"Dear Fat People" Taken Down

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014

Comedian and YouTube star Nicole Arbour, whose videos regularly get millions of views, is offensive — and she embraces that.

But after her viral video "Dear Fat People" received outcry from commenters and leaders in the body acceptance community, her YouTube and Google+ channels were temporarily disabled Sunday.

"We literally broke the Internet… With comedy. #censorship" Arbour tweeted after her account was taken down. (It has since been reinstated.) The video remained posted at Facebook, where it has more than 18 million views and 175,000 likes.

In the controversial video, Arbour says, "Fat shaming is not a thing. Fat people made that up. That's the race card, with no race." She goes on to justify her point in the spirited, six-minute video.

So, are people going to get censored due to fat 'shaming'? I mean, being obese is a choice frankly. When is censorship going to occur over criticizing what cereal you choose? Or how you style your hair?
Nov 8, 2012

So, are people going to get censored due to fat 'shaming'? I mean, being obese is a choice frankly. When is censorship going to occur over criticizing what cereal you choose? Or how you style your hair?

No clue whom this dumb bitch is. Anyone that is a "YouTube Star" is consuming too much useful oxygen.

That said - as a former fat person (over 330lbs, now @ 165) I have no qualms with calling out fat people. They are getting too stupid to realize that it's a health issue that we are all paying for. People need to accept it as the truth instead of ignoring it and putting their fingers and their ears singing "LA-LA-LA-LA I'M NOT LISTENING"

You know how we talk about fatasses having to pay more since they weigh more on flights? Or that they take up 2 seats? What if we start having to report our weight and have fatties pay more on health insurance? There is OBVIOUSLY a higher probability of fatasses having heart disease or stroke than ANYONE else.

Just more examples of our rights being raped because someone would be offended by hearing some truth. It's very similar to the race situation. You can bring out the factual statistics all you want, but if it's against someone other than a white it is branded as racist and people immediately become ignorant of the truth.


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2007
One part of me agrees with her, but the other really didn't find her delivery or message all that funny.

Instead of being Carlin-esque where an idea was presented at least in a humorous fashion, she just comes across as a stuck up bitch who obviously has never made a bad choice that affected not only herself but others. Her argument of fat people cost people more because of increased insurance premiums, while accurate, is lame. She had better make sure the rocks she's throwing aren't being thrown in a glass house.


Dec 20, 2002
No clue whom this dumb bitch is. Anyone that is a "YouTube Star" is consuming too much useful oxygen.

That said - as a former fat person (over 330lbs, now @ 165) I have no qualms with calling out fat people. They are getting too stupid to realize that it's a health issue that we are all paying for. People need to accept it as the truth instead of ignoring it and putting their fingers and their ears singing "LA-LA-LA-LA I'M NOT LISTENING"

Also a former fatty 280->175. One thing you'll notice is that people will always say "Hey, lookin' good, did you lose some weight?" but it is somehow unacceptable to say "Hey man, worried that you've put on a 100 extra pounds."


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2011
I don't listen when women talk but she's somewhat cute so I'm OK with whatever it is she said.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
This took longer than I thought to be posted. Saw her video a few days ago. I thought she was funny, and dead on. Because heaven forbid you say anything true, you can't hurt people's feelings now days.

Being obese is not a disease. It's being lazy and making poor choices. They can do something about it, aside from the very few medical conditions. Fat people make me pay more for insurance, and I dislike looking at nasty bodies at the pool or anywhere else.

Sometimes the truth hurts, get over it. Instead of this new movement of embracing fatties, because they're too lazy and don't want hurt feelings, they need to hear the truth. This whole "body acceptance community" needs to shut the fuck up, and better themselves. Don't settle for being fat just because it is easier and you don't want to be made fun of.
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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2005
You know how we talk about fatasses having to pay more since they weigh more on flights? Or that they take up 2 seats? What if we start having to report our weight and have fatties pay more on health insurance? There is OBVIOUSLY a higher probability of fatasses having heart disease or stroke than ANYONE else.

Go down that path, and we should start genetic screening everyone for everything.

"Oh, heart disease runs in the family, and you have some markers that may be an indicator of it? Well Mr Healthy Marathon Runner, enjoy your higher premiums!"

Of course, some things couldn't be tested for. Because sexist/racist/something-ist. Breast cancer in women would be an obvious no-go. Sickle cell disease? Uh-uh. Fondness for the Baconator? Depends on your census survey.

(Me, I traded future lung cancer [smoking] for future heart disease [packed on the weight as I attempted to eat everything not bolted down]. I think it was easier quitting smoking than losing weight. Getting there though.)


Jan 8, 2010
I need people to quit being so self absorbed and worrying about everyone else...oh and taking stupid selfies as if they are on some cause. All it is is a cry out for attention with the woah is me crowd.

If she was making jokes, fine. If she was being hateful to be hateful, then not fine. Just as she mentions race, people will find any excuse to hate on people and make it seem 'ok'. Let's start shaming all you pot smokers and let's see how many excuses you come up with. It 'seems' like she is using the 'comedy' veil and context makes all the difference. I say this because in comedy, someone is always bound to get offended if it hits close to home. Some people can laugh at themselves though. However, 'here' for instance, you see plain hypocritical hating on just about everything by what you would assume are not as simple minded people as they come off as.
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Nov 8, 2012
Go down that path, and we should start genetic screening everyone for everything.

"Oh, heart disease runs in the family, and you have some markers that may be an indicator of it? Well Mr Healthy Marathon Runner, enjoy your higher premiums!"

Of course, some things couldn't be tested for. Because sexist/racist/something-ist. Breast cancer in women would be an obvious no-go. Sickle cell disease? Uh-uh. Fondness for the Baconator? Depends on your census survey.

(Me, I traded future lung cancer [smoking] for future heart disease [packed on the weight as I attempted to eat everything not bolted down]. I think it was easier quitting smoking than losing weight. Getting there though.)

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeexept one is controllable, the other is not.

Nice try, fattie.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
What she says isn't wrong. Just impolite. Controversial? Hardly. People need to have a thicker skin. Oh that's right they can't have thick skin. Their skin is stretched so tight & thin around their bulging body that they become so hypersensitive.

Instead of giving her more attention, why don't they chalk this up as another dumb blonde bitch who wants attention.

P.S. I've forgotten how bad USA Today's website was. It has been a long time since I've been there and am freshly reminded why I don't go there.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2009
You know how we talk about fatasses having to pay more since they weigh more on flights? Or that they take up 2 seats? What if we start having to report our weight and have fatties pay more on health insurance? There is OBVIOUSLY a higher probability of fatasses having heart disease or stroke than ANYONE else.

That'd be great! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Actually watched the whole thing, did not regret it.
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Jun 13, 2000
I like how there's a drug being advertised now for "Bing Eating Disorder".


This is not a disease. This is a disorder...meaning, it's likely all psychological. It's probably an extension of depression or affects the manic bipolar types. The drug companies pounce on these opportunities to market the disorder and suggest their drug as an easy cure. If people would just make the choice to monitor what they eat and put in the work....they could make the change.
Nov 8, 2012
Go down that path, and we should start genetic screening everyone for everything.

"Oh, heart disease runs in the family, and you have some markers that may be an indicator of it? Well Mr Healthy Marathon Runner, enjoy your higher premiums!"

Of course, some things couldn't be tested for. Because sexist/racist/something-ist. Breast cancer in women would be an obvious no-go. Sickle cell disease? Uh-uh. Fondness for the Baconator? Depends on your census survey.

(Me, I traded future lung cancer [smoking] for future heart disease [packed on the weight as I attempted to eat everything not bolted down]. I think it was easier quitting smoking than losing weight. Getting there though.)

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeexept one is controllable, the other is not.

Nice try, fattie.

Also, just so that I can further emphasize my point here when comparing to Auto Insurance:

Controllable factors:
  • What Car You Drive
  • What Type of Car you Drive (SUV, Convertible, Sports Car)
  • Color of your car (Boring Grey, or Bright Yellow)

Uncontrollable Factors:
  • Race
  • Gender

And as much as I HEAVILY disagree with auto insurance's ability to do so - AGE is an uncontrollable factor. The fact that we charge people that are less than 25 years old significantly more for their insurance has always baffled me how we allow that type of shit. Yes, teenagers are more likely to do stupid shit - no one will deny that, but are you or I a part of the stupid generation that drinks/drives, goes off-roading, or road rages? If we can look at statistics on age, why not gender or race? But that's for a different topic/thread.


Sep 20, 2007
Life is like a box of chocolates... it doesn't last long for fat people.

So, are people going to get censored due to fat 'shaming'? I mean, being obese is a choice frankly. When is censorship going to occur over criticizing what cereal you choose? Or how you style your hair?

Then the Streisand Effect comes into full force. Had they not tried to censor it, the video would have probably gone largely unnoticed. Lol... largely.

This whole identity politics movement is becoming a major blight on our society. Being fat is, for the most part, a lifestyle choice. When you make that choice, you have to deal with the consequences. If I see a fat guy at the gym working hard to lose weight and improve his health, I have nothing but respect for them. I have zero respect for the people who whine about it like they're a victim, and think that everybody else should change to suit their (bad) choices.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2006
Also, just so that I can further emphasize my point here when comparing to Auto Insurance:

Controllable factors:
  • What Car You Drive
  • What Type of Car you Drive (SUV, Convertible, Sports Car)
  • Color of your car (Boring Grey, or Bright Yellow)

Uncontrollable Factors:
  • Race
  • Gender

And as much as I HEAVILY disagree with auto insurance's ability to do so - AGE is an uncontrollable factor. The fact that we charge people that are less than 25 years old significantly more for their insurance has always baffled me how we allow that type of shit. Yes, teenagers are more likely to do stupid shit - no one will deny that, but are you or I a part of the stupid generation that drinks/drives, goes off-roading, or road rages? If we can look at statistics on age, why not gender or race? But that's for a different topic/thread.

They should absolutely charge higher premiums for people that are more likely to be in an accident, regardless of whether it's controllable or not..... just like Health Insurance companies should be able to charge the fat fuckers more for all of their future medical claims. What's that? You can't afford to Super-Size your bullshit combo meal 4 times a week because of your higher insurance premium? Sounds like a win-win to me.
Nov 8, 2012
They should absolutely charge higher premiums for people that are more likely to be in an accident, regardless of whether it's controllable or not..... just like Health Insurance companies should be able to charge the fat fuckers more for all of their future medical claims. What's that? You can't afford to Super-Size your bullshit combo meal 4 times a week because of your higher insurance premium? Sounds like a win-win to me.

Sorry, I can agree on fatties, I can't agree with uncontrollable factors.

People have health issues and risks that are uncontrollable. The same goes with cars. We have a lot of people from Asia here - do you think it would be right to charge Asian's more for their car insurance based on statistics showing they are more likely to be in an accident? How about charging women/men more based on which statistically have more accidents?

Again, things you can control - such as the % of people most likely to have a wreck that drive a yellow sports car is totally acceptable - because you can prevent that charge if you choose to.


Platinum Member
Nov 5, 2010
It's pretty amusing how I've seen some Americans cry "erosion of our rights, rabble rabble" with this story, but no one mentions that Nicole Arbour is actually Canadian. Their Constitution doesn't protect "hate propaganda" under free speech and YouTube's TOS doesn't override national laws, which is probably how her video(s) got reported in the first place. YouTube probably found they didn't apply and her account was only suspended instead of banned. It's inflammatory, but "hate" is a stretch.

Personally I think she's a less-funny, more self-absorbed version of Jenna Marbles, and that's already set on a pretty high/low bar (depending on your interpretation). I mean, seriously? Shutting down her channel is "breaking the internet?"

Much ado about nothing that will turn into exposure press for her.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2007
Life is like a box of chocolates... it doesn't last long for fat people.

Then the Streisand Effect comes into full force. Had they not tried to censor it, the video would have probably gone largely unnoticed. Lol... largely.

This whole identity politics movement is becoming a major blight on our society. Being fat is, for the most part, a lifestyle choice. When you make that choice, you have to deal with the consequences. If I see a fat guy at the gym working hard to lose weight and improve his health, I have nothing but respect for them. I have zero respect for the people who whine about it like they're a victim, and think that everybody else should change to suit their (bad) choices.
I think you'll find this an interesting read



Apr 8, 2002
It was a matter of time this would happen. The fatties have hit critical mass where they can dictate to the rest of the world to accept them for over-eating and not working out enough.


Golden Member
Aug 24, 2012
I like how there's a drug being advertised now for "Bing Eating Disorder".


This is not a disease. This is a disorder...meaning, it's likely all psychological. It's probably an extension of depression or affects the manic bipolar types. The drug companies pounce on these opportunities to market the disorder and suggest their drug as an easy cure. If people would just make the choice to monitor what they eat and put in the work....they could make the change.

What other treatment would you suggest for the mentally ill?...

Hey schizo, just ignore those voices!

Yeah that works great
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