Desktop CPU upgrades have now shifted to a 20 year cycle.


Aug 29, 2015
If you checked the development pace of CPUs in the last Decade and realize there is almost no difference from the sandy bridge to Skylake, and whatever difference there exists is too small for 90% of PC owners to warrant an upgrade. I know many people with Q6600 core 2 who have 0 need to upgrade at all. I know many with core 2 duos who play their games just fine.

So what exactly is the issue? isn't it the case that new games need much better CPU?

Well from statistics of PC Gamers the actual ones who are real gamers not those like us who steal games on torrents, I mean people who actually play games online to benchmark our new super duper ubber skylake rig for 5 minutes and claimed we played said game.

90% of PC Gamers are still playing World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, League of Legends, DOTA 2 and Counter Strike 1.6/ CS GO, team fortress 2 etc. None of these games support more than 2 cores and runs on very old hardware. League of Legends alone claims a staggering 20 million online Players by itself. DOTA 2 another few million same for CS GO. World of Warcraft another 8 million remaining.

How many actually buy these latest games? let us have a look shall we?

^ Batman Arkham Knight one of the hottest if not the hottest PC game of 2015. Sells short of Half a Million copies. This therefore falls into the 10% category of PC Gamers who are interested in non PC like games.

And more and more people are realizing that technology has finally caught up, console like games sell on the consoles, there is a second hand market, technology has caught up on the consoles with its 8GB GDDR 5 RAM. That the graphics look so good, many flat out does not care about owning a PC for those kind of games.

The PC market is growing but not for console ports, there is 0 sense in building a PC to play console ports, they are flat out horribly BROKEN mess. Mortal Kombat X is a prime example of that the online is already dead while the online on PS4 is flooded and active. The PC Market is growing in League of Legends and DOTA 2. Games that do not use high end hardware games that have a 20 year lifespan through microtransaction monetary.

League of Legends, DOTA 2 and many of the very popular PC games are expected to have a 20 year lifespan because the graphics are now "good enough" This is NOT the 90's anymore, games now have matured enough where gameplay is everything and graphics is nothing.

Thanks to Blizzard and Valve. we know now the meaning of Gameplay over Graphics. For 90% of PC Gamers there will be no reason for upgrades for 20 years on each of the top played titles in the world.
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Diamond Member
Oct 17, 1999
Those on Core 2's are probably also on 22" monitors and haven't experienced 1440p or 4k. It's difficult to illustrate for some people which is why America lags in broadband speeds because 3Mbps can be "good nuff" for a lot of people.


Aug 29, 2015
What I think is that had it not been for Warcraft 3 and its modding tools there would be no dota. And hence no league of legends, for it is that one game that revolutionized microtransactions and demonstrated that you only need 1 game in a lifetime. Now capcom has decided to only make one street fighter and just sell heroes / costumes from there onwards.

Killer Instinct has also gone Free to Play with selling cosmetics and characters. When a game is Free to Play it needs to thrive off microtransactions. And the added bonus of letting you earn your real world money by just playing the games further seals your addiction.

As the competition intensifies, I expect more games to go free to play which means one iteration for decades as F2P games cannot warranty frequent iterations due to the cost required. And the heavy investment in microtransactions also makes it far more difficult to develop a sequel.

I think we have entered the age of 2 decade upgrade cycle and it could be even longer.


Aug 29, 2015
This seems like a troll thread.

yeah except for the fact that I am absolutely 100% correct

If you understood the business model of free to play and microtransactions you would understand why we are in the age of decade(s) video games.

CS 1.6 was developed in 1999 and to this day has more online players right now than the latest Call of Duty. The so called best selling game.

but hey maybe its the fact that you cannot accept the truth. You are just the 10% of gamers who go OMG GRAPHIXXXXXXXXX


Aug 29, 2015
Those on Core 2's are probably also on 22" monitors and haven't experienced 1440p or 4k. It's difficult to illustrate for some people which is why America lags in broadband speeds because 3Mbps can be "good nuff" for a lot of people.

Good point however you don't seem to understand something, 90% of gamers don't care about eye candy they only care about gameplay.

I have a Nexus 4 and while it looks picture perfect, I could care less about a 4K game and I rather a proper working game with a healthy online population anyday.

I deleted Mortal Kombat X because I can't wait 10 minutes to find a match where I play for 2 minutes tops with lag. Sure MKX supports 4K but that helps nobody really.

SO long as the game is Solid I am happy. I use an old PC with a AMD Athlon and something to note I have spent over $700 US in cosmetics in Heroes of Newerth so far.


Aug 29, 2015
It is a troll thread.

yeah except for the fact that I am absolutely 100% correct

If you understood the business model of free to play and microtransactions you would understand why we are in the age of decade(s) video games.

CS 1.6 was developed in 1999 and to this day has more online players right now than the latest Call of Duty. The so called best selling game.

but hey maybe its the fact that you cannot accept the truth. You are just the 10% of gamers who go OMG GRAPHIXXXXXXXXX I am ah Torrentzzz this tech demo sorry this game play for 10 minutes and go OMG FPS and the sky looks realzzzz

Why do you even think that Intel invests in only being able to play the top played PC games in the world on their iGPU. Because they know 90% of gamers is what matters, intel follows the money. This is why intel never bothered with discrete video cards.
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Senior member
Feb 27, 2015
Sandy Bridge in 2011 pretty much confirmed why we don't need another new PC anymore. Heck, even the slowest Celeron G440 1.60GHz beat all the Bay-Trails out there in terms of single-thread performance. Still loving my Celeron G470 2.00GHz single-core w/ hyperthreading each day, and Intel hasn't announced a successor yet for the socketed budget processor market.
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Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
Old desktop CPUs can't handle 1080p video. So, users could get a new desktop or upgrade to one of the 1080p-capable mobile devices. Oh, there is the video card upgrade, but well, those people have a major mental block in tweaking with stuff.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
Lets not get carried away. Core 2 Duos and Quads are slow. I notice the difference right away. Even games like LoL will suffer a bit on a C2Q. Especially if you have a video playing and are trying to pop onto a lolking or some other website real quick. It aint real quick on a C2Q, especially compared to my lowly G3258 which does these things more than twice as fast while in game.
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Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
CS 1.6 was developed in 1999 and to this day has more online players right now than the latest Call of Duty. The so called best selling game.

Those stats are for CS:GO which is a 2012 game not a 1999 game. Those 20000 people who are still playing the original CS are just a bunch of stubborn mules who are unwilling to try anything new. You'd be surprised how many people who are now in their 60s who are playing these old games on their old PCs and have no desire to even get a new PC. They are the solitare players of the FPS crowd. The reason nobody plays COD is because everyone who was into the latest COD has already moved on to the latest and greatest, and those games are obviously not on steam.
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Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2012
Those on Core 2's are probably also on 22" monitors and haven't experienced 1440p or 4k.
Resolution does not affect the CPU,if you have a strong enough VGA you can play at whatever resolution you like.

on topic
Sure jason is right with what he says,but it only affects people who play those games only.
Every now and again you will want to play your GTA Fallout or whatever your fancy and that's enough for people to spend money on a better CPU/system.


Aug 29, 2015
Sandy Bridge in 2011 pretty much confirmed why we don't need another new PC anymore. Heck, even the slowest Celeron G440 1.60GHz beat all the Bay-Trails out there in terms of single-thread performance. Still loving my Celeron G470 2.00GHz single-core w/ hyperthreading each day, and Intel hasn't announced a successor yet.

Yes I think to part of the major reason intel does not bother to invest in any decent desktop gaming CPU is because of the fact that 90% of Gamers play the games I called out, League of Legends, DOTA 2, CS GO, CS 1.6, Team Fortress 2, World of Warcraft. etc

And I am very very very certain intel has access to this information if I can find this info with google and some commonsense then I am sure Intel knows this aswell.

So to intel what is the point of spending countless cash to improve a CPU for less than 10% of Gamers? especially when majority of them even own a console and with all the shit ports we have been having on the PC more and more people who play console ports just flat out buy a console.

I laughed at how gamers with their GTX Titans and i7 were crying on how their rig could not run Batman Arkham Knight better than a low life PS4 console with a AMD Tablet CPU. When they realized how rocksteady fucked over PC Gamers many of them ended up buying the game on PS4 instead.

I firmly believe that intel has intelligent people working for them, and they know 90% of Gamers will be playing the games I pointed out so intel says here is what we won't waste time beefing up CPU power we will beef up integrated GPU power. Intel has been for a long time aiming for the "good enough" integrated GPU power that will run the popular PC games fine.

Intel follows the money, these people are successful because their management makes solid decisions. Remember how Sony bragged about the CELL CPU? and in reality all their bragging got backfired and their arse was washed by Microsoft with the 360? cause nobody knew how the hell to program for the CELL. So games lagged like ass on the PS3 to the point where Marvel vs Capcom 3 was banned on PS3 from EVO even though SONY sponsored the whole tournament scene.

So intel knows what PC gamers are playing, intel understands how free to play and microtransaction business operates. Intel is just that brilliant when it comes to making money. Having the best scientists is only HALF of it.
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Aug 29, 2015
Lets not get carried away. Core 2 Duos and Quads are slow. I notice the difference right away. Even games like LoL will suffer a bit on a C2Q. Especially if you have a video playing and are trying to pop onto a lolking or some other website real quick. It aint real quick on a C2Q, especially compared to my lowly G3258 which does these things more than twice as fast while in game.

Nobody on this planet plays League of Legends or DOTA 2 at the same time while watching a video. You will be kicked from the game and reported quite honestly if you aren't 100% focused on what you are doing.

Nobody except streamers who fall into the 0.1% category and who has a core i7 anyways because streaming is a money making business.


Aug 29, 2015
Those stats are for CS:GO which is a 2012 game not a 1999 game. Those 20000 people who are still playing the original CS are just a bunch of stubborn mules who are unwilling to try anything new. You'd be surprised how many people who are now in their 60s who are playing these old games on their old PCs and have no desire to even get a new PC. They are the solitare players of the FPS crowd. The reason nobody plays COD is because everyone who was into the latest COD has already moved on to the latest and greatest, and those games are obviously not on steam.

Wrong, CS 1.6 is the perfect CS. The purest form of CS, the most hardcore CS. I know people with core i7 and they have 6000 hours in CS 1.6. The satisfaction of getting a kill in CS is a trillion times more satisfying than COD and Battlefield.

The Deagle's recoil in CS GO was randomized, there is no way to master the Deagle in GO because recoil is random. In CS 1.6 its hardcore gaming so the Deagle has a recoil pattern that you can learn. So people who understands Gameplay will always be playing games like CS 1.6 and FYI the vast majority of CS 1.6 gamers are kids NOT old people.

As for latest and greatest COD the latest and greatest COD every single COD ever made is currently on steam, But COD sucks ass because its been the same exact game released every single year for $100 US. Here is a tip PC Gamers are NOT console gamers so the COD business model does NOT work on PC. The mouse and keyboard gives huge advantage in appreciating technical gameplay.

There is a reason that prior to CS GO, CS 1.6 was the number 1 E SPORT tournament FPS on the planet. Who the hell on PC would play COD and its fake ass 0 recoil guns. Ever seen recoil on the Deagle in CS GO compared to COD? like night and day.
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Mar 10, 2006
Lets not get carried away. Core 2 Duos and Quads are slow. I notice the difference right away. Even games like LoL will suffer a bit on a C2Q. Especially if you have a video playing and are trying to pop onto a lolking or some other website real quick. It aint real quick on a C2Q, especially compared to my lowly G3258 which does these things more than twice as fast while in game.



Aug 29, 2015
Arachnotronic before giving thumbs up you might actually want to research a bit what he said.

here is an OLD athlon weaker then core 2 duos and it gets 90 FPS in League of Legends. A game best played with VSYNC at 60 fps

You tell me what kind of CPU cannot play LoL? league was designed with single core CPUs in mind so they can get the most people on board to keep the online population active.

Mar 10, 2006
FYI, a 20 year old CPU is something that was released in 1995. Unless your thing is playing DOOM and Quake all day (Unreal miiight be feasible, although I'd say it's iffy), a 20 year old CPU on a 20 year old platform is completely unusable today.

Although the pace of speed increases in CPUs has slowed, I still think that if you're trying to use a Skylake chip to play video games in the year 2035, "you're gonna have a bad time."


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2012
Yes I think to part of the major reason intel does not bother to invest in any decent desktop gaming CPU is because of the fact that 90% of Gamers play the games I called out, League of Legends, DOTA 2, CS GO, CS 1.6, Team Fortress 2, World of Warcraft. etc
If that where so then intel would only release celleron and pentium.
Why spend so much money on producing i5 and i7 in the first place.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2003
FYI, a 20 year old CPU is something that was released in 1995. Unless your thing is playing DOOM and Quake all day (Unreal miiight be feasible, although I'd say it's iffy), a 20 year old CPU on a 20 year old platform is completely unusable today.

Although the pace of speed increases in CPUs has slowed, I still think that if you're trying to use a Skylake chip to play video games in the year 2035, "you're gonna have a bad time."

To be fair, you wouldn't use the 20 year old CPU, you'd upgrade it.

It would suck to still have a couple years to go before you get to upgrade that Pentium 2 rig though.
"Only two years to go Papi, and we can finally upgrade to a computer with one of them newfangled USB ports."


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2007
keep your system and get back to us in 20 years with current bench marks with games in that year .
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