Deployment Orders Revoked For Soldier Who Questioned Obama Birth

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Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2005
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
Originally posted by: Uhtrinity
Originally posted by: BarrySotero

Mr Obama does a good enough job of making himself look bad - its just that a third of the country doesn't see it.

i think you meant Bush with that 1/3 comment .... Obama is closer to 2/3.

But I wouldn't expect a user going by BarrySotero to acknowledge that. You seem to have picked this user name based on the whole birth certificate / Obama is Muslim issue.

I have always maintained Obama is not a Muslim - or a Christian. Obama is a Marxist and atheist and he feels comfy in black liberation church because lib theology is Marxism in disguise. The fact black lib theology also supports resentment toward whites and reparations as re-distribution of wealth suits Obama just fine.

Rev. Wright's church does subscribe to Black Liberation Theology , as pointed out in the NPR article linked below.

Obama said this about it:

"He denounced the harshness of Wright's words ? not because they were false, he said, but because they did not acknowledge the strides that the U.S. has made in the fight against racism. Obama said his own candidacy shows how far the country has come."

NPR Link

Now, I'll try to be balanced in my post here and link a conservative page about Black Liberation Theology




Golden Member
May 28, 2008
Originally posted by: TheSkinsFan
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
What if 5000 other folks would like to clean latrines instead of going to get shot at by Taliban?
1. Kick them out of the service with a DIShonorable discharge, or
2. Put them in jail for refusing to follow orders and kick them out of the service with a DIShonorable discharge.

We should not tolerate cowardice or mutiny within our services.

As for this Major, he's a f'n idiot. My guess is that the Colonel he was going to work for decided that he didn't need a looneytunes O-4 screwing shit up in Afghanistan where real lives are on the line.

My guess is that some O-6 or O-7 simply said "Get that fucking dipshit off our roster."

The POINT of all of this is the fact that a person who is NOT qualified to be president is telling someone to go overseas.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: StarsFan4Life
Originally posted by: TheSkinsFan
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
What if 5000 other folks would like to clean latrines instead of going to get shot at by Taliban?
1. Kick them out of the service with a DIShonorable discharge, or
2. Put them in jail for refusing to follow orders and kick them out of the service with a DIShonorable discharge.

We should not tolerate cowardice or mutiny within our services.

As for this Major, he's a f'n idiot. My guess is that the Colonel he was going to work for decided that he didn't need a looneytunes O-4 screwing shit up in Afghanistan where real lives are on the line.

My guess is that some O-6 or O-7 simply said "Get that fucking dipshit off our roster."

The POINT of all of this is the fact that a person who is NOT qualified to be president is telling someone to go overseas.
Ah another nutjobber.


Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: StarsFan4Life
Originally posted by: TheSkinsFan
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
What if 5000 other folks would like to clean latrines instead of going to get shot at by Taliban?
1. Kick them out of the service with a DIShonorable discharge, or
2. Put them in jail for refusing to follow orders and kick them out of the service with a DIShonorable discharge.

We should not tolerate cowardice or mutiny within our services.

As for this Major, he's a f'n idiot. My guess is that the Colonel he was going to work for decided that he didn't need a looneytunes O-4 screwing shit up in Afghanistan where real lives are on the line.

My guess is that some O-6 or O-7 simply said "Get that fucking dipshit off our roster."

The POINT of all of this is the fact that a person who is NOT qualified to be president is telling someone to go overseas.

Qualification has nothing to do with it, this dipshit did tours when W told him to.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Originally posted by: bl4ckfl4g
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
Who makes the call on something like this - how far up the chain? The initial refusal story was carried by all MSM (it was a top story on USA Today).

"Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez"

Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace

A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment
to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to WND the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.

"We won! We won before we even arrived," she said with excitement. "It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate ? and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!"

She continued, "They just said, 'Order revoked.' No explanation. No reasons ? just revoked."

A hearing on the questions raised by Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, an engineer who told WND he wants to serve his country in Afghanistan, was scheduled for July 16 at 9:30 a.m.

I don't get what part about this is interesting. I've had many TDY and PCS orders changed or cancelled for no reason. Even if one of his bosses is pissed at what he said, I still don't get why it is interesting. CINC is his boss. It is a little different in the military than it is for civilians.

So what is the interesting part?

....or it could be that his bosses don't think a conspiracy theorist idiot has the judgement needed to command troops in a war zone. Pretty smart of his Commanders if that is the case.

The OP does not like Mr Obama. He will pretty much post anything that even remotely makes Mr Obama look bad.

That is so very true!!
The reason the Mod`s allow this nutjob to post his re-occuring nonsense is because every village needs an idiot, and since winnar was banned it was time to find a new idiot for this village!!


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: GeezerMan

Rev. Wright's church does subscribe to Black Liberation Theology , as pointed out in the NPR article linked below.

Obama said this about it:

"He denounced the harshness of Wright's words ? not because they were false, he said, but because they did not acknowledge the strides that the U.S. has made in the fight against racism. Obama said his own candidacy shows how far the country has come."

NPR Link

Now, I'll try to be balanced in my post here and link a conservative page about Black Liberation Theology


I like how your idea of balance is linking a nonpartisan news site such as NPR, and an ultra right website.


Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: TheSkinsFan
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
What if 5000 other folks would like to clean latrines instead of going to get shot at by Taliban?
1. Kick them out of the service with a DIShonorable discharge, or
2. Put them in jail for refusing to follow orders and kick them out of the service with a DIShonorable discharge.

We should not tolerate cowardice or mutiny within our services.

As for this Major, he's a f'n idiot. My guess is that the Colonel he was going to work for decided that he didn't need a looneytunes O-4 screwing shit up in Afghanistan where real lives are on the line.

My guess is that some O-6 or O-7 simply said "Get that fucking dipshit off our roster."

Commissioned officers are subject to "dismissal" rather than dishonorable discharge. Will be interesting to see what type of discipline he's subject to however - based upon how this major behaved it'll be well-deserved whatever they decide.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BarrySotero

Who makes the call on something like this - how far up the chain? The initial refusal story was carried by all MSM (it was a top story on USA Today).

Lay the blame at the feet of his right wingnut shyster attorney. This just got hysterically funny. I may not be able to document this until tomorrow because I just heard it on Keith Olbermann's show, and the facts as I understand them are a crack up. :laugh:

1. Maj. Cook was not ordered to go to Afghanistan; he volunteered to go. For that reason, he could back out of going at any time up to the time he shipped out. The reason his orders were revoked is because he had served his withdrawal notice. It had nothing to do with his dipshit lawyer's fantasy about Obama's citizenship.

2. Maj. Cook had a civilian job... working for a contractor at the Pentagon. Today, he was given notice that he is shit canned because they cannot continue to employ him while he is suing the military. :Q

So, in following the advice of his wingnut twit attorney, he is now an unemployed national laughing stock. :laugh:

And an extra round of hilarity for the right wingnut OP. Living up... errr... DOWN to his initials... B.S. :laugh:


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2004
Just like the LT from here in Hawaii who refused to go to Iraq and got nothing but a general discharge.

Sets the precedent for disobeying...


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Skoorb
it's probably because the guy is an idiot.

Yup, correlation is not causation. The fact that this guy is an idiot is the cause of both any army issues and his belief in obama birth conspiracy. Maybe he can become a Joe the Plumber type character.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Why would our military deploy a certified idiot?


Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2004
I finally read the linked WorldNet Daily story; among the many authoritative sources cited to support their "non-citizen" claim is Wikipedia... any bets that a WND staffer wrote the Wiki claim in the first place?
They also claim that President Obama's mother wasn't old enough to transfer citizenship to her son at the time of his birth - BarryS tapped a real winnar here!


Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2009
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
Originally posted by: Uhtrinity
Originally posted by: BarrySotero

Mr Obama does a good enough job of making himself look bad - its just that a third of the country doesn't see it.

i think you meant Bush with that 1/3 comment .... Obama is closer to 2/3.

But I wouldn't expect a user going by BarrySotero to acknowledge that. You seem to have picked this user name based on the whole birth certificate / Obama is Muslim issue.

I have always maintained Obama is not a Muslim - or a Christian. Obama is a Marxist and atheist and he feels comfy in black liberation church because lib theology is Marxism in disguise. The fact black lib theology also supports resentment toward whites and reparations as re-distribution of wealth suits Obama just fine.

And there we have it. You finally admitted it's about race. No wonder you defend Bush and Palin, two of the stupidest and immoral people to ever hold office in America. It's because they're white. Congratulations, you're a racist asshole.


Apr 30, 2009
Originally posted by: JKing106
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
Originally posted by: Uhtrinity
Originally posted by: BarrySotero

Mr Obama does a good enough job of making himself look bad - its just that a third of the country doesn't see it.

i think you meant Bush with that 1/3 comment .... Obama is closer to 2/3.

But I wouldn't expect a user going by BarrySotero to acknowledge that. You seem to have picked this user name based on the whole birth certificate / Obama is Muslim issue.

I have always maintained Obama is not a Muslim - or a Christian. Obama is a Marxist and atheist and he feels comfy in black liberation church because lib theology is Marxism in disguise. The fact black lib theology also supports resentment toward whites and reparations as re-distribution of wealth suits Obama just fine.

And there we have it. You finally admitted it's about race. No wonder you defend Bush and Palin, two of the stupidest and immoral people to ever hold office in America. It's because they're white. Congratulations, you're a racist asshole.

I think you went overboard on your prescription because your display you lack of knowledge with uncommon alacrity.

Rev Wright was Obvioulsy a racist and US hater and Obama the communist was "like a son" to him for 20 years,

Wright has said his basis for his liberation theology is James Cone. James Cone says things like:

"Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need in the divine love as expressed in black power. Which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal.. Unless God is participating in this holy activity we must reject his love"


So your a good example of why country is failing. You think you know what your doing but your psychotically lost in the self-righteousness and ignorance. A perfect Obama know nothing voter.



Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2009
I'm a "no" nothing, huh? Reverend Wright is free to say anything he likes. It's guaranteed in this country. It's the same right that allows you to spew your idiotic spiel here, ad nauseum. And nothing Wright says offends me. Because no matter how he feels about me, a white man, I don't hate black people. I also understand the generation Wright comes from, and why he's so pissed. He's from the generation that got the shit beat out of them on the streets, dogs sicked on them, and hanged on some back road for speaking to a white woman. But you wouldn't understand that would you, even if you tried. It would require compassion and empathy, and to some extent, a brain. You really are as stupid as you come across, aren't you?


Oct 17, 1999
So, what will it take to convince these people that Mr Obama is a natural born citizen of the USA?


Apr 30, 2009
Originally posted by: JKing106
And nothing Wright says offends me.

That much is clear.

Like most demoralized and disturbed people you accuse others of what you are. Stop worrying about other peoples faults and hating them and start looking at your own issues.


Apr 30, 2009
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
So, what will it take to convince these people that Mr Obama is a natural born citizen of the USA?

A piece of paper from Obama - he has spent over a million dollars resisting doing just that.

Meanwhile his Indonesian schools registration said he was Indonesian ( as a kid had to be then to go to Indonesian schools).

Keep in mind McCain's birth was investigated by Senate. Obama meanwhile floated a photo of a photoshopped document that used wrong terms ("African" for Obama's father's race instead of "Negro") on the Daily Kos. Its the stuff banana republics are made of.

Senate Deals With McCain?s Citizenship
By Carl Hulse
Is he or isn?t he?

"The Senate is expected to this week weigh in that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, is in fact a natural-born American citizen, thus eligible to be president under the Constitution.

A nonbinding resolution trying to clarify the status of Mr. McCain is headed for the floor after the Judiciary Committee approved it last week.

Democratic leaders were mulling whether to simply rush the resolution through as part of a package of bills without opposition or allow senators to express their views over the intersection of the Constitution?s vague natural-born requirement and Mr. McCain?s birth in the Panama Canal Zone while his father, a naval officer, was stationed there."



Aug 11, 2005
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
So, what will it take to convince these people that Mr Obama is a natural born citizen of the USA?

A piece of paper from Obama - he has spent over a million dollars resisting doing just that.

Meanwhile his Indonesian schools registration said he was Indonesian ( as a kid had to be then to go to Indonesian schools).

Keep in mind McCain's birth was investigated by Senate. Obama meanwhile floated a photo of a photoshopped document that used wrong terms ("African" for Obama's father's race instead of "Negro") on the Daily Kos. Its the stuff banana republics are made of.

Senate Deals With McCain?s Citizenship
By Carl Hulse
Is he or isn?t he?

"The Senate is expected to this week weigh in that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, is in fact a natural-born American citizen, thus eligible to be president under the Constitution.

A nonbinding resolution trying to clarify the status of Mr. McCain is headed for the floor after the Judiciary Committee approved it last week.

Democratic leaders were mulling whether to simply rush the resolution through as part of a package of bills without opposition or allow senators to express their views over the intersection of the Constitution?s vague natural-born requirement and Mr. McCain?s birth in the Panama Canal Zone while his father, a naval officer, was stationed there."


Because you don't pander to clowns. Eventually, people such as yourselves would be requesting to measure his penis so you could tell once and for all if he is more black or more white. Its frivilous and a waste of time and resources. I have a question for all of the people who have questions about his citizenship...

If you think John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and every other person who ran for president in '08 is such a farking fool, then why did you vote for them? During the campaign Obama was called everything from a racist sympathizer to a commie, to a socialist. During the run to the White House they tried to associate Obama with everything bad but the Nazi party. ACORN, Ayers, Wright...But, what you're saying is that these people saw the momentum gathering under Obama and as they watched their dreams of being President slip from their grasp at no time did they think, "Hmmm, this guy might not be an American".

But, YOU'RE smart enough to question it, huh?

/not mine


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: KMFJD
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
So, what will it take to convince these people that Mr Obama is a natural born citizen of the USA?

A piece of paper from Obama - he has spent over a million dollars resisting doing just that.

Meanwhile his Indonesian schools registration said he was Indonesian ( as a kid had to be then to go to Indonesian schools).

Keep in mind McCain's birth was investigated by Senate. Obama meanwhile floated a photo of a photoshopped document that used wrong terms ("African" for Obama's father's race instead of "Negro") on the Daily Kos. Its the stuff banana republics are made of.

Senate Deals With McCain?s Citizenship
By Carl Hulse
Is he or isn?t he?

"The Senate is expected to this week weigh in that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, is in fact a natural-born American citizen, thus eligible to be president under the Constitution.

A nonbinding resolution trying to clarify the status of Mr. McCain is headed for the floor after the Judiciary Committee approved it last week.

Democratic leaders were mulling whether to simply rush the resolution through as part of a package of bills without opposition or allow senators to express their views over the intersection of the Constitution?s vague natural-born requirement and Mr. McCain?s birth in the Panama Canal Zone while his father, a naval officer, was stationed there."


Because you don't pander to clowns. Eventually, people such as yourselves would be requesting to measure his penis so you could tell once and for all if he is more black or more white. Its frivilous and a waste of time and resources. I have a question for all of the people who have questions about his citizenship...

If you think John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and every other person who ran for president in '08 is such a farking fool, then why did you vote for them? During the campaign Obama was called everything from a racist sympathizer to a commie, to a socialist. During the run to the White House they tried to associate Obama with everything bad but the Nazi party. ACORN, Ayers, Wright...But, what you're saying is that these people saw the momentum gathering under Obama and as they watched their dreams of being President slip from their grasp at no time did they think, "Hmmm, this guy might not be an American".

But, YOU'RE smart enough to question it, huh?

/not mine

so its ok to force a the senate to waste time deciding if McCain was a US born citizen? when any idiot can figure it out?

But having a investigation into Obama is wrong? when there is enough of a question to warrent it?

hypcrites on both sides make me sick.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: KMFJD
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
So, what will it take to convince these people that Mr Obama is a natural born citizen of the USA?

A piece of paper from Obama - he has spent over a million dollars resisting doing just that.

Meanwhile his Indonesian schools registration said he was Indonesian ( as a kid had to be then to go to Indonesian schools).

Keep in mind McCain's birth was investigated by Senate. Obama meanwhile floated a photo of a photoshopped document that used wrong terms ("African" for Obama's father's race instead of "Negro") on the Daily Kos. Its the stuff banana republics are made of.

Senate Deals With McCain?s Citizenship
By Carl Hulse
Is he or isn?t he?

"The Senate is expected to this week weigh in that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, is in fact a natural-born American citizen, thus eligible to be president under the Constitution.

A nonbinding resolution trying to clarify the status of Mr. McCain is headed for the floor after the Judiciary Committee approved it last week.

Democratic leaders were mulling whether to simply rush the resolution through as part of a package of bills without opposition or allow senators to express their views over the intersection of the Constitution?s vague natural-born requirement and Mr. McCain?s birth in the Panama Canal Zone while his father, a naval officer, was stationed there."


Because you don't pander to clowns. Eventually, people such as yourselves would be requesting to measure his penis so you could tell once and for all if he is more black or more white. Its frivilous and a waste of time and resources. I have a question for all of the people who have questions about his citizenship...

If you think John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and every other person who ran for president in '08 is such a farking fool, then why did you vote for them? During the campaign Obama was called everything from a racist sympathizer to a commie, to a socialist. During the run to the White House they tried to associate Obama with everything bad but the Nazi party. ACORN, Ayers, Wright...But, what you're saying is that these people saw the momentum gathering under Obama and as they watched their dreams of being President slip from their grasp at no time did they think, "Hmmm, this guy might not be an American".

But, YOU'RE smart enough to question it, huh?

/not mine

so its ok to force a the senate to waste time deciding if McCain was a US born citizen? when any idiot can figure it out?

But having a investigation into Obama is wrong? when there is enough of a question to warrent it?

hypcrites on both sides make me sick.

I personally think it's a crock of shit and waste of time to be looking at any of this crap. If it needed to be looked into, it should have been looked into BEFORE anyone ran for the office. Congress running around looking at shit like this, baseball, steroids in whatever sport, <insert other shit here> is getting really, really old.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Engineer
I personally think it's a crock of shit and waste of time to be looking at any of this crap. If it needed to be looked into, it should have been looked into BEFORE anyone ran for the office. Congress running around looking at shit like this, baseball, steroids in whatever sport, <insert other shit here> is getting really, really old.

i agree.

IF it needed looking into then it should have been done a long tiem ago. it hasn't so its time to stop whinning about it and move on.

yeah the congressional hearings into baseball were absurd. I really wanted a player to go in and tell them they are idiots for wasteing taxpayers money on bullshit like this then refuse to answere any questions.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: KMFJD
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
So, what will it take to convince these people that Mr Obama is a natural born citizen of the USA?

A piece of paper from Obama - he has spent over a million dollars resisting doing just that.

Meanwhile his Indonesian schools registration said he was Indonesian ( as a kid had to be then to go to Indonesian schools).

Keep in mind McCain's birth was investigated by Senate. Obama meanwhile floated a photo of a photoshopped document that used wrong terms ("African" for Obama's father's race instead of "Negro") on the Daily Kos. Its the stuff banana republics are made of.

Senate Deals With McCain?s Citizenship
By Carl Hulse
Is he or isn?t he?

"The Senate is expected to this week weigh in that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, is in fact a natural-born American citizen, thus eligible to be president under the Constitution.

A nonbinding resolution trying to clarify the status of Mr. McCain is headed for the floor after the Judiciary Committee approved it last week.

Democratic leaders were mulling whether to simply rush the resolution through as part of a package of bills without opposition or allow senators to express their views over the intersection of the Constitution?s vague natural-born requirement and Mr. McCain?s birth in the Panama Canal Zone while his father, a naval officer, was stationed there."


Because you don't pander to clowns. Eventually, people such as yourselves would be requesting to measure his penis so you could tell once and for all if he is more black or more white. Its frivilous and a waste of time and resources. I have a question for all of the people who have questions about his citizenship...

If you think John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and every other person who ran for president in '08 is such a farking fool, then why did you vote for them? During the campaign Obama was called everything from a racist sympathizer to a commie, to a socialist. During the run to the White House they tried to associate Obama with everything bad but the Nazi party. ACORN, Ayers, Wright...But, what you're saying is that these people saw the momentum gathering under Obama and as they watched their dreams of being President slip from their grasp at no time did they think, "Hmmm, this guy might not be an American".

But, YOU'RE smart enough to question it, huh?

/not mine

so its ok to force a the senate to waste time deciding if McCain was a US born citizen? when any idiot can figure it out?

But having a investigation into Obama is wrong? when there is enough of a question to warrent it?

hypcrites on both sides make me sick.

The only person making yourself sick is you because it's you who is manufacturing these hypocrites in your head. You are the joker that imagines himself to be the great and final arbiter of wasting time and warranted questions when, in fact, you are just waggy, another nobody like the rest of us, chock full, not of absolute truth, but pure opinion.

Just putting in a plug for a little self-reflection in case you suddenly take up the notion its time to jump off some other bridge you just sold yourself. We wouldn't want that.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: KMFJD
Originally posted by: BarrySotero
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
So, what will it take to convince these people that Mr Obama is a natural born citizen of the USA?

A piece of paper from Obama - he has spent over a million dollars resisting doing just that.

Meanwhile his Indonesian schools registration said he was Indonesian ( as a kid had to be then to go to Indonesian schools).

Keep in mind McCain's birth was investigated by Senate. Obama meanwhile floated a photo of a photoshopped document that used wrong terms ("African" for Obama's father's race instead of "Negro") on the Daily Kos. Its the stuff banana republics are made of.

Senate Deals With McCain?s Citizenship
By Carl Hulse
Is he or isn?t he?

"The Senate is expected to this week weigh in that Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, is in fact a natural-born American citizen, thus eligible to be president under the Constitution.

A nonbinding resolution trying to clarify the status of Mr. McCain is headed for the floor after the Judiciary Committee approved it last week.

Democratic leaders were mulling whether to simply rush the resolution through as part of a package of bills without opposition or allow senators to express their views over the intersection of the Constitution?s vague natural-born requirement and Mr. McCain?s birth in the Panama Canal Zone while his father, a naval officer, was stationed there."


Because you don't pander to clowns. Eventually, people such as yourselves would be requesting to measure his penis so you could tell once and for all if he is more black or more white. Its frivilous and a waste of time and resources. I have a question for all of the people who have questions about his citizenship...

If you think John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and every other person who ran for president in '08 is such a farking fool, then why did you vote for them? During the campaign Obama was called everything from a racist sympathizer to a commie, to a socialist. During the run to the White House they tried to associate Obama with everything bad but the Nazi party. ACORN, Ayers, Wright...But, what you're saying is that these people saw the momentum gathering under Obama and as they watched their dreams of being President slip from their grasp at no time did they think, "Hmmm, this guy might not be an American".

But, YOU'RE smart enough to question it, huh?

/not mine

so its ok to force a the senate to waste time deciding if McCain was a US born citizen? when any idiot can figure it out?

But having a investigation into Obama is wrong? when there is enough of a question to warrent it?

hypcrites on both sides make me sick.

The only person making yourself sick is you because it's you who is manufacturing these hypocrites in your head. You are the joker that imagines himself to be the great and final arbiter of wasting time and warranted questions when, in fact, you are just waggy, another nobody like the rest of us, chock full, not of absolute truth, but pure opinion.

Just putting in a plug for a little self-reflection in case you suddenly take up the notion its time to jump off some other bridge you just sold yourself. We wouldn't want that.

Lol comeing from you i will take that as a compliment.
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