Development on Clinton Email Probe?

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Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yes, prison time for the hardened criminal who..(gasp!)...failed to follow newly implemented email procedures!!!! Maybe they can also find a video of her jaywalking or cutting the tags off mattresses.

The fact that conservatives are hanging their hat on weak sauce like this just proves that there's literally nothing on her. They don't like her because the Clintons have been making them look like idiots for years. Voters should be way more incensed about the millions wasted on these shenanigans. I bet we'll find out in November.

What if Hildebeast isn't on the ballot in November?

If I were a betting man, the FBI will conclude their investigation and make their referral for indictment before the convention, if they have a case. They are interviewing her tomorrow. It has to happen before she is officially the nominee, if it's going to. Pretty damn tough to prosecute her after she's elected, as she'd probably just pardon herself.

And.......Sanders hasn't dropped out yet. Hmmmm


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
But we can't run Sanders because all those same nut cases would be screaming socialist commie red diaper baby and he wouldn't stand a chance. Truth is a two-edger, my friend.

Two edger? Nah. It's the same rightly honed edge of that rapier, Mr. Beam . . . one you've been using to slice and serve the ClintonHate Cheese your own damn self of late . . . then serving it up to us in big indigestible chunks of speculation and innuendo.

A foul odor permeates this discussion. Stop cutting that cheese and blaming it on the dog.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Two edger? Nah. It's the same rightly honed edge of that rapier, Mr. Beam . . . one you've been using to slice and serve the ClintonHate Cheese your own damn self of late . . . then serving it up to us in big indigestible chunks of speculation and innuendo.

A foul odor permeates this discussion. Stop cutting that cheese and blaming it on the dog.
Hmm, I don't remember the people with business before the State Department making million dollar contributions to any doggie foundations . . .


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
What if Hildebeast isn't on the ballot in November?

If I were a betting man, the FBI will conclude their investigation and make their referral for indictment before the convention, if they have a case. They are interviewing her tomorrow. It has to happen before she is officially the nominee, if it's going to. Pretty damn tough to prosecute her after she's elected, as she'd probably just pardon herself.

And.......Sanders hasn't dropped out yet. Hmmmm
The Pubbies would have a freakin' cow if the FBI indicted Hillary. When someone drastically lowers the bar as did Hillary, that improves the looting for everyone there. On the other hand, when someone gets indicted, they can never be sure where the insanity of accountability will stop.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Two edger? Nah. It's the same rightly honed edge of that rapier, Mr. Beam . . . one you've been using to slice and serve the ClintonHate Cheese your own damn self of late . . . then serving it up to us in big indigestible chunks of speculation and innuendo.

A foul odor permeates this discussion. Stop cutting that cheese and blaming it on the dog.

Really? I posted an AP article that it took a lawsuit to disclose, and the disclosure of which was sure to antagonize Sanders voters at a tine when her aim was to fold them back in the mainstream party, and then stated that the BC Linch meeting also stank, a fact to which Lynch herself agrees and you call that indigestible chunks of speculation and inuendo. But Im still trying to figure out how the insanity of the right toward Clinton is so terrible offensive to you when that same insanity directed at Sanders implied he would lose if he were the nominee and smart people should pick her over Sanders. I find it most peculiar how that works.

Isn't it Republicans who are supposed to burn heretics at the stake. It seems a but to toasty in here


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Hmm, I don't remember the people with business before the State Department making million dollar contributions to any doggie foundations . . .

So a guy took his dog to the bar and told the bartender it could talk so the barkeep asked the dog who won the democratic primary. Barf barf barf, spoke the the god spelled backwards. Get outa here, said the keep. Outside the guy asked his dog why he didn't say Clinton and the dog said, when did it happen a guy can't have an opinion.

I don't know if that explains the lack of funding or not.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
But Im still trying to figure out how the insanity of the right toward Clinton is so terrible offensive to you when that same insanity directed at Sanders implied he would lose if he were the nominee and smart people should pick her over Sanders. I find it most peculiar how that works.

That same ugly hate campaign would be equally repulsive to me were it directed against Bernie, which it surely would have if the Repubs thought he would be the nominee, which was my point to you after you TRUMPeted polls showing Bernie beating Trump more soundly than Hilary was.

To reiterate, they never went after Sanders like they have gone after Hilary because they saw he wasn't going to be the nominee. That's why his poll numbers were better at the time of those polls. He wasn't (yet) in their crosshairs. Got that? Because there is nothing peculiar or "double-standery" about what I said.

You seem to want to say that I'm offended about the attack campaign on Hilary (Vince Foster! Bengazi! E-mail server! Meeting on the tarmac!) but wouldn't be offended if and when they turned it on Bernie. That's just not true, Moonie.

In fact, YOU'RE the one with the "peculiar" double standard of saying how you've decided to vote for the loathsome Mr. Trump, never highlighting all the things that make him so loathsome even as you carry the water for every little scrap of innuendo (Bill and Lynch encountered each other on the tarmac!) of the GOP slur machine.

I've got no double standard but you sure have had. Your juvenile pique at not getting your exact political way led you to say you'd support the racist, misogynist pig Trump over Hilary.

^^^ That's the true peculiarity here, Moonie, and it reeks -- WAAAAH! -- of ego attachment.

It calls to mind the words of that old Caucasian spiritual, Blinding Light:

Oh, blinding light
Oh, light that blinds
I cannot see
Look out for me.



Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
That same ugly hate campaign would be equally repulsive to me were it directed against Bernie, which it surely would have if the Repubs thought he would be the nominee, which was my point to you after you TRUMPeted polls showing Bernie beating Trump more soundly than Hilary was.

To reiterate, they never went after Sanders like they have gone after Hilary because they saw he wasn't going to be the nominee. That's why his poll numbers were better at the time of those polls. He wasn't (yet) in their crosshairs. Got that? Because there is nothing peculiar or "double-standery" about what I said.

You seem to want to say that I'm offended about the attack campaign on Hilary (Vince Foster! Bengazi! E-mail server! Meeting on the tarmac!) but wouldn't be offended if and when they turned it on Bernie. That's just not true, Moonie.

In fact, YOU'RE the one with the "peculiar" double standard of saying how you've decided to vote for the loathsome Mr. Trump, never highlighting all the things that make him so loathsome even as you carry the water for every little scrap of innuendo (Bill and Lynch encountered each other on the tarmac!) of the GOP slur machine.

I've got no double standard but you sure have had. Your juvenile pique at not getting your exact political way led you to say you'd support the racist, misogynist pig Trump over Hilary.

^^^ That's the true peculiarity here, Moonie, and it reeks -- WAAAAH! -- of ego attachment.

It calls to mind the words of that old Caucasian spiritual, Blinding Light:

Oh, blinding light
Oh, light that blinds
I cannot see
Look out for me.

Of course, that "same ugly hate campaign" directed against Trump, that's just common sense. Yep, no double standard here.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
So a guy took his dog to the bar and told the bartender it could talk so the barkeep asked the dog who won the democratic primary. Barf barf barf, spoke the the god spelled backwards. Get outa here, said the keep. Outside the guy asked his dog why he didn't say Clinton and the dog said, when did it happen a guy can't have an opinion.

I don't know if that explains the lack of funding or not.
lol Probably. Dogs just don't know when to lie.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
lol there aint gonna be no "developments". Come on. They can make a guy commit suicide by gunshot and have all blood magically vanish from the scene, and this frickin media will not say one word about it, and these stupid sheeple will not spend one brain cell to even consider what it means. (But they will spend 2 billion neurons processing goddam transgender bathrooms.) You really think a media that controlled, and an electorate that frickin stupid is ever going to know or care about her crimes or her lies? Ignorance is a drug. They only beg for mooooore.

People aren't seriously back on board the Vince Foster conspiracy train, are they? Are American voters really this eager to lap up the bull their candidate spews?


Nov 11, 1999
People aren't seriously back on board the Vince Foster conspiracy train, are they? Are American voters really this eager to lap up the bull their candidate spews?

He never got off that train. Use the "find more posts" function for a clearer picture.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
lol there aint gonna be no "developments". Come on. They can make a guy commit suicide by gunshot and have all blood magically vanish from the scene, and this frickin media will not say one word about it, and these stupid sheeple will not spend one brain cell to even consider what it means. (But they will spend 2 billion neurons processing goddam transgender bathrooms.) You really think a media that controlled, and an electorate that frickin stupid is ever going to know or care about her crimes or her lies? Ignorance is a drug. They only beg for mooooore.

Fellow TruthSeeker™, what you believe isn't true, only because the lies, deceit, and outright treason are far, far worse. It is because this is a world where freedom is history… brutality is law… and the powerful rule by fear.

What they WANTED you to believe is that Vincent Foster was murdered by Hillary Clinton because something something WhiteWater, something something Travel Office. They WANTED you to believe this because it was false, and made the believers seem like conspiracy theorists, instantly discredited by the mainstream media.

What they DIDN'T want you to know is that Vincent Foster is alive and well. Not just alive and well, but an enforcer for both Future-Obama, and Hillary Clinton. Here, let me explain.

Future-Obama was actually born in Nairobi, Kenya in 2167. In a world without gas, this is a land that prays for a hero. When it's every man for himself, and there's no place left to run, Future-Obama was plucked from his family and indoctrinated with Marxist anti-colonialism by Agenda21 agents led by time-travelling Vincent Foster. Future-Obama was brought back in time with history starting on January 20th, 2009.

Future-Obama's first plan of action which has been accomplished, was to create DeathPanels which would act as a secret shadow deep state, often calling the shots when Future-Obama was sent on world apology tours, or recruitment jags to bring in radical Islamic terrorists. Since then, Agenda21 has increased the pace at which it seeks to destroy America and our freedoms.

First, Agenda21 and time-travelling Vincent Foster worked with Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin's ISIS contacts to coordinate and launch the Benghazi terrorist attacks. This act, along with the recruitment of hispanic preteens with calves the size of cantaloupes from central America, are the real hidden agenda. Their goal is for the hispanic preteens to march upon the United States. These hispanic preteens have been trained by ISIS, and are preparing the US for the imminent invasion by ISIS regulars, currently making their way across the Atlantic ocean in their used Toyota pickup trucks.

Once the hispanic preteen vanguard and ISIS regulars meet up, their plan will be to take over the continental US, using Texas WalMarts as staging areas, as they're already under FEMA control from Operation Jade Helm. Shortly thereafter, all non-Democratic registered voters will have their guns taken away, and will then be sent to FEMA camps to be "reeducated", as they call it, and forced to gay marry their aunts and uncles, while Sharia Law is implemented everywhere and the War on Christmas finally results in the prohibition of saying "Merry Christmas" out loud, or in writing.

But, that is just the beginning.

We cannot afford to elect Hillary Clinton president

Wake up sheeple.

The Truth Is Out There.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
That same ugly hate campaign would be equally repulsive to me were it directed against Bernie, which it surely would have if the Repubs thought he would be the nominee, which was my point to you after you TRUMPeted polls showing Bernie beating Trump more soundly than Hilary was.

To reiterate, they never went after Sanders like they have gone after Hilary because they saw he wasn't going to be the nominee. That's why his poll numbers were better at the time of those polls. He wasn't (yet) in their crosshairs. Got that? Because there is nothing peculiar or "double-standery" about what I said.

You seem to want to say that I'm offended about the attack campaign on Hilary (Vince Foster! Bengazi! E-mail server! Meeting on the tarmac!) but wouldn't be offended if and when they turned it on Bernie. That's just not true, Moonie.

In fact, YOU'RE the one with the "peculiar" double standard of saying how you've decided to vote for the loathsome Mr. Trump, never highlighting all the things that make him so loathsome even as you carry the water for every little scrap of innuendo (Bill and Lynch encountered each other on the tarmac!) of the GOP slur machine.

I've got no double standard but you sure have had. Your juvenile pique at not getting your exact political way led you to say you'd support the racist, misogynist pig Trump over Hilary.

^^^ That's the true peculiarity here, Moonie, and it reeks -- WAAAAH! -- of ego attachment.

It calls to mind the words of that old Caucasian spiritual, Blinding Light:

Oh, blinding light
Oh, light that blinds
I cannot see
Look out for me.

Do you remember that my answer to this was that they have less time and less long term propaganda deeply implanted in the American psyche with Sanders than with Clinton and that would have worked to his advantage. Just look at Clintons favorability ratings.

And you are trying to link what you think are my support for Trump to issues that I feel have no relationship to my reasonings as I see them. One has nothing to do with the other.

There are millions and millions of marching morons who hate Clinton. Personally, I wish we fronted a candidate who would have wasted the billions of dollars and massive effort in viruperatio they have spent over decades on.

I apologize that I see my moral duty to the return of democracy to the people rather than to someone most thought was next in line to be President because because.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Not just Powell, but Condalisa Rice as well.

The correct answer though is neither of them has the last name Clinton as thus aren't guilty of every heinous crime mankind has ever committed.

Lots & lots & lots of posters here aka Faux News devotees have trouble distinguishing between what is illegal and what is a violation of the employer's guidelines. In their world we would have the prisons full of Democrats who as some point wrote down their password.

It may drive the faithful, but the rest of the world wants you folks to give it a rest and start dealing with real issues and real problems.

you do realize that email rules changed between rice, powell and when Clinton because SofS?


Oct 22, 1999
you do realize that email rules changed between rice, powell and when Clinton because SofS?

So failing to follow employer's guidelines should be handled by the FBI? If it is more than that, it doesn't matter that the state department changes their guidelines, Powell and Rice are just as guilty.

Considering the first place we looked, we found that every SoS that used e-mail at least used some private e-mail. I am sure this is pretty widespread among the political elite. I say it is time to investigate every, cabinet member, admin staff, congressman and judge from 1995 on to make sure they weren't doing the same.
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