Democrats try wooing white men


Dec 18, 2010
My opinion, democrats have aligned themselves with gays, abortion rights and anti-gun rights. And as such democrats are losing white male voters.

I am pretty sure liberals will disagree with my opinion. But the facts speak for themselves.
No Democratic presidential candidate has won a majority of white men since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama all prevailed with support of the so-called rising electorate of women, especially single women, and minorities. But fewer of those voters typically participate in midterm elections, making the votes of white men more potent and the struggle of Democrats for 2014 clear.


Feb 5, 2006
Are you calling white men armed homophobes who want to tell women what to do with their bodies?
Seems kind of racist and sexist at the same time.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
A great number of white men have aligned themselves with stupidity. Men, generally speaking are becoming useless in terms of their traditional position of privilege in society and white men, with the most in traditional authority have the most authority to lose. Authoritarianism is based on violence and what we see are violent white men, folk reacting with violence to loss of stature. This stimulates a sense of inferiority based on self hate. The answer of course is to not worry about the loss of stature because we never really ever had any that was real. In the first place, as much as women don't need men, men don't need women. He or she is whole who has self respect.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
The focus is the mid term elections... and the Right has created one big bon fire under the butts of those who hardly ever vote mid term... They want to limit who votes and I suspect there will be massive turn outs all over the place.

I would think about half the eligible voters are women and of the other 50 ish % are the black, brown, yellow, red and white men people.

I think the Left will hold the Senate and pick up 5 seats in the House. That is quite different than what folks might think ought to happen but the Nuts are making folks mad.


Aug 31, 2002
There aren't anymore real men Texas. Just look at Moonbeam

Look down moonbeam, aha whats that!? Now, which side are you on?


Nov 4, 1999
Tex. Your posts are much like a piñata, except after beating on it with sticks and bats, nothing ever good come out...


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Democrats are under this delusion that only old rich white people vote republican. I work with many people who are not white and who ARE conservative. Frankly, I think in the past two POTUS elections, people didn't believe B.O. would be elected, then elected again. This time people will wise up and get off their asses and vote. Liberal / Progressive ideology is never going to build this country back up to what she once was. America is no longer the greatest country in the world and that's really sad.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2003
I guess they have nothing to lose by going after white men, they have the gays, blacks and most hispanics on board already. Oh and the freeloader whites are on board to, theres nothing to lose and some to gain. It really doesnt matter though, demographics are destiny and white people are going the way of the dodo pretty quickly.


Jul 13, 2005
Democrats are under this delusion that only old rich white people vote republican. I work with many people who are not white and who ARE conservative. Frankly, I think in the past two POTUS elections, people didn't believe B.O. would be elected, then elected again. This time people will wise up and get off their asses and vote. Liberal / Progressive ideology is never going to build this country back up to what she once was. America is no longer the greatest country in the world and that's really sad.
hahaha your kidding right?
America has not been the greatest country for quite a long time, well before Obama came into office!


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
hahaha your kidding right?
America has not been the greatest country for quite a long time, well before Obama came into office!

I don't disagree. Obama, however, is not anything near what this country needs right now. Admit it! Foreign countries laugh at his ass and he embarrasses those of us who live on the north American continent. I have had respect for every president we have had, except, probably Carter. At 55 years old, I have lived through quite a few. I have absolute contempt for this POS we have now and History will not be kind to Obama. When people no longer feel threatened and can be free to tell the truth, we'll finally figure out who this guy really is.


Jun 24, 2003
Are you calling white men armed homophobes who want to tell women what to do with their bodies?
Seems kind of racist and sexist at the same time.

Hey, back it up bud, I want to tell everyone what to do with their bodies.


Jul 3, 2001
Maybe Democrats should be as ruthless as Republicans. Don't need to recruit them. The solution is simple. Strip some of them of their citizenship because they are not Americans in their hearts. Then they can't vote. That's the Republican way.
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Jan 12, 2005
Foreign countries laugh at his ass and he embarrasses those of us who live on the north American continent. I have had respect for every president we have had, except, probably Carter.

I don't want to "but Buuuuush" you but you think foreign countries laugh at Obama more than Bush jnr?


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
Maybe Democrats should be as ruthless as Republicans. Don't need to recruit them. The solution is simple. Strip some of them of their citizenship because they are not Americans in their hearts. Then they can't vote. That's the Republican way.

Or maybe they could even deliberately destroy their political opposition through massive immigration the public does not, and never has supported and then offer all manner of goodies to the immigrants to ensure their political loyalty once they're here. And goodies, including blatantly unconstitutional ones like Affirmative Action, and numerous other programs which siphon taxpayer dollars disproportionately from those who disagree with these policies, and give them disproportionately to others to secure extremely high levels of political loyalty from as many minority groups as possible. Heck, you could even essentially look at it as incentivising higher reproduction levels in your support base (by taking steps to enrich them in countless ways, and allowing them to have more children than they could have supported on their own power, unaided by your programs) while also depressing the birth rate of those who oppose you, by leeching ever larger amounts of their resources. All in the same bargain!

This would essentially destroy their opposition permanently, and secure their places in power indefinitely. All for the low low price of completely violating everything about what this country was intended to be by its founders, creating massive discord and division within the society, ethnically cleansing the existing population, and doing it all in complete violation of the will of the people.

I suppose if liberals were to be truly malevolent, they could even simultaneously do this in every western nation all at once. Now that would be some evil shit. It's a good thing none of this is happening, either by design, by accident, by shortsightedness, or some blend of all of them.

Phew, really glad that isn't happening!

"The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and "rub the Right's nose in diversity", according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.

He said Labour's relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to "open up the UK to mass migration" but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its "core working class vote"."

"Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within five years, there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than 50 years, there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time ... [These immigrants] are energizing our culture and broadening our vision of the world. They are renewing our most basic values and reminding us all of what it truly means to be American." -Bill Clinton, 1998

"The 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (article 2) defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group … ", including:

- Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

- Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;"

I guess a good way to get around the whole "with intent" part would be the loophole of doing it rapidly, completely ignoring the desires of the people, and then claiming you weren't trying to displace or destroy them at all, but just enrich their nations with diversity. But darn it, I guess it's too late now because we already did it... and after all, why shouldn't the desires of a few powerful people over a couple of decades be able to completely destroy hundreds of thousands of years of heritage? But again, let's just be relieved that none of this is happening and that nobody in power is ruthless enough to make such calculations. What a relief.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Democrats are under this delusion that only old rich white people vote republican. I work with many people who are not white and who ARE conservative. Frankly, I think in the past two POTUS elections, people didn't believe B.O. would be elected, then elected again. This time people will wise up and get off their asses and vote. Liberal / Progressive ideology is never going to build this country back up to what she once was. America is no longer the greatest country in the world and that's really sad.

Historically, it was great if you were a white male. Voting rights, property rights, slave ownership, segregation, gender inequality, etc. Slowly the white male privileges have either been equalized or done away with. I can see why they are hopping mad.


Diamond Member
Feb 3, 2005
Frankly, I think in the past two POTUS elections, people didn't believe B.O. would be elected, then elected again.

The only people who didn't believe Obama would get elected both times were people who get their news from poor sources like Fox News (i.e. generally ideological conservatives, much like yourself, as you are clearly aligning your opinions with what you want to think vs. what is and was actually the case.).

Funny how no one using those sources seems to have thought, "Maybe I shouldn't trust a supposed source of news if their predictions are wildly off from the start and all the way up until the end. These other sources had it nailed...maybe they are indeed a better source of information and knowledge." Because those conservative sources really were baffled that their predictions weren't right.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
Historically, it was great if you were a white male.


White male soldiers, American Civil War (620,000 died, almost all of them white men)

White male Civil War double amputee veteran (Roughly 60,000 amputations resulted from the war)

White male coal miners (almost all white men worked very hard, long hours and had no other option)

White male soldier dying in World War I (116,516 died, almost all of them white men)

Voting rights, property rights, slave ownership, segregation, gender inequality, etc.

Total deaths of American soldiers up through the Gulf War were 1,264,000. Almost all of them white men.

Historically, white men were doing back breaking labor for almost the entire day, with no weekend. Whether that was farming or carving out a homestead in the vast wilderness of America, or later on working on coal mines and factories. Women had very hard work in those days too, because raising children and keeping a house were much more difficult and time consuming in those days. Still, few people would choose to be in dangerous conditions like most men faced over being at home with their children.

All men only finally got the vote right around the time that universal registration for the draft went into effect. Well, not universal... I should say universal to men. All men getting the vote was seen as a right they were gaining by being subject to conscription. When women were granted it only a few years after that, they didn't have to purchase that same right through any sort of civil service obligation. They just got it, no strings attached. The United States has never even considered subjecting women to the draft.

The vast majority of southern whites did not own slaves. Only 1/4th of them did and 88% of those had 20 or fewer. The VAST majority of slaves who were ever taken out of Africa went to Muslim lands. Of the 10.7 million who crossed the Atlantic, only 388,000 went to North America. The vast majority went to Central and South America. An extremely tiny percentage of living whites in the US have slave owner ancestors. The majority of the last living slaves, when interviewed in the 1930's, expressed that they missed that time, and that it was a good situation for them.

Scots-Irish (whites) were the first slaves in the Americas. I've seen convincing info indicating that they have been the "most and longest enslaved peoples" in history. I'm not sure if that's true. I do know that even those who weren't technically slaves were often treated much worse than African slaves. I've also seen plenty of newspaper clippings from the 1800's about Irish for sale as slaves.

Slowly the white male privileges have either been equalized or done away with. I can see why they are hopping mad.

Men and women have always had complimentary roles and privileges, until recently. For the majority of both sexes through the majority of history, life was hard and miserable. Typically significantly harder on men. Men have always been viewed as the disposable gender who should die for their women, die for their country, give up their seat on the lifeboat, and generally jump into the meat grinder of society's needs obediently.

A tiny, tiny fraction of men AND women have held the reigns of power in all societies, including white societies, for all of history. What we'd now call the "1%" - it is incredibly ahistorical to act like all white men had that sort of privilege and power. Almost none did. The life of a wealthy woman was probably even more luxurious and carefree than that of a wealthy man, in most cases.

Men had a great deal of responsibility imposed by society on them to accompany whatever privileges they had. Supporting their family was not seen as optional. There was very little, if any, tolerance for men who didn't do so. Men would almost never get to see the family they supported, they were too busy supporting them. Oh and amusingly, there is a complaint nowadays that women weren't paid as much when they did work in coal mines too, but this of course ignores the fact that the men were lugging huge chunks of coal while the women were placing small ones onto a belt. Similarly, the modern myth of the "wage gap" is entirely smoke and mirrors. When career and life choices are controlled for, women actually make slightly more. They just don't tend to put everything else in their life on the back burner to pursue a career like men do.

Early feminists (suffragettes, etc) would engage in what was called the "white feather campaign" where they would approach young men in public who were not in uniform, and hand them white feathers to indite them as cowards. To publicly shame them. These were the women supposedly gunning for "equality" but they never made a peep about wanting to be eligible for the draft or any sort of similar civil service obligation. This was particularly prominent in World War I, but also in other wars. Imagine being a terrified 17 year old boy in public, and having young women do that to you. "Go die, or you're a pussy."
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Taking responsibility is stupid?

Yea, I can see that as a typical liberal response.

You are an un-evolved, unrepentant bigot, a useless and dying byproduct of a dying and backward age who has, because the world is shrinking and evolved intelligence and culture is spreading worldwide, become self-aware of your caveman primitiveness. You are simply outraged that your bigotry is no longer see as anything but the bigotry it has always been, by the growing masses of your-kind-of-bigotry free people. You no longer occupy a vaulted position is American culture and are feeling all the inferiority your condition implies. You have become aware of the fact that you are worthless, but only because you cling to your antiquated ego. You, without all of your absurd inculcated stupidity, are actually just as good as anybody else.

This is what makes your struggle for relevance so absurd. You are trying to put lipstick on what you feel is a pig instead of washing the filth off what was once a beautiful innocent wide eyed wonderfully beautiful little boy who was meant to grow up full of love for the infinite universe which created you in its image.


May 17, 2008
When I was younger, I was much much more of a republican. Now, after I've matured a bit, payed more attention to the news, politics and the state of the country in general, I am essentially now center. IMO, republicans are a dying breed, despite "more white males" seeming to be republicans than democrats. Republicans aren't even a whole single entity anymore- they are split between the ultra conservative tea party... And then the rest. States that are majority republican who want small government end up being the states that take the most hand outs. They strike me as often hypocritical and when dumb things are said in the media, they are often by some republican bafoon. Some of the craziest sounding politicians seem to be republicans. Not to say there's some real idiot democrats...But when I think to myself, "who's a real idiot that somehow got into office" I can name quite a few republicans.

The only thing I can truly agree with republicans on is the gun rights debate. I'm all for backround checks and making sure the right people are the ones who have them..But there's no way you're taking my right to defend myself and my property.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The only thing I can truly agree with republicans on is the gun rights debate. I'm all for backround checks and making sure the right people are the ones who have them..But there's no way you're taking my right to defend myself and my property.

The notion that Democrats are out to grab guns is nothing but a pile of horseshit propaganda fostered by the NRA and the Republican party to herd paranoid psychotics to the poles and gun stores. The majority of Americans support sensible gun legislation and nothing more. Millions of Democrats shoot and love their guns. The problems with gun violence are not found in typical gun culture, but with inner city poverty and drug violence, where easy gun acquisition is a known issue. Republicans tend on the one hand to resist any and all gun legislation and vote against anything that would go to reducing poverty in inner cities which makes them dumb and dumber, brain defectives. Poor things, they don't like that kind of factual information.
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