Deviated Septum. I has it. UPDATE: Surgery was a success


Oct 17, 2002
I 'used' to be a super athlete when I was a kid/teenager.

I was one of the top ranked inline speedskaters in the country (for my age), ran cross country, track, etc. In track, I ran a 51 second 400m at 15yo at a high school track final. I was 5'9 and 135 pounds. Upper body looked like I weighed 110. Extra weight was all leg muscle.

I ended up hurting my back really bad my junior year, and pretty much stopped competitive sports altogether.

When I was 19, I rarely drank, but unfortunately one night I had a little too much to drink, and basically announced fighting words at a larger guy in response to something he said to a girl. Before I could even realize it, he sucker punched me and broke my nose.

I asked and begged that my nose be set correctly, and after many visits and follow ups multiple doctors all said my nose was fine. But over time, especially in my mid 20's, my back was fine and I had watched far too much of my athleticism slip away, so I jumped back into fitness feet first.

I did weights ok. I actually put on about 45 pounds of muscle from age 24-26. But I was always skinny, and in the process of building all that muscle, I ended up with more fat around my belly than I was ever used to. (I was a twig most of my life).

So I really started pursuining cardio, and took up playing soccer, etc. I always struggled. I could run, sprint, etc. but I always got winded. Sadly, I was also smoking pot a lot at the time (not that smoking pot is bad... i feel just as guilty when I eat ice cream), but in the back of my mind that's what I was blaming being winded on.

By time I hit 30, I was still 'active' but I never quite regained the ability to just up and run 20 miles for no good reason, and usually was on and off the soccer field asap because I quickly got winded.

I had started blaming it on age.

At 31, I had started noticing a lump inside my nostril on the leftside. It felt like a stiff dry booger, but it wasn't. I never messed with it during the day, but when I slept, I would pick at it and cause nose bleeds. I eventually went to see an ENT at St. Louis University Hospital, and they called the lump a 'nodule' and gave me cream for it. The cream seemed to help a little bit, but the lump always came back. And if I pushed on it, it sent nerve pain all throughout my face and could almost bring me to tears.

Fast forward to 35yo (today) and it was getting more severe. Doctor sent me to an ENT. Different doctor (he's my current genprac) but I went to St. Louis University again.

This time, it's a much younger (high 40's) ENT, and he's basically like 'have you ever noticed problems breathing? Because you have a severely deviated septum. Have you not noticed any symptoms up until recently?'

I mentioned I went to SLU to see an ENT in the same office for the 'nodule' about 4 years prior and he almost got livid. Basically said they diagnosed it completely wrong, that it wasn't a nodule, IT WAS MY SEPTUM being pushed over into my nostril.

He did a bunch of tests.. put tubes and a camera, etc. up my nose and showed me, on screen how there's a spot in my left nostril where the septum has caved into so bad I only have about 10% of the airway I should. He said, at best, my breathing is limited to 60% of what it should be. (my right side is fine)

He told me that it's so restricted, that I should get winded just running up a few flights of stairs. Basically told me that the entire time I was thinking I was just getting old or was out of shape that it was likely due to not being able to breath well enough to keep up with the cardio I was doing.

So.. I go in to get it repaired in 11 days. Doc said once the stents come out, I'll realize how much of a handicap it was.
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Apr 29, 2001
Been dealing with a fucked up nose as well for decades myself. Army ENT suggested surgery roughly 11 months ago. Eventually they'll give it to me, but Army is slow. I can't wait to breath normal as well.


Jan 8, 2011
I am kind of envious actually. I'd love to discover that I have some hidden potential that could be suddenly unleashed with a simple surgery. Good luck and keep us updated.


Oct 17, 2002
I am kind of envious actually. I'd love to discover that I have some hidden potential that could be suddenly unleashed with a simple surgery. Good luck and keep us updated.

Yea.... but I've had countless episodes of stress/anxiety/sleeplessness that looking back, were likely all breathing related. Sure, I might be finding some hidden potential, but it would have been really nice to have in my 20's and 30's.

Biggest problem was I knew what it was like to be super athletic. When I was 16, I could go out and run 30 miles without question, and it wouldn't even wreck me to do so. So as things kind of fell apart, I had that experience to compare how less athletic I was. It actually greatly impacted my self esteem.


Oct 17, 2002
Been dealing with a fucked up nose as well for decades myself. Army ENT suggested surgery roughly 11 months ago. Eventually they'll give it to me, but Army is slow. I can't wait to breath normal as well.

With as much as you're into lifting and what not, I'd get it done asap.

They can do it arthroscopically with minimal downtime.

Procedure is supposed to take no more than 20 minutes. I'll have stents in for 10 days which will make it impossible to breath through my nose.

Doc says after that, it's no looking back.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
He told me that it's so restricted, that I should get winded just running up a few flights of stairs. Basically told me that the entire time I was thinking I was just getting old or was out of shape that it was likely due to not being able to breath well enough to keep up with the cardio I was doing.


Procedure is supposed to take no more than 20 minutes. I'll have stents in for 10 days which will make it impossible to breath through my nose.

Double dang!


Apr 29, 2001
Trust me if I could rush it I would. Wouldn't surprise me if it was another 6-12 months.


Golden Member
Nov 22, 1999
I'd be interested in hearing how much your conditioning improves after getting it fixed. I imagine most of the air coming in and out is from your mouth when you're really pushing yourself in sports so not sure how big of an impact it'll have.

Amazing how a single fight can impact you the rest of your life. Is your nose crooked at all from the punch? You could kill two bird with one stone and fix that up in the same surgery session as I've read that frequently done to fix both the internal and external structure of the nose.


Oct 17, 2002
I'd be interested in hearing how much your conditioning improves after getting it fixed. I imagine most of the air coming in and out is from your mouth when you're really pushing yourself in sports so not sure how big of an impact it'll have.

Amazing how a single fight can impact you the rest of your life. Is your nose crooked at all from the punch? You could kill two bird with one stone and fix that up in the same surgery session as I've read that frequently done to fix both the internal and external structure of the nose.

It's pretty straight. I never felt like I needed to get something done.


Oct 17, 2002
I'd be interested in hearing how much your conditioning improves after getting it fixed. I imagine most of the air coming in and out is from your mouth when you're really pushing yourself in sports so not sure how big of an impact it'll have.

Amazing how a single fight can impact you the rest of your life. Is your nose crooked at all from the punch? You could kill two bird with one stone and fix that up in the same surgery session as I've read that frequently done to fix both the internal and external structure of the nose.

i usually try to breath in through my nose and out of my mouth during sports. Otherwise I feel like I'm going to inhale bugs and shit. The biggest problem that I now recognize (and don't think its all in my head) is that if my left side gets remotely clogged, it's shut completely. So I'm often only using one nostril and that one's probably a little clogged too.
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No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I had my nose broken in Jr. High, by some wiry kid that I had a disagreement with, that hopped out of his seat and just popped me on the nose, when I was still sitting at my desk.

I had some sort of surgery for it when I was younger, but I really think that did more harm than good. Have had nose-breathing problems ever since.

Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
The theory that you have difficulty with endurance sports due to a blocked nose sounds like total BS. I can certain understand wanting to believe it, but the reality is that you're 35, you're kinda out of shape, and you weigh significantly more than you did when you were 15.

Report back after the surgery and let us know if you can just go out with little training and rip off a 30 mile run again.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
This is interesting to me since my ENT said i had a severe deviated septum, although he said it wasn't an issue. I have to say I don't understand the logic behind a screwed nose impacting cardo. Surely you breathe through your mouth?!

Running 20 miles is pretty hard to do. Lots of people can't do it, but let us know how it goes please because if it does really make a big difference then I may look into this. Because i also seem to hit a wall when I'm training so not sure if its just my natural limit or something else
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Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
I've been dealing with a deviated septum since my teens when I dropped a barbell on my nose doing skull crushers. I've gone to the doc a few times about it, but always chickened out. I'll be very interested to see how you like it!


Oct 17, 2002
The theory that you have difficulty with endurance sports due to a blocked nose sounds like total BS. I can certain understand wanting to believe it, but the reality is that you're 35, you're kinda out of shape, and you weigh significantly more than you did when you were 15.

Report back after the surgery and let us know if you can just go out with little training and rip off a 30 mile run again.

I didn't mean to imply that the only thing standing between me and being an ultra athlete again was due to a blocked nose, but that it is a definite impairment. Since I was trained to breath efficiently, having the obstruction would impede that. Over time this impairment has become discouraging enough that I backed off on training so hard because the breathing required was far more uncomfortable than I was used to. The reason I can't run 30 miles is because I haven't been training. I haven't been training because my breathing sucks and I hate running because of it.

The doctor said it would impact me BECAUSE I prefer to breath through my nose and hate huffing with an open mouth. Since people naturally breath through their nose at rest until decide to mouth breath once they hit a certain need of air, I find myself having to choose to mouth breath much sooner than normal. Because of this, having an obstructed nose will make things more difficult because I have force my breathing without much activity. If I'm going to do cardio, I have to 'think' about breathing through my mouth and it goes counter to my habits when I used to have such endurance I could go for a light jog for 10 miles without ever needing to 'mouth breath'. Basically, unless I was doing intense cardio, like sprinting (where as im breathing however I can possible), I never had to mouth breath. Nasally was always enough and much more autonomous. I never had to think about it.... now I have to think about it just going up a flight of steps because I'm out of shape AND my natural breathing is restricted.

There's a 'valley' between when I'm doing normal stuff and decide I need to start actively breathing through my mouth to accommodate the physical activity. Most people breath nasally when at rest or doing light work. It's 'more efficient' to breath with your mouth when running, but it's not natural for most people.

So, the obstruction impacts my 'natural' breathing cycle. Something that I had perfected when I was younger and simply didn't have to think about when being active.

&#8220;Almost everybody breathes nasally at rest,&#8221; he continues. &#8220;As you start to do light exercise, you&#8217;ll continue to breathe through the nose entirely until you&#8217;re at about two to three times your resting breathing rate.&#8221; At that point, you&#8217;ll start breathing through your mouth. And once you exceed four to six times your resting breathing rate&#8212;taking in 20 to 35 liters of air per minute&#8212;&#8220;everyone in the world is a mouth breather,&#8221; Shaffrath says. &#8220;You can&#8217;t push 21 liters of air through your nose comfortably.&#8221;

That said, 60% of 21 liters is only 12.6 liters. So the point for me in which natural nasal breathing crosses over into a need for mouth breathing is much lower which equates to an experience of 'feeling short of breath much sooner than I should' and that's just uncomfortable.
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Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
You mentioned your track times at age 15, then getting beaten and your nose broken at 19. What happened between 15 and 19? Did you excel as a high school track athlete and earn a college scholarship, or was that about the time you discovered video games and smoking weed?


Oct 17, 2002
You mentioned your track times at age 15, then getting beaten and your nose broken at 19. What happened between 15 and 19? Did you excel as a high school track athlete and earn a college scholarship, or was that about the time you discovered video games and smoking weed?

what the hell is wrong with you?

I ended up hurting my back really bad my junior year, and pretty much stopped competitive sports altogether.

Also, did you read my reply to your question?

Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
Sorry. Yeah, I missed that part of the original post. Still interested in how much the surgery helps, beyond just comfort. Report back.


Oct 17, 2002
Sorry. Yeah, I missed that part of the original post. Still interested in how much the surgery helps, beyond just comfort. Report back.

I will.

Keep in mind, the entire point of the post was because I was 'unaware' that it was causing me problems. I'm not trying to make excuses; more or less saying that it makes sense that all the breathing problems I had with athletics stem from 'breathing confusion' which the doctor said would hold me back.

Sorry if I replied like an ass, I just felt like you were making fun of me.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2002
deviated septum or no deviated septum... sounds like you have a clear case of "the older I get the better I was syndrome". The back story was nothing more than you wanting attention for all your accomplishments at 15. Congrats, you were an awesome rollerblader as a teenager.

I think the back injury, age, lack of motivation are all bigger drivers of you falling out of shape than a deviated septum.

I hope the results from getting it fixed meet your expectations... Maybe that dream of competing in olympic rollerblading is still with in your reach?..... oh wait


Oct 17, 2002
deviated septum or no deviated septum... sounds like you have a clear case of "the older I get the better I was syndrome". The back story was nothing more than you wanting attention for all your accomplishments at 15. Congrats, you were an awesome rollerblader as a teenager.

I think the back injury, age, lack of motivation are all bigger drivers of you falling out of shape than a deviated septum.

I hope the results from getting it fixed meet your expectations... Maybe that dream of competing in olympic rollerblading is still with in your reach?..... oh wait

Honestly, I think you completely missed the point of the post. I don't care about attention for my past achievements and I never said I was dreaming of competing in the Olympics. I just want to be as fit as possible.

I've had a back injury, a severe inguinal hernia (from doing squats!), shoulder surgery (18yo), etc. I also have another shoulder surgery coming after my deviated septum. In fact, SLU is just waiting to schedule the shoulder surgery until after they know there were no complicates with the septum repair. I have a labral tear in my right shoulder and my arm slips out of socket pretty easily. I've had a lot of things along the way hold me back.

But, like I said, I think you missed the point of my post because I'm not 'out of shape'. I'm in pretty good shape; just nowhere the kind of shape I used to be in and I hate long distance running because I have to mouth breath when I should be able to breath through my nose. Even though it's obvious to me now that I know my nose is messed up, I was blaming my hate for running on everything else.

My shoulder tear is likely from indoor climbing, which I was doing 3-4 times per week up until about 6 months ago. I did physical therapy for the shoulder for over a year before they finally recommended surgery. Yes, I climbed on an injured shoulder, but up until recently, it was only barely slipping and I usually tried to lead with my other arm.

I recently had a ct scan done on my groin because I was worried I messed up my hernia repair. I had a lot of strain pain; but the scan cameback negative and the doctor said it's just from over use and sitting too much at work. I ride an exercise bike 4-5 days per week (at work on lunch break). I usually get in 10-15 miles at a moderate resistance. Once I backed off that, the groin pain went away. I started doing more stretching for that and now it's better. So I'm back to riding. (I took about 3 weeks off when they told me it was just strained). The only reason I ride the bike more than I run is because of my shoulder. The impact drives it nuts because it's unstable.

The point of the post was that I used to be in far better shape. And I've always wondered why, no matter how hard I tried, I felt like I couldn't run and do cardio like I used to. Granted, sure, much of it is age! Which is what I initially blamed it on and have blamed it on until talking to the ENT. And looking back now, knowing that I have something making more difficult to breath through my nose (how I prefer until I'm doing intense cardio) it makes sense now why I had problems breathing efficiently.
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Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2002
The point of the post was that I used to be in far better shape. And I've always wondered why, no matter how hard I tried, I felt like I couldn't run and do cardio like I used to. Granted, sure, much of it is age! Which is what I initially blamed it on and have blamed it on until talking to the ENT. And looking back now, knowing that I have something making more difficult to breath through my nose (how I prefer until I'm doing intense cardio) it makes sense now why I had problems breathing efficiently.

IMHO you need to manage your expectations. right now is the oldest you have ever been. what you could do as a teenager, 10 yrs ago, or even 6 months ago is not in anyway indicative of your capabilities now - let alone 35 yrs. You aren't the same person you were even yesterday.

maybe fixing it resolves all your issues, but as an outsider, it sounds like you are laying blame on a condition, so it doesn't reflect poorly on your work ethic, discipline, etc...

good luck to you, hope your results are everything you expect them to be


Jan 8, 2011
Screw age. People haul ass in marathon races in their 50's. On my 60th birthday, I will squat 600lbs on ONE LEG. That's my goal or I commit suicide.


Oct 17, 2002
IMHO you need to manage your expectations. right now is the oldest you have ever been. what you could do as a teenager, 10 yrs ago, or even 6 months ago is not in anyway indicative of your capabilities now - let alone 35 yrs. You aren't the same person you were even yesterday.

maybe fixing it resolves all your issues, but as an outsider, it sounds like you are laying blame on a condition, so it doesn't reflect poorly on your work ethic, discipline, etc...

good luck to you, hope your results are everything you expect them to be

Definitely not trying to lay blame but actually I'm admitting that I didn't listen to what my body was telling me and instead made excuses.

What happened is I was questioning my breathing in the back of mind, and wondering why I struggled to breath efficiently during cardio, especially since I was used to 'not having to think about it' unless i was doing something really intense that simply required mouth breathing. It made longer distance running a challenge because I felt like I had to focus on my breathing the entire time because I never thought I was running hard enough to merit mouth breathing.

Keep in mind, up until about 3 weeks ago, I didn't think I had a problem at all, and was blaming age while and was trying to actively control my breathing (when I never used to have to). The ENT pointed out that I definitely have a major obstruction, so anytime I'm trying to breath nasally, I'm not able to get the volume that I should, and have to change to mouth breathing much sooner than I really should have to.

Like I said.. it's not obvious. There's an aspect of cardio where I think I should be able to breath enough through my nose, and as I hit my lowered limit, I don't change to mouth breathing soon enough, so I end up short of breath.

It's weird and I hate it and now that I know something is actually wrong it all makes sense. I didn't like running anymore because i had to concentrate on my breathing when prior I used to be able to just 'run' and breath autonomously.
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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2007
So I really started pursuining cardio, and took up playing soccer, etc. I always struggled. I could run, sprint, etc. but I always got winded. Sadly, I was also smoking pot a lot at the time (not that smoking pot is bad... i feel just as guilty when I eat ice cream), but in the back of my mind that's what I was blaming being winded on.

Not to derail this thread, but this caught me by surprise. Smoking pot is far worse for fitness than eating ice cream, particularly cardio, is it not?

Glad you're getting your nose fixed up, OP. I'm sure you'll be up-and-running 20 minutes just because in no time.
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