Dead Space Review


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
I don't understand why Dead Space got so much praise from the critics. Yes, the game does some things exceptionally well - in fact, the graphics, game engine and artistic design are almost unparalleled. But that just makes it all the more agonizing to see the raw potential largely go to waste due to a complete lack of creativity in writing and level design.

The Good

Visually, the game is stunning. I played it at 1080p, all settings max, on my 37" Westinghouse and it was simply beautiful. The player models are superbly detailed, the lighting, shadow, HDR and blur effects are brilliantly used, and it all comes together for a very cinematic experience. I also liked the idea of not having a standard HUD in the game. Instead, all the info is visible in the game world itself - that is, the menus you need are rendered as holograms projected in front of your character. It may seem relatively minor, but it looks great and keeps you firmly immersed in the game.

The game world itself feels very oppressive and your character is almost always isolated. There is an abundance of gore and the focus of most fighting is dismemberment. Unlike most games, shooting enemies in the torso, or even blowing off their head, is pretty ineffective, so you'll need to learn to shoot off limbs. It's kind of dumb - how does the headless monster know where I am? - but it does help discourage spray & pray techniques, which is always a good thing.

Another neat touch is the inclusion of zero gravity areas, where your character's magnetic boots keep him attached to any surface while everything else floats around. You can then hop from surface to surface, which creates for some fun perspective twisting scenarios. It's not new - Prey, for example, did it better - but it's a fun twist.

On top of that, you have two other standard "powers". One is the ability to put enemies and objects in "stasis", which temporarily makes them move extremely slowly. This lets you get past fast moving obstacles and also gives you time to dispatch quick moving foes. You also have "kinesis", which is a gizmo that lets you pick up and throw certain objects in the game, similar to force powers or half life 2's gravity gun. It allows you to fetch ammo/health from a distance, use enemy body parts (such as claws) as projectiles, and to move specially marked objects to complete various objectives. I found the controls for kinesis to be a bit clumsy and slow, but it's a useful mechanic to setup puzzles and did help to change up the pace.

The Average

The sound design in this game gets a lot of praise, but I didn't find it to be too spectacular. Every time an enemy appears, you hear the extremely standard shrill violin type music you've heard in every horror movie/game. There are also random ambient noises designed to keep you paranoid, such as random clinks/clangs, also fairly standard fare. Guns, monsters and most sound effects are pretty generic. The voice acting is competent. In short, the sound is by no means bad, but it's nothing you haven't seen (err, heard) before.

As you play the game, you are able to collect money, which can be spent on weapons/ammo/etc at automated stores scattered around the levels. You can also find "upgrade nodes" which let you boost the stats of your weapons and armor. While both of these features work just fine, I don't think either of these gameplay elements added anything useful to the game. Somehow, shopping at colorful automated stores never felt right when standing in the middle of a blood soaked room that was littered with dismembered corpses.

The Bad

I'll just come out and say it: the plot sucks. I don't understand why so many reviewers seemed to like it: it's incredibly generic, cliche, and I was able to predict every "plot twist" (and the game's ending) hours before it happened. We've all seen this before: you're part of a repair crew sent to fix a space station where "something" happened. You get there and everyone aboard is dead. You're instantly separated from your crew by weird aliens. They are using the ventilation systems to get around. They create new aliens from the bodies of dead humans. There are strange conspiracies with the government and religious groups. I'll avoid any spoilers here, but I have to say that in the end, the story doesn't amount to much of anything and really feels like a huge waste of time. What 13 year old wrote this drivel? More importantly, why did so many critics enjoy it?

To compound the horrible writing, the level design is pretty weak, which contrasts sharply with the polished graphics and art design. Yes, there are 3 or 4 memorable set pieces, including some nice boss fights (I won't name details to avoid spoilers), but they probably comprise less than 30 minutes of this ~10 hour long game. The rest is spent dealing with incredibly repetitive scare tactics, with the same monsters jumping out of walls and ceilings over and over again. Riding a big open elevator? You can bet enemies will rain down out of nowhere in regular waves until the ride stops. Working on an objective that consists of several discrete stages? You can bet that a wave of enemies will come precisely after every stage. Walked into a nice, brightly lit room that's conspicuously free of enemies? You can bet the game will engage an arbitrary "quarantine" to seal you in the room with the bad guys until you kill them all (why is there never a quarantine before you get in the room)? In short, the gameplay gets real old, real fast.

Other minor quibbles include the third person camera, which is passable most of the time, but tends to be problematic in tight quarters and when upside down or sideways in the zero-g environments. Also, while your character has some melee attacks (including a powerful stomp), they are very clumsy to control. It's almost impossible to aim them and as they take a loooong time to execute, the price for screwing up is often pretty high.


At first, I was definitely sucked in by the beautiful presentation and a few of the great set pieces - it was like being part of a horror/survival movie. Unfortunately, it didn't take long to realize that Dead Space consists almost entirely of "find room X and push button Y" and that all the gimmicks (zero g, stasis, kinesis, store, upgrades, lame scare tactics) just can't make up for that. I kept going in the hopes that the story would develop into something interesting, but it never did. In the end, it's not a complete failure, but the game falls well short of its own potential.


Graphics: 95/100
Presentation: 95/100
Sound: 85/100
Controls: 80/100
Story: 50/100
Gameplay: 70/100

Overall: 75/100


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Topic Title: Dead Space Review
Topic Summary: 75/10

Sounds like a pretty good game. You don't see many games with a 75 out of 10.


Senior member
Jul 19, 2007
I actually think the game is pretty cool. For a console game, it pleasantly surprised me since it keeps me wanting to play on. The atmosphere and graphics are cool. And I really get the sense that I am trying to survive because there is little enough ammo around that you cannot just go on a shooting spree Rambo-style. You need to plan out your supply usage and hope you find more as you make your way through the ship. That, more than anything, makes it exciting for me because it keeps me on my toes and involved in my character's situation.


Platinum Member
Sep 6, 2005
I'm enjoying the game so far. It feels very different from anything i played before. One thing that's killing it for me is the blood controls. Very stiff and lagging. I agree on the story, but i really don't care much for it. I think the sounds deserve a better score, and controls a lower.



Senior member
Aug 14, 2007
This is the best fucking game made on the pc for ages, its well thought out, the story is good, the graphics are good, it doesnt get boring it just gets better and better the more you play it.

The Game deserves to be GOTY 2008 without a doubt. Crysis and that pile of shite Far Cry 2 can goto the back of the queue.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2005
Originally posted by: SniperDaws
This is the best fucking game made on the pc for ages, its well thought out, the story is good, the graphics are good, it doesnt get boring it just gets better and better the more you play it.

The Game deserves to be GOTY 2008 without a doubt. Crysis and that pile of shite Far Cry 2 can goto the back of the queue.

I mostly agree with you. Dead Space had me up late for a whole week. I loved every minute of it. Now I'm loving it again... this time with the military suit and maxed out weaponry(btw the ripper maxed out is bad ass!!). I bought Far Cry 2 and Dead space the same day. I installed FC2 played for an hour or so and lost interest. After having nearly shitted myself and panic attacks while killing necromorphs with the ripper, a case of malaria and some ordinary weapons was doing anything for me


Diamond Member
May 24, 2002
I'm actually rather impressed with the game's sound. Did you play the game using a surround sound system? The music does make things predictable in some sense (while it does its best to convey a sense of paranoia and fear). The environmental sound really well done though, and you'll definitely need a good surround system to appreciate it. I've played the game using Z-5500 and using my Sharp's crummy TV-speakers and the difference is night and day. There's so much more details in the surround channels.

I'd have to agree with you on gameplay and plot. The plot seems very cliche, but what horror movie/game isn't? It's simply difficult to come up with any new story ideas in such well-defined genre. The game mechanic is pretty simple, though I think the devs did their very best to enhance it. Things like integrated HUD/display, does its best to put the player in maximum immersion possible. What I'd like to say, is simply that Dead Space is pretty much the best example of this genre that can possibly be. In terms of plot and game mechanics, there's very little room for improvement besides a radical shift in technology or medium itself. I mean, really, you can't get any much scarier game besides either 1) a immersive VR experience or 2) actually being there.


Nov 26, 2001
Did you play the PC version or xbox? One thing I noticed is that the PC version had funky controls. Pushing so many keys just access the menu. Better PC game controller support in menu would have been nice. It took me hours just to configure my original xbox controller to make it work. The game crashes sometimes when you launch the game sometimes.

I didn't think the graphics was that great. No AA support and the textures weren't that sharp but the artwork was pretty good. Then again this is a console port like the others. Getting 130fps average I would have really like some AA at least for the PC version. I haven't even really played this yet cause I'm still working on fallout3. Dead space seems like it has its scary moments.

BTW the delay bug on the controls can easily be cured with disabling vsync in the game menu and enabling vsync in your video-card control panel.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Combination of critics liking what they're paid to like, and the review score inflation that makes average games 5 star/ 9/10. Same thing that can be applied to pretty much any modern overrated game.


Jan 23, 2001
Brikis writing a pc game review? Only used to seeing you in H&F. I have Dead Space sitting on the shelf waiting for after Fallout 3


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: AyashiKaibutsu
Combination of critics liking what they're paid to like, and the review score inflation that makes average games 5 star/ 9/10. Same thing that can be applied to pretty much any modern overrated game.

and how did the steel beams melt if jet fuel doesn't burn at even half the necessary temperature?


Platinum Member
Sep 6, 2005
Originally posted by: lavaheadache
Originally posted by: SniperDaws
This is the best fucking game made on the pc for ages, its well thought out, the story is good, the graphics are good, it doesnt get boring it just gets better and better the more you play it.

The Game deserves to be GOTY 2008 without a doubt. Crysis and that pile of shite Far Cry 2 can goto the back of the queue.

I mostly agree with you. Dead Space had me up late for a whole week. I loved every minute of it. Now I'm loving it again... this time with the military suit and maxed out weaponry(btw the ripper maxed out is bad ass!!). I bought Far Cry 2 and Dead space the same day. I installed FC2 played for an hour or so and lost interest. After having nearly shitted myself and panic attacks while killing necromorphs with the ripper, a case of malaria and some ordinary weapons was doing anything for me

I am only in chapter 4, do the power nodes come more available as i progress through the game? Right now i can't see my self upgrading anything at this pace.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: lavaheadache
not in the topic summary, lol

Ok, NOW it's fixed

Originally posted by: SniperDaws
This is the best fucking game made on the pc for ages, its well thought out, the story is good, the graphics are good, it doesnt get boring it just gets better and better the more you play it.

The Game deserves to be GOTY 2008 without a doubt. Crysis and that pile of shite Far Cry 2 can goto the back of the queue.

Thank you for the useful, in depth review. Btw, what do crysis and far cry 2 have to do with anything?

Originally posted by: razor2025
I'm actually rather impressed with the game's sound. Did you play the game using a surround sound system? The music does make things predictable in some sense (while it does its best to convey a sense of paranoia and fear). The environmental sound really well done though, and you'll definitely need a good surround system to appreciate it.

I did play it on a surround sound system, although not a high end one - I have the Logitech z640 5.1 system running off an original Soundblaster Audigy. The sound, as I indicated in my review, was in no way bad - I rated it at 85/100 after all - but I thought it was pretty standard for this sort of game. Much like the plot and gameplay, we've heard all of it before: other games have done the creepy environmental noises, the slow mo sounds, the screaming/roaring monsters, the tense breathing and heart beat, etc.

Originally posted by: razor2025
I'd have to agree with you on gameplay and plot. The plot seems very cliche, but what horror movie/game isn't? It's simply difficult to come up with any new story ideas in such well-defined genre.

Do you honestly believe that no one can come up with an original story or original gameplay mechanics for a survival/horror game? Really?

Originally posted by: Azn
Did you play the PC version or xbox? One thing I noticed is that the PC version had funky controls.

I played it on the PC. I've always preferred shooters with a mouse/keyboard, and the aiming/moving work just fine with this game. Slightly worse is the need to hold up your gun (by holding the right mouse button) in order to use kinesis, stasis, reload, etc. It forces you to use two buttons simultaneously where one should have been enough. However, it's not too big of a deal and as I mentioned in the review, the bigger issues are a the third person camera that can be a bit awkward in certain scenarios and the fact that the melee attacks are impossible to aim.

Originally posted by: Azn
I didn't think the graphics was that great. No AA support and the textures weren't that sharp but the artwork was pretty good. Then again this is a console port like the others. Getting 130fps average I would have really like some AA at least for the PC version. I haven't even really played this yet cause I'm still working on fallout3. Dead space seems like it has its scary moments.

There is a setting in the game to turn AA on/off. I did notice a few jaggies, but overall, I thought the game looked fantastic. Along with Assassin's Creed and CoD4, it's one of the prettiest games I've ever seen and looks absolutely spectacular on a big screen (note: I haven't played Crysis as my computer can't quite handle it at acceptable settings).



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: skace
Brikis writing a pc game review? Only used to seeing you in H&F. I have Dead Space sitting on the shelf waiting for after Fallout 3

Heh. I've actually had very little time to play games over the last few months, so it was nice to get back into it. This last weekend I decided to be lazy and just stayed in and went on a gaming marathon. I grabbed Dead Space and Fallout 3 due to all the praise they've been getting. The former I found quite disappointing and the latter seems (so far) too damn similar to Oblivion.


Senior member
Nov 3, 2008
I thought your review was spot on, it echoed my experiance of the game perfectly.

When i started the game the art and design of the levels was very well done and coupled with the graphics it quite supprised me from, especially from a console port. I was pleased with what i saw.

The audio that was quite highly praised i found to be avaergae, not bad in anyway but certainly not anything worth commenting on.

The controls were the biggest let down for me, mouse input seems delayed and felt like it had a certain inertia to it. After 30 mins i abandoned the keyboard and mouse for my game pad and things progressed alot better. prehaps a future patch could address the PC input problems as i would have much prefured a mouse to the analog stick.

After the 2nd hour the gameplay became a little too repetative and the story was so weak it did not engross me enough that i wanted to contine. You could see the plot mechanics a good hour in advance, infact the only reason i finished the game is through raging stubonness that i had paid for it and was determined to get my moneys worth

In conclusion I felt the game could have been done a bit better, it started so well but 10 hours of similar corridors and scare tactics does not make for the best entertainment. and although my comments do sound generally negative its a game i would still recommend playing, but just wait till the price comes down.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: rumpleforeskin
although my comments do sound generally negative its a game i would still recommend playing, but just wait till the price comes down.

That's actually a great point and something I forgot to mention in my review. Overall, the game is worth checking out, especially once it hits the bargain bin. Just IMO, it doesn't belong on the list of "all time greats" as so many of the critics seem to indicate.


Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by: brikis98

Originally posted by: Azn
I didn't think the graphics was that great. No AA support and the textures weren't that sharp but the artwork was pretty good. Then again this is a console port like the others. Getting 130fps average I would have really like some AA at least for the PC version. I haven't even really played this yet cause I'm still working on fallout3. Dead space seems like it has its scary moments.

There is a setting in the game to turn AA on/off. I did notice a few jaggies, but overall, I thought the game looked fantastic. Along with Assassin's Creed and CoD4, it's one of the prettiest games I've ever seen and looks absolutely spectacular on a big screen (note: I haven't played Crysis as my computer can't quite handle it at acceptable settings).

AA is definitely not working.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Molondo

I am only in chapter 4, do the power nodes come more available as i progress through the game? Right now i can't see my self upgrading anything at this pace.

I went around and scrounged up everything I could to sell and make money for the nodes. It takes a lot of nodes to max out a weapon. I concentrated on 4 weapons. By around the 10-11 chapter you start having some real fire power. They even change the way they shoot, different effects and such. the best thing of all, when you complete the game you get ten nodes 99,000 credits and the option to buy suit 6... which is the military suit and it looks bad ass



Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2005
Originally posted by: brikis98
Ah, finally, a critic I can agree with: Zero Punctuation: Yahtzee reviews Dead Space.

I guess I'm just a friggin idiot then cause i thought the game was great. Come to think of it... When I play video games my purpose is to get lost for a little while and take a time out from my stressful life. It seems like some of the people around here try to live life through video games and take a time out every now and then and step into reality just to bitch about how a game wasn't captivating enough or lacked depth or lacked originality.... sheesh. I say for $50, Dead space was money well spent. I can think of many other things I've spent the same or more money on that I was pissed about. I also thought it was great how the game shared similarities with other things that I thoroughly enjoyed such as RE 4 like controls with an Alien like story. How is this bad? All Zero punctuation did was beat up on the game for sharing similarities with other great things. Thats it... I guess everybody should hate Suzuki's new Hayabusa because it shares a lot of the styling cues form the original. Nah, great things are inspired by other great things. Dead Space was a hoot and I'm defiantely enjoying it a second time through.
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