DF Daily (12/23)


Senior member
Jul 6, 2001
Hi there Folders,

It's looking like we have spies regularly visiting us here in our forums (TNT/Rechenkraft.net/???). If there's anybody out there, please drop in and say hi!

ATWE as of: Mon Dec 23 15:10:30 2002 EST
bfour gets 497,120 ticket 12-23-02 1500
Robor gets 2,350,000 ticket 12-23-02 0900
bfour gets 271,794 ticket 12-23-02 0300
joinT gets 105,000 ticket 12-22-02 2100

Position * Contestant * Current Folds - Starting Folds - Tickets = ATWE Total

1 * ATWE Terrahawk * 52,225,934 - 465,147 - 0 = 51,760,787
2 * ATWE Robor * 74,111,240 - 38,230,740 - 4415000 = 31,465,500
3 * ATWE Insidious * 86,148,184 - 58,684,902 - 681901 = 26,781,381
4 * ATWE LastKnight * 28,773,427 - 3,483,399 - 0 = 25,290,028
5 * ATWE ReaganCRW * 29,709,527 - 10,501,161 - 0 = 19,208,366
6 * ATWE bfour * 39,521,973 - 22,005,703 - 2124186 = 15,392,084
7 * ATWE FifthFactor * 14,161,837 - 684,121 - 0 = 13,477,716
8 * ATWE bob970 * 14,089,654 - 1,243,892 - 0 = 12,845,762
9 * ATWE cbcrus * 38,504,217 - 28,117,719 - 0 = 10,386,498
10 * ATWE muttley * 48,286,750 - 38,759,122 - -40000 = 9,567,628
11 * ATWE bunker * 9,948,079 - 830,790 - 349889 = 8,767,400
12 * ATWE m0ti * 48,913,273 - 40,222,221 - 0 = 8,691,052
13 * ATWE CrazySaint * 8,704,621 - 2,857,131 - 0 = 5,847,490
14 * ATWE joinT * 5,457,078 - 63,313 - 324343 = 5,069,422
15 * ATWE Mloot * 11,829,906 - 7,389,298 - 0 = 4,440,608
16 * ATWE GhettoFob * 10,689,614 - 6,169,633 - 135000 = 4,384,981
17 * ATWE TwilightZone77 * 19,646,511 - 15,566,340 - 0 = 4,080,171
18 * ATWE Builderz * 6,445,626 - 2,429,825 - 0 = 4,015,801
19 * ATWE Freewolf * 2,015,000 - 5,000 - 0 = 2,010,000
20 * ATWE ken008 * 3,022,961 - 1,898,137 - 212575 = 912,249

Ouch! Some pain going on for the speeders. bfour, you've got some competition for top speeder there with Robor...

Milestone makers:

ATWE Terrahawk hits 50M folds!
kmmatney hits 45M folds!

sduguid hits 20M folds!

ATWE bunker hits 10M folds!

ATWE ken008 hits 3M folds!
ATWE Freewolf hits 2M folds!

Congrats to the milestone makers!

FoBoT: Good to your production somewhat returning. 5.5M for today, good for 9th!

Top Folder: Kris with 106M!
Best RMS: ATWE Terrahawk atop of the heap with 7.90 and still in 5th! :cool
Best Production: ATWE Terrahawk still maintains his lead with 3.6M, good for 22nd!

Producers Of the Day:

FoBoT 5.5M
ATWE Terrahawk 3.6M
ATWE Robor 3.1M
kmmatney 1.5M
ATWE bob970 1.4M
ATWE LastKnight 1.3M
ATWE ReaganCRW 950K

Congrats to the POD's!

TeAm Stuff:

Nice to see FoBoT getting back to producing big numbers, and Robor has also increased his production by quite a bit, too. Great job, guys!

Daily Production: 24.6M for the day which isn't too bad. Things are getting very competiive though. We finished the day in 6th, though 3rd place is only 1.8M ahead of us. Rechenkraft.net are continuing their strong production, 41M today. They're only a day or two away from passing us.

See everyone tomorrow!


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
Thanks, m0ti!

According to Dyyrath's stats, Rechenkraft.net will likely pass in the next hour or two. They've got a new big gun, dumping 5M/hour for the last 4 hours! :Q

[EDIT: First post! ]


Nov 28, 2002
Getting close to that 25M per day mark folks! Great work, TeAm!

Congratulations go out to the Milestone Makers and the Producers of the Day
It's good to see that we are starting to crank out some quite nice daily production figures now. While it's likely production is going to go down over the Christmas break, I hope we can stay close to our current figures. I'm gonna try to hold about 3.4-3.5M daily over the next couple of weeks.... it's not going to be that easy

Rechenkraft's latest performance has pretty darn good over the last four hours - 4.9M+ over the entire time! While I'd hate to concede 6th place to them, we just might have to do it. I'm running out of sleeves - does anyone else have any tricks or rabbits in hats to pull out?


Junior Member
Dec 23, 2002
one of those spies says hi to you guys

do yo like my dump today?



Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
This is really starting to suck! I still have 900k left to gout from the 2 other machines here at work! Let alone what is on the wife's machine and my laptop at home! Can't compete if ikeep loosing 50% of my weekend output! Bout had enough of the friggin' tickets! May have to drop out of the race, cuz I can't dump these machines every 6 hours! Just like I said about the tickets Staurday, GET RID OF THE DAMN THINGS!:|


Nov 28, 2002
Aargh. I lost about 5 hours of production on two of my AXPs thanks to dodgy hardware.... grr. Should have both dumped about 100k each, but I got about 30k instead.

*edit* FoBoT dude... what happened?


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
what ip does ftp.mshri.on.ca resolve to ?

i get

can anybody hit that name or IP ?

i can't hit it from our corporate side or my DSL

none of these boxen will send!!!


hmm, maybe its me, my home boxen are still sending, i must have a problem with my new connnection

i'll figure it out, eventually

does anybody know the exact server name / ip that recieves the stuff?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
"Ouch! Some pain going on for the speeders. bfour, you've got some competition for top speeder there with Robor..."

Bah, bfour is no competition to me. I speed much better than him and everyone else. I'm king of speeding tickets! I agree though, it's time to get rid of the tickets if it's holding back the competition and production.

Congrats to the POD's & MM'ers and thanks m0ti & Sid!


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
false alarm!

i am a dork

bad cable

good news is the data is flowing, need to redo the other cable before i go home though


Nov 28, 2002
ftp.mshri.on.ca resolves to here.
I am able to connect, but it's slow. According to my web proxy logs, the DF clients go to www.distributedfolding.org/cgi-bin/trajstore for uploads. That resolves to I'm guessing that is where you need to be able to connect to. I have foun that it's much faster than the ftp site.


*YAY* for FoBoT, we have folds coming through

As for the tickets, well, I have not had any yet because most of my machines enjoy 24/7 connections to the net but with regards to where we are at the moment, discouraging high production is not what we want to do. Thus I think we should lose the speeding tickets... I promise that I am not a big corporate with 500 computers (although I wish I was!)


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
we are back in #6 but only by half a million

my connected (now with a good cable
) lab is tapped out, but will pump out a steady stream until at least the morning of Dec 30, might have to make some adjustments then

i will be stopping at my other location tonight on my way home to gather some more , only guessing but ~5 million, maybe a little more

if sgarbe dumps again we could be in trouble! :Q


Apr 29, 2001
no offense.. but speeding tickets were in the rules from the beginning... part of the challange of the contest is not speeding.


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
well if I can't dump the machines "beacuse of my farm", then screw it, I'll dump all 4 of them at the same time! Also Bob we were on a different protein, and now the machines are producing a helluva lot more! 2 days worth of work from any one of the machines will not fit on a floppy anymore! Just dumped 750k from just one of the machines! And still have over half a million to go!:|


Apr 29, 2001
i agree with that.. the limit could be changed to 150,000 just my .02 on the situation


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
BTW of the 13 machines I have doing DF only 4 are on a 24/7 connection all the rest are on dialup! I am in a rural area, where 28.8 is the norm, miss having my DSL but NOT going to pay for Satellite Internet acess!:disgust:


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
HiYa Poopzters,

Been out of town this evening... srry to have missed the fun!

(edit: rant removal)

Cya tomorrow


Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
I may have to change my original "don't care" speeding ticket vote, to "get rid of them or make some changes". It seems they've served their purpose and I've not seen anybody try to push things.


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
OK, I took my deep breaths, counted to 10 and am all better.

ATWE rules are (and will continue to be)

Originally posted by: Insidious

1. Contestants must join TeamAnandtech TeAm DF and create/change DF user name to your AT nick prefaced by ATWE. (eg: ATWE Insidious)

2. Once you start, you must continue folding for TeAm DF until race finish to be elibible for prizes. (72 hours of zero production = forfeit)

3. Speed limits enforced: Any 6 hour stat (as reported by Statsman) within a 24 hour period may not exceed the sum of the remaining 3 (6 hour) periods reported within any contiguious 24 hours. If a dump is too large, a speeding ticket will be issued and the folds from the offending (6 hour) period will be omitted from your total score (and we will laugh at you)

4. Consolation prize(s): Awarded by random drawing (that means I put a piece of paper in a bowl with each of your names on one piece and draw out a winner for (each) consolation prize(s) amoung all race finishers. You must have folded at least 75 days and be active at race's end to be eligible for the consolation prize(s).

5. We are hoping that others will wish to donate their "White Elephants" to be awarded as consolation prizes. If you donate a prize, you will be awarded a 20,000 fold bonus to your starting value. (The last chance to donate is day 15 of the race: December 12, 2002). In the event this 20K makes a difference in finishing prize awards, the bonus will not be awarded until the consolation winner of your donation receives the prize you pledged)

Statsman will be used to identify 'speeders'
DistributedFolding will be used to report total scores. (plus bonus, minus speeding tickets and starting folds of course)

6. Prizes will be claimed by PM'ing me your shipping address and method of choice and I will send it to you (U-Pay shipping!)

7. In the event Statsman craps out for a period or two (or other scoring difficulties arise) common sense will prevail (ie: we will discuss it and I will provide a resolution)

8. Race ends on (edit: February) 26, 2003 at the time of the closest update (distributedfolding.org) to 12:00 EST.

First prize:
Athlon 1400 CPU and (retail) HSF

Second prize:
One stick, 256MB PC2100 RAM (Micron)

Third prize:
IStorm PC Air Conditioner (5 1/4" bay front mount)

Consolation Prizes:
(another) Athlon 1400 CPU and (retail) HSF
(another) One stick, 256MB PC2100 RAM (Micron)
Thermaltake Dragon Orb 3 (7Krpm) HSF
(another) IStorm PC Air Conditioner (5 1/4" bay front mount)
The game Oni (courtesy of ATWE muttley) See it Here
A Promise raid 66 controller (in the box, with the book!) (courtesy of ATWE muttley)
A 3Com 10/100 8 port switch (about 1 year old, working fine) (courtesy of FoBoT)

Oh Oh, time for rule modifications: (edited: 11-30-02)

1. a period of 6 hours with less than 75,000 will not be considered a dump or be penalized for the purposes of speeding tickets.

2. a 6-hour period containing less than (edit) 2,500 folds will be considered "zero production" (for the 72 hour of zero production = forfeit rule, ONLY)

(explanations may be found in the 11-30-02 "DF Daily" thread.

with one further modification:

mloot contacted me today and told me that he is forced to turn off his computers while he travels this week. I told him he will NOT be disqualified.
(I would do the same for any of you... just tell me BEFORE the issue arises)


Senior member
Jul 6, 2001
Wow, looks like I missed all the action while I was sleeping.

Looks like I'm gonna have to try and get dfQ out sooner than later. Folds will not be dropped that way.

I hate the way things keep piling up....

BTW, look for a DF FAQ tonight.
sale-70-410-exam    | Exam-200-125-pdf    | we-sale-70-410-exam    | hot-sale-70-410-exam    | Latest-exam-700-603-Dumps    | Dumps-98-363-exams-date    | Certs-200-125-date    | Dumps-300-075-exams-date    | hot-sale-book-C8010-726-book    | Hot-Sale-200-310-Exam    | Exam-Description-200-310-dumps?    | hot-sale-book-200-125-book    | Latest-Updated-300-209-Exam    | Dumps-210-260-exams-date    | Download-200-125-Exam-PDF    | Exam-Description-300-101-dumps    | Certs-300-101-date    | Hot-Sale-300-075-Exam    | Latest-exam-200-125-Dumps    | Exam-Description-200-125-dumps    | Latest-Updated-300-075-Exam    | hot-sale-book-210-260-book    | Dumps-200-901-exams-date    | Certs-200-901-date    | Latest-exam-1Z0-062-Dumps    | Hot-Sale-1Z0-062-Exam    | Certs-CSSLP-date    | 100%-Pass-70-383-Exams    | Latest-JN0-360-real-exam-questions    | 100%-Pass-4A0-100-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-300-135-exams-date    | Passed-200-105-Tech-Exams    | Latest-Updated-200-310-Exam    | Download-300-070-Exam-PDF    | Hot-Sale-JN0-360-Exam    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Exams    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-JN0-360-exams-date    | Exam-Description-1Z0-876-dumps    | Latest-exam-1Z0-876-Dumps    | Dumps-HPE0-Y53-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-HPE0-Y53-Exam    | 100%-Pass-HPE0-Y53-Real-Exam-Questions    | Pass-4A0-100-Exam    | Latest-4A0-100-Questions    | Dumps-98-365-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-98-365-Exam    | 100%-Pass-VCS-254-Exams    | 2017-Latest-VCS-273-Exam    | Dumps-200-355-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-300-320-Exam    | Pass-300-101-Exam    | 100%-Pass-300-115-Exams    |
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