Deal Dead, let it rest.


Senior member
Jan 30, 2000
Thank you Newegg for stopping the clearance of these dead items!

I'm not sure why the previous thread was locked but just wanted to let those who are still thinking about buying any of those items that are left to stay away.

They truly should have stuck with the first description they had which said "Dead" but then changed them to "Some good, some bad"

As promised, I am getting back with those who were interested in the condition of this ongoing sale:

I haven't had time to check each and every component but here's my initial assessment:

Three monitors- All busted to pieces- (ok, I knew it was a fat chance) $105 wasted

PIII chips(a couple of PGA and 3 slot 1 450mhz to 866mhz)- not sure yet, I don't have a PIII board to try them but it doesn't look good based on the handwritten notes attached to each of them.

10 floppy drives- ancient with notes that don't sound so good on each one

3 hardrives - Ancient, 5" bay drives, with bad notes on them.

4 CDRW- again older models, 4x mostly and 1- 8x with tags indicating they won't work

5 DVDs- Same modus operandi

10 cpu fans with heatsinks, really small, looks like system pulls from 486's. But these actually could be used as chipset fans since they are small.

I still have a bunch of power supplies, a few cases, a few pIII boards , and a few keyboards coming.

They cancelled my order for 8 -Smart media's (64-128mb) and 4- MSI GF2 Pro 64mb video cards. (Hmmm, mysteriously dissappeared, employees perhaps?) I was really counting on getting these.

I sure hope there are at least a few success stories otherwise Newegg intentionally changed the description from "Dead" when they weren't selling to "Some good, some bad" just to unload this crap on idiots like me.

And for you guys who like to jump in and say this should be posted in the Moan section, I am doing this as feedback for this "Refurbished" sale that is still ongoing on at Newegg.



Platinum Member
Mar 25, 2000
rebuilder, thank you for the update, really appeciate the feedback.

I really hope Newegg did not intentionally change the title from "Dead" to "Some good some bad" because that would be really dishonest! But again, the prices listed for these items strongly point out that they were probably non-functioning. In any case, I really do hope that you did receive some good working stuff. Good luck, and keep us posted!



Senior member
Jun 14, 2001
I appreciate your courage.

Thanks for sharing what was of interest to a great many of us.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2001
Im a firm believer that an outfit like Newegg would test and keep the good stuff for themselves and slip them into the refurbished bin, and the absolutely dead into this "some good, some bad" pile. Why would they do otherwise from a revenue / storage standpoint? Thanks rebuilder for the update -- I hope this section of theirs is gotten rid of shortly...


Senior member
Nov 30, 2001
Ugh. Thanks for the detailed update. I think it would make more sense for newegg to simply trash this junk or at least label it as such. The "some good, some bad" appears to be an overly positive description.

I've heard nothing but praise for newegg so this comes as a bit of a surprise.



Golden Member
Mar 30, 2001
...Or you could have called newegg prior to ordering and asked about the condition of the "some good/ some bad" equipment that they were offering. When I called, Newegg was honest with me and said that they were all RMA returns . Your implying that somehow the some good/ some bad is the same as the Newegg standard refurbished items is just plain stupid. Newegg has always offered refurbished items and they are guaranteed to work unlike the items in this "some good/ some bad" sale. The bottom line is that you got what you paid for. :Q


Senior member
Nov 7, 2000
Thank you for the update and I'm sorry for your $$ losses.

I think if Newegg is going to do this sort of grab bag thing, they need to make sure to put something in that works if the quantity exceeds some type of baseline - say one working item per 5 ordered.

Otherwise, it seems almost like an attempt to mislead and to dump crap on faithful patrons.

Newegg has a great reputation, but this doesn't sound too good and will do nothing to maintain that rep. Yeah, I know, they put the disclaimer in, but while a disclaimer may protect them legally, there is no disclaimer that can ensure "good feelings" in an buyer-seller exchange.

Actually, I don't even know why they are selling crap. Sell stuff reduced with warnings, but this weird.

I still want to hear back from the guy who bought a bunch of TBirds! If even one were good it would make the purchase worthwhile. Are you out there? Can you let us know how that purchase worked out for you?



Senior member
Jun 9, 2000
GetReal, do you ever have a good deal of your own or do you just try to shoot down everyone else's deals? I can't remember you ever saying that something was a good deal.

Your (that should be You're) implying that somehow the some good/ some bad is the same as the Newegg standard refurbished items is just plain stupid.

They are not implying that they are the same as refurbished but it would seem that "some good/some bad" would mean that at least some would be good. He wasn't expecting them all to work.

It is obvious that the reson that newegg is doing this is so they don't have to pay to dispose of the stuff.


Golden Member
Mar 30, 2001

<< GetReal, to you ever have a good deal of your own or do you just try to shoot down everyone else's deals? I can't remember you ever saying that something was a good deal.

Your (that should be You're) implying that somehow the some good/ some bad is the same as the Newegg standard refurbished items is just plain stupid.

They are not implying that they are the same as refurbished but it would seem that "some good/some bad" would mean that at least some would be good. He wasn't expecting them all to work.

It is obvious that the reson that newegg is doing this is so they don't have to pay to dispose of the stuff.

7lords - I have posted 10X more hot deals than most members here. I was not trashing the deal just the fact the rebuilder was whinning about a deal that was correctly advertised by newegg. I also posted early in the other thread that the items wer RMA and that you could call newegg and they would tell you this fact. rebuilder actually refuted that claim and proceeded tp brag about all the items he pruchased. He got exactly what newegg clearly advertised.

BTW - 7lords what hot deal have you ever contributed here ? Let me count NONE


Senior member
Jan 30, 2000
My only gripe is that I didn't buy a thing when they were listed as "Dead" but when it moved to the category of "Some good, some bad" I then assumed that there would be "some good". In fact in the previous thread I said I hoped that a third of the items were usable or repairable. Right now, everything I am testing says they are "all bad".

Almost every item has a sticker or tag or slip of paper from an outside computer repair company where a technician has looked over the item and made a note that they were bad.

I still don't believe these are NewEgg RMA's like the CSR said. Some of this crap is ancient, way before Newegg's time. When's the last time you saw one of them monster 5.25" hard drives for sale? I got a chuckle out of one of those drives that said "DoorStop- Do not use". Some of the dates on the equipment are as far back as 1994. To be fair there are a couple of pieces that have a 2001 date.

All I'm saying is that they should have stuck to the term "Dead" and not changed it to "Some good, some bad".

Oh well ! Such is the life of a Hot Dealer, mostly you win but sometimes you lose.



Golden Member
Jul 16, 2001
I didnt order any of this and im thankful for that now,but I feel if this is tested merchandise as tenchim implies...and I bet hes right,then at best its very dishonest to label it for sale as some good,some bad.Ive had good service with newegg but this stinks if it turns out anything of any value he purchased there (ie cpu fans not included) isnt working.I disagree with the you got what you paid for statement.If this merchandise has been pretested which the labels would imply (system pulls im sure) and they are setting those labeled bad for sale... this is plain wrong.If you dont mind saying Rebuilder what were your total losses on your order?Sorry to hear that it looks like you arent getting much anything useable,but thanks for posting so we keep others away from this trash.


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
Thank you for letting us know what your results are, so far, rebuilder.
When I placed an order for a few "some good/some bad" items( btw, did the title specifically say "all sales final, no returns?", maybe you can return the dead stuff), my understanding is that I will get some good, and some bad items. IF they are all bad( haven't got my stuff yet), that would be very misleading, of Newegg. Advertising items as "Dead" is one thing, ( you know what you are getting, a dead item,), but, advertising the items as "some good/some bad" is another. IF almost all of the items are dead, in this new category of theirs, these Newegg customers are gonna be very upset. I'm not a marketing expert, but..............." hey, Mr. Marketing Director at Newegg, what were you thinking"?


Senior member
Jan 30, 2000
I don't want everyone to be misled by my results so far. I still have a lot of testing to do. If it turns out that others are getting "some good" then Newegg is blameless.

I LOVE NEWEGG and this will not change my opinion of them. I'm just out of $450 which I'll make up on some other good deals in the future.

Best of luck to those who are waiting for their stuff.


Senior member
Nov 30, 2001
I noticed that the "Some Good, Some Bad" items that newegg has listed now all appear to have the following comment in the description: "Sold for parts use or demo":

newegg link

Was that description there earlier? If so, I wouldn't expect any of these items to work.




Senior member
May 17, 2001
I agree that the first time I saw NewEgg offering these items, I thought..."BAD IDEA". I was thinking, "Is this legal?" They better watch themselves, cause I love NewEgg too, but doing shady stuff like this is how all the other once-good online vendors have messed up. I say keep the refurb stuff and offer the 30-day warranty like they do, but just trash this junk as to avoid getting a bad rep, and stay clean legally. They aren't making enough money off it to risk it anyway. It's Risk vs. Reward, and I think they have made a marketing mistake here.


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
BobF, I could have sworn ( wish I would have now snapped a picture of those "some good, some bad" ads now, anybody do that?) that the ads did not state the items could not be returned, but, maybe they have something in their warranty policy stating that. I'm going to read it right now.


Senior member
Jun 9, 2000
They aren't making enough money off it to risk it anyway.

They actually are because they don't have to pay to dispose of the stuff.


Golden Member
Mar 26, 2000
Speaking of NewEgg, I'm curious. I notice a lot of good deals in the "Refurbished Section." They seem to disappear quite fast though. Does NewEgg post these Refurbished "Deals" at the same time everyday, or do people who, well, have nothing else to do, sit on NewEgg's site all day refreshing the page until the deals appear?

I clearly hope it's the former, because if it's the latter it proves that unemployment can be quite draining on both the brain and the funds of those who have only one purpose in life. heh heh


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
I read their warranty information, nothing on "some good some bad" category, but, they do on the refurbished, but, then, we all know that already. I thought maybe they added a new "disclaimer" on
their warranty link on this specific category. This I found, and, it probably acts as a "disclaimer", from a post the day the sale started:

" Some are good, Some are bad. Sold for parts use or demo use. This item may be defective and does have some scratch or crack. All sales are final! "



Senior member
Jan 2, 2001

<< GetReal, do you ever have a good deal of your own or do you just try to shoot down everyone else's deals? I can't remember you ever saying that something was a good deal. Your (that should be You're) implying that somehow the some good/ some bad is the same as the Newegg standard refurbished items is just plain stupid. >>

Since we're picking nits here, I'll chime in and vote for "your" over "you're" in this case. He wasn't saying "You're implying this thing, and that's stupid," (where "you're" and not "your" would have been correct), what he said was "Your implying this thing is stupid." It's a subtle difference, and maybe not the best English, but use of "your" is correct. A better way to say it might have been "It's stupid that you're implying this thing." Ok, out of English teacher mode now


Senior member
Jun 9, 2000
Since we're picking nits here, I'll chime in and vote for "your" over "you're" in this case

After reading the entire sentence, you are correct.


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2001
Sounds like a bunch of Clintonese to me (i.e. depends on what your definition of "is" is). Thanks for the warning Rebuilder. I would also expect "Some" good. I would seriously consider taking the newer items and checking the manufacturers warranty and see if anything can be done via that route. A one year warranty on some of the 2001 dated items you mentioned could lead to a reduced price/freebie from manufacturer on exchange. Good Luck.


Senior member
Jan 30, 2000
Results so far:

17" Monitor Busted
17" Monitor Smokes really bad but the case looks stylish.
19" Monitor "Busted flat in Baton Rouge"
Four CDRW (4x, 4x, 8x, 8x) Nada
Four DVD's Nothin
Nine Floppy drives Zilch
One ATI, old as the hills PCI video card Just like the sticker says , No Picture
Three 5.25" drives. Not even gonna hook em up. They might trip a circuit breaker.

Now for the good news:

Two ATI Rage Pro video cards do work, they didn't have a sticker (4mb or 8mb ?).
One Floppy might work, it boots up a start up disk but sticker says I/O problem ?
One 1998 4x CDRW seems to work but makes loud scratching sounds ?
One DVD seems to read disks but the sticker says it scratches CD's ?

I still haven't tried the 5 PIII chips yet. I don't have a pIII board (pga or slot), so it may be a while before I know anything but based on the technicians notes it doesn't look good.

I'm still waiting for 4 ATX cases, 10 power supplies, 3 PIII boards, 3 Keyboards and the 4 MSI GF2 Pro 64mb cards that have magically changed status from cancelled to being packaged.

I hope for your/you're sakes that my shipment was some of the first they sent out and all the good stuff is at the bottom of the barrel.

Ok, I've done enough "whining and bragging" so I better get out of here to go make some money cause I sure ain't gonna recoup any with this stuff.

I just discovered that sometime during the day they deleted the description (some are good, some are bad) on the remaining items. They obviously realized that was the wrong way to describe these items.



Golden Member
Mar 26, 2000
Based on what you've stated above, it sounds like NewEgg reads this forum.


Senior member
Nov 30, 2001
Isn't that interesting. I just checked the link again and, as you note, they have removed the "some are good, some are bad" label. Good for them!

newegg link with revised descriptions


<< EDIT I just discovered that sometime during the day they deleted the description (some are good, some are bad) on the remaining items. They obviously realized that was the wrong way to describe these items. >>

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