Death Toll in Iran Mosque Explosion Up to 12


Golden Member
May 19, 2002
Death Toll in Iran Explosion Up to 12

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) ? Iranian officials raised the death toll from an explosion in a packed mosque in southern Iran to 12 on Sunday and said more than 200 had been injured in the blast.

Iranian media initially quoted local officials as saying the explosion Saturday in the city of Shiraz was caused by a homemade bomb and could have been religiously motivated.

But officials gave a different account on Sunday, saying it was an accident possibly caused by ammunition leftover from a recent military exhibition in the mosque.

"It was not because of bombing," said Abbas Mohtaj, deputy interior minister in charge of security. The "explosion was due to an accident which is under investigation," he added.

When was the last time you went to church to see a military exhibition with live ordinances no less?

I know one thing for sure a military exhibition with live ordinances in a place of worship is not congruent to religious peace and love.

However I bet it was an accident alright; I am thinking it was a class on how to make, deploy roadside bombs and someone put the wrong two wires together and boom!


Jan 5, 2003
How many Iranians are inside Iraq blowing themselves up or killing American troops.
70M Iranians.

Far more than the Arab population inside Iraq and surrounding Iraq.

Surely you can come up with a solid % figure to justify this ridiculous garbage thread of yours.


Jun 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Aimster
How many Iranians are inside Iraq blowing themselves up or killing American troops.
70M Iranians.

Far more than the Arab population inside Iraq and surrounding Iraq.

Surely you can come up with a solid % figure to justify this ridiculous garbage thread of yours.

I'd say less than 1% of the population of Iran is in Iraq. Certainly some Iranians have been caught as part of the insurgency, and there's no doubt that they supply material aid in the way of money and weapons (matched serial numbers confirmed that more than a year ago.)

My own educated estimate is somewhere around 7,000 Iranian nationals currently in Iraq, acting contrary to the interests of the United States.


Jan 5, 2003
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.

Iranian arms are in the hands of more Arabs than Iranians. Syria and Lebanon have stockpiles of Iranian made weapons. Their citizens are the primary "foreign" insurgents who are being caught. Yet, just because their weapons are Iranian made the U.S wants to point the finger at Iran.

99.9% of the insurgency is Arab. Any Iranian nationals "caught" have been released. U.S does not release people who are responsible for the deaths of their soldiers.

Finding a serial number proves nothing. All it proves is that the weapon was made inside Iran. Iran is a major arms exporter in the M.E and Asia.
If I find a gun that was made a year ago inside the U.S and that gun was used to kill a diplomat, is the U.S govt to blame?


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.

Are you sure about that?

I saw something on Fox News the other day that told a different story.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
Originally posted by: Aimster
How many Iranians are inside Iraq blowing themselves up or killing American troops.
70M Iranians.

Far more than the Arab population inside Iraq and surrounding Iraq.

Surely you can come up with a solid % figure to justify this ridiculous garbage thread of yours.

How is this a garbage thread? Oh I forgot; because it paints Iran in a negative light. Defend Iran at all costs!!!


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Sinsear
Originally posted by: Aimster
How many Iranians are inside Iraq blowing themselves up or killing American troops.
70M Iranians.

Far more than the Arab population inside Iraq and surrounding Iraq.

Surely you can come up with a solid % figure to justify this ridiculous garbage thread of yours.

How is this a garbage thread? Oh I forgot; because it paints Iran in a negative light. Defend Iran at all costs!!!

And the purpose of this thread is?
It's an Islamic bashing thread with some b.s Iranian roadside bomb crap tied to it.
which in turn = garbage thread. If you think anything educational will come out of this thread then I could only feel sorry for you.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Sinsear
Originally posted by: Aimster
How many Iranians are inside Iraq blowing themselves up or killing American troops.
70M Iranians.

Far more than the Arab population inside Iraq and surrounding Iraq.

Surely you can come up with a solid % figure to justify this ridiculous garbage thread of yours.

How is this a garbage thread? Oh I forgot; because it paints Iran in a negative light. Defend Iran at all costs!!!

And the purpose of this thread is?
It's an Islamic bashing thread with some b.s Iranian roadside bomb crap tied to it.
which in turn = garbage thread. If you think anything educational will come out of this thread then I could only feel sorry for you.

Defend Iran at all costs.


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Sinsear
How is this a garbage thread? Oh I forgot; because it paints Iran in a negative light. Defend Iran at all costs!!!

And the purpose of this thread is?
It's an Islamic bashing thread with some b.s Iranian roadside bomb crap tied to it.
which in turn = garbage thread. If you think anything educational will come out of this thread then I could only feel sorry for you.

It's news and makes a point.

When do Christians blow themselves up while handling explosives in their churches? The war against western civilization and the religion driving that war cannot be separated. They are one in the same and until we cut out Islam?s cancer this is only going to escalate worse than it already has.

Now all we need is Lemon in here to tell us that the violent supremacists equal all 1.4 billion Muslims world wide. I always have to expect that argument after mentioning we need to do SOMETHING to condemn our opponent in this war. Because every time I mention it our opponents in P&N seem to jump up and scream genocide, freedom hating, etc.

The point of this topic is we need to, and many of us fail to do so, recognize our opponent in this war and to call them out and deal with them as such. We cannot drive moderate Muslims to overpower their radical brethren if we?re bleating on about how there?s nothing wrong and how nothing should be done to curb violent supremacism. Whereas you keep defending that violent supremacism in the name of diversity and tolerance.

Reminders like this topic are required until you stop defending it and agree to a campaign to pressure Islam into cutting out its cancer.


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Reminders like this topic are required until you stop defending it and agree to a campaign to pressure Islam into cutting out its cancer.

And we do such a good job of getting rid of our own cancer, right?


Senior member
Feb 1, 2005
Islam forbids the destruction of holy places (of the three god-sent religions). the problem with the war is, you're not attacking the "terrorists" as many dont know the difference and cant tell so you attack a whole region, which happens to be very profitable for the cream of the economic classes.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Sinsear
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Sinsear
Originally posted by: Aimster
How many Iranians are inside Iraq blowing themselves up or killing American troops.
70M Iranians.

Far more than the Arab population inside Iraq and surrounding Iraq.

Surely you can come up with a solid % figure to justify this ridiculous garbage thread of yours.

How is this a garbage thread? Oh I forgot; because it paints Iran in a negative light. Defend Iran at all costs!!!

And the purpose of this thread is?
It's an Islamic bashing thread with some b.s Iranian roadside bomb crap tied to it.
which in turn = garbage thread. If you think anything educational will come out of this thread then I could only feel sorry for you.

Defend Iran at all costs.

Do you have anything to go against what I said or are you just showing your lack of debating skills?

It's Ok. I never expected you to be intelligent so you can keep repeating yourself over and over again without bringing anything significant to the table



Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
anyone that thinks that one mosque with explosives in it means that all of Islam is evil is just freaking brain dead.

this is a garbage thread.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.
There is actually plenty of proof that Iran is very directly involved in funding, arming, and training the insurgents in Iraq -- you simply refuse to admit it.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.
There is actually plenty of proof that Iran is very directly involved in funding, arming, and training the insurgents in Iraq -- you simply refuse to admit it.

I want to see


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.
There is actually plenty of proof that Iran is very directly involved in funding, arming, and training the insurgents in Iraq -- you simply refuse to admit it.

I want to see

Defend Iran at all costs.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Sinsear
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.
There is actually plenty of proof that Iran is very directly involved in funding, arming, and training the insurgents in Iraq -- you simply refuse to admit it.

I want to see

Defend Iran at all costs.

Go get banned
Dec 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Sinsear
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.
There is actually plenty of proof that Iran is very directly involved in funding, arming, and training the insurgents in Iraq -- you simply refuse to admit it.

I want to see

Defend Iran at all costs.

The same ridiculous response 3 times now. Way to troll....

Anyway, this whole thread is nonsense.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.
There is actually plenty of proof that Iran is very directly involved in funding, arming, and training the insurgents in Iraq -- you simply refuse to admit it.

I want to see

I guess you missed General Petraeus' most recent testimony...?

A few snippets...

Though a Sadr stand-down resolved the situation to a degree, the flare-up also highlighted the destructive role Iran has played in funding, training, arming and directing the so-called special groups, and generated renewed concern about Iran in the minds of many Iraqi leaders. Unchecked, the special groups pose the greatest long-term threat to the viability of a democratic Iraq.

And Iran has fueled the violence, as I noted, in a particularly damaging way through its lethal support to the special groups.

Together with the Iraqi security forces we have also focused on the special groups. These elements are funded, trained, armed and directed by Iran's Quds Force with help from Lebanese Hezbollah. It was these groups that launched Iranian rockets and mortar rounds at Iraq's seat of government two weeks ago

However, nefarious activities by the Quds Force have continued and Iraqi leaders now clearly recognize the threat they pose to Iraq. We should all watch Iranian actions closely in the weeks and months ahead as they will show the kind of relationship Iran wishes to have with its neighbor and the character of future Iranian involvement in Iraq.

4-star Generals > Aimster.


Senior member
Feb 1, 2005
This thread is nonsens but you gotta see the fitna thread in slickdeals where everyone agrees that islam= terror


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.
There is actually plenty of proof that Iran is very directly involved in funding, arming, and training the insurgents in Iraq -- you simply refuse to admit it.

I want to see

I guess you missed General Petraeus' most recent testimony...?

A few snippets...

Though a Sadr stand-down resolved the situation to a degree, the flare-up also highlighted the destructive role Iran has played in funding, training, arming and directing the so-called special groups, and generated renewed concern about Iran in the minds of many Iraqi leaders. Unchecked, the special groups pose the greatest long-term threat to the viability of a democratic Iraq.

And Iran has fueled the violence, as I noted, in a particularly damaging way through its lethal support to the special groups.

Together with the Iraqi security forces we have also focused on the special groups. These elements are funded, trained, armed and directed by Iran's Quds Force with help from Lebanese Hezbollah. It was these groups that launched Iranian rockets and mortar rounds at Iraq's seat of government two weeks ago

However, nefarious activities by the Quds Force have continued and Iraqi leaders now clearly recognize the threat they pose to Iraq. We should all watch Iranian actions closely in the weeks and months ahead as they will show the kind of relationship Iran wishes to have with its neighbor and the character of future Iranian involvement in Iraq.

4-star Generals > Aimster.

I don't care what a General has to say
I can show you generals that say there is no such evidence

what then?
Show meproof

words coming out of someone's mouth is not proof.


Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: pinktank
This thread is nonsens but you gotta see the fitna thread in slickdeals where everyone agrees that islam= terror

Show me the fitna. Probably the same group of fundie Christians that think shit like what Ginny Brown-Waite said about Muslims is acceptable.

Go watch Jesus Camp. Reflects just as much of a minority as this event does, and shows you that you've got radicals in EVERY RELIGION.

American hatred (I'm not trying to make a generalization here) is cyclical. Pearl Harbor gets preemptively bombed, we're poking around in a war we've got nothing to do with, and so is Japan. FUCK THE JAPS, PUT THEM IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS (echo the ideology of any of our enemies?). Communists want to be.......communists! Ignore the fact that they're half way around the world, they think a capitalist democracy isn't right for them. FUCK THEIR COUCH! THEY CAN'T GIVE EVERYBODY COUCHES, THEY HAVE TO VOTE ON FREE MARKET COUCHES! RED SCARE!


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.
There is actually plenty of proof that Iran is very directly involved in funding, arming, and training the insurgents in Iraq -- you simply refuse to admit it.

I want to see

I guess you missed General Petraeus' most recent testimony...?

A few snippets...

Though a Sadr stand-down resolved the situation to a degree, the flare-up also highlighted the destructive role Iran has played in funding, training, arming and directing the so-called special groups, and generated renewed concern about Iran in the minds of many Iraqi leaders. Unchecked, the special groups pose the greatest long-term threat to the viability of a democratic Iraq.

And Iran has fueled the violence, as I noted, in a particularly damaging way through its lethal support to the special groups.

Together with the Iraqi security forces we have also focused on the special groups. These elements are funded, trained, armed and directed by Iran's Quds Force with help from Lebanese Hezbollah. It was these groups that launched Iranian rockets and mortar rounds at Iraq's seat of government two weeks ago

However, nefarious activities by the Quds Force have continued and Iraqi leaders now clearly recognize the threat they pose to Iraq. We should all watch Iranian actions closely in the weeks and months ahead as they will show the kind of relationship Iran wishes to have with its neighbor and the character of future Iranian involvement in Iraq.

4-star Generals > Aimster.

How is that considered proof?

Bush is the Commander and Chief of the military and I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Aimster
There is no proof Iran is responsible for anything happening inside Iraq.

Yes, there is. And there has been for some time.

Your continued denial reminds me of a certain Presidential candidate...


Dec 21, 2005
Anyone who continues to deny Iran's roles in the violence throughout Iraq is an idiot.

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