Democrats cut 'John Doe' provision, absolute idiocy!


Golden Member
May 19, 2002
Democrats cut 'John Doe' provision

Congressional Democrats today failed to include a provision in homeland security legislation that would protect the public from being sued for reporting suspicious behavior that may lead to a terrorist attack, according to House Republican leaders.

"This is a slap in the face of good citizens who do their patriotic duty and come forward, and it caves in to radical Islamists," said Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Mr. King and Rep. Steve Pearce, New Mexico Republican, sponsored the provision after a group of Muslim imams filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against US Airways and unknown "John Doe" passengers. The imams were removed from US Airways Flight 300 on Nov. 20 after fellow passengers on the Minneapolis-to-Phoenix flight complained about the imams' suspicious behavior.

On March 27, the House approved the "John Doe" amendment on a 304-121 vote.

"Democrats are trying to find any technical excuse to keep immunity out of the language of the bill to protect citizens, who in good faith, report suspicious activity to police or law enforcement," Mr. King said. "I don't see how you can have a homeland security bill without protecting people who come forward to report suspicious activity."

I don't know no how any one can stomach calling themselves democrat anymore.

This opens the doors wide open to a landslide of law suits;

All anyone, particularly those of Middle Eastern descent has to do is deliberately act suspicious in order to get reported so they can sue those whom reported them. This literally creates what amounts to legal form of terrorism and a easy get rich plan for the plethora of as*holes that will gladly take advantage of peoples fear of terrorism.



Senior member
May 19, 2003
Give me a break, if you see something suspicious would you not report it because of this? What a bunch of drama queens.

Anyway, the article doesn't say what bill this was dropped from. It did say that they republicans would try to attach it to an education bill. Yeah, thats where it belongs...


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: mfs378
Give me a break, if you see something suspicious would you not report it because of this? What a bunch of drama queens.

And you know people would still file report if they know they can get sued? No, not giving you a break.


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2004
Sounds like a good idea to me; it should help filter out meritless "cry wolf" complaints. Of course if you report something with actual merit any judge would throw out a lawsuit against you.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
The door was wide open for false accusations. Many of the accusations proved to be ill founded and based upon Bigotry and/or Ignorance. There are downsides to either way of doing things.


Golden Member
May 19, 2002
Originally posted by: mfs378
Give me a break, if you see something suspicious would you not report it because of this? What a bunch of drama queens.

Anyway, the article doesn't say what bill this was dropped from. It did say that they republicans would try to attach it to an education bill. Yeah, thats where it belongs...

You don't get it;

If enough people start getting sued by those whom they report people will stop reporting period.

Militant Islamists know this and will absolutely take advantage of this for no other reason that to make it a deterrent to reporting anything they do which in turn will make their future acts of terrorism much simpler to execute.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Socio
Originally posted by: mfs378
Give me a break, if you see something suspicious would you not report it because of this? What a bunch of drama queens.

Anyway, the article doesn't say what bill this was dropped from. It did say that they republicans would try to attach it to an education bill. Yeah, thats where it belongs...

You don't get it;

If enough people start getting sued by those whom they report people will stop reporting period.

Militant Islamists know this and will absolutely take advantage of this for no other reason that to make it a deterrent to reporting anything they do which in turn will make their future acts of terrorism much simpler to execute.

Especially militant Islamic trial lawyers.


Senior member
May 19, 2003
Originally posted by: babylon5
Originally posted by: mfs378
Give me a break, if you see something suspicious would you not report it because of this? What a bunch of drama queens.

And you know people would still file report if they know they can get sued? No, not giving you a break.

Why don't we give them financial rewards for reporting suspicious behavior, just to make absolutely sure that do so? If we don't pay them, some people might just let it slide?


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Actor James Woods observed and reported four hijackers making a trial run on an airline flight before the September 11 terrorist attacks on America.

James Woods

Following the September 11 attacks, Woods appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, where he stated that six or seven weeks prior to the attacks, in August 2001, he was on a flight from Boston to Los Angeles on which he noticed four Arab men sitting in the first class section?the only other first-class passengers except himself?behaving in a highly suspicious manner.

Woods stated that the men never spoke to each other except in muted tones, did not eat, drink, or sleep, and mostly sat upright in their seats and stared directly ahead. Woods, fearing that the plane was about to be hijacked, alerted a flight attendant, who confided that she herself also noticed their behavior, and who in turn informed the first officer. No overt action was taken against them. One day after the September 11 terrorist attacks, Woods called the FBI and informed investigators about what he had seen the previous month. He was interviewed on September 13.

Woods repeated the anecdote when he appeared again on The Tonight Show on September 11, 2006, adding that Seymour Hersh, when writing about the incident in The New Yorker magazine, informed Woods that the FAA did not investigate the incident at the time because they considered it an act of racial profiling. Woods later learned that two of the four Arab men on his flight had been Hamza al-Ghamdi and Khalid Almihdhar, two of the 19 hijackers involved in the actual attacks weeks later, one of whom was on United Airlines Flight 175, and another of whom was on American Airlines Flight 77. Woods observed that this contradicts the testimony of possible 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui, who asserted that members of different cells never had contact with one another. Woods believes that the flight was a test run for the hijackers' impending plot.

They should start suing guys like this because he was an obvious bigot since those men were doing nothing wrong, at least the FAA got it right.



Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Socio
Originally posted by: mfs378
Give me a break, if you see something suspicious would you not report it because of this? What a bunch of drama queens.

Anyway, the article doesn't say what bill this was dropped from. It did say that they republicans would try to attach it to an education bill. Yeah, thats where it belongs...

You don't get it;

If enough people start getting sued by those whom they report people will stop reporting period.

Militant Islamists know this and will absolutely take advantage of this for no other reason that to make it a deterrent to reporting anything they do which in turn will make their future acts of terrorism much simpler to execute.

You're already protected...if people really are doing something suspicious, a harassment lawsuit would obviously be thrown out. If you're just "reporting" people because you're an ignorant bigot who thinks all Muslims are terrorists, you deserve to be sued. I don't really see an issue here, this bill was attempting to solve a problem that only exists in the minds of the Washington Times readers.


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2000
Is there an epidemic of people out there making false report about terrorists now, wasting officials time?



Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: mfs378
Give me a break, if you see something suspicious would you not report it because of this? What a bunch of drama queens.

Anyway, the article doesn't say what bill this was dropped from. It did say that they republicans would try to attach it to an education bill. Yeah, thats where it belongs...
blame it on the republicans......and then if you can`t place blame criticize where they are going to palce the bill....
If your a republican your damned if you do and damned if you don`


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Socio

I don't know no how any one can stomach calling themselves democrat anymore.

This opens the doors wide open to a landslide of law suits;

All anyone, particularly those of Middle Eastern descent has to do is deliberately act suspicious in order to get reported so they can sue those whom reported them. This literally creates what amounts to legal form of terrorism and a easy get rich plan for the plethora of as*holes that will gladly take advantage of peoples fear of terrorism.

I don't know how Republicans can stomach calling themselves Republicans anymore so we're even.

After seven years of your heroes version of "peoples fear of terrorism", I'll take my chances with the Democrat's version anyday especially if it has a chance of saving this country unlike the destruction by the Republicans.


May 9, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Socio

I don't know no how any one can stomach calling themselves democrat anymore.

This opens the doors wide open to a landslide of law suits;

All anyone, particularly those of Middle Eastern descent has to do is deliberately act suspicious in order to get reported so they can sue those whom reported them. This literally creates what amounts to legal form of terrorism and a easy get rich plan for the plethora of as*holes that will gladly take advantage of peoples fear of terrorism.

I don't know how Republicans can stomach calling themselves Republicans anymore so we're even.

After seven years of your heroes version of "peoples fear of terrorism", I'll take my chances with the Democrat's version anyday especially if it has a chance of saving this country unlike the destruction by the Republicans.

YES! We need another 9/11-like event. I'm pretty sure we will get this with a Democrat President. And you will be happy, and blaming it on the Republicans, of course.

Do you really think the people attacking the USA have any preference to political party? LOL

I don't so why should they? :laugh:

Wouldn't it be easy to hate me if you could fit me in one of your pigeon-holes?


Golden Member
May 19, 2002
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Socio
Originally posted by: mfs378
Give me a break, if you see something suspicious would you not report it because of this? What a bunch of drama queens.

Anyway, the article doesn't say what bill this was dropped from. It did say that they republicans would try to attach it to an education bill. Yeah, thats where it belongs...

You don't get it;

If enough people start getting sued by those whom they report people will stop reporting period.

Militant Islamists know this and will absolutely take advantage of this for no other reason that to make it a deterrent to reporting anything they do which in turn will make their future acts of terrorism much simpler to execute.

You're already protected...if people really are doing something suspicious, a harassment lawsuit would obviously be thrown out. If you're just "reporting" people because you're an ignorant bigot who thinks all Muslims are terrorists, you deserve to be sued. I don't really see an issue here, this bill was attempting to solve a problem that only exists in the minds of the Washington Times readers.

No you are not already protected take the Flying Imams for example:

Flying Imams

In November 2006, six Islamic leaders were removed from a U.S. Airways flight in Minneapolis after they were observed acting suspiciously-including not sitting in their assigned seats, asking for seatbelt extenders although not needing them, and making anti-American statements. The men were questioned by authorities and then cleared. However, in March 2007, with the help of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the imams filed suit ? not only against the airline but against the heroic "John Doe" passengers who reported their suspicious behavior.

They intentionally went out of their way to raise suspicions in order file suits and the way things are going, bending over backwards to kiss Muslim ass in this country the democrats in particular , they will win and set a precedence that no matter what kind of behavior is exhibited, if you report it you will be sued and you will loose.

Make no mistake these Imams are not innocent victims, what they are doing is premeditated with the deliberate intent to pave the way for future easier executed acts of terrorism period.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: sandorski
The door was wide open for false accusations. Many of the accusations proved to be ill founded and based upon Bigotry and/or Ignorance. There are downsides to either way of doing things.

You ought to be able to report suspious activitye/actions without being sued. If they are having a problem with blatantly false accusations perhaps they could institue some kind of fine/punishment for that?


Dec 11, 2006
How is this even a discussion? No one should be sued simply for reporting "suspicious activity" regardless of their reasoning. Thats why we have people in charge to make the decision if that reported activity is valid enough to act upon.

A few weeks ago I saw a car circling my block very slowly about a dozen times. I had never seen the car before and it appeared that they could have been scoping out the neighborhood. I called the cops and reported a suspicious car and gave them the details. Cop stops them for two minutes and turns out they where looking for a missing dog. Case closed, they went on about their business. Should I be dissuaded from making future calls because those guys might decide to sue me?

Not to mention that anyone who makes such a report should most definately NOT be required to give their names. Would any of you with families be willing to drop a dime on a dangerous drug dealer on your block if you knew the drug dealers would get your name and possibly/probably harm your family? If they are allowed to sue, I am assuming they can subpoena the person who took the report to get the name and info of the person who gave them the info.


Jan 16, 2006
"Congressional Democrats today failed ............." "suspicious behavior that may lead to a terrorist attack, according to House Republican leaders."

With all of the fear and terrorism the Republicans keep spewing..."The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"

Wake up America and regrow a back bone!!!


Jun 23, 2004
Good argument Darwin333, I was sitting on the fence, but it seems clear now.

Liberals don't just want their heads in the sand, permitting another act of war against us, they want to force all our heads into the sand. It is a breach and dereliction of security and should be intolerable. Yet that?s what Americans are doing, we are tolerating this insanity and it shall come at a steep cost.

Great nations fall from within.


Senior member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Good argument Darwin333, I was sitting on the fence, but it seems clear now.

Liberals don't just want their heads in the sand, permitting another act of war against us, they want to force all our heads into the sand. It is a breach and dereliction of security and should be intolerable. Yet that?s what Americans are doing, we are tolerating this insanity and it shall come at a steep cost.

Great nations fall from within.

America may more likely fall from paranoid, rights and liberties grabbing nuts, constantly fearing the "Islamist invasion."


Senior member
May 19, 2003
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Good argument Darwin333, I was sitting on the fence, but it seems clear now.

Liberals don't just want their heads in the sand, permitting another act of war against us, they want to force all our heads into the sand. It is a breach and dereliction of security and should be intolerable. Yet that?s what Americans are doing, we are tolerating this insanity and it shall come at a steep cost.

Great nations fall from within.

News flash, if another attack happens it won't be because of some piece of legislation, it will be because we didn't take out Al Queda in Afghanistan/Pakistan, or because we didn't secure our ports or the border. Do you really take yourself seriously?

Even if the legislation had passed, how many people do you think would know about it? Maybe 1% of the population? This is a non-issue, the righties are just trying to get you guys fired up. I guess it is working. Your head is so deep in the sand only your toes are showing above the surface.
Dec 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Socio
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: Socio
Originally posted by: mfs378
Give me a break, if you see something suspicious would you not report it because of this? What a bunch of drama queens.

Anyway, the article doesn't say what bill this was dropped from. It did say that they republicans would try to attach it to an education bill. Yeah, thats where it belongs...

You don't get it;

If enough people start getting sued by those whom they report people will stop reporting period.

Militant Islamists know this and will absolutely take advantage of this for no other reason that to make it a deterrent to reporting anything they do which in turn will make their future acts of terrorism much simpler to execute.

You're already protected...if people really are doing something suspicious, a harassment lawsuit would obviously be thrown out. If you're just "reporting" people because you're an ignorant bigot who thinks all Muslims are terrorists, you deserve to be sued. I don't really see an issue here, this bill was attempting to solve a problem that only exists in the minds of the Washington Times readers.

No you are not already protected take the Flying Imams for example:

Flying Imams

In November 2006, six Islamic leaders were removed from a U.S. Airways flight in Minneapolis after they were observed acting suspiciously-including not sitting in their assigned seats, asking for seatbelt extenders although not needing them, and making anti-American statements. The men were questioned by authorities and then cleared. However, in March 2007, with the help of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the imams filed suit ? not only against the airline but against the heroic "John Doe" passengers who reported their suspicious behavior.

They intentionally went out of their way to raise suspicions in order file suits and the way things are going, bending over backwards to kiss Muslim ass in this country the democrats in particular , they will win and set a precedence that no matter what kind of behavior is exhibited, if you report it you will be sued and you will loose.

Make no mistake these Imams are not innocent victims, what they are doing is premeditated with the deliberate intent to pave the way for future easier executed acts of terrorism period.

Okay... anyone can file a lawsuit. It says nothing about them winning any sort of compensation or any other news on this lawsuit. It could just be thrown out.
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