns/ammo do. There is always wild game to hunt and kill if you need a snack.

Despite the bugs to be expected from an alpha, this mod is extremely fun.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
I started playing it last night..damn 2 hours just flew by playing this mod.

I climbed up a tower and was out of ammo so i was going to wait out zombies below me. I guess the sound of me send them all up the tower after me. rofl
Feb 4, 2009
I'll probably try this on Weds, I have Combined Operations but do I remember reading somewhere that the British forces DLC gave better survivor models?


Mar 11, 2005
I'll probably try this on Weds, I have Combined Operations but do I remember reading somewhere that the British forces DLC gave better survivor models?

PMC or "Private Military Company" is the DLC you would need to get for those high-res models.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Your hunger and thirst meter continue to tick by as time passes, even if offline.

This part sounds like a terrible idea. So, if I take some time off and don't play for a while I'm just screwed and die immediately when starting again?


Senior member
Feb 7, 2012
I downloaded ARMA2 + Expansion just for this after some friends said it was great.
Having never played ARMA2 the interface is pretty crazy. I learned the hard way how to loot after I thought I was taking all these goodies from a body but was giving them up... Went to pull up my gun and nothing.... couple hours of getting going gone in a few seconds.

Despite the learning curve (if you'r enot use to ARMA2), it is a ton of fun! The level of suspense is unlike anything else I've played.... like the title said, it is how it should be. Coming up to a survivor isn't just an easy thing to do, both of you are scared the other is going to kill you for goodies.

The other night I was playing and with 3 other guys, we were a little team and we found a random who needed blood and food badly... we said we would help but wanted his gun to make sure he was "safe".... he became our little scout/decoy until he proved trust worthy. A while later we found another random and did the same thing, but this guy got into a jam and had like 15+ zombies after him and came running back towards us.... one of our group memebers shot him in the leg so he was slower and the rest of us took up using him as bait.... it was just crazy.

It has a feel exactly like what I would expect out of a zombie apocalypse.... you want to help and work together with others, but it isn't always just that easy.

The voice system is pretty awesome too... it actually reflects how loud you speak, so at night its better to whisper so zombies don't hear you, but if someone is a long way away you have to yell (probably the same in ARMA2).

It was well worth the $30 for ARMA2 + Expansion


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Still very tempted by this mod, however the buggy and quirky nature of it being a "milsim" and not really a "game" is somewhat off putting because it allows for some potentially silly deaths, falling through the floor or getting attacked through a wall is not a way I want to die if I've had a character alive for a great many hours...nor do I want to be in combat and die to some really stupid awkward problem like not being able to strafe through a doorway very well, i've seen videos of clipping and other movement issues indoors.

Still despite that it's amazingly tempting, I think most likely it will end up being one of those games I will purchase for the mod alone but only when it goes on sale on steam for really cheap <£10


Dec 5, 2000
This part sounds like a terrible idea. So, if I take some time off and don't play for a while I'm just screwed and die immediately when starting again?

yeah, so if you don't play for a few days, you just die? incredibly stupid.

I'm tempted to try this game out but the ARMA games are terrible to begin with and all the bugs in the mod are turning me off too.
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Mar 30, 2001
yeah, so if you don't play for a few days, you just die? incredibly stupid.

I'm tempted to try this game out but the ARMA games are terrible to begin with and all the bugs in the mod are turning me off too.

I don't think you will die from being offline. (I'll find that out today when I log in after work.) But you are hungry and thirsty immediately and must find food and water quickly.
I'm not 100% sure how the hunger and thirst mechanics work, if they slowly drain blood until you die or if you just fall over dead of starvation/dehydration.
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Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
yeah, so if you don't play for a few days, you just die? incredibly stupid.

I'm tempted to try this game out but the ARMA games are terrible to begin with and all the bugs in the mod are turning me off too.

The game has bugs no doubt. I've been offline for a few hours and came back and was fine. I don't think its offline death. The servers save player states so you just resume when you come back.

You will find you recover faster each time you die because you know more, so death is not a big deal like it most games.

Just remember to watch the EAR and EYE icons to right of screen, the louder you are, the more attention you make and zombies will come after you. It is possible to crouch down on ground and crawl to areas. As long as you don't come right up at a zombie you should be fine.

This mod has SO MUCH potential to be added. If they do or not is the question.

My biggest problem is movement is slow between towns. Many just hang in cities because travel is boring. The other annoying thing is you have to be perfectly straight to walk through doorways, very frustrating when trying to sprint away from zombie hordes. '

Some things i would like to see?
1. Jeeps or something to move around.
2. better UI for inventory. Not sure if possible because its a mod, but would be sweet to have a drag and drop or autoloot fuction.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2008
yeah, so if you don't play for a few days, you just die? incredibly stupid.

No, you cannot die while logged off. You'll get hungry and thirsty, but you won't die. Usually you just have to eat and have a drink every time you log onto the game.

Some things i would like to see?
1. Jeeps or something to move around.

There are already cars in the game. They're very hard to acquire though, and you need to scavenge for car parts to get one actually working.

Will the amazon deal for $15 activate on my steam ?

No. If you want the game on Steam, you'll have to buy it from Steam. (I'm sure they'll have a sale on it fairly soon).


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2008
Its $30 right now on steam for the combo pack

Which, IMO, is totally worth it as is. I was too impatient to wait for a sale, so I payed full price for Arma 2: OA (already owned Arma 2). I don't regret it a single bit.

I have almost no desire to play any other game now. I think I logged ~10 hours in it over the past two days alone. When a game engrosses me so much that I focus only on it, and not my usual ADHD habit of playing lots of games at once, then it's probably pretty good.

I posted these in the screenshot thread already, but I think I'll post them here too. Here's some photos I took from playing over the weekend. (Sorry there aren't really any zombies, usually when I encounter them, taking a photo is the last thing I think about. Also, I'm NOT running it on max settings, since Arma II's engine is very hard to run on max.)

Probably the only time I've actually stopped to take a photo of zombies:

There are a couple of zombies here too, if you look closely I think:
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Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
$30 is still too much for me. Maybe if I can get it for cheap on a Steam sale I'll bite.


Senior member
Nov 4, 2006
That Evil Empire, STEAM....Just struck again.

I said heck with it, it just looked like too damn much fun.

Downloading from steam now.

I bought Combined Ops & the dlc Private Military Company, for the better model textures


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Is there something special about the Steam version that so many don't want to pay half price for the same game from Amazon? I have had great experiences with Amazon downloads, and they are usually DRM free to boot.


Feb 14, 2001
Is there something special about the Steam version that so many don't want to pay half price for the same game from Amazon? I have had great experiences with Amazon downloads, and they are usually DRM free to boot.

Convenient to have in one place with an established service instead of the following:
Logs into Steam, nope, not here
Logs into Origin, nope, not here
Logs into GOG, nope, not here
Logs into Amazon, here it is.

Personally, I have Steam, Amazon and GOG. Steam is always running on my comp and I use the voice feature for ALL my games. Amazon, I shop there so damn much anyway and GOG just because I like them.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2008
Is there something special about the Steam version that so many don't want to pay half price for the same game from Amazon? I have had great experiences with Amazon downloads, and they are usually DRM free to boot.

It's purely personal preference. For many of us, Steam is a great utility for managing our video games, and thus we prefer to have as many games as possible connected to our Steam account.

I personally like Steam for modding, because if I accidentally break something or delete important game files, I can basically just press the "fix button" and it will repair itself automatically. (Non-steam game? Have fun re-installing.)

But if you're not a Steam fanboy and don't mind having games from other services, by all means, purchase it from Amazon.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Convenient to have in one place with an established service instead of the following:
Logs into Steam, nope, not here
Logs into Origin, nope, not here
Logs into GOG, nope, not here
Logs into Amazon, here it is.

Personally, I have Steam, Amazon and GOG. Steam is always running on my comp and I use the voice feature for ALL my games. Amazon, I shop there so damn much anyway and GOG just because I like them.

Amazon is just a download service. You don't log on to it to play the game, you just play the game. So it is actually easier, but you lose the utility if automatic updates.


Senior member
Nov 4, 2006
My library of games is either retail or steam, both have been painless but if it cant be a retail dvd, them steam is the next best thing IMHO.
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