Despite what George W. Bush thinks, Ohio and Indiana are not in the "Middle East"

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 1999
Yo, goober, Judaism is an older religion than Islam...Jews have been in the area f.k.a. as Canaan since before Islam even became a religion with a good majority of "members

Zippy, The Canaanites were not all Jews. They are the ancestors of many other race of people that now resides in the Arab region. Also the their religion was not "Jewish". The "archaelogical" date for the begining of the Jewish religion is still debatable. However, through stone tablets, The religion of the old Mesopotamia resembles more of the Egyptian Creation stories.

Dababus, although I understand where your hatred comes from. However, what you're proposing is the reason why this conflict have last for so many centuries. I thought human beings would learn from history. BUt I guess you are not one of them. History can be manipulated to favor either side if you fudge the time frame enough. Hell, the descendents of the Pangeans could be argued to be the first inhabitants of Jerusalem. Does that mean I have a stake of claim on Jerusalem? What is needed is a pragmatic and realistic solution. If the US wasn't so critical of the UN --the sole entity that could have any unbiased say in this matter, maybe it could have had more influence on the peace process.

Most people do not want a war. And the Palestinians know that if they were to go to war, they would not have a chance with out the military participation of all the Arab countries. SUch a destabilising event would set the world back 50 years, and it is unlikely. The palestinian should make more concessions. ALso, I believe other bordering arab countries shuld contribute some of their land to the Palestinian state.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
dababus - might we go back in history?

History of Jerusalem

I've read the whole article located at this site, but I fail to see where
The land of Palestine belongs to Muslims

It is just your belief of where the Muslims should place their homeland or does history somehow play into how the City of Jerusalem came about?



Golden Member
Sep 21, 2000
Some very disturbing posts here.

I find the violence unfortunate and distasteful. I also find the logic in this thread unbelievable.

To justify the Palestinians actions because the land used to belong to them is ridiculous. The land used to belong to a lot of the Turks? Should we allow the Turks to take it all back just because they once owned it? Get real and grow up.

This violence is not one-sided. What would the UN have Israel do? Allow the Arabs to do whatever they want wherever they want?

I guarantee you, if this type of armed insurrection happened in the US, there would be overwhelming support for the use of force to suppress it.

One might do well to keep in mind that in war, people die. Even more importantly, in war ZONES people die. Such is reality, don't sugarcoat it.

It is unfortunate that we live in such a violent world, but I for one don't expect that to change any time soon.

Here's a thought for you. President Lincoln once asked Congress, "If we say the tail of a sheep is a leg, how many legs does a sheep have?" Some present answered, "Five." To which Lincoln replied, "On the contrary, the sheep still has four legs. Calling the tail a leg does not make it so."



Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999
dababus, that was a pretty cryptic post:

Here's what I have to say about it, not that you care:

<< All you Jews and Jewsish lovers listen:

Palestine is a muslim country and existed well before World War II. Muslims lived their for centuries. The Jews had been driven out a long time ago. We conquered Jerusalam and we will take it back. All the Jews will be wiped out from the face of Earth. It is promised and so shall it be.

Where is it promised? In the PLO charter? If you want to play the history game, we were there first. The reason we were gone for so long was we were busy being persecuted. :|

<< And all those who are ignorant of facts:

In 1916, the Balfour Declaration took place between the International Jewish Community and the British kings/queens/royal family. Since the Jewsish Community financially helped the Britishers (The Rothschild Donatations)during the war, as a gratitude the Britishers promised them a homeland in the heart of the Middle East, where was Palestine.

Yeah, so, we paid for Israel with $$$, its not like we just literally took it. It was England's land to do with it what they pleased.

<< When WW2 was over and Britain was economically weak and all the nations were uprising, then the britishers started to leave. They divided the occupied middle east into 3/4 and 1/4 parts. 3/4 was made into present day Jordan and on the remaining they left the Arabs and the Jews to fight upon. >>

No, not really, the Jews were given Israel by the UN/England, it wasn't &quot;up for grabs.&quot;

<< Even during the war, the Jewish secret agency HAGANA was working underground to transport by any means Jews to land of Palestine. >>

Yep, I'm not arguing there. There were Jews being persecuted in Europe, so the Hagana was trying to secretly transport them to, at the time, Palestine.

<< Israel exist only by force and it will be destroyed by force. >>

It was not created by force, it was created by will and a gift and has been defended through many wars.

<< Jews demanded justice when they so called &quot;holocaust&quot; happened and now they are committing &quot;holocaust&quot; of the Muslims of Palestine. >>

Don't you fucking dare try to say that the Holocaust of the Jewish people didn't happen. I lost over 20 relatives in death camps, concentration camps, and ghettos. How are we committing a holocaust of the muslims? Care to give any FACTS?!

<< If two or three jews are killed the whole world catches fire. Where as if 100 palestinans are killed, the world looks for diplomacy. Now is this justice or what. >>

WTF are you talking about?! 100 Palestinians were killed because they were throwing large stones, molatov cocktails, and SHOOTING LIVE AMMUNITION at Israeli soldiers. They KNEW what they were getting into and the Israeli soldiers responded properly.

<< The whole western world including Western Europe, the United States and the United Nations were quiet on the massacre of Bosnian muslims for three years, 1992 to 1995. During this period more than 300,000 muslims were killed. >>

Where are you getting this number of 300,000? Care to site a reliable, unbiased source? Or is this just some number pumped out by the Palestinian Authority?

<< Isn't this a holocaust. Or your holocaust only happens if someone kills a jew. >>

Screw you, you scum! That isn't an racist comment on my part either, because I'm calling YOU scum, not your race. I won't deny that Palestinians haven't been killed in cold blood by Israelis, but you can't deny that Palestinians haven't killed Israelis in cold blood either. :|

<< The land of Palestine belongs to Muslims and we will take it back. >>

No and no.

<< MrPaclo, keep your racists claims to yourself. >>

How about you keep yours yo yourself too.

<< If you live to see the time, or children or your childern's children, then do remind him of what I am saying write now. So they can witness it. >>

It will NOT happen. I have not given up on the peace process. Israel has attained a level of respect and peace with Egypt and Jordan, I still have faith that in time there will be peace in the Middle East. Obviously you, as well as the Palestinian leaders, do not believe or want that to ever happen. :|

<< Israel will be destroyed and Palestine will be restored. Muslims will have the Jerusalam back.

403forbidden, in my opinion, i don't like UN. Because UN always remained quiet on massacre of Muslims. Whether it is Bosnia, Somalia, East Timor, Iraq, Bangladesh,Philipines, China, Russia, Israel, Central Asia, Nigeria, Algeria, Chechen and Kashmir. The list goes on. The UN is a tool of the Western World to yield is satanic powers on poor countries. UN is silent on the massacre of Muslims and had do little to improve their economies. Just giving loans, with interest plus compound interests doesn't help the countries.

Satanic powers? WTF? It helped Yugoslavia it eventually kinda helped can't expect the UN to work miracles. It does what it can, it doesn't have control over the entire world. If a country doesn't want help it just won't accept the help, there isn't much it can do.

<< One more comment. The US will never retreat from helping Israel. No matter what. The Zionist lobby is in Senate, Congress, US military, and the worst, the WALL STEET. It controls so many important institution of this country. Therefore, the US support for Israel will not decline.

If you go to war with Israel, then indirectly you are at war with United States.

Looks like you've been reading the latest propaganda. :| Yeah, yeah, yeah...the Jews are taking over america bit by bit...whatever. So what if the US supports Israel anyway? They are allies and we have financial interests over there with the oil. Anyway, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, etc. support the Palestinians, Israel can't have any allies?!


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999

<< Zippy, The Canaanites were not all Jews. They are the ancestors of many other race of people that now resides in the Arab region. Also the their religion was not &quot;Jewish&quot;. The &quot;archaelogical&quot; date for the begining of the Jewish religion is still debatable. However, through stone tablets, The religion of the old Mesopotamia resembles more of the Egyptian Creation stories.

I never said the Canaanites were all Jews. I said that the Jews migrated back there and intermingled with the Canaanites before the spread of Islam.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 1999
ZIppy, I tend to believe that the land belongs to people, not religions. Eventhough you might disagree with me. You cannot argue your claim to the land using religious arguments that has no meaning to the Palestinians.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
Religion is an incredibly stupid reason to make war. You'd think modern countries in the 21st Century world have evolved beyond that (fighting for oil is entirely legitimate btw ).

This conflict won't be settled by paperwork or wishful thinking, so long as Arafat rules in dictatorship istead of democracy. Either Israel is a soveriegn nation or it is not. Either Israel is destroyed or it is not. Too bad God and/or Allah won't intervene directly in this one. Damn free will.


Junior Member
Sep 23, 2000
I think the whole event is sad. The sides over seven years have almost resolved their differences until it came to Jerusalem/the Temple Mount. Neither side can or will give in. This is the only site the Jews will accept for their Temple which was destroyed for the second time in 70 C.E. by the the soon-to-be emperor Titus. It is a historical fact that this is the site of their temple. The arch of Titus still stands in Rome today commemorating his victory. The Muslims invaded and took Jerusalem in 638 C.E from the Byzantine empire and have occupied the land until Britain gain soverignty this past century. I feel sorry for both sides and I feel they both have legitimet claims. This issued will never be resolved until one side totaly dominates and either preserves al-aqsa or a new Jewish Temple is resurrected in its place.

The question is not if war but when, and how the rest of the world will be involved.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000

From the hostilities in this board...IMHO the hostilities in Israel would be 10X.

It doesn't take 2 wrong to make a right, because it is not okay to oppresses other, because you once were oppressed.

This only lead to one solution and that is what Red mentioned. Either the US pull out of Israel or arms the Palestinians till they both grow-up and learn to live/share with each other.

I don't know if the Israelis/Palestinians mothers taught them to share, but I was taught that sharing make me a better person.



Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Zippy, the promise of Jerusalam coming back to Muslims, has been promised by Allah and our prophet Muhammad (SAW) told us exactly. He talked about the creation of Israel and its final annihilation.

If you want facts on holocaust committed by Jews, look for the last 50 years of what they had done to Palestinians, Lebenanese, people. The inhuman bombing of the camps of Sabra, Chatila, the mass murder of Lebananones people by Israel in southern Lebanon.

The worst is driving the Muslims out of the land and putting a jews in that area.
Jews don't belong to the region.

I have no doubt about Israel being anihilated. I won't be surprised if concentration camps open up for jews in their homeland.

BTW, the holocaust is never happened. Its all a hoax. I don't believe it all. Its all propaganda just to get sympathy for the people who are the scourge of the humanity.

No body likes to termites like them. They eat nations to their bones. For this reason, through out their 4000 years of history, everybody has massacred them.

BTW, is Israel is not a gift. Its actually a tyrnnaical state, made on the lands of Muslim.
Our third holiest mosque is occupied by those filthy people. We will take it back at any cost.

BTW, if the holocaust did happen, it wasn't complete. Damn, the Nazis ran out of time and
Zyklon-B. :|

Hitler+Eichman+Himmler rules.



Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Pennstate, first of all thanks for the comments.

I don't read the fabricated history as you do. So you are not one of them who went after every detail.

The mosque, city of Jerusalam all belongs to Islam. Its not a manipulated history.
Throughout the muslim history, we have lost Jerusalam and have regained it back.

In present time, its again in the hands of transgressors and will be taken back at all costs.

Existance of Israel is not legal and israel will be destroyed, period.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Obviously dabadus is a blatently biased @ss. I cant believe we still have these people in the world.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
BTW, zippy in one word, the land belongs to Muslims. We are the favored nation of Allah. Not you guys anymore. Sorry.

Also, only bloody sell outs recognize Israel as legal. Our leaders may recognize it but we don't.

We know exactly and have been warned that you guys hate us, conspire against us, and what your hearts conceal about us is even worst.

We can never forget how an Australian Jew tried to burn the mosque, just to get your temple built up there.

Anyways, Israel will be destroyed. Bring all your technological crap that you can. It still won't help you.



Oct 9, 1999

Not to be disrespectful or anything, but Muhammed wasn't even born until hundreds of years after Christ, so I doubt Muslims were the first people in that area.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Quote by Red Dawn:[I wouldn't doubt if this dude wasn't one of them father molested white Supremists using the guise of a Muslim to spread his ignorance. And even if it isn't he sure has shown himself to be a cowardly girl. If the Palestineans are cowardly girls like this guy they don't deserve a homeland. Fortunately I don't think they are cowardly girls like this guy is.

dababus, I can understand why you are here instead of with your people. You are to much or a cowardly girl to stay and help them.Your father and your Mother are shamed of you no doubt. They have a son who squats to pee and runs off too America because he is such a cowardly girl

BTW dababus, did I tell you that I thought you were a Cowardly Girl??]

RedDawn, i won't personally attack you. I know you have no respect for me. But still have some respect. As i remember you from the AGN family.
But who you actually call molested white supremists and cowardly girl???

Obviously, you have no idea of the situation.

What if someone comes to your house and throw you out of it.

What if someone shoots in the head of your three months old baby child.

What if someone shots your seven children right in front of your eyes and then let you suffer through out your life.

It is clear to me that you have no understanding of the present situation.

BTW, am not Palestinain, but I am a Muslim. and all muslims are one nation, no matter where ever they live.

Islam doesn't distinguish between muslims by their national boundaries.

national boundaries never exited before the british colonization.

We were one nation, the Ottomon Empire. and the british divided us.

This is exactly what happened and the Western world clearly writes in their history books. That they conspired against us.

Sykes Picot deal of 1916, is the clear example of the divison and break up of the muslim land into nation states. and in this time they planned the creation of israel.

So please, know the facts and then talk. Also, keep your spoiled and filthy tongue in your mouth.

We are helping our brothers in all they way possible, whether its military, economical, political or by any means.

My father and mother are not ashamed of me. So please, don't make false claims. You don't even know my family. So please don't try to get over there.



Oct 9, 1999
For those who would like to read some history of the region, I found this site useful and from what I can tell, fairly unbiased. history of Palanstine

Even before the Palestinians or the Jews were in Palestine, a group of people known as Canaanites had established themselves there. By the third millennium BC they were living in cities, one of which was Jericho. They developed an alphabet from which other writing systems originated and their religion had a major influence on that of the Jews and through them on both Christianity and Islam.
The Philistines and Israelites
A confederation of Hebrew tribes known as Israelites decisively defeated the Canaanites in about 1125BC. The Philistines,however, who had established an independent state along the southern coast, were another story. Because of their superior military organization and their iron weapons, in about 1050BC, they inflicted a crushing defeat upon the Israelites.
As a result of this defeat, the Israelites united and established a monarchy. The most famous of the Israeli kings, David, ultimately defeated the Philistines shortly after 1000BC.



Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Too bad Red Dawn, that you don't have to say anything about the current situation, rather you prefer to do cheap personal attacks. It still won't make any difference. Our beliefs are firm and we will not let the Israel to prevail like this.


Sep 6, 2000
RedDawn, you are right on. Dababus is a despicable waste of humanity, and if his parents are not ashamed of him, they should be. You are forsaken of Allah, and in conflict with the principles of Islam, which teaches that Jews are your common brother, descended of Abraham, and people of the book. Go peddle your racist diatribe somewhere else Dabubus, where it might be recieved well, we are moral people here.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Too bad, Red Dawn, that the only solution you have is to nuke the place. Too bad.

BTW, the US is not the only country with nukes. so don't trust your toys to much please.

These toys don't differentiate between nations.

And thanks for giving me a name. What better would I expect from you.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2000
Moral, Ha. what a joke.

what moral my friend.

am surprised you talk about morality.

Does the US still have morality. Oh I see. One of the most moral people in the world.

People who have blood of millions of people on their hand are moral.

I am surprised to see the standards of morality.

BTW, jews are not our brothers. Muslims are brotherhood. Jews have taken away our land and brothers don't do it. Instead they give them shelter if they are have humanity in their hearts.

Am sorry to say that, but looks like you are brain wahsed by the corporate and the zionist owned media, who makes you think like that.

If you call me animal, its fine with me.

because I don't expect any respect from you.

I have no respect for jews and to their sympathizers.

If you call me animal, then go ahead keep on doing it. I have no problem with that.

BTW, you may wanna go and witness the tragedies of the Muslims of Palestine and see who is on the right side.



Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
WTF? i can't believe what dababus wrote.

&quot;BTW, if the holocaust did happen, it wasn't complete. Damn, the Nazis ran out of time and

Hitler+Eichman+Himmler rules. &quot;

you sir are a POS. PERIOD.

you cry over and condemn violence commited against muslims and go on about humanity in peoples hearts, but at the same time promote violence against the jews and even promote the GENOCIDE of them. you sir are a hypocrite and genuinely F'ed up in the head. your words speak clearly about your character.


Senior member
Jul 23, 2000
I say we just sit back and watch Israel kick thier asses. There's not a dout in mind after watching them during the six day war that they can handle thier own. If the Palestinians want land let them go to thier Arab brothers and see if they give it to them.


<< I have no respect for jews and to their sympathizers. >>

Your not going to tie a bomb to yourself and blow up an abandond building to become a martyr ARE YOU???


Oct 10, 1999

<< BTW, if the holocaust did happen, it wasn't complete. Damn, the Nazis ran out of time and

Hitler+Eichman+Himmler rules.

You stupid son of a bitch. I am not Jewish nor is my family. How in the hell can you say that? I think peace needs to be worked out. Why do you live in America? Go fight if you want your land back. Don't ever tell me that more Jews should have been killed or that Hitler rules. F*ck you and your racist bulls!hit. I hope you have fun with Satan. I will not be handing out any ice water to you either. I really think this is one of the most hate filled posts I have seen on Anandtech. I really do not believe this person has a right to continue posting.

You say that the Jews invaded your land and bombed your people. So why did Syria and Egypt invade Israel and then get their ass kicked? Sure looks like Allah was asleep or on the toilet. Too bad you are a racist, a hypocrite, a liar and a fool. I really hope that God has no mercy on your soul.

You wonder why Israel fires on your people? Stop throwing rocks and firebombs. It doesn't make them martyrs it makes them idiots. I don't care if I had million rocks and three hundred people with me. If they had guns, rockets, and air support, then I don't think my rocks would do much. To me that is just plainly foolish.

You wonder why the U.S. supports Israel? How many times have they committed terrorist acts against us? Bombed our embassy? Invaded Saudi Arabia with the full support of your people? I really don't think you want to mess with the U.S. military. Religous purposes or not, sheer numbers, technology and intelligence would crush your people. Anyone who throws rocks at armed soldiers and miltary equipment, can't be playing with a full deck of cards.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 1999
Millenium: agreed. and i think it's time for the moderators to get involved with this thread. last time i checked, promotion of murder/genocide and racism isn't kindly looked upon by the mods.
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