Deus Ex: Human Revolution

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Mar 9, 2000
This game hype reminds me of Empire Total, all the hype, all the advertising, I cannot believe all the crap I'm reading about this game.

The Stealth is crap.. as long as you are crouched they can't see you even when you're in light.

The AI is crap.. I'm playing on the hardest difficulty level, I'm so bored instead of even trying to immerse myself in this game anymore, I walk into a new room shoot a couple guys and run out. The mercs won't even follow me through a door, I wait a couple minutes till they are calm, quick save and go in again with less people to kill. They are just walking around calmly with the first people I killed lying on the floor, totally ignored. I think they make the ammo in such short supply to give an illusion of difficulty and tension.

I'm 4 hours into this game and I can't bear to start it up again I was hoping this would be another System Shock 2 like experience. I played that game 80 hours in a one week period, LOL. Now that was a great game, you could listen to the audio logs while you creep through the ship. In Human Revolution, you come across all these newspapers and emails that you have to read but it's all drivel and the Hacking system.. The Hacking System is crap as well. What a useless waste of time, boring as heck and difficult to even understand what you're doing, I don't even WANT to understand it because it's so lame, I want to hack like in Bioshock.

You can't even lean, you could lean in the first dues ex 11 years ago but not anymore... too complicated for the programmers I guess. They try and sell it as stealth and you can't even lean, wow.

I think Far Cry 1 PC had better graphics. You could lean, go prone, find multiple paths and on the hardest difficulty it took me 45 hours to complete. So why is this game taxing my system? I can play Bad Company 2 (500 hours or so) just fine and everything is destructible. In Human revolution you can't even shoot a plastic bottle off a shelf, almost everything is static and will not move.

I was wondering why I couldn't get into this game so I started re-reading user reviews at meta and the best comment I read was, "if this game had a different name and none of the hype it would be lucky to get 60%". I couldn't have said it better.

I'm ranting but only because I got sucked into this crap game $50 down the tubes.

Btw, If you want stealth, Play Splinter Cell it's 100x better.
First of all, buzz and hype sells - so get used to it. They got your $50

If you were *expecting* great stealth and great AI, then you will always be disappointed. Ultra-high expectations are always met with disappointment. And the AI in the game we are all playing now ain't so great neither and you can nitpick any game including what we call Life.

If you are comparing to the original game, it falls short. If you use Invisible War as the benchmark, Human Revolution is better.

There is a "cover system" - no leaning. It's new and i don't really like it - since i played a Tank, i rarely used it and generally came into a scene with guns blazing - using the retreat and heal method. However, you need a basic grasp of it to play the game.

Hacking is annoying in that you have the same mini-game repeated hundreds of times. And there is no variety. But you need to learn it or don't hack at all - punch through walls and look for codes and alternate routes. You have a choice. If you are good at hacking you can get mass XP however.

Graphics depends on being fully maxed out. DX11 at 2560x1600 looks good overall although there are places that look like HL1 and could use texture upgrades through patching.

The game's strengths is its story. You are playing an interactive sci-fi movie. i gave it an 8.8 originally and i think an 8.5 is more appropriate for the overall experience.

If you are going into a game wanting to dislike it - you will find every reason to do so. Compared to the other games out there, DE3 is refreshing and intelligent - if badly consolized (one button takedown, anyone?; one button for cover )


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
what exactlty do you mean by leaning? its been forever since i played the first 2 games

the cover system lets you lean out from cover and aim+fire or you can just blindly fire around/over objects, its actually pretty fun doing that


Oct 27, 2006
Well I'm about an hour in, and I like it. I can see some valid criticisms (not much of the environment is interactive, going from 1st to 3rd person feels clunky to me so far, graphics are overall very good but a bit uneven, especially the faces/voice sync, etc). Even with those criticisms the 'vibe' of the game is very cool, I like the music and art direction, and the voice acting is pretty cool.

I do wish the city environment felt larger. I feel a bit claustrophobic now that I'm out in Detroit. It doesn't feel like there are very many places for me to go, and some of them are pretty silly. I remember checking out an apartment building with a security guard at the bottom, and going past him leads to a single staircase that goes up several flights to : a single apartment? What sense does that make?

I'm not gonna let these quibbles ruin my fun, but hopefully in the future we see something in this vein but with a much larger world to check out, even if most of it is irrelevant. It'd be hilarious and fun to be able to troll the game when bored as well. Have $50,000 in credits? Have nothing better to do? Go to porn shop and buy every XXX magazine they have and pile them up in the middle of the street. Throw donuts at cops from rooftops. Go mental and start hanging corpses from flagpoles. Etc.


Jun 5, 2006
I've beaten the game, now going back through on hard mode trying to set of zero alarms and kill zero people.

I LOVE this game.

It's one of the best games I've played in more than a decade. Amazingly smooth launch, no real bugs, no real issues.


Senior member
Jun 8, 2011
I'm really perplexed why some people are knocking the game's graphics/visuals. I mean it may not the most advanced engine in terms of pushing polygons, but the art and atmosphere are superb. I think it looks fantastic overall.


Oct 27, 2006
Heh, I got bored/irritated during a certain side quest, and decided to see what it'd be like to kill absolutely everything and everyone in the police station. 5 minutes later, I walk out the front door carrying a submachine gun and talk to the cops standing outside, who seem completely unaware that I just killed a few dozen cops, some prostitutes, and a morgue doctor inside. I went back inside and proceeded to drag all of the bodies into a huge pile.

Will this break any major quests?


Oct 21, 2000
I didn't put any time in yesterday but I am still loving this game. There are of course minor things that I have complaints about but largely they are minor in comparison to all the things they do right. I have no complaints about the graphics/visuals and I actually think the voice acting and the animations when they are talking are REALLY GOOD. Seriously, compare this game to something from even 5 years ago. It's laughable.

I do agree that the whole cover, lean, shoot system is really flawed. In an all too easy to replicate way, you can get into a situation where the game is confused about what you want to do. Press forward (W) and you expect to go over the barrier and shoot over but sometimes it doesn't. Press left (A) to try to lean and shoot out and once in a while it doesn't.


Oct 21, 2000
Heh, I got bored/irritated during a certain side quest, and decided to see what it'd be like to kill absolutely everything and everyone in the police station. 5 minutes later, I walk out the front door carrying a submachine gun and talk to the cops standing outside, who seem completely unaware that I just killed a few dozen cops, some prostitutes, and a morgue doctor inside. I went back inside and proceeded to drag all of the bodies into a huge pile.

Will this break any major quests?

Highly doubt it. I get bored in the same way too and sometimes I'll just save the game then kill everything on that particular floor, level, building.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
pretty disappointing in this game overall.. it was for sure majorly over hyped.

trading it back in today.
thank goodness I got it on 360.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2001
I too am frustrated with the game with the first 4 hours of play - although, I will still probably play it more eventually.

Here's what bothers me:

- graphics are very cartoonish yet somehow taxing on my system.. I have 2x 6870's in crossfire and it is not smooth at 1920x1200 and 2x aa

- cannot interact with hardly anything.. at least let me open boxes, open cupboards, bump office chairs, pick up soda cans.. PC gamers expect this kind of interaction now

- cannot shoot through invisible barriers.. if you have a 'mesh' type texture, a bullet should go through it

- controls are sluggish.. WTF is up with this slight delay when I move the mouse or hit buttons

- the game has a consolized feel to it

It wasn't worth the $50 I paid..


Oct 21, 2000
I too am frustrated with the game with the first 4 hours of play - although, I will still probably play it more eventually.

Here's what bothers me:

- graphics are very cartoonish yet somehow taxing on my system.. I have 2x 6870's in crossfire and it is not smooth at 1920x1200 and 2x aa

- cannot interact with hardly anything.. at least let me open boxes, open cupboards, bump office chairs, pick up soda cans.. PC gamers expect this kind of interaction now

- cannot shoot through invisible barriers.. if you have a 'mesh' type texture, a bullet should go through it

- controls are sluggish.. WTF is up with this slight delay when I move the mouse or hit buttons

- the game has a consolized feel to it

It wasn't worth the $50 I paid..

Have you patched it? It fixed a lot of issues. For the sluggish mouse issue - disable a feature in graphics | advanced called NOAA or something. I forgot the the name exactly.


Jun 5, 2006
I'm really perplexed why some people are knocking the game's graphics/visuals. I mean it may not the most advanced engine in terms of pushing polygons, but the art and atmosphere are superb. I think it looks fantastic overall.

Because they don't really know what they're talking about. They're ignorantly regurgitating some other ignorant gripe from someone else without really thinking about it too much before vomiting it forward like the guy before them.

The Unreal engine does look great. When publishers license the Unreal engine, they always get the latest version -and, if the Unreal engine gets an overhaul or upgrades, everyone with a current license gets all the new stuff too for free.

The Unreal engine is great, it's nice and stable, it's extremely versatile.

The only thing the Unreal engine fails with is AA. Sometimes AA'd objects will have a cloud's silver lining along the edge.

the unknown

Senior member
Dec 22, 2007
I too am frustrated with the game with the first 4 hours of play - although, I will still probably play it more eventually.

Here's what bothers me:

- graphics are very cartoonish yet somehow taxing on my system.. I have 2x 6870's in crossfire and it is not smooth at 1920x1200 and 2x aa

- cannot interact with hardly anything.. at least let me open boxes, open cupboards, bump office chairs, pick up soda cans.. PC gamers expect this kind of interaction now

- cannot shoot through invisible barriers.. if you have a 'mesh' type texture, a bullet should go through it

- controls are sluggish.. WTF is up with this slight delay when I move the mouse or hit buttons

- the game has a consolized feel to it

It wasn't worth the $50 I paid..

Turn on v-sync and triple buffering to get the controls feeling crisp. Turn off taxing features to get a playable framerate. Then come back and post how the game plays when it runs properly.


Oct 27, 2006
I too am frustrated with the game with the first 4 hours of play - although, I will still probably play it more eventually.

Here's what bothers me:

- graphics are very cartoonish yet somehow taxing on my system.. I have 2x 6870's in crossfire and it is not smooth at 1920x1200 and 2x aa

Hmm. Maybe needs Xfire patch? I have 1x 6950 (stock speeds, 2GB XFX), and it's ludicrously smooth at 1920x1200, everything maxed. i5-2500k/8GB.

- cannot interact with hardly anything.. at least let me open boxes, open cupboards, bump office chairs, pick up soda cans.. PC gamers expect this kind of interaction now

Agree. Although I can understand that most of the items in the game by nature are irrelevant anyway, it's a little strange that so little can be touched/moved. I remember Max Payne eons ago, had lots of stuff you could push around, knock over, etc.

- cannot shoot through invisible barriers.. if you have a 'mesh' type texture, a bullet should go through it

I've run into this, particularly on the fire escape/staircase situations. Not the end of the world, but makes things a little harder.

- controls are sluggish.. WTF is up with this slight delay when I move the mouse or hit buttons

I don't have any problems at all with this, I think maybe you should play with settings some more, a unit with 6870 (even single) should run this like butter.

- the game has a consolized feel to it

It does in many respects, but overall I think it's fairly well done. I wish the world was truly a little more 'open' and interactive. Compared to say FO:NV, it feels very confined.

It wasn't worth the $50 I paid..

Sorry to hear that. I'm having a decent time with it. For me personally I wish it were closer to $29 or $39, but hopefully it shapes up for you with some tuning/patches.

See bolded for reply.


Jun 5, 2006
- graphics are very cartoonish yet somehow taxing on my system.. I have 2x 6870's in crossfire and it is not smooth at 1920x1200 and 2x aa

Cartoonish? Are you retarded?

That's cartoonish?

Right off the bat, you prove yourself out of touch with reality and taint the rest of your post.

- cannot interact with hardly anything.. at least let me open boxes, open cupboards, bump office chairs, pick up soda cans.. PC gamers expect this kind of interaction now

No, you do. I don't. Stop projecting and then basing an opinion on your perceived mindset of every gamer you think you understand.

- cannot shoot through invisible barriers.. if you have a 'mesh' type texture, a bullet should go through it

Some do, some don't. You can't shoot through stair railing, but you CAN shoot through the vents at the base of any door with a vent.

Your argument DOES hold water about STAIR RAILING, but it is proven false elsewhere.

- controls are sluggish.. WTF is up with this slight delay when I move the mouse or hit buttons

That's your fucking slow computer. Mine reacts instantly when I press buttons.

- the game has a consolized feel to it

I bet you a hundred million dollars that you can't even elaborate on this. Consolized feel to it? What does that even mean? That doesn't even MAKE SENSE.

It wasn't worth the $50 I paid..

It is, to me.


Jun 5, 2006
Oh, and anyone and everyone who were stupid enough to buy into the hype so that your game experience was less than you had hoped, that's YOUR fault for buying into the hype.

As an intelligent gamer in today's gaming market, anyone who buys into any hype at all are a bunch of dumbasses.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
I too am frustrated with the game with the first 4 hours of play - although, I will still probably play it more eventually.

Here's what bothers me:

- graphics are very cartoonish yet somehow taxing on my system.. I have 2x 6870's in crossfire and it is not smooth at 1920x1200 and 2x aa


IDK what to tell you but im running dual 6870 and running ever setting on high, Tess on high 16x FSAA on high and 8x AF and the game plays fine


Jun 5, 2006
IDK what to tell you but im running dual 6870 and running ever setting on high, Tess on high 16x FSAA on high and 8x AF and the game plays fine

pffff, I have two GTX460's and it runs just fine.

People need to upgrade their fucking hamsters.


Junior Member
Sep 1, 2011
Does anybody buy games based on review scores anymore?

I hope not.
Hello all, great forum.

No, I don't anymore. PC Gamer cured me of that. When they gave Alpha Centauri, 98% "best game ever" they lost me.


Feb 8, 2000
Huh and *eye role* on the sudden influx of "this game is overhyped, it sucks donkeyballs!".

If you don't like it, you don't like it. It doesn't have to be "omfg, the rest of you are so dumb for liking this, omfg, it totally suxxors".


Oct 21, 2000
I can't believe you guys are actually insulting people who are disappointed in the game and/or get their information from game reviews. At an average price of $50 for a game, it's a big investment. It's not like taking a chance on a $10 audio CD you might not like.

You don't buy games based on reviews and the opinions of others? Oh really? You just happened to stumble across Deus Ex, Black Ops, and other Game of the Year titles accidentally?
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