"Dead" :( Canon EOS Digital Rebel from Dell $899.01 shipped!


Nov 17, 2002
I don't really post much but I do appreciate all the hot deals that I find on here. Anyway....

Dell has this deal but doesn't know about it:
Get 10% off your purchase of great new products from Dell Home Systems Software & Peripherals....

Excludes: Dell 300MHz Dell Axim X5 and X3
Dell 2200 projector
Dell ink
Select Dell LCD monitors (E151 Flat Panel, 1504 Flat Panel, 1703 Flat Panel)
Digital SLR Cameras

PLUS, ship it for free! Get free 3-5 day shipping on any Software & Peripheral online order over $99 (before tax) before October 30, 2003.

Casusally add this nice Canon to your cart and you'll notice you have been gifted with a magical 10% off.

Total Price $899.10

Apparantly this Canon Rebel is not an SLR. I was expecting my order to get cancelled but it shipped yesterday and I have a tracking #.

Enjoy! Great deal on a great camera.. with a lens! You won't find a better deal anywhere else, not even ebay. Everyone wants $999 for the same package.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2001
nice camera, even better price with a lens. Camera alone is $900.

I can't wait to see the other amateur digital SLR entries from Nikon, Pentax, etc...


Oct 1, 2000
10% works on the other higher price canon digital slr's on Dell's site. Digital Rebel is a great price. I wish Nikon would hurry up and get something in this price range. Or even something comparable to Canon's 10D-S. I've got too much invested in Nikon lenses and flash units to switch to Canon.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Last time when they were $720 before tax(around $777 after) I bought one in a huge order with an infocus X1 but I ended up calling to ask where my confirmation was and the moron CSR claimed that I might have been doing fraud because of the SHIPPING address I put. What a moron. Apparently Dell's CSR's are too stoopid to understand the concept of separate Billing and Shipping addresses...and my shipping address had my university as the company, but apparently this makes Dell go spastic and they tried to put it through under my school's account, delaying my order.

To make a long painful story short they canceled the camera out of my order(bastards), but I had ordered a separate order with another 2 digital rebels for the same price...and those came =) To make a long story even shorter and sweeter, here is a picture of my bounty:
arrgh ye mateys
Happiness is me...but anyway, the point of this retarded post was that it can be had for cheaper...or could have been had for cheaper at some point...so it's not really very hot in comparison.

Even though you don't get taxed it's still $120 more than with tax at SB last time...

Oh and it's not $999 on ebay...I know cuz I sold it for $930 lol.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Mookie
10% works on the other higher price canon digital slr's on Dell's site. Digital Rebel is a great price. I wish Nikon would hurry up and get something in this price range. Or even something comparable to Canon's 10D-S. I've got too much invested in Nikon lenses and flash units to switch to Canon.

Yeah I was just going to say... Give it a shot. 10% off should work on the other high priced item out there.

Tekdemon - When and how did you get that price of $720? Stackable coupons and 10% off? Yeah customer support sucks... bunch of monkeys working there.


Senior member
Feb 13, 2003
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Only a nut would pay $1000 for this camera. They dont even tell you what the optical zoom is on this thing.

you're a nut. keep your mouth shut if you're stupid, or open your mouth and remove all doubt.

you know this is something called a slr. they have interchangeable lenses. and they don't measure optical zoom like regular digicams. they don't go, ooh, 3x, or 4x. they do like 28-70


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2003
$720!!!!!!!! I was going to ask if it was the foreign 300D (no waranty) or the US "Digital Rebel" but the pictures said it all. I have seen the 300D for close to that but that is a great price on the Digital Rebel. Please enlighten us on how you got this great deal and why I missed the anandtech HD post!

**note to camera shoppers** The 300D is NOT a US model and does NOT carry a US Canon waranty. If you buy a 300D you do not get a waranty from Canon. Look for the Digital Rebel - it carries a waranty.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: wallsfd949
$720!!!!!!!! I was going to ask if it was the foreign 300D (no waranty) or the US "Digital Rebel" but the pictures said it all. I have seen the 300D for close to that but that is a great price on the Digital Rebel. Please enlighten us on how you got this great deal and why I missed the anandtech HD post!

**note to camera shoppers** The 300D is NOT a US model and does NOT carry a US Canon waranty. If you buy a 300D you do not get a waranty from Canon. Look for the Digital Rebel - it carries a waranty.

Thanks for the heads up. I didn't know the US models aren't the 300d. Dell sells the "Digital Rebel"
I just got my Rebel and it doesn't say 300d on it anywhere. I must have seen that elsewhere.


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: s0ssos
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Only a nut would pay $1000 for this camera. They dont even tell you what the optical zoom is on this thing.

you're a nut. keep your mouth shut if you're stupid, or open your mouth and remove all doubt.

you know this is something called a slr. they have interchangeable lenses. and they don't measure optical zoom like regular digicams. they don't go, ooh, 3x, or 4x. they do like 28-70

The noob w/200 posts speaks.

While the lens my be interchangeable w/various zoom lenses, the base lens should be revealed IMO.


Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2002
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: s0ssos
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Only a nut would pay $1000 for this camera. They dont even tell you what the optical zoom is on this thing.

you're a nut. keep your mouth shut if you're stupid, or open your mouth and remove all doubt.

you know this is something called a slr. they have interchangeable lenses. and they don't measure optical zoom like regular digicams. they don't go, ooh, 3x, or 4x. they do like 28-70

The noob w/200 posts speaks.

While the lens my be interchangeable w/various zoom lenses, the base lens should be revealed IMO.
The range of the included lens is 18-55mm and it says so in nice big print right at the top of the page you linked to. Of course, I only have 321 posts, so why listen to me?



Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2002
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Only a nut would pay $1000 for this camera. They dont even tell you what the optical zoom is on this thing.

Another example of post count meaning nothing...

From dpreview:
P5 - Body and Design
On the EOS 300D this lens produces an equivalent field of view of 28.8 to 88 mm (a useful carry anywhere 3x zoom).

Conclusion - Pros
Bundled EF-S 18 - 55 mm is surprisingly good considering its price and weight

(and the final word from Phil)

Highly Recommended

I think I'll be with the "nuts" on this one...


Jan 3, 2002
For any photographer with an investment in EOS lenses this is heaven. As a matter of comparison it appears that this camera has a smaller than 35mm form factor for its sensing device, therefore the supplied lens is a wide angle to short telephoto lens. The normal range of EOS lenses (35-85 or 95) would be normal to long telephoto on this camera.

Remember this camera has interchangable lenses not a fixed lens so the initial zoom ratio is largely unimportant.


Oct 21, 2000
Wow, how could there be so much spewed stupidity in this thread?

FelixDeKat - Are you trying to be funny or do you really not understand SLR cameras or lenses?


Senior member
Feb 13, 2003
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
But phantom o' brainiacs of brainiacs -

3 x zoom for close to one thousand dollars?!!

wow, you are seriously stupid. you must be one dumb cat

did you know there are even cameras sold without lenses? gasp! 0x zoom for $1500, or even $4000?


Aug 4, 2000
The only thing I know and you need to find out is that I wouldnt touch this thing with a 10 foot poll. Fanboy!


Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2002
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
The only thing I know and you need to find out is that I wouldnt touch this thing with a 10 foot poll. Fanboy!

You have thoroughly shown us your utter lack of understanding of the matter. This camera is obviously not for you, and from your comments I'm thinking it wasn't designed with you in mind.

Edit - BTW what exactly is a "10 foot poll"?

Which definition of "poll" did you mean?

Main Entry: poll
Pronunciation: 'pOl
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English pol, polle, from Middle Low German
Date: 14th century

1 : HEAD
2 a : the top or back of the head b : NAPE
3 : the broad or flat end of a striking tool (as a hammer)
4 a (1) : the casting or recording of the votes of a body of persons (2) : a counting of votes cast b : the place where votes are cast or recorded -- usually used in plural <at the polls> c : the period of time during which votes may be cast at an election d : the total number of votes recorded <a heavy poll>
5 a : a questioning or canvassing of persons selected at random or by quota to obtain information or opinions to be analyzed b : a record of the information so obtained


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2002
I would be all over this deal, but my wife refuses to buy the camera unless we can find 24-months no interest financing! I guess I will just have to wait until BB offers it on digicams again. *sigh*


Platinum Member
Jan 30, 2002
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
But phantom o' brainiacs of brainiacs -

3 x zoom for close to one thousand dollars?!!
Just in case you're actually serious -

The range of a zoom lens isn't an indication of image quality. Most of the time, the wider the range, the worse the image quality will be, especially at the extremes. It's because of the compromises needed to design a lens that will focus properly at all those focal lengths. Zoom lenses typically have the most noticable distortion at the extreme telephoto and wide-angle settings. This is why most professional photographers don't use zoom lenses at all; they use fixed focal-length, or prime lenses - which are far sharper and have much less distortion than zooms. When they do use zooms they're usually narrow-range like the one with the Rebel.

SO, you ask, if prime lenses are so great, how come most digicams come with 3x, 6x, or 10x zooms? Partly because most consumers are too lazy to get off their fat asses and move closer/further away from the subject, and partly because you don't see the difference in image quality with the 4"x6" inkjet prints most consumers make from their cameras anyway. Zoom lenses are more convenient.

Why is the Digital Rebel worth a thousand dollars?

First, it has interchangable lenses. Not just add-on lenses like some consumer digicams do; you replace the entire lens. Canon makes over 40 world-class lenses that will fit the Rebel, and they all work with Canon's 35mm film SLR's, too. So, if you already have a Canon film camera and thousands of dollars worth of lenses for it, buying the Rebel makes a lot of sense. By the way, Canon makes a 10x zoom for it, too, but that's a little like putting 22" gold-plated spinner wheels and whistle tips on a BMW M3.

Second, the image quality is extremely high. With a good prime lens you can make 11x17 prints from a Digital Rebel that look as good as the best 35mm film cameras. You really see the difference in lens quality when you start getting above 8x12. Conversely, if you don't make a lot of big prints you'd probably be just as happy with a consumer digicam.

Third, the Digital Rebel, like the other Canon EOS cameras, has the best autofocus in the world. It's incredibly fast, quiet, and precise. Since it's an SLR you see exactly the photo you're going to get. It has almost no shutter lag, so you can capture moving objects and facial expressions exactly when you want. These are also the reasons why Canon SLR's are so popular with sports photographers. You see those guys at football games on the field with the great big white lenses? All Canon.

Fourth, the next cheapest 6 megapixel digital SLR is $500 more expensive, doesn't come with a lens, and has the exact same sensor and processor as the Rebel.


Nov 17, 2002
To sum it all up this camera is not for you if you can't immediately define all of the following terms:

shutter speed
light metering

It's a great auto point and shoot camera producing stunning images. But that is only half of what makes an SLR such a powerful tool. I'm going to hold on to my old Nikon Coolpix 885 for parties and abusive environments, but this SLR will be by my side as my new toy from now on. Photography is my latest hobby, I was shocked at how much there is to learn and how creative you can get by selecting your modes.

Now I have to find myself a nice macro lens and later on a 75-300mm zoom lens

The Digital Rebel along with the 10d have a CMOS sensor(thingy which captures the picture) that is 1.6x smaller than the equivalent 35mm slide. The Canon 1ds has a sensor which is 1:1, but it also costs $7k for the body alone. So basically take your equivalent zoom range and manipulate it with the 1.6x factor and you achieve your equivalent 35mm zoom range.

Did I get this right?

BTW since we're on topic and there are a few ppl who know their stuff on here.... Any suggestions on either a fixed or zoom macro lens. I will be shooting jewelry and small object on black velvet. A low F-stop is not required since i'll be setting it to F/8 or higher anyway to get maximum depth of field. I was told to check out lenses from Tamron and Sigma. A lens with a minumum focus range of about 9" is ideal.. anything longer would get annoying. These two look promising: Sigma Zoom Wide Angle-Telephoto 28-135mm f/3.8-5.6 Aspherical IF Macro Autofocus Lens for Canon EOS $120

Sigma Zoom Wide Angle-Telephoto 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 Aspherical Macro HF Autofocus Lens for Canon EOS $70

Any insight? Thanks


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: phantom309
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
But phantom o' brainiacs of brainiacs -

3 x zoom for close to one thousand dollars?!!
Just in case you're actually serious -

The range of a zoom lens isn't an indication of image quality. Most of the time, the wider the range, the worse the image quality will be, especially at the extremes. It's because of the compromises needed to design a lens that will focus properly at all those focal lengths. Zoom lenses typically have the most noticable distortion at the extreme telephoto and wide-angle settings. This is why most professional photographers don't use zoom lenses at all; they use fixed focal-length, or prime lenses - which are far sharper and have much less distortion than zooms. When they do use zooms they're usually narrow-range like the one with the Rebel.

SO, you ask, if prime lenses are so great, how come most digicams come with 3x, 6x, or 10x zooms? Partly because most consumers are too lazy to get off their fat asses and move closer/further away from the subject, and partly because you don't see the difference in image quality with the 4"x6" inkjet prints most consumers make from their cameras anyway. Zoom lenses are more convenient.

Why is the Digital Rebel worth a thousand dollars?

First, it has interchangable lenses. Not just add-on lenses like some consumer digicams do; you replace the entire lens. Canon makes over 40 world-class lenses that will fit the Rebel, and they all work with Canon's 35mm film SLR's, too. So, if you already have a Canon film camera and thousands of dollars worth of lenses for it, buying the Rebel makes a lot of sense. By the way, Canon makes a 10x zoom for it, too, but that's a little like putting 22" gold-plated spinner wheels and whistle tips on a BMW M3.

Second, the image quality is extremely high. With a good prime lens you can make 11x17 prints from a Digital Rebel that look as good as the best 35mm film cameras. You really see the difference in lens quality when you start getting above 8x12. Conversely, if you don't make a lot of big prints you'd probably be just as happy with a consumer digicam.

Third, the Digital Rebel, like the other Canon EOS cameras, has the best autofocus in the world. It's incredibly fast, quiet, and precise. Since it's an SLR you see exactly the photo you're going to get. It has almost no shutter lag, so you can capture moving objects and facial expressions exactly when you want. These are also the reasons why Canon SLR's are so popular with sports photographers. You see those guys at football games on the field with the great big white lenses? All Canon.

Fourth, the next cheapest 6 megapixel digital SLR is $500 more expensive, doesn't come with a lens, and has the exact same sensor and processor as the Rebel.

Thank you for the thoughtful, intelligent response - unlike some people
. Ill stick with my $99 HP.:camera:
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