Democrats Keeping It Classy


Jun 9, 2016

We are told the Republicans have the monopoly on being sexist. When are people going to realize that Democrats only care about power and control? They know no bounds when it comes to their opponents and will insult and attack anyone at anytime.

Let's wait for the conservatives to identify you as some cucking PC snowflake, not that any of them have the balls to bluster about their own.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
That's an offensive statement and should have been swiftly apologized for.

And your attempt to expand this conduct to create a moral equivalency here between Democrats and Republicans is a bunch of nonsense.


Feb 6, 2002

We are told the Republicans have the monopoly on being sexist. When are people going to realize that Democrats only care about power and control? They know no bounds when it comes to their opponents and will insult and attack anyone at anytime.
Trump has set the standards for low brow and you are bitching?

Call me when someone tweets they found KAC's sex tape. Then again, I don't want to see that.


Mar 1, 2000
It was a Republican—Sen. Tim Scott—who brought up the photo of Conway a few minutes before Richmond's comment.

"Has anyone seen the controversy around Kellyanne Conway and the couch in the Oval Office?" Scott asked the crowd of journalists and lawmakers. "Come on, people. You remember the '90s. That couch has had a whole lot of worse things. Come on now.”

heh That's pretty funny.
That and what the Dem. said is funny.
Still rude, but funny.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
It's uncalled for, to be sure. And no, no one said that Republicans have a monopoly on sexism. It's just disproportionately more common.

But do you know what's much more sexist? Threatening to defund Planned Parenthood over a false portrayal of its funding, hurting millions of women who just want medical exams and other basic services. Threatening to overturn Roe v. Wade, forcing women to have kids even when they can't afford it, even when it's just because a condom broke, even when it's the result of rape. Voting for a President who clearly treats women as sex objects, and may well have raped his first wife (oh, and did we mention that he has cheated on at least his first two wives?).

If you want to fight sexism, you're backing the wrong political party, brandonbull.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
I don't dislike the Republicans or the Tang Thang for the gross things they say. What the Dem said was gross too.

It's those people's beliefs, policies and overall ideology about how to treat the people, the world and the planet itself. That is where the bounds know no limit. As long as their wealth and positions are secure and increasing no one, including their supporters are safe.

Remove the worst of the Trump supporters in Government as well as the Little-Handed One and though I don't agree with the Conservative perspective I would go back to thinking of the Republican Party as people I just disagree with.

There is just too much hate and ugliness at the top right now and they are dangerous. That's why people are fighting it. But yeah, there's no need to be so gross about KAC. She is adequately equipped to be her own worst enemy.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
That's an offensive statement and should have been swiftly apologized for.

And your attempt to expand this conduct to create a moral equivalency here between Democrats and Republicans is a bunch of nonsense.
Jesus, I hate it when people justify one piece of bad behavior by pointing to the other side but the Richmond actually did that himself as the reason for his remark. He was responding to the insult to Clinton by Republican Senator Scott. How do you factor that into your criticism. Should the Republican apologize for unambiguously taking the conversation into sexual territory also? Why did the OP not emphasize how tasteless the Senator's remark was?


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Jesus, I hate it when people justify one piece of bad behavior by pointing to the other side but the Richmond actually did that himself as the reason for his remark. He was responding to the insult to Clinton by Republican Senator Scott. How do you factor that into your criticism. Should the Republican apologize for unambiguously taking the conversation into sexual territory also? Why did the OP not emphasize how tasteless the Senator's remark was?

If I may Quote Selma Fraiberg's The Magic Years -- a dated book, but I'd say it has sentinel importance in understanding adult (esp. P&N) psychology:

p. 280

But why should the nursery rivalries persist in unmodified form for eight years -- or longer? Is it because the jealousies were more severe or because these children were never required to find solutions to their rivalries beyond those of the early years? I suspect that in most cases it was because these children were not required to give up the infantile forms of their rivalry. The right to have sibling rivalry is so firmly entrenched in the modern family that parents show a tendency in their own behavior to protect those rights. In the case of two big children engaged in a battle over the rights to a chair it would not be unusual to find their parents solemnly presiding over the dispute, seriously listening to the claims on both sides and issuing a sober judgment giving property rights to one of the contestants. It then happens that the contestant whose case was thrown out of court accuses the judge of favoritism, reproaches his parents for not loving him and preferring his sister, and there follows a lengthy protestation of love from the parents ad the quarrel and reproaches are renewed. It might have been more to the point if the parents had treated the whole matter as it deserved to be treated, a piece of nonsense.

No one here needs a moral education here that it is not right to sexually denigrate others. Despite our ability to rationally address all angles of this dispute, is it not better to declare it a piece of nonsense and move on?

We have seen the result of reinforcing the right to slander our peers across the isle. Because I have mixed identifications with any political party, I hope it provides me some clarity as to what is nonsense. Since my prior attempts at mediation have tended to lead to reinforcing foolishness, I'm trying something new. If someone craves reinforcement of an idea not by external validation of the idea but rather a platform for which to give power to the idea, would it not be a better punishment to deflate that power by depriving them of that platform?


Jul 2, 2005
This incident is a very good example of how the left wing PC machine works. Obvious sexist and rude comment from Dem congress critter. Response from all the feminist groups denouncing such a statement and sexism in this day and age? Nope. Hysteria about a "war on women"? Nope. Deafening silence from the usual PC outrage machine.

In their worldview, sexism, racism etc etc are only wrong when it's the wrong kind of person saying something. As long as it's the right kind of person (ie, a leftist) saying something, it's perfectly fine. It explains how they are fine with all the racist comments coming from BLM leaders, for example. It's the right kind of people saying it, so it's OK. Rude sexist comment from a dem congress critter? No problem, he's on of the good people. If it wasn't, bring out the pitchforks!
Reactions: Blue_Max


Jun 9, 2016
This incident is a very good example of how the left wing PC machine works. Obvious sexist and rude comment from Dem congress critter. Response from all the feminist groups denouncing such a statement and sexism in this day and age? Nope. Hysteria about a "war on women"? Nope. Deafening silence from the usual PC outrage machine.

In their worldview, sexism, racism etc etc are only wrong when it's the wrong kind of person saying something. As long as it's the right kind of person (ie, a leftist) saying something, it's perfectly fine. It explains how they are fine with all the racist comments coming from BLM leaders, for example. It's the right kind of people saying it, so it's OK. Rude sexist comment from a dem congress critter? No problem, he's on of the good people. If it wasn't, bring out the pitchforks!

The worst sinners do love to jump up onto that cross, which I suppose rather makes sense. Case in point ^


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
This incident is a very good example of how the left wing PC machine works. Obvious sexist and rude comment from Dem congress critter. Response from all the feminist groups denouncing such a statement and sexism in this day and age? Nope. Hysteria about a "war on women"? Nope. Deafening silence from the usual PC outrage machine.

In their worldview, sexism, racism etc etc are only wrong when it's the wrong kind of person saying something. As long as it's the right kind of person (ie, a leftist) saying something, it's perfectly fine. It explains how they are fine with all the racist comments coming from BLM leaders, for example. It's the right kind of people saying it, so it's OK. Rude sexist comment from a dem congress critter? No problem, he's on of the good people. If it wasn't, bring out the pitchforks!

To some extent, people grouping together and implementing double standards (explicit or implicit) is functional.

I do object, however, to your classification of this as the "left wing PC machine". It seems in general keeping with standard group behavior to me.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
If I may Quote Selma Fraiberg's The Magic Years -- a dated book, but I'd say it has sentinel importance in understanding adult (esp. P&N) psychology:

No one here needs a moral education here that it is not right to sexually denigrate others. Despite our ability to rationally address all angles of this dispute, is it not better to declare it a piece of nonsense and move on?

We have seen the result of reinforcing the right to slander our peers across the isle. Because I have mixed identifications with any political party, I hope it provides me some clarity as to what is nonsense. Since my prior attempts at mediation have tended to lead to reinforcing foolishness, I'm trying something new. If someone craves reinforcement of an idea not by external validation of the idea but rather a platform for which to give power to the idea, would it not be a better punishment to deflate that power by depriving them of that platform?
The notion of favoritism arises out of comparison. Jimmy is so much smarter than you are. Why can't you be like Jimmy. Who gets a chair them is really an issue of who is most worthy in an absolute sense rather than based on some logical merit system. It is a matter of ego life and death. II do not see how that issue can be reduced to nonsense if the notion that the one left standing persists in the notion that he or she is worthless. All of our difficulties with children and our own inner condition occur after we become infected with the feeling we are worthless, after being compared as inferior to others, after being put down. How is this thorn to be removed? All I see are bandages and they all fall off as new issues arise. If there is an answer then it will be known to somebody who has cured him or herself. As you may imagine from the welcoming mediation gets, such a person would not be one obviously out in the public. That act, it seems to me, was performed 2000 years ago by the person who gave up His life so we would know we have been forgiven.

That, I believe, is because our world is a projection of our inner psychic content, and if we can't forgive others, how can we forgive ourselves.

Anyway, I guess I believe that only you can prevent forest fires. Only you can become enlightened. Beyond that I have no ideas.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
This incident is a very good example of how the left wing PC machine works. Obvious sexist and rude comment from Dem congress critter. Response from all the feminist groups denouncing such a statement and sexism in this day and age? Nope. Hysteria about a "war on women"? Nope. Deafening silence from the usual PC outrage machine.

In their worldview, sexism, racism etc etc are only wrong when it's the wrong kind of person saying something. As long as it's the right kind of person (ie, a leftist) saying something, it's perfectly fine. It explains how they are fine with all the racist comments coming from BLM leaders, for example. It's the right kind of people saying it, so it's OK. Rude sexist comment from a dem congress critter? No problem, he's on of the good people. If it wasn't, bring out the pitchforks!

No, ugly is ugly. It's not a Partisan thing. It's weird that anyone tries to make that true. In your day to day life interacting with other people you certainly don't ask someone what party they identify with. You look around you and see behavior that sits well with you or does not. If the behavior is wrong, it's wrong. You know this.

Trump stands apart... from most people, from his own party and from reality. Because he asked to be President and won the position he will be held to a higher standard. Again, it's not only because he's gross, he's also a predator, dangerous, blah blah blah. I won't compare a whole Party to the words and actions of that man. Heck, they could (and shouldn't) step up their game and still not compare. I repeat, he stands apart and in the worst way. He does that to himself, not CNN.


Aug 21, 2007
Did anyone read the whole article?

It was a Republican—Sen. Tim Scott—who brought up the photo of Conway a few minutes before Richmond's comment.

"Has anyone seen the controversy around Kellyanne Conway and the couch in the Oval Office?" Scott asked the crowd of journalists and lawmakers. "Come on, people. You remember the '90s. That couch has had a whole lot of worse things. Come on now.”

I don't like Richmond, but for a thread that purports to place the blame squarely on Democrats, this single quote might've provided some perspective.
Nov 30, 2006
This incident is a very good example of how the left wing PC machine works. Obvious sexist and rude comment from Dem congress critter. Response from all the feminist groups denouncing such a statement and sexism in this day and age? Nope. Hysteria about a "war on women"? Nope. Deafening silence from the usual PC outrage machine.

In their worldview, sexism, racism etc etc are only wrong when it's the wrong kind of person saying something. As long as it's the right kind of person (ie, a leftist) saying something, it's perfectly fine. It explains how they are fine with all the racist comments coming from BLM leaders, for example. It's the right kind of people saying it, so it's OK. Rude sexist comment from a dem congress critter? No problem, he's on of the good people. If it wasn't, bring out the pitchforks!
The reality here is that there's a huge double standard and they'll rarely if ever acknowledge their hypocrisy except to rationalize it. The left is now more emotional than ever and there is no longer any room for reasonable cooperation and compromise with these people. Conservatives need to understand and come to grips with this reality asap and act accordingly.
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Jun 9, 2016
Did anyone read the whole article?

I don't like Richmond, but for a thread that purports to place the blame squarely on Democrats, this single quote might've provided some perspective.

This is surely a historic moment which deserves recognition. A conservative reading the relevant material and pointing to facts not beneficial to their own.


Mar 1, 2000
Did anyone read the whole article?

I don't like Richmond, but for a thread that purports to place the blame squarely on Democrats, this single quote might've provided some perspective.

Yeah -- I quoted that section earlier too.
While it doesn't excuse the KAC comment, it doesn't shine a glowing light on the republican's either.

Long story short, people say rude things sometimes.


Jun 9, 2016
The reality here is that their's a huge double standard and they'll rarely if ever acknowledge their hypocrisy by attempting to rationalize it. The left is now more emotional than ever there is no longer any room for reasonable cooperation and compromise with these people. Conservatives need to understand and come to grips with this reality asap and act accordingly.

The contrast to these guys only makes Atreus's heroic comment even more momentus. Truly a pioneer among his peers.
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