**Deal Done! Back to Reg. Price** Dimension 8200 P4 2.0 with 17" 1702 digital LCD.

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Junior Member
Feb 13, 2002
I dont even mind not getting the computer anymore I am just a little conscerned about the buisness practices that dell uses. Any company that states "Prices, specifications, availability, and terms of offer may change without notice" does not seem like fair buisness practices


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2001
>>>(16) to charge or attempt to charge, at the time of the sale of an item or commodity, a value which is more than the price which is advertised, posted or quoted<<<

Thanks for clearing that up...99% of the people who ordered were never charged. Case closed. Time to move on.



Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2001
We tried to cash in on a price mistake and got denied, it's that simple. If your CC was CHARGED (not just authorized) then you have a case for complaint. But if not, accept it. Dell just like any other company isn't in business to lose money, things like this happen and the company honoring a price mistake in cases of excessive exploitation like this one is slim.


Senior member
Nov 17, 2000
if maybe a 100 or so systems were ordered with the price mistake, it might have slipped through the crack, but in this case, i'm sure there were a thousand or so systems ordered. oh fu@k!n well... i guess we gotta move on.


Senior member
Oct 30, 2001
Mani, isn't having your card authorized the first step of the charge process?

I do know that when you use your CC at Best Buy (or where ever) the swiping of your card and your signature is the "authorization," and you would be entering a contract with the said company. The second step of the charge process would be Best Buy sending in your signature, and their documentation on the authorized amounts -- this is when the money gets transfered.

So my question is: If the process was started wouldn't they be implicitly verifying the validity of the quote?


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2001
An authorization is merely a step taken to insure that a valid card is being used. Sometimes it is also used to give some measure of assurance to the merchant that the amount of the purchase, which is to be potentially charged to the card at a future date, can in fact be charged to the card. No transaction actually takes place. The order is subject to review. Dell reviewed the orders and rejected them. $hit happens. There will always be losers in the Dell lottery. There will always be other deals, better deals.


Jun 26, 2001
Has anyone been able to negotiate a concessional price with Dell for this system? Someone in FW claimed to have done so for $400 more and was then given a 10% discount on the total.

Am wondering if others have done so and how they went about it.


Feb 16, 2002
My letter

To: BSD_On-Line_Order@dell.com


I must insist that you honor this order. Cancellation several days after the confirmation and initial order placement is not good
business practice. Soliciting additional funds to complete the ordering process is EXTORTION. As you know, extortion is an
ACTIONABLE CIVIL item with serious legal repercussions.

As a first-time customer, I was looking forward to receiving my order for my own personal use. Rarely do I buy from brand name
companies, preferring to customize and build my own PC. I thought I would try the DELL experience. It has obviously not suited my
needs or expectations in this matter.

After discussions with several coworkers and friends who ordered this system or a similar configuration, hereafter known as 'class',
it further angers and upsets me that some of them have received their order. Furthermore, those who did not were requested
additional funds in the amount of $300 to complete the order whereas I was requested the amount of $400. This type of
discrimination and inappropriate customer handling, is definitely biased. Your customer service reps should not be soliciting funds
and should not be doing so on an INCONSISTENT basis.

I was looking forward to a serious upgrade of my current system which has long been obsolete. Coupled with a cutting edge flat
screen monitor, it would have met my needs for years to come and would have been my first DELL experience. But my anger and
frustration due to the handling of this order far outweighs any disappointment. I have decided to follow-up and pursue this
because my order was in production when it was 'forced' to cancel.

Please respond formally to this complaint, in writing via email or letter within 3 business days.

Thank you for your cooperation and attention in this matter,

<Name Withheld>

This order was cancelled due to an error in the pricing of the 17in flat
panel. The error caused the flat panel to be $503.00 dollars too low per
system. Dell is not honoring this pricing error per our disclaimer on the
web site. We apologize for the error and any inconvenience this may of
caused you.

But we cannot honor this order.


Next step - BBB and attorney general. All in favor of a web page devoted to this?

BTW, someone in the OTHER forum got their order completed for $230 more. Shows the incosistency in what they 'extort' from their customers.



Golden Member
Jul 9, 2001
I think this is bigger than Enron and that we should sets our sights higher. Forget Attorneys General, let's get some Congressional hearings going. Afterwards, we should petition the Supreme Court. Then of course the Elected President of the U.S. (Al Bore) needs to get involved.

/sarcasm off.
/rolls eyes...again.



Golden Member
Jun 12, 2001
This thread is sickening me to a great degree, and I just have to vent here:

Some people here do actually think that a large corporation that is publicly traded would give away something for nothing?

(They would have probably lost $500 over cost on approximately 2000 systems as opposed to making $3-400 on 1000 systems thay would have sold anyhow 1.4 Mil over 2 or 3 days is serioius money even for dell)

Get real and remember the disclaimers regarding erroneous pricing - they are there for a reason.



Feb 16, 2002
Sorry unlike you Justincase I was planning on keeping the system, and not reselling it on ebay for greedy profit. As such, I was looking forward to it, not just as a piece of inventory.

Furthermore it really does anger me that people could complete the deal for $230 or $300 whereas I was offered only $400.

I thought about it and I will pursue it - I'm in the process of getting my web page set up; I'm also seeking legal advice.

Another reason is that techb@rgains is usually a pretty reliable site especially with DELL deals.

Think about it, if there is a way to configure the system to get a hot deal, then how is that even a pricing error? Sure it minimizes DELL's profit but if it's a valid selectable option in their configuration, then there is no reason to call back and ask for more money.



Feb 16, 2002
As background info, some computer companies price their base components at .01 (a penny) [to get it into / recognized in their database] i.e., the standard 1 yr warranty for instance. With the reasoning above, any computer company could cancel *any* order by saying there was a price mistake in their 'warranty' or other 0.01 component. A configured system is the sum of its parts. A price mistake (or discounted price) on a part does not make the configured system invalid.

We need accountability (a la Enron) period.


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2001
As I said before the weights and measure laws do not apply to internet purchase, I was merely replying to the remark that if you owned a store you would have to honor your price mistakes under the law.

An authorization is merely a step taken to insure that a valid card is being used. Sometimes it is also used to give some measure of assurance to the merchant that the amount of the purchase, which is to be potentially charged to the card at a future date, can in fact be charged to the card. No transaction actually takes place. The order is subject to review. Dell reviewed the orders and rejected them. $hit happens. There will always be losers in the Dell lottery. There will always be other deals, better deals.

Now this does apply to internet (this is a federal law for mail order purchases):

When Your Fulfillment Or Other Obligations Begin ("Properly Completed" Orders)

The "clock" on your obligation to ship or take other action under the Rule begins as soon as you receive a "properly completed" order. An order is properly completed when you receive the correct full or partial (in whatever form you accept) payment, accompanied by all the information you need to fill the order. Payment may be by cash, check, money order, the customer?s authorization to charge an existing account (including one you have created for the customer), the customer?s application to you for credit to pay for the order, or any substitute for these transactions that you accept.

It is irrelevant when you post or deposit payment, when checks clear, or when your bank credits your account. The clock begins to run when you receive a properly completed order.

So under the mail order law authorization is considered payment. I just used this to successfully argue the actual purchase date for a rebate submission, even though the card was not charged until two weeks after authorization.

This is just to clarify that authorization is payment. However, the only remedy in these laws for failure to ship merchandise in a timely manner which has been payed for, is to refund the money or notify the customer within one billing cycle that they will not be charged.


Senior member
Oct 3, 2000

<< They would have probably lost $500 over cost on approximately 2000 systems as opposed to making $3-400 on 1000 systems >>

Although I agree with your thoughts here, your math makes NO SENSE!!! Lets see, first of all there was a $400 pricing error, so how could they loose $500 (In actuality they'd probably come close to either breaking even or losing $1-$200 ... I HAVE NO IDEA & NEITHER DO YOU)? Secondly, using your $500 figure <i.e. LOSS>, if by correcting the price $400 how could they stand to make $3-400 on the products they do sell. That would be a $8-$900 difference over their losses. I'm just trying to understand your comments, please explain!


Golden Member
Jun 12, 2001


<< They would have probably lost $500 over cost on approximately 2000 systems as opposed to making $3-400 on 1000 systems >>

Although I agree with your thoughts here, your math makes NO SENSE!!! ... I HAVE NO IDEA & NEITHER DO YOU...

Of course you don't - otherwise you would not have to waste your time here


<< I'm just trying to understand your comments, please explain! >>

Sorry no can do - you gotta look for yourself - the in formation is out there


Senior member
Oct 3, 2000

<< Of course you don't - otherwise you would not have to waste your time here >>

ok, and you are not wasting your time here too?


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2001
>>>Sorry unlike you Justincase I was planning on keeping the system, and not reselling it on ebay for greedy profit. As such, I was looking forward to it, not just as a piece of inventory.<<<

Makes no difference...we're all getting the same thing in the end, no matter how much time you waste on pursuing it...nothing. I've been around here for 3 years; after a few hundred of these fizzled deals, you'll realize the same thing.

We live in a capitalist society. I'm not going to feel a bit of guilt about buying 2 piece of crap PCs from Dell and reselling them for a few bucks more to work my way out of a huge debt. If that makes me 'greedy,' so be it. I've been called worse...today Big deal.


Senior member
Aug 28, 2000
rk0 hit the nail on the head:

<< We need accountability >>

exactly. THAT is exactly the point of this (and all other) "deals"/"errors" like this. Any ol' company can just slap any ol' disclaimer on their site: "we are not responsible for anything at anytime, and are held absolutely accountable to no one", and then, well, ok, then it's fine for them to do whatever the freak they want! THAT is what irks ME. There needs to be just the slightest bit of accountability on the part of the companies, there really does. This is not some ludicrous idea that we are asking for here. This is the same standard that has held for B&M stores for years...if an item on a shelf is marked at a certain price, then guess what? mistake or not, they by law are obligated to sell it to me at that price. period. end of story.

The littlest smidgen of accountability, that's all we're asking for.



Feb 16, 2002
Justincase, I've been around here as long as you, back when there was no 'forums.anandtech.com' [separate server] and oversizewallet [before staples coupons fiasco] didn't exist.

Anyway, the point is, if you are going to resell these systems your goal is different than mine. I wouldn't mind paying maybe $100-200 more to get my system. With resellers it would cut into their profit; therefore it's not worth it to pursue it [for YOU].

I was also in on the 43" TV BB deal, but they handled it better (even though they didn't get their facts together), I did get an order confirmation, but the SAME DAY they also sent out the cancellation notices. They didn't ask for MORE MONEY.

With DELL, I punch in the order 2 days ago, and I see 'your system is being built' with all sorts of pretty pictures. Then (2 days after confirmation, 3 days after order placement) DAYS later I get a 'PAY OR CANCEL' call.

BTW, all don't forget to email Michael_Dell@dell.com and let him know how happy you are with the handling.


Senior member
Oct 3, 2000
Justincase, I like your attitude. You're not whining because you lost the deal, but you're still sticking to these forums like glue ... just in case . I'm probably going to buy the system, but would like to find a rep who cares about customer service. The guy I spoke with told me he's been dealing w/ the LCD calls all day and really doesn't care about any of us. He'd prefer it if we all stopped calling, it would make his life easier (He didn't say all of that, but you can tell a lot by a persons voice)! At any rate, I just want to know why I'm being asked to add $400, while others less. I guess it's like Staples, jus the luck of the draw (or luck of the call, in this case)!

Good luck to all!


Feb 16, 2002
Searchname, check the other forum

There's a guy there who got his for +230 after discounts (-100 rebate I think). PM him for the name of the CSR. I've asked my CSR to do +200 after discounts. [i guess it's good to have CSRs competing against each other?]


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2001
>>>Anyway, the point is, if you are going to resell these systems your goal is different than mine.<<<

Yes, our goals are different. That doesn't make my goal wrong or right, or yours wrong or right. I already own a $2,000.00 Dell PC from Hell, and would NEVER buy so much as a mouse from that company, for personal use. You should be thanking Ebayers...we are pushing down the cost of these systems by listing them on Ebay...and you can now buy them cheaper

>>>I wouldn't mind paying maybe $100-200 more to get my system. With resellers it would cut into their profit; therefore it's not worth it to pursue it [for YOU].<<<

Ooooh-kay...do let us know when victory comes :Q Good luck.

>>>I was also in on the 43" TV BB deal, but they handled it better (even though they didn't get their facts together), I did get an order confirmation, but the SAME DAY they also sent out the cancellation notices. They didn't ask for MORE MONEY. With DELL, I punch in the order 2 days ago, and I see 'your system is being built' with all sorts of pretty pictures. Then (2 days after confirmation, 3 days after order placement) DAYS later I get a 'PAY OR CANCEL' call.<<<

Yeah, well I've always said that Dell is the biggest piece of $h!t company I have ever dealt with in the past 30 years...nobody even comes a close second in my experience...this IS standard operating procedure for them...they DO discriminate in fulfilling orders, their order system IS the pits, you almost NEVER know if or when you'll receive your order, the wait times on hold and the transfers from department to department ARE horrendous...but anyone that's dealt with Dell already knows that. It's just the way it is, and we're not going to change it. Sure, I would love to have my order fulfilled, but I am a realist and don't see that the probability of success is commensurate with the potential reward available here. If you feel differently, go ahead and pursue it, but there is nothing here for the Attorney General to get involved with, in my opinion.

>>>Justincase, I like your attitude. You're not whining because you lost the deal, but you're still sticking to these forums like glue ... just in case .<<<

I'm content to make another $50.00 off Dell :Q One day, I hope to recoup the entire $2,000.00 that I threw down the Dell rathole on that freakin' PC that I bought in a moment of temporary insanity...I'm better now...I'm on a Macintosh



Junior Member
Feb 13, 2002
I dont understand what difference it makes what people do with their personal purchases whether its egay or whatever. Dells disclaimer does not seem to be a fair buisness practice no matter how you look at it. Prices fluctuate on a daily basis on the web site. dell home and dell small buisness has different prices. What the hell is the average consumer supposed to believe when they want to buy a pc?


Senior member
Oct 30, 2001
Yeah, their disclaimer is total overkill. Basically, you will never know the final price until the computer is sitting on your door step and it has been charged to your card (in that order). Even then, they might demand more $$ as on Anander noted.

Justincase knows how much dell blows because of his previous H-E-L-L. It seems like the rest of us are learning this now. I won't learn without a little arguing though.
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