[Dead] SBC DSL 6mbit/608 $44.99/month! (Feb-Mar only) Update: If you got the deal, you keep the speed

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Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
Bah I just got a call, I'm not getting it till the 18th BAH BAH BAH! And I called 3 days ago to order... thats a 2 week time to get it turned on... pretty bad.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by: kindest
anyone getting the full 6mbit/608 with a SpeedStream 5360... 060-5360-124 to be precise.

edit: also after the speed upgrade i imagine you have to reset modem but i was curious if anyone knows if SBC will auto reboot your connection after upgrade complete. Cause everyday since the upgrade i keep disconnecting/reconnecting hoping new speed comes into effect.
Keep in mind that there's something like a 10%-15% overhead (13% is what dslreports says in the FAQ) for DSL. So while your sync might be 6mbit if you have good lines, your actual throughput would probably be in the low to mid 5+mbit.
Also check Anonemous's post a couple above mine where he tells about how he got speed up.


Oct 29, 2001
Would you believe I talked to SBC out of Corpus Christi, Tx yesterday, and was told I couldn't get this package being 4,000 wire feet from the C.O.?? The rep was courteous, but denied me claiming it was a offer to 'new customers only'. She's supposedly addressing it with her superiors this week-- we shall see.



Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Murph74
Would you believe I talked to SBC out of Corpus Christi, Tx yesterday, and was told I couldn't get this package being 4,000 wire feet from the C.O.?? The rep was courteous, but denied me claiming it was a offer to 'new customers only'. She's supposedly addressing it with her superiors this week-- we shall see.
Call back and get someone else. I had no problem, neither did any other existing customer that I heard of, as long as they were within the 7500' limit. It took me 5-10 minutes total and that was including hold time. You just call and say you want to upgrade your DSL to that package, the expert plus one. You just got someone on the phone who didn't know what they were talking about.
I've changed plans 2 or 3 times now and never did I have a problem. Once was to a lower priced one (from $50 a month to $40 a month) and the 2nd time was this one (a higher priced one the $45 one). Basically they make it so you commit to them for 12 months of SBC DSL total.


Senior member
Jan 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Dulanic
Bah I just got a call, I'm not getting it till the 18th BAH BAH BAH! And I called 3 days ago to order... thats a 2 week time to get it turned on... pretty bad.

at least they called..


Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Devistater
Originally posted by: sixt7gt350
Bah. No SBC for me.
I'm about 7500 feet from my CO, but I'm lucky to see 200k on my DSL.
They won't perform a line test and I know the wires from the road to my house leave much to be desired.
I've got one of those non-major phone companies that has been conglomerated from all the tiny, rural ones.

Bah. No SBC for me. :brokenheart:

Have you looked into doing a splitter thing? I dont know much about it, but from what I understand if you have a really crappy lines it can help a lot. Apparently it splits out the DSL onto separate phone wires in your house, so instead of doing filters, you just have a wire going straight from your telephone box to your computer/router and all the other wires stay the same since its all voice. Actually one easy way to do it would be to connect the DSL connection to the 2nd phone line wires if they aren't used, then just use those 2nd phone wires wherever your comptuer is plugged in. When I used to have dialup and 2 phone lines I just got this $5 radio shack phone jack and wired the 2nd line to one side of it and the 1st line to other side. So devices that only expected 1 line could use either one depending on where I plugged. BTW, I dont know hardly anything about splitters so I could be blowing hot air, but its worth checking into because I do know that people with really crappy lines can get decent improvements.
In my experience a lot depends on how knowledgable and friendly the service guys are who they send out. In my case, I think I was very lucky. Most of the guys (there must have been 3 or 4) were friendly, energetic, pretty knowledgable and seemed to be willing to do their best to get things working for me. One guy even put in double filters. At the time, the filters were not so hot and the newer better ones hadn't arrived, so he tried putting in a second filter - basically filtering the already filtered signal. The result was very satisfactory and I still have two filters outside next to my service box where they usually put in one. From there, the wires go to a splitter that splits into DSL and voice. The DSL runs to my DSL modem and I plug my answering machine into the voice and it all works great.


Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Devistater
Originally posted by: Muse
Thanks. I guess you're right - I don't pay for email. I think maybe at one point they broke out the DSL into connectivity+email. The $50/month I'm paying for DSL is maybe a total package now, not DSL + the ISP functionality = email accounts, webspace, extra email accounts and whatever else is included.

You're absolutely right - I DO have a static IP. It's actually something that's nice to have. I'm not sure I need it, but it does make life easier for me with my LAN and possibly with my job, since I'm connecting to my client's network with a secure VPN. I wonder if SBC they'll let me keep my static IP. That's one of the main reasons I didn't try for one of their cheaper/maybe-better plans until now, because I was afraid they'd make me give up my static IP. I guess there's no harm in asking. I don't know the why's a wherefores (at least on a solid basis) of why I'd want to retain my static IP. I think there are advantages, but I'm hazy on what they are.

One thing I was thinking of doing was to have a different ISP but retain DSL as supplied by SBC. There's a local outfit called sonic.net that the technically savvy and advanced people very much prefer. They have very good, very personal support and service and their newsgroups are miles ahead of what SBC provides. I think it's $20/month, though. I figured that it would cost me an extra $10/month than SBC (that my SBC, then Pacbell) charges would be reduced by $10 since I didn't do email with them. I called Sonic.net, but they told me that I would be on dialup for a two week period while the transition was being made. I don't know why, but they said it was unavoidable. That's one of the reasons I never made the change. That was 2-3 years ago. I don't know if they are still as good. 2-3 years is a long time in the telecommunications/ISP arena. Probably the best place for ME to research that is the ba.internet newsgroup.

Could I use a Costco prepaid phone card to pay for my connectivity charges when I fax my timesheet? I should be thinking beyond my currently cozy situation where I use my employer paid cell phone, because that will evaporate one day, maybe sooner than later. I don't know Jack about phone cards.

Edit: I found a thread of interest here at ba.internet, titled Sweet dsl offer from Sonic.net:6meg for $45!

I'll start with fax question first. Yes, it should work fine to use your phone card to fax. If you own your own fax machine you can do one of several things. One: Program in all the numbers into the fax, this solution is unlikely since most faxes and stuff dont support 20 or 30 numbers or whatever it would take. Two: Dial manually with your telephone and when the answering fax picks up and starts beeping, press START button on YOUR fax to start it. Most faxes have this ability to start the fax receive or send when you hit a button, even if you dont dial with them. You may have to play with it, like after you hear the beeping tell it to dial 5 or something then start. It will hit a 5 which wont affect anything since you are already connected then listen for the next beep to connect and fax. Make sure you hang up your phone that you used to dial when it starts connecting, otherwise you will introduce noise into the fax.

As for sonic, and dslextreme yeah those are alternatives and some people have gone with them. If they sound good to you (and from what I remember they offer static IP with the package) look into it. There's a TON of posts about them on the dslreports forums, even under the SBC one where people ask about this very thing, should I switch to them from SBC. Follow my links and explore and you will find them. From what I recall the current prices from sonic/dslextreme are about the same $45 for a 6mbit connection.

Now as for static IP issues. You say something about VPN, are you connecting to someone else who has VPN, or are you doing VPN at your house and connecting from a laptop outside your house and dialing in or whatever? In otherwords are you HOSTING vpn, or just connecting to someone elses. If you are connecting to someone elses, static or dynamic IP makes no differance. Your LAN wont be affected much, you can keep static internal IP's on your LAN if you want, or if you use DHCP you can keep using that, and let your router handle the IP assigned by SBC for internet use. Basically the main times you want a static IP are when you are hosting/serving something. Hosting a website, hosting email services, hosting VPN, hosting FTP site, etc. For almost anything else there's no differance. And even if you DO host there's often ways to work around it, although sometimes they aren't the best.
Example: I occasionally run a FTP server if I want to upload files that I'm working on from a remote location back to my home. Whenever I start the FTP server, I have to check and see what IP SBC has given me and configure it to use that one. If my IP changes, I have to reconfig. Its not a big deal for me since I dont do it that often. If I wanted to I could get one of those dynamicdns type things that you could type a name instead of a number in and it finds your current IP. They cost very little in general to do that. Like (I'm making this up) if I paid www.customdynamicdns.com $10 then I could use for my FTP address devistater.customdynamicdns.com and it would goto my current dynamic IP.

Whereas if I have static I'd always know my IP address, so dont need to ever change things.

Any other questions?

Will I need a new modem? My current one is the first one I got (and only one I've ever had), the Alcatel 1000.

I just went to the link someone provided in this thread and it said I'm 6500 feet from the Covad provided DSL. News to me. I thought it was Pacbell/SBC. Don't know what's up with that.

I'm not doing any of those things right now: Web hosting, FTP hosting, etc. I tried setting up an FTP host but it didn't work out (about a year ago). I don't want to rule out any of that stuff including email servers, but I know I'm not going to do it very soon. I'll ask and see if they'll let me keep my IP. If I get a dynamic IP instead, how often do those change? Several times a day, or less often? I'm a registered Timbuktu user (it's VPN software, like pcAnywhere), and they have an IP lookup function built into it. Don't know if I can use that, however, in my network configuration. I suppose not.

I'm not using DHCP on my LAN. Just static IPs. Well, I have a static IP and have assigned addresses for my machines programmed into my router.

My VPN stuff is connecting to my client's secure network. Just how secure they are I'm not sure, but I'm set up with Contivity client to access with PCAnywhere to a host machine that's connected to their network. As such, I have pretty full and standard access to their network.

I don't have a fax machine. I just use Winfax on my PC to fax and receive faxes using the same phone number I use for my DSL and phone. Right now I use one of those 10-10 numbers for about 5 cents/minute with 30 cents connection charge, whenever I fax. The number I use most frequently (twice a month) is just programmed in there. All I have to do to connect is select the address and click a couple buttons. I guess I could use a phone card even if it has too many numbers if I paste it in or use a macro utility (that I do have).

I guess the 6 mbit is what, 4x faster than what I have? I guess that might be worth an extra $5/month, not sure. I suspect that when things go slow for my browser that the reasons are on the website's servers, not my download speed, but I'm not sure. It might be a mixture of both a lot of times. Anyway, if I can save on monthly connection charges I'd like to.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001
To save space I'll just put my answer. This thread is already cluttered with a lot of long replies from me
You wont need a new modem. As for the covad thing, that distance tester is pretty innaccurate and covad just means that they provide distance numbers. I dont think SBC is plugged into the distance thing on the dslreports website so they dont offer thier own distances, so you cant see thier numbers. So no, you aren't with them
Dynamic IP's basically change everytime you reboot your modem. If you leave it on a month at a time it probably wont change much. I've occasionally noticed a spontaneous change of IP if dont have any computers using the bandwidth overnight, but in general it only is when modem reboots.
Since you are using DHCP for the computers in your network, you wont even notice a change from them if you goto dynamic. DHCP gets a new IP everytime the computer starts. Often if you just have 1 or 2 computer though they typical get the same IP's. None of this will change, all of it should be left alone. The only change is in the router setup for connecting to ISP, and thats a small change, it will just be to change whatever IP# is in there to DHCP as well, so everything will then be DHCP. If you do change over to dynamic, dont do any changes until you have to, it can take a few days for changovers.
Since you are connecting to someone else's VPN, that shouldn't be an issue either.
As for the 6mbit plan, thats $45 a month, I'm reccomending the $30 plan for you which is 1.5mbit if you want to save the maximum money.
You are correct that it will be highly unlikely you'd notice any differance in the speed of web browsing. You are 100% accurate in stating its the speed of the website servers. If it was a hugly complicated site, and they were fairly speedy, you might notice a second difference of speed if it normally took several seconds to load. Or if it was a huge flash game or something, it would be faster.


Diamond Member
May 19, 2003
if you want static IPs plans check out sonic.net (as noted in my other thread, posts above) or dslextreme. Sonic.net is 45$ for the first year then 70$ afterwards they offer 8 static ips, newsgroups, and a very good support staff from what I see on dslreports.com (they don't have a forum, I think they hang out in the SBC-Pacbell and nevada forum). DSLextreme is 60$ for the life of the phone line, they offer 1 static IP, newsgroups, and a very good support staff (they have their own forums on DSLreports.com).

Both are good. Dslextreme covers alot of southern CA and some northern CA while Sonic.net covers Northern CA.


Platinum Member
Dec 15, 2001
this is the longest week ever...........still waiting for my upgrade (ordered on the 4th).



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
So, I ordered on the 2nd and called at 08:00 AM and still nothing! Hoping for tomorrow, thats the DD date.


Platinum Member
Dec 15, 2001
Originally posted by: dirtrat
So, I ordered on the 2nd and called at 08:00 AM and still nothing! Hoping for tomorrow, thats the DD date.

screw you, me first!!!!!!!!
me me me
world revolves around :sun: me :sun: dammit!


Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Anonemous
if you want static IPs plans check out sonic.net (as noted in my other thread, posts above) or dslextreme. Sonic.net is 45$ for the first year then 70$ afterwards they offer 8 static ips, newsgroups, and a very good support staff from what I see on dslreports.com (they don't have a forum, I think they hang out in the SBC-Pacbell and nevada forum). DSLextreme is 60$ for the life of the phone line, they offer 1 static IP, newsgroups, and a very good support staff (they have their own forums on DSLreports.com).

Both are good. Dslextreme covers alot of southern CA and some northern CA while Sonic.net covers Northern CA.
Sonic.net also hangs out in the ba.internet newsgroup and has done so for years - same guy, Dane Jasper.


Diamond Member
May 19, 2003
hmmm now I wonder if I should order 2 x6Mbps lines... Would it be simple to mux them if you just use 2 nics and bridge them using winxp?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Anonemous
hmmm now I wonder if I should order 2 x6Mbps lines... Would it be simple to mux them if you just use 2 nics and bridge them using winxp?

Even if you do that, you wouldn't be able to share the load between them easily or cheaply AFAIK. Like if you downloaded something you'd have to choose which one it came from. Sure you could download 2 files at once each at 6 mbit speeds, but if you are trying to speed up just that one file 2 lines aren't going to help much unless you have extra equipment.
I could be wrong about this, I've never done it. But this is what I think is correct anyway. If anyone knows better please post and let us know.
Dec 27, 2001
Ordered on the 3rd from Sac and haven't got the upgrade yet. They said 3-5 days...tomorrow will be the 5th working day, but I won't call about it till the end of the week if it still hasn't changed.


Dec 6, 2002
ordered on the 3rd, CSR told me it would take 7 days, so im a few hrs away from the upgrade hopefully.
someone in FW ordered on the 2nd, and he's already been upgraded.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I ordered at 8:00 AM on the 2nd but still no upgrade. My connect date was today! I'm in the Sacramento area.



Diamond Member
May 15, 2001
I put in my order last week, they could not figure from the database to see if I qualify. Someone will call in 24-48 hours, well 72 hours later I call, they tell me I am 7,831ft from RT tough luck. Then I get into it with them, because I they sent me a email to signup for another year at $26.99 and it never went through. They put in a note to the escalation department. The Escalation department calls me 15minutes later, and tells me they can either give me my $26.99 or he tells me I qualify for the 44.95 plan.

So I cross my fingers for the 17th when it goes through to look for a speed increase..


Junior Member
Nov 20, 2003
I'm in the SF East Bay (Walnut Creek area) and I just put in my order for the $44.95 rate which saves me $5 bucks a month and should increase my speed which has been about 1.2mbs. The told me I was just under 8,000 feet.
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