Development on Clinton Email Probe?

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Aug 5, 2000
You made me sad. My father was the fastest key operator that ever lived.

Kudos to your dad.

However, the fastest guy on the key that I knew of had a touch of Parkinson's so unfair advantage and all that.

I kid of course.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
As long as Senator Clinton continues to do Wallstreet's bidding on economic issues she'll be safe....

"Yeah go ahead and throw them a bone on social issues... that'll distract them from things like the TPP and 70+% of the economic recovery going to the top while we piss on them. but don't you dare choose Warren as your VP if you want to keep our donations rolling in...."


Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Why didn't the GOP investigate Colin Powell when he was sec of State?

He used AOL mail for his emails for crying out loud. Where is the outrage?

He should have but at the time there were no potential legal consequences. Depending on what happened with Hillary's server that may not be the case.


May 15, 2000
He should have but at the time there were no potential legal consequences. Depending on what happened with Hillary's server that may not be the case.

There weren't any legal consequences for having classified info on non sanctioned devices?

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
There weren't any legal consequences for having classified info on non sanctioned devices?

No not in itself, at least at that time. Was it a good idea? Hell no. If his server had been hacked and information accessed regarding any defense issue that would have been another matter. Foolish? Dumb? No argument.


May 15, 2000
No not in itself, at least at that time. Was it a good idea? Hell no. If his server had been hacked and information accessed regarding any defense issue that would have been another matter. Foolish? Dumb? No argument.

So you are telling me that having/transmitting classified information anywhere except in authorized locations/devices was a new policy that only happened when Clinton became SoS?

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
So you are telling me that having/transmitting classified information anywhere except in authorized locations/devices was a new policy that only happened when Clinton became SoS?

No, I'm talking about potential consequences depending on what happened. That's independent of arguments as to whether she was forbidden to have a server at all. I'm not interested in the fight about "she was allowed/she wasn't allowed". For sake of argument I will accept a server out of physical control of the government was permitted. That does not provide immunity from consequences in certain scenarios. Whether those happened is yet to be publically shown by the government.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Considering that there are reports that fbi agents, who were with lynch at this meeting, told reporters that they could not take pictures or record, it does not seem like the fbi can be an impartial party either.

Keep in mind, this isn't just about hillary. Bill runs the foundation, if there is corruption with foreign governments and such, he is could be just as guilty. The fbi investigation puts him under the umbrella also. That is why this is far more serious than some emails.

That she won't directly recuse herself or obama won't seek a special prosecutor, speaks volumes.

If anybody in the securities industry even had a fraction of this, even a fraction of mere appearance of impropriety, they'd be canned and their company sanctioned by the sec.

This is such a huge double standard.

Cliff note of your post, "WAW, butt hurt, WAW!"


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Do you remember that my answer to this was that they have less time and less long term propaganda deeply implanted in the American psyche with Sanders than with Clinton and that would have worked to his advantage. Just look at Clintons favorability ratings.

Yup, and my rejoinder, then and now, is that you vastly underestimate what the R attack machine would do to the perception of Bernie if they had ever turned their sights on him, which they hadn't.

You mention the American psyche. Outside of the millions strong safe haven of like-minded young progressives in which you are presently rejoicing, across the broad swath of the electorate, we'll just start out with COMMIE JEW, COMMIE JEW, COMMIE JEW who wants to confiscate your money, commie-socialist style, and give it all to . . . THEM (the brown, black and LAZY.)

And you are trying to link what you think are my support for Trump to issues that I feel have no relationship to my reasonings as I see them. One has nothing to do with the other.

Moon, the one overriding "issue" here is who will become the next President of the United States. You focusing on the foibles and missteps of Hilary while simultaneously TRUMPeting your support for DJT has everything to do with any peripheral other.

You have said, per that support, that if you can't have Bernie, why, let's just roll the dice, tear it all down, and elect Trump, because it can't get any worse.

It can. His nominees to the Supreme Court would make our country worse for decades thereafter, my friend.

There are millions and millions of marching morons who hate Clinton.

Exactly. You don't think they wouldn't be easily taught to fear and despise Bernie, just as they were easily taught to fear and despise Hilary, just as they were easily led to support Reagan?

I apologize that I see my moral duty to the return of democracy to the people rather than to someone most thought was next in line to be President because because.

Don't apologize. Just live up to your words. Three MILLION, seven hundred and seventy-five thousand, four hundred and thirty-seven MORE of those people chose Hilary over Bernie. That's a landslide for any political race, Moon. You may not like it, but this is exactly the democracy you wish to exalt. The "people" Moonie, have spoken.

And don't start with the system was rigged." As Nate Silver dispassionately and thoroughly documents: The System Isn’t ‘Rigged’ Against Sanders.

I love what Bernie Sanders has brought to our table. I fervently hope it blooms and prospers.

But, please, please, please don't let your pique at not getting every bit of change you wish for right now further lead you down the path of ego-attached self-righteousness that you see so clearly in others but I now see you indulging in yourself, i.e., "I see my moral duty . . .")

Such absolutism closes you off to hearing others. Many historical figures have seen it as "their moral duty" to bring radical change to their countries. I'm sure all of them saw themselves as saviors, Mr. Moon. Many turned out to be monsters.

Friends don't let friends vote Trump. Morally, the ends don't justify the means.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yup, and my rejoinder, then and now, is that you vastly underestimate what the R attack machine would do to the perception of Bernie if they had ever turned their sights on him, which they hadn't.

You mention the American psyche. Outside of the millions strong safe haven of like-minded young progressives in which you are presently rejoicing, across the broad swath of the electorate, we'll just start out with COMMIE JEW, COMMIE JEW, COMMIE JEW who wants to confiscate your money, commie-socialist style, and give it all to . . . THEM (the brown, black and LAZY.)

Moon, the one overriding "issue" here is who will become the next President of the United States. You focusing on the foibles and missteps of Hilary while simultaneously TRUMPeting your support for DJT has everything to do with any peripheral other.

You have said, per that support, that if you can't have Bernie, why, let's just roll the dice, tear it all down, and elect Trump, because it can't get any worse.

It can. His nominees to the Supreme Court would make our country worse for decades thereafter, my friend.

Exactly. You don't think they wouldn't be easily taught to fear and despise Bernie, just as they were easily taught to fear and despise Hilary, just as they were easily led to support Reagan?

Don't apologize. Just live up to your words. Three MILLION, seven hundred and seventy-five thousand, four hundred and thirty-seven MORE of those people chose Hilary over Bernie. That's a landslide for any political race, Moon. You may not like it, but this is exactly the democracy you wish to exalt. The "people" Moonie, have spoken.

And don't start with the system was rigged." As Nate Silver dispassionately and thoroughly documents: The System Isn’t ‘Rigged’ Against Sanders.

I love what Bernie Sanders has brought to our table. I fervently hope it blooms and prospers.

But, please, please, please don't let your pique at not getting every bit of change you wish for right now further lead you down the path of ego-attached self-righteousness that you see so clearly in others but I now see you indulging in yourself, i.e., "I see my moral duty . . .")

Such absolutism closes you off to hearing others. Many historical figures have seen it as "their moral duty" to bring radical change to their countries. I'm sure all of them saw themselves as saviors, Mr. Moon. Many turned out to be monsters.

Friends don't let friends vote Trump. Morally, the ends don't justify the means.
Thank you. I really appreciate the tone of this post, different, I think than some others. I an having a fun time exploring my pique. As a liberal among liberals, I have the liberal brain defect in spades. I am so intellectually arrogant that I even find liberals who don't see liberalism as I do to be totally inferior. Democracy, bah, it's truth that matters to me. My truth, that is.

But do not worry. I can be as crazy as I want because whatever insanity I vote for if not Hillary, will with absolute certainty be canceled out by the vast hoard of liberal California voters. We are all safe from my craziness here. California inadvertently gave me a license to carry.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Thank you. I really appreciate the tone of this post, different, I think than some others. I an having a fun time exploring my pique. As a liberal among liberals, I have the liberal brain defect in spades. I am so intellectually arrogant that I even find liberals who don't see liberalism as I do to be totally inferior. Democracy, bah, it's truth that matters to me. My truth, that is.

But do not worry. I can be as crazy as I want because whatever insanity I vote for if not Hillary, will with absolute certainty be canceled out by the vast hoard of liberal California voters. We are all safe from my craziness here. California inadvertently gave me a license to carry.

I've noted that some on the Left have wonderfully fear based conservative minds. Bernie has been consistently ahead of all Republicans including Trump. The argument against him is Jew and Commie, in other words fear of what the Republicans may say.

Well that being the case Obama never became President. Black people can't hold office, Republicans!!!

Selling your birthright for fears which cannot be substantiated, and in fact shown not to be set in stone is moral cowardice. Very Republican of them.

In fact I can't tell the difference between many modern "liberals" and those in the Bush administration. The same low standards of morality. Ted Kennedy would be ashamed.


May 15, 2000
I've noted that some on the Left have wonderfully fear based conservative minds. Bernie has been consistently ahead of all Republicans including Trump. The argument against him is Jew and Commie, in other words fear of what the Republicans may say.

Well that being the case Obama never became President. Black people can't hold office, Republicans!!!

Selling your birthright for fears which cannot be substantiated, and in fact shown not to be set in stone is moral cowardice. Very Republican of them.

In fact I can't tell the difference between many modern "liberals" and those in the Bush administration. The same low standards of morality. Ted Kennedy would be ashamed.

I have yet to hear any "liberal" say Bernie would be attacked for being Jewish but maybe that's because I don't read the same shit sources you apparently read from.

Most "anti Bernie" folks just thought his ideas were not only unrealistic and had zero chance of happening but they also doesn't believe his math. The fact that they pointed out issues the Republicans would hammer him on weren't based on fear but were based on reality and past history. Perhaps you'll recall the Republican memes of the Kenyan Muslim president, the community organizer, and the decades long propaganda of framing liberals as big government pushing that evil socialism.

For folks like me, I look at Bernie or Hillary getting the nomination as both being good for different reasons and either would easily beat trump. The only fear dems are facing this election is if Dem voters don't bother turning out.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I have yet to hear any "liberal" say Bernie would be attacked for being Jewish but maybe that's because I don't read the same shit sources you apparently read from.

Most "anti Bernie" folks just thought his ideas were not only unrealistic and had zero chance of happening but they also doesn't believe his math. The fact that they pointed out issues the Republicans would hammer him on weren't based on fear but were based on reality and past history. Perhaps you'll recall the Republican memes of the Kenyan Muslim president, the community organizer, and the decades long propaganda of framing liberals as big government pushing that evil socialism.

For folks like me, I look at Bernie or Hillary getting the nomination as both being good for different reasons and either would easily beat trump. The only fear dems are facing this election is if Dem voters don't bother turning out.

Well then you don't need my vote. You've got this all figured out. Maybe I'll go for Deez Nuts.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The Commie-Jew thingi was started by Perknose, I believe, not as a product of fear, or a prediction of the inevitably of what would make him unelectable, but as a reason for why he might poll better than Clinton against Sanders, namely, that such smearing had not yet taken place, that the kind of damage done to Clinton hadn't been done to him but would be.

This is rational in the sense that fear has proven to work to drive somebody's numbers down and because commie and Jew are established triggers of bigotry.

A great difficulty in analyzing what motivates a line of reasoning arises out of how liberals and conservatives see things, where they tend to focus. Conservatives tend to react to negatives more than liberals which will cause conservatives to imagine liberals are more fear focused than they are, and liberals to notice how much more fear stimulated conservatives are than they are.

Objectively, however, at least I think so, fears can be imaginary and justified. Liberals thus can benefit from conservative sensitivity to help them not miss the ones that are real, and conservative need liberals to keep them from getting too carried away. A population with a mix probably has a survival value especially if there is priority on external threats. Bad things seem to happen when there is fear and nothing real to direct it at but your own people.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Perhaps I should add that the way I see it is that Liberal have rational reasons to fear conservative, shall we call it 'herd mass hysteria' but the product of that fear is no different than it is for conservatives, a massive convulsion of rage and demonization that expresses as intellectual arrogance and condescension. We create what we fear by becoming it.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
The Commie-Jew thingi was started by Perknose, I believe, not as a product of fear, or a prediction of the inevitably of what would make him unelectable, but as a reason for why he might poll better than Clinton against Sanders, namely, that such smearing had not yet taken place, that the kind of damage done to Clinton hadn't been done to him but would be.

This is rational in the sense that fear has proven to work to drive somebody's numbers down and because commie and Jew are established triggers of bigotry.

A great difficulty in analyzing what motivates a line of reasoning arises out of how liberals and conservatives see things, where they tend to focus. Conservatives tend to react to negatives more than liberals which will cause conservatives to imagine liberals are more fear focused than they are, and liberals to notice how much more fear stimulated conservatives are than they are.

Objectively, however, at least I think so, fears can be imaginary and justified. Liberals thus can benefit from conservative sensitivity to help them not miss the ones that are real, and conservative need liberals to keep them from getting too carried away. A population with a mix probably has a survival value especially if there is priority on external threats. Bad things seem to happen when there is fear and nothing real to direct it at but your own people.

We have a problem. If a candidate we support is one the opposition may be against then we need a candidate we don't support to keep the opposition out. Wut?

Certainly we can't have a black candidate in Office. The white racists will prevent that. Obama can't be President. Pick someone else.

With Bernie his enemy wasn't Trump or the Republicans, it was the above types who might not be bigots, but their attitudes have the same result.

Bernie showed substantial leads over both Hillary and Trump and just about anyone who could be mentioned. The independents, a huge bloc were all over him. Many Democrats and indeed some Republicans fed up with their party did. There was absolutely no objective basis for predicting that he couldn't win. But he is a Jew, and some call him a Commie, let's vote for someone else. After all that black guy never made it. Look at what they called him.

The reason Bernie can't win isn't Trump or Conservatives, it's his supposed own because their fear removed his opportunity, a fear has already been defeated. But we love our fear and we'd surrender love before our dearest emotion.

This is a self fulfilling prophecy. Bernie can't win so we will make certain he can't. Perhaps not the intent but certainly the result.

Our one chance gone. There's no one on the horizon and most likely I'll pass on like a good many before we have a shot. I wonder if "free thinkers" will be more than just a self adopted and entirely incorrect label. Maybe my children will live to see that day.


Nov 11, 1999
I've noted that some on the Left have wonderfully fear based conservative minds. Bernie has been consistently ahead of all Republicans including Trump. The argument against him is Jew and Commie, in other words fear of what the Republicans may say.

Well that being the case Obama never became President. Black people can't hold office, Republicans!!!

Selling your birthright for fears which cannot be substantiated, and in fact shown not to be set in stone is moral cowardice. Very Republican of them.

In fact I can't tell the difference between many modern "liberals" and those in the Bush administration. The same low standards of morality. Ted Kennedy would be ashamed.

We have a problem. If a candidate we support is one the opposition may be against then we need a candidate we don't support to keep the opposition out. Wut?

Certainly we can't have a black candidate in Office. The white racists will prevent that. Obama can't be President. Pick someone else.

With Bernie his enemy wasn't Trump or the Republicans, it was the above types who might not be bigots, but their attitudes have the same result.

Bernie showed substantial leads over both Hillary and Trump and just about anyone who could be mentioned. The independents, a huge bloc were all over him. Many Democrats and indeed some Republicans fed up with their party did. There was absolutely no objective basis for predicting that he couldn't win. But he is a Jew, and some call him a Commie, let's vote for someone else. After all that black guy never made it. Look at what they called him.

The reason Bernie can't win isn't Trump or Conservatives, it's his supposed own because their fear removed his opportunity, a fear has already been defeated. But we love our fear and we'd surrender love before our dearest emotion.

This is a self fulfilling prophecy. Bernie can't win so we will make certain he can't. Perhaps not the intent but certainly the result.

Our one chance gone. There's no one on the horizon and most likely I'll pass on like a good many before we have a shot. I wonder if "free thinkers" will be more than just a self adopted and entirely incorrect label. Maybe my children will live to see that day.

Going on about Leftists with fear based conservative minds in the first post followed by "Our one chance gone!" Oh Woe! Doom! We'll never find another Savior! in the next.

Bernie *already lost*. Get over it, and yourself.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Going on about Leftists with fear based conservative minds in the first post followed by "Our one chance gone!" Oh Woe! Doom! We'll never find another Savior! in the next.

Bernie *already lost*. Get over it, and yourself.

There's no fear, it's a regret for a lost opportunity. There is no other independent thinker anywhere in sight. I realize that you having a conservative brain don't really care. You want the status quo, two parties beating each other and offering garbage. As a whole people don't think Hillary or Trump will make a good President, even if true it doesn't matter, well to some people.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Still debating the level of security with a Hclinton@,,.GOV and a Hclinton@,,.NET server? There is none except the GOV one gets a hundred more hacking attempts then the other one. And if you think about it when does the Government up to date anything.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
. Our one chance gone.

Hello darkness, my old friend. I went there long ago as a young man and fell into the nothing washing up on a distant shore with only hat which can't be taken, at one with my Beloved.. I am no longer attached to hope since all around me is pure perfection. But I hear the echoes still of the place from which I fell, and the murmur of suffering voices. I vow to save all centient beings. I just don't know how to. Love you Hay. Love the love that drives your idealism.
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Nov 11, 1999
There's no fear, it's a regret for a lost opportunity. There is no other independent thinker anywhere in sight. I realize that you having a conservative brain don't really care. You want the status quo, two parties beating each other and offering garbage. As a whole people don't think Hillary or Trump will make a good President, even if true it doesn't matter, well to some people.

Just because you bemoan the choices doesn't make them any less real.

The status quo is being built upon & headed in a direction obviously superior to what the last implementation of Repub policy left us. It hasn't helped that they then have delivered the most obstructionist congresses in history advocating more of the same policy as a cure for the malaise they created.

Few people realize just how badly the Ownership Society damaged the middle class & the economy or how close we came to complete collapse of the financial sector & basically life as we know it. It was, nonetheless, a tremendous victory for the financial elite in the class warfare they've waged for decades.

But let's go on & on about endless trumped up scandal & backbiting rather than dealing with that economic reality constructively which is obviously what the true Bush constituency wants us to do. We can champion lost causes in favor of others worthy of winning at the same time to play into it even deeper.
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