Deadly Shootings, Explosions In Paris

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Diamond Member
May 9, 2004
This is the last word I read of your post. Goodbye.

I dunno why anybody would want to argue with him. He is just a mentally ill zealot that plays the tired racist card everytime on anybody that disagrees with his out-of-reality worldview.

PC-obsessed, self-righteous lunatics like him are worse than ISIS scum, at the very least the latter is pretty honest about how they want you dead.
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Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
So exactly what those of us who are not intellectually dishonest found; CNN now reporting one of the terrorists had a syrian passport. But, hey, let's just keep letting them flow into Europe.

Can people stop being fucking stupid about islamic immigrants finally?

Even before this recent attack

Not surprising, given that more than 1/4 of French muslims were sympathetic to the massacre at the charlie hebdo offices.

This is what happens when you let the fox into the hen house.Quoted for insanity by 5150joker.You're telling me it's impossible to even guess as to one's religion based on point of origin? No statistical difference between somebody from China vs somebody from Yemen?

Everything I said is true and rational. The most hate mongering group in the US tends to be White Christian males. They hide behind the US flag as a cover for their xenophobic racist rants. Today it's Muslims because of what happened in France and as soon as the media moves on to another story, it will shift back to demonizing Mexicans and Blacks.

Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, Sean Hannity et al are good examples of White Christian males fomenting hate and their Southern Baptist base perpetuates that hate and votes for it in droves.

You're telling me it's impossible to even guess as to one's religion based on point of origin? No statistical difference between somebody from China vs somebody from Yemen?

Thanks for proving my point.


Feb 1, 2008
Again, Trump.
Tweeting about gun control.
As if an auditorium full of Parisians would have the foresight to grasp what was happening, being caught off guard because typically one attending an musical concert does not expect bombs, guns, bullets, or death to be part of the act.

And there you have it. The best example of a Donald Trump presidency.
Really! Now we know.
Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned.
History would say Trump tweeted while America got nuked.
Donald. Your check from the NRA is in the mail.


Golden Member
Jul 27, 2015
Took all day but finally heard from family friend there in Paris.

She is sheltered in place.

She said it is really bad there, that basically the Country is lost.

Had no idea how bad it had gotten there.

Prayers to the innocents lost today

I'm glad you heard from your friend.

I do have one question - is morale that bad there now, that the country is lost?


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
I dunno why anybody would want to argue with him. He is just a mentally ill zealot that plays the tired racist card everytime on anybody that disagrees with his out-of-reality worldview.

PC-obsessed, self-righteous lunatics like him (Whiskey16) are worse than ISIS scum, at the very least the latter is pretty honest about how they want you dead.
Who's 'mentally ill?'

After such insanely violent charges against me, I'll let others decide and leave my defence to the repost of my three posts in this thread:

Post #300

To be clear, I don't want to nation build in either country. I want us to go in with an overwhelming force and sweep through their territories on a search and destroy mission, then go home.


And the fact that Bush's disastrous Iraq war had a hand in creating a fertile environment for Isis only strengthens the argument here.
???? Bush created ISIS in warfare without adequate rebuilding, and yet you're so idiotic as to desire war and then leave a region to ruin???

You dumb, bi-polar fuck.

Nothing learned.

Failed states encourage the fresh and anarchistic freedom to create new extremist groups.

What became ISIS was in the genesis of the USA incompetently manufacturing a failed state that the USA then had a major hand in encouraging and enraging sectarian division, marginalisation, and violence.

Yes, centuries old western meddling in the region began a jig-saw recipe for instability in the Middle East, but the extremism and violence of ISIS's inception is laid directly at the hands of the USA.

Much of the ludicrous disbanding of the Iraqi state army left tens-of-thousands of disgruntled Sunnis who went home, unemployed, and to then face Shia repression, and later an undemocratic coup supported by the USA to empower an even more violent and marginalising Iraqi leadership. Moderate Sunni territories went to an allegiance that desperation forced them into the hands of many former Iraq army members who were radically abused and violated under incarceration by the bush-league USA. Once there, the violent and threats will not so easily let them go.

The USA directly laid the foundation for ISIS.

Yet, Woolfe is so ignorant of history, that his rah-rah jingoism calls for further destruction and violation to sow the seeds for yet another group of radicals to emerge from. No solution offered -- only revenge bloodlust. Perpetuate the destructive circle.

Militarily? You go in (only with JUST and valid cause) and then have the sense and balls to finish the job. That job is the responsibility of security, respect, justification, and rebuild. Invest the time. You don't play a GI Joe fantasy of a glorious battle, pre-maturely ejaculate with MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, and then run away.

Beyond that? Assad's regime is demonstrably more violent in its tallies of victims. ISIS gains the greater derision as a few acts (and some uncoordinated sideshows) directly target the West. We matter more...fuck brown Muslims... Force them all home to the horrors they deserve..


.....On a related note -- I am proud of my new Canadian government's respect and care for humanity. I welcome the proposed arrival of 25,000 men, woman, and children, desperately fleeing the horrors that are not of their own making. May that come with welcome this year and many more in need in the years that follow. Great states grow with the arrival of new and determined lives.

This thread's dominating theme of xenophobic hatred and derision of Muslims -- as of Jews in a Germany of Europe of the past -- is utterly revolting. Such far right generalised hatred and even calls for crime (forced deportation based upon religion) is inexcusable and yet regularly expected in the despicable culture that some AnandTech member's wish to perpetuate.

Post #305

Yet, France is being targeted by Islamic terrorism. Go figure? Feel free to explain that without bringing simplistic & moronic partisan bs into the equation.
France has long and quietly enacting a military campaign in the north west of Africa against Boko Haram and other extremist Islamic groups...

Then its violently repressive colonial history well into the 20th century, onto far right politics of blatant xenophobia against Muslims, decidedly un-liberal controls against cultural clothing, and onto the bigoted marginalisation of ethnically identified groups (notably Muslims) leading to vastly higher rates of unemployment and ghettoization.

With some justified disgruntled sentiments, some seeds have been sown for a miniscule minority of youth to be caught into radicalisation. Though, most of the Muslim associated terrorism in Europe and in Canada in the past few years is that of home grown rather than having been perpetrated by immigrants.

Hell, most of the terrorist deaths in Canada over the past years have been by far right (freemen), white citizens who targeted police officers. Muslims hordes? No, any members of a group can perpetrate such violence. Before September 11, 2001, it was at the hands of Sikh terrorism with the bombing of Air India flight 182 that was recorded as the worst case of North American terrorism.

Post #307

Proof that western immigration policies have been letting in taqiyya double talking enemies for quite some time. At least the tragedy in Paris will help put a stop to more like him from immigrating to the west.
Yes, Mr. Pinochet, at least we have the likes of Nebor to distinguish us in the west from the likes of any Muslims terrorist.... OOPS

No, violence and terrorising radical extremism knows no such nationalist, religious, and societal boundaries:

You and those like you are the enemy of the West and it's way of life. That's why you're ignored, denigrated and laughed at despite what I'm sure is a significant effort to construct eloquent arguments to make us feel bad. But like I said, those of us with more than an academic knowledge of you and your kind wouldn't mind if you filmed us while we put your entire extended family in one mass grave, because we know eventually it'll be you or us. We either fight now, alongside Israel, or wait until you convince enough idiots to let you gain the upper hand.

You say "us all" in an attempt to conceal yourself amongst others (a classic muslim\terrorist tactic.) You're the only one advocating for your viewpoints here, and what I said was directed at you, your family, and those like you. If you're going to quote me all the time, you might as well pay attention to what you're quoting.

Oh no! The horror of my presentations: ()

PC-obsessed, self-righteous lunatics like him (Whiskey16) are worse than ISIS scum, at the very least the latter is pretty honest about how they want you dead.
Supportively, I'm not the immoral and 'worse than ISIS' problem at ATPN that you misrepresent me to be.

Cognitive and immoral illness lies elsewhere.
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No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
when are we as humanity going to collectively agree that some people/groups can not be reasoned with through diplomacy and politics and just bite the bullet and remove them from existence?

i fully understand how bad that sounds but unfortunately it is the truth.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Unfortunately many liberals in the west prefer the chauvanistic, homophobic, anti-semitic, and theocratic cultures who oppose it and want to wipe it out. So-called liberals supporting the most illiberal people on the planet. The irony is astounding.

woolfe9998, in all irrational zealotry, throws unwavering and unquestioning support (as a critique=anti-Semitism ) behind a state lead by neo-Nazi conspiracy sharing Hitler apologist, Benjamin Netanyahu....

Keep it up woolfe9998, and run away from responses refuting the unlearned stupidity that destructive war and running away to leave a broken mess resolves all......


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
when are we as humanity going to collectively agree that some people/groups [Muslims] can not be reasoned with through diplomacy and politics and just bite the bullet and remove them from existence?

i fully understand how bad that sounds but unfortunately it is the truth.
Ahhh, and the expected AnandTech member avocation for the exterminating genocide of all Muslims is once again publicised.

The criminally inexcusable and terrorising acts of a minute few yet again give resident internet tough guys the resolve to support the commission of the greatest crimes of all....all out of xenophobic hatred for the targeted people/group.

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Woke up to the news this morning. So sad.

Maybe this will be the wakeup call for much of Europe. Years of letting people who adhere to a barbaric religion still stuck in the middle ages, who don't share your culture, who want to oppress women, who don't believe in the same basic principles into your countries is a bad idea. It might be too late to remedy the situation already though


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Ahhh, and the expected AnandTech member avocation for the exterminating genocide of all Muslims is once again publicised.

The criminally inexcusable and terrorising acts of a minute few yet again give resident internet tough guys the resolve to support the commission of the greatest crimes of all....all out of xenophobic hatred for the targeted people/group.

its not limited to Muslims, and no i do not hate them
the affiliation of a group of people who threaten global peace does not matter they are all the same and need to be removed like the cancer they are
Nov 8, 2012
Hate to ask, but does anyone have a link or brief description? Last I saw last night was ~100 people estimated dead, and the police were about to storm the place.... Which was 10 pages ago.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Yet hell, what could I know? Apparently in my presented violence and 'insanity,' I am 'worse than ISIS'....:

That's idiotic. Why would we choose randomly? Iran has had it coming for a while, and this is our chance.

War is cool. Solves all....

'Why choose randomly?

  • al Qaeda was in Afghanistan so that found a justification for destroying the state of Iraq.
  • Sunni/Wahhabi ISIS was founded in the broken states of Syria and Iraq, and controlled by marginalised and disgruntled Iraqi Sunnis, so a resolve must be to devastate Iran!
One shouldn't hope to make the stupidity of this crap up.
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Golden Member
Jul 27, 2015
Hate to ask, but does anyone have a link or brief description? Last I saw last night was ~100 people estimated dead, and the police were about to storm the place.... Which was 10 pages ago.

Most of the dead were in that concert hall, the descriptions of what happened inside were.... horrific. Was driving home last night from work listening to the various cable news channels, and on one the guy said they could hear the gunshots as the people inside were being shot, one by one. On live tv....


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
its not limited to Muslims, and no i do not hate them
the affiliation of a group of people who threaten global peace does not matter they are all the same and need to be removed like the cancer they are
ISIS members here? Doubtful.

Yet we do have a regular record of membership who wish abuse this form and present incitements to perpetuate even greater scales of violent crime.


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2005
when are we as humanity going to collectively agree that some people/groups can not be reasoned with through diplomacy and politics and just bite the bullet and remove them from existence?

i fully understand how bad that sounds but unfortunately it is the truth.

Same could have been said about Christians a few centuries ago.


Platinum Member
Dec 2, 2005
Everything I said is true and rational.

Actually, nothing you said was true and rational. I guess you missed my post. Your post is littered with your own erroneous presumptions based on your invalid perception. Frankly, your posts indicate you are so far left that I think you will be unable to see any form of reason, but feel free to admit you are incorrect on everything you have stated and claimed as truth and prove me wrong.


Golden Member
Jun 4, 2005
Actually, nothing you said was true and rational. I guess you missed my post. Your post is littered with your own erroneous presumptions based on your invalid perception. Frankly, your posts indicate you are so far left that I think you will be unable to see any form of reason, but feel free to admit you are incorrect on everything you have stated and claimed as truth and prove me wrong.

This is spoken like a drone programmed by conservative talk radio. Rush Limbaugh makes 10's of millions a year off of dipshits like you.


Feb 5, 2006
Seems to me like instead of raiding drug users' neighbors, SWAT teams should be practicing hostage rescues in actual theaters and making individual hostage rescue plans for every one, so they can execute them quickly.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Actually, nothing you said was true and rational. I guess you missed my post. Your post is littered with your own erroneous presumptions based on your invalid perception. Frankly, your posts indicate you are so far left that I think you will be unable to see any form of reason, but feel free to admit you are incorrect on everything you have stated and claimed as truth and prove me wrong.

Politically I'm very much in the center. Would it surprise you to know I was a registered Republican once upon a time? Then the party was slowly hijacked by buffoons like you and taken so far to the right that it makes moderates like me look like ultra leftists.


Platinum Member
Dec 2, 2005
Politically I'm very much in the center. Would it surprise you to know I was a registered Republican once upon a time? Then the party was slowly hijacked by buffoons like you and taken so far to the right that it makes moderates like me look like ultra leftists.

Your continued opinion does not constitute as anything other than your opinion.

I am not a republican.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
Well, unless they start deporting now, its to late. Angela Merkel opened the floodgates back in August. In 10 years time, If family reunification is counted [and it should], there could be 20 million Muslims added to Germanys population in just 10 years [Germany has a total population of 80 million today btw]. And that is a low ball figure, my opinion is the migrant issue is just the tip of the iceberg and its never going to stop unless all borders are fortified and people are sent home. The population growth rate in the 3rd world is ridiculous [most 3rd world nations double their population every 22 years] and with Europe waving free handouts, and promising the economic-migrants a free home/car...Those people will try and move there.

And the 20 million number is just for Germany btw. It doesnt count the people moving to Sweden, Italy, the UK, France etc. Europe is being colonized, thats all there is to it.

First off, let me say that the idea that the terrorists "are refugees" is the most idiotic thing, entirely made-up, without any base and simply FALSE and nothing but a far-fetched assumption to justify hate against refugees/immigrants.

The irony: I have seen an article not long ago where the current influx of immigrants into Germany was actually seen as something positive. (I AM NOT SAYING THAT CULTURAL PROBLEMS ETC. DON'T EXIST)

The reasoning there was a) that the populace of Germany, as opposed to the UK etc. is actually shrinking and getting older. A number of more younger, working people, be they Muslims or whatever can have benefits for the German economy.

Secondly, Germany does a lot to provide Immigrants education. I don't know the numbers of how many immigrants come in which spend their rest of their lives living off welfare.

But I know that numerous (many?) refugees are taking up school in Germany, learning the language, get jobs and in-fact become valuable members of the society.

I reject a generalization of immigrants as "extremists", there is no valid base to do so. This idea is just beyond idiotic.
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