Debate: Bush Won by a landslide according to !!!

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Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I "think" it makes little to no difference what we "think" and there is a problem bigger than which is the lesser of evils.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
The debate presented America with two robots, one beeping and chirping the republican mantra the other clicking? and screeching the democrat mantra. As candidates both are awful for a variety of reasons. I probably would have voted for a McCain/_____ combination but as Red Dawn has said, the republicans blew it when they threw money at Shrub so early last year. Why? Because of McCain?s independence and stance on a few crucial issues like campaign finance reform.

Anyway, you didn?t get to see Harry Browne or Nader or Buchanan in these debates. Hell Nader had a ticket to enter the building in Boston to watch the debates but the local media tipped the election ?officials? off and Nader was not even allowed in the building! At least Fox News allowed Nader and Buchanan to speak afterwards. What they had to say interested me far more than what the two robots were spewing.


May 27, 2000
McCain is a good man, and I think he would of done a good job. I am a democrat, but when McCain came into the scene, I liked what he was saying.

I truly dislike both canidates right now. But I think Bush won last night. Gore was very rude, huffing all the time, interruppting, and just being a plain ole jackass. Bush was somewhat intelligent last night. I liked what he said, and the way he said it.


Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2000
Everyone in my history class thought Gore ... I was kinda of tipsy. Gore was good but I thought he was very defensive when Bush was more relaxed. Bush stuters more but really, do we want a good preseident or decent president who can speak.


Oct 9, 1999
I'll take a somewhat intelligent President over one who is incapable of telling the truth any day of the week. BTW, Bush got better grades in college than Bore. Looks like everyone who thinks Bore is so smart, forgot about that.


I think Nader was precluded from entering the building because he was busy helping his supporters toss TV sets in to Boston Harbor. HMM...the "Green" party polluting the harbor. I guess hypocrisy is not specific to just democrats.

Russ, NCNE


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000

No reply to my last post or did you miss it or no reply necessary or??????


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
<< I think Nader was precluded from entering the building because he was busy helping his supporters toss TV sets in to Boston Harbor. >>


More likely he was prevented from entering because the elite felt he might jump on stage and start a riot. The lunatic might do that, I suppose. The point is these debates are very carefully controlled and orchestrated events designed to help keep two major parties in power. At the very least Buchanan, even if crazed, should have stood at a third podium simply because the reform party has proven viability several times over.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
Online polls are utterly worthless because they do not reflect a cross section of America. The voters are predominately, white, male, Libertarians, or conservatives, and geeks. Your average black female will not be going online to vote for Gore.

Those polls are worth less than the telephone polls, and the telephone polls are worth zero. You do the math.

And Gore kicked Bush's butt big time.


Oct 9, 1999

I guess age has softened your memory. I've said repeatedly that there were better people. The fact is that none of them even ran. I also said repeatedly that the ONLY reason I supported McCain in the primary was because I felt he had a better chance of keeping that oozing puspile Bore OUT of the Whitehouse.

Since none of the good ones ran, and since McCain got his ass handed to him by Bush, and since Bore is a socialist congenital liar, who will NO DOUBT steal more of my money to fatten an already bloated government, that leaves little choice if one chooses to vote major party.

Russ, NCNE


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yeah, Internet opinion voting! Right on! Highly scientific! Reminds me of the time Netscrape had a landslide victory in the browser war of '97, when the PC rag that was hosting it suddenly realized over 80% of the votes were being submitted by an automated script...

...all coming from an IP address that was owned by Netscrape.

<< His father George Bush Sr didn't speak well but... >>

Let's look at daddy Bush's &quot;speaking history&quot;, shall we?

<< Read my lips: no new taxes >>

Yeah, that was a real winner...

Funny thing is, he didn't have lips. Check out a picture of him some time. He also had a weak chin, no backbone, thinning hair, overbearing wife...for pete's sake, we elected Frank Burns as president.

Bush scares the daylights out of me. He doesn't just want to drill for oil in pristine areas: he also went to Detroit and scared all the machine workers building cars that they'll soon be out of a job if they don't elect him, because Gore wants to invest in new technologies that will cut pollution, waste, etc. Bush wants everything to stay the same, and protect special interests (like daddy's friends), while Gore wants to take the world into the 21st century.

I want my flying car.


Golden Member
Oct 13, 1999
This one is about the issues! You could see Bush fuming silently everytime Gore brought up the tax cut for the top 1% earners, why? Because for anyone with any sense its a pretty indefensible tax, and Bush knows this. Gore pressed Bush about his plan to open up protected wilderness to Big Oil, Bush was like 'Wooohoo hell yeah we're gonna get us some oil', uhmmmm nice one Mr. Bush. Gore is a big supporter of the McCain finance reform bill, Bush refused to support it, this one is big people!

Do I like Gore, hell no, he's one of those plastic people that you deal with sometimes that just bug the hell out of you. But the man has the policies, and I think a genuine compassion for the American people. Bush is some Frat boy loser who wants to please Daddy.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
<< while Gore wants to take the world into the 21st century >>


That's a tad vague. What does that all entail?


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000

If you get a flying car from Gore it will be pedal powered.

21st Century?????? Only if you add 11th and 10th together.


Senior member
Sep 1, 2000

I like neither candidate... I think the only thing we can all agree on is that the voter turnout will be higher than usual, as people more see themselves as voting for the lesser of two evils.

I really like Bush SR, but his son is a bum. He wouldn't be where he is if it were not for his father. A biography special on PBS interviewed the oil company he went to work for (on the board of directors none the less). They hired him in the early 80's simply because they thought it a sound business decision to have the son of the Vice President on the board. So he collected 500k per year and didn't know or do a damn thing.

Gore's father, on the other hand, was a political liability to him, and so Gore had to distance himself from his father and do all the work himself (Gore's dad had opposed the vietnam war, and this eventually cost his senate postition). Al went to Vietnam as a reporter... while Shrub went into the Texas air national guard, where he valiantly defended the airspace of Texas against the mexicans and oklahomans... Oh, daddy pulled strings to get him in the guard too.

After the stint in the guard, Shrub just drifted around, doing one thing or another, but always partying hard (can you say 'Coke-Head'?).

I really don't like either candidate. But I think Bore is the lesser of two evils. A lazy privledged rich kid is the last person I'd want in the white house... especially one that can't even come to terms with his past.

The real sad thing is that because of the two-party system we have going here, these two clods are the best they could come up with.

My $.02.


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
<<Bush is a total crony of the Republican leadership. Cheney was a member of his father's cabinet for god's sake. If he wanted to be his own person, he should have chosen someone more bold as his running mate.>>

This is an understatement that needs illumination. I am searching for a link to the program I watched late last night on the &quot;grooming&quot; of the candidates. It was a documentary on PBS and the piece was on both Gore and Bush. I caught just a portion and will check for a repeat this week.

In the documentary,it pointed out that the head operatives of the republican party,realizing they had no viable candidate for this election ,began in 95, as Gov Bush was just beginning his &quot;political&quot; life,to shuttle into the Texas governor mansion, one by one, members of the republican machinery to evaluate him,coach him,groom him for where he is right now. It was almost like seeing something out of the &quot;mancherian candidate&quot; the way this has been going on. Bush couldn't possibly do anything of substance for the State of Texas. He was being set for this mission to the whitehouse from the very beginning! He has been couched ,counciled,educated,by the friends of his father,the cream of the crop of the republican backroom machinery. It was a scary eye opener.

I draw from the documentary, that since the backroom (and very,very ,powerful) republican operatives invested so much money over these 5 years to get Jr. Bush to this point,McCain did not have a prayer.

In otherwords,you vote for Bush,You aren't getting anything but a mouthpeace for those operatives that may have a different agenda than what the electorate are being fed now. The issues have nothing to do with medicade,social security,debt reduction, or tax breaks! It's about the deregulation of energy and the raping of our resources by oil company executives and the very very rich! Collectively they could buy and sell Bill Gates. This is a power grab and I am real skeptical about the motives of George W.

I really think the reason GW stumbles in the issues is because he must keep secret the REAL agenda as the Puppet Masters have set forth. Remember,these are the same people that bailed him out of one bad business deal after another. It's payback time and the Puppet Masters are calling in thier chits!

Scary thought,Huh!?!:Q

Starts to explain why he wont support McCain /Feingold!


Senior member
Nov 15, 1999
Gore totally dominated the debate. Did you notice he always got in what he wanted to say? He had total control, Bush was on the defensive the entire time. Bush wasn't even clear with his statements, very very vague. Especially with the questions of abortion, the crash of the stock market, education, and the tax cut for the highest 1%. He couldn't explain any of it well, gave vague answers, and had to criticize Gore personally. What a joke, do you really want someone this unprepared and unintelligent as our president? No way, Gore you can tell knows what he is doing, he speaks on his feet well, has way more experience in public ofice than Bush and his policies are clear and concise unlike GW. After watching the debate, I am convinced this election is over. Any educated, reasonably informed person would go with Gore.


May 4, 2000
what's up with Dubya's reliance on the term &quot;fuzzy math&quot; that the best he can
do to attack Bore? Please....


Dec 10, 1999
What a stupid $hit poll. Anyone can vote on it multiple times.. and special interest groups/republican party are known to have sent out emails through their mailing lists all the links for poll sites. Talk about unscientific. Hell its almost as bad as the poles on anandtech, i can sway a pole quite easily with my 5 accounts


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Sorry that the preceding rant was not clear enough about Gore wanting to take us into the next century. I mistakenly thought that using a single paragraph, much less including the statement in question within the sentence itself, would show there was a connection and direct train of thought.

The 20th century was industrial, for the most part, and we are still damaging the only inhabitable planet we know of because of it. The Reagan Administration introduced the rebirth of the gas guzzler. In the larger picture, we became a &quot;throw-away&quot; society again. Barges of garbage with no destination, that kind of thing. Clinton pressured car manufacturers to design more fuel-efficient cars, states are now accountable for pollution control, he pushed for a more aggressive recycling campaign, studies into more alternative energy sources, etc. This is future-thinking. Gore wants to step up the pace, and has actively campaigned on this ideal.

Bush literally promised that we would remain in the 20th century under his administration. He wants to drill, he's scaring blue-collar auto workers to get their vote, he wants to raid the projected surplus that could possibly be used to reduce the multi-trillion dollar debt Reagan built, etc. The thing he won't admit is that his plan is nearly a hundred years's been done several times before.

Republican puppet-masters want to put a recovering alcoholic and suspected coke user into office...great. They think infidelity and smoking a joint was bad? I can see the excuses now:
&quot;I put a straw in my nose, but I didn't inhale&quot;.
&quot;I <pound> did not drink <pound> that bottle of <pound> Jack Daniels...&quot;

Good comeback. I'm crushed.


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
Yea Red, It is scary! Papa Bush was CIA. Thats just the government sanctioned legal mafia.They play by the same rules.

Somebody is going to want an accounting for that 100 million $$$ he &quot;raised&quot; for campaign 2000.

{I do remember 20 years ago RED, If you catch my drift.}


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000

A few points. I'm leary of the phrase &quot;Gore will take us into the 21st century&quot;. Umm, more like the hard work of america will bring us into the next century with Gore and all federal politicians milking us all the way. As for Reagan reintroducing the gas guzzler, how so? It seems car manufactures and consumers determine what will be bought and sold. And on the point of Clinton's energy &quot;policy&quot;, weren't fuel emission standards lightened during his term, not strengthened? On the other things you mentioned, I really don't know what was accomplished under Clinton/Gore, if anything. I would assume they did some good things as they managed to do with some health issues. There just isn't time to research everything.

As for drilling oil, as long as we don't rape the earth what's the problem? Technology now allows clean refining of oil and other resources with minimal destruction of habitat and land. I don't see anywhere were Shrub would authorize detrimental acts against nature in any of his policies. And on proposed new spending, another thread;threadid=246345 you can find out exactly how costly Gore's plan is and how he easily exceeds the surplus and goes back into deficit spending.

Either way I'm fed up with both parties and really wish Browne, Nader and Buchanan would have been included in the official debates. Nothing good comes from limited choice -- that's what democracy and freedom are all about.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Umm, more like the hard work of america will bring us into the next century with Gore and all federal politicians milking us all the way >>

And compared to the Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson and Kennedy administrations, and of course, all other presidential administrations going back to 1789, this is different how?

In other words, what's your point? I don't see it.

<< As for Reagan reintroducing the gas guzzler, how so? >>

I forget the age group I hang with around here sometimes. Back in the mid 1970's, when your parents were still struggling with pre-algebra, America suffered what is historically referred to as &quot;The Oil Crisis&quot;. Gas prices skyrocketed, supply dried up, stations had green and red flags to denote whether or not they had supply, and the few stations that did had lines several blocks long. The Big Three suddenly saw all of their revenue disappear, practically overnight, due to unforseen competition: the Japanese. Those guys moved into action swiftly, and put a bunch of tiny cars and trucks called Toyota and Datsun on big ships and sent them to America. These puppies got a heckuvalot more than 15 miles to the gallon, and were competitively priced to boot. The Big Three, all on the verge of bankruptcy, followed suit and started building cars that got much better gas mileage, all the way thru the Carter administration. After Reagan took office, America suddenly started driving much larger cars, luxury cars, and big trucks, which didn't get nearly as good of gas mileage. Therefore, the reintroduction of the gas guzzler. Also, I didn't say Reagan...that would denote him personally, as you did. I said Reagan Administration, which I meant to refer to as an era. Sorry, I can't claim credit for coinage of the phrase, but I also can't provide a link to the news article where I first read it about six or seven years ago.

<< And on the point of Clinton's energy &quot;policy&quot;, weren't fuel emission standards lightened during his term, not strengthened? >>

Gosh, I don't know...but I can tell you for sure that California (and several other states) are currently pi$$ing in their own boots and screaming for relaxation of the fuel emission standards, claiming nobody wants to buy electric or hybrid, even if the automakers did build them at competitive prices, and because they can't make these expectations, all these states are screaming at Clinton, not Bush. Well, maybe they are blaming Bush, and I just read the news wrong. I dunno, I drink a lot of Redhook...

<< As for drilling oil, as long as we don't rape the earth what's the problem? Technology now allows clean refining of oil and other resources with minimal destruction of habitat and land >>

1) Drilling = raping. Getting the drill there, and getting the oil back out again, is not done by magic. No one argues that, I'm surprised you did. 2) Refining of oil has always resulted in zero destruction for the habitat and land where the oil was extracted. I don't see your point here.

<< I don't see anywhere were Shrub would authorize detrimental acts against nature in any of his policies. >>

Take a deep breath in downtown Houston sometime, if you can. They finally beat L.A., and it wasn't in basketball...

<< I would assume they did some good things...There just isn't time to research everything >>

Why are you hitting the reply button?


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
<< In other words, what's your point? I don't see it. >>


You're not looking for it. My point is you give far too much credit to a president. Amercian's gnp hasn't skyrocketed because of any of the administrations you listed and certainly not Clinton's. It's only through the efforts of the humble american worker and businessman that has allowed the institution of government to grow in a freakin' $1.7 trillion dollar spending-spree nightmare.

<< After Reagan took office, America suddenly started driving much larger cars, luxury cars, and big trucks, >>

So the Reagan Administration single-handedly built, marketed, sold and brainwashed america into buying fuel-inefficient automobiles? What are you smoking and where can I get some?

<< claiming nobody wants to buy electric or hybrid >>

I'd buy one if the price was right and they finally address the convenience factor. My car currently gets a nice 30-35 mpg (with the wind). I would assume you don?t own or drive a heavy truck, SUV or Suburban yourself?

<< Drilling = raping. >>

How so? To mother earth crude oil is a resource. She isn't harmed in any way by the removal of this resource. You're driving a car so you're indirectly supporting this &quot;drilling = raping&quot; atrocity. I'm all for alternate ways of producing power to move automobiles. What has Clinton/Gore done here in eight years, btw? Isn't Gore supposed to be the best &quot;environmentalist&quot;?

<< Why are you hitting the reply button? >>

I fight stupidity and misinformation whenever I can.
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