Did anyone on Anandtech go to the antiwar protest?


Senior member
May 31, 2000
Did anyone on Anandtech go to the antiwar protest in DC on the 24th?

I went with some friends from Ann Arbor, Michigan. We took a bus to DC on the 23th, and stayed for the huge march on the 24th. It was a great experience, to see so many mainstream Americans out showing there support for the troops, and protesting the war in Iraq.
A majority of these people are not wacko leftwing hippies, as many pro-war people would like to make them out to be. These people could easily be your brother, sister, coworker, boss, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather or friend. They are all people that are tired of wasting billions of dollars, and thousands of American lives on a seemingly hopeless war in a land far away that was no threat to them.

It is time for us to stop complaining about this war and take action. People will start to listen when 350,000(the real number... you can't listen to what the media reports, or in this case doesn't report) thousand people march on the Whitehouse. However, we need to keep this up until the president starts to show some real leadership, and start to answer our questions.

I have uploaded some of our pictures here: http://www.thederosefamily.com/antiwar/

We also look some videos that I hope to upload soon (need to get a firewire cable).



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Not much need. The resident blind sheep of this forum have an anti-war, bush, suv, anything that might remotely disagree with them rally every day.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
They were offering free transportation from the University of Pittsburgh, of which I'm a student, but I had to work on Saturday so I couldn't go. Quite a few of my friends went, though.


Jul 25, 2002
Looks like some of the Youth of America is getting more into their role in supporting the Government.

Regardles of mud-puppet's take on the politics.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Isaiah
People will start to listen when 350,000(the real number... you can't listen to what the media reports, or in this case doesn't report) thousand people march on the Whitehouse.

Let us know when you reach that number because Saturday's little anti-whatever protest didn't come close to 350K. 100K - maybe, but not even close to what some of you are trying to claim.
Pretty pituful that the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest. I thought there was a "surge" or "increase" in the movement. Doesn't seem like it from the results of the anti-whatever protest.


Senior member
May 31, 2000
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Looks like some of the Youth of America is getting more into their role in supporting the Government.

Regardles of mud-puppet's take on the politics.

I totally disagree; there were lots of college students, high school students, and even little kids. What makes you think that that young Americans are into ?their role in supporting the government?? I think we(young Americans) support our country, but not the current government.


Senior member
May 31, 2000
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
People will start to listen when 350,000(the real number... you can't listen to what the media reports, or in this case doesn't report) thousand people march on the Whitehouse.

Let us know when you reach that number because Saturday's little anti-whatever protest didn't come close to 350K. 100K - maybe, but not even close to what some of you are trying to claim.
Pretty pituful that the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest. I thought there was a "surge" or "increase" in the movement. Doesn't seem like it from the results of the anti-whatever protest.

I am unsure where you get your numbers from... yes CNN and others only reported 100,000(at first they said 20,000 and then changed the number). However I'm getting my count from people that were on the ground... the park ranger I talked with even said there was more then 200,000 people there.

I love it when people make very untruthful statements like "the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest". Umm, even the major news outlets disagree with that!

?Crowds opposed to the war in Iraq surged past the White House on Saturday, shouting "Peace now" in the largest anti-war protest in the nation's capital since the U.S. invasion.?


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Looks like some of the Youth of America is getting more into their role in supporting the Government.

Regardles of mud-puppet's take on the politics.

I totally disagree; there were lots of college students, high school students, and even little kids. What makes you think that that young Americans are into ?their role in supporting the government?? I think we (young Americans) support our country, but not the current government.

We concur on the issue - read what I said, the people are the government, now, how do you get it back ?



Senior member
May 31, 2000
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Looks like some of the Youth of America is getting more into their role in supporting the Government.

Regardles of mud-puppet's take on the politics.

I totally disagree; there were lots of college students, high school students, and even little kids. What makes you think that that young Americans are into ?their role in supporting the government?? I think we (young Americans) support our country, but not the current government.

We concur on the issue - read what I said, the people are the government, now, how do you get it back ?
Sorry I guess I misread what you wrote. What we want to get back is a government with accountability, leadership and values life. How do we get it back? We are trying to educate the public on what is really happening and hopefully make the politicians realized that Americans are not blind sheep that will allow them to do whatever they want


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
People will start to listen when 350,000(the real number... you can't listen to what the media reports, or in this case doesn't report) thousand people march on the Whitehouse.

Let us know when you reach that number because Saturday's little anti-whatever protest didn't come close to 350K. 100K - maybe, but not even close to what some of you are trying to claim.
Pretty pituful that the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest. I thought there was a "surge" or "increase" in the movement. Doesn't seem like it from the results of the anti-whatever protest.

I am unsure where you get your numbers from... yes CNN and others only reported 100,000(at first they said 20,000 and then changed the number). However I'm getting my count from people that were on the ground... the park ranger I talked with even said there was more then 200,000 people there.

I love it when people make very untruthful statements like "the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest". Umm, even the major news outlets disagree with that!

?Crowds opposed to the war in Iraq surged past the White House on Saturday, shouting "Peace now" in the largest anti-war protest in the nation's capital since the U.S. invasion.?

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.


Senior member
May 31, 2000
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
People will start to listen when 350,000(the real number... you can't listen to what the media reports, or in this case doesn't report) thousand people march on the Whitehouse.

Let us know when you reach that number because Saturday's little anti-whatever protest didn't come close to 350K. 100K - maybe, but not even close to what some of you are trying to claim.
Pretty pituful that the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest. I thought there was a "surge" or "increase" in the movement. Doesn't seem like it from the results of the anti-whatever protest.

I am unsure where you get your numbers from... yes CNN and others only reported 100,000(at first they said 20,000 and then changed the number). However I'm getting my count from people that were on the ground... the park ranger I talked with even said there was more then 200,000 people there.

I love it when people make very untruthful statements like "the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest". Umm, even the major news outlets disagree with that!

?Crowds opposed to the war in Iraq surged past the White House on Saturday, shouting "Peace now" in the largest anti-war protest in the nation's capital since the U.S. invasion.?

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

So, can you explain why the major news outlets are calling this the largest anti-war protest since the U.S. invasion of Iraq? Have you looked at any of the pictures of the protest? Maybe if you did you would change your mind... I was there I know what it was like.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

Link? By who? Credentials?

Is "Everyone" in the photo? eh?


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
People will start to listen when 350,000(the real number... you can't listen to what the media reports, or in this case doesn't report) thousand people march on the Whitehouse.

Let us know when you reach that number because Saturday's little anti-whatever protest didn't come close to 350K. 100K - maybe, but not even close to what some of you are trying to claim.
Pretty pituful that the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest. I thought there was a "surge" or "increase" in the movement. Doesn't seem like it from the results of the anti-whatever protest.

I am unsure where you get your numbers from... yes CNN and others only reported 100,000(at first they said 20,000 and then changed the number). However I'm getting my count from people that were on the ground... the park ranger I talked with even said there was more then 200,000 people there.

I love it when people make very untruthful statements like "the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest". Umm, even the major news outlets disagree with that!

?Crowds opposed to the war in Iraq surged past the White House on Saturday, shouting "Peace now" in the largest anti-war protest in the nation's capital since the U.S. invasion.?

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

So, can you explain why the major news outlets are calling this the largest anti-war protest since the U.S. invasion of Iraq? Have you looked at any of the pictures of the protest? Maybe if you did you would change your mind... I was there I know what it was like.

Because you can't read. They stated that it was the biggest in the nation's Capital. The rally a year ago March was organized for NewYork.

BTW, I've seen many pictures from the anti-whatever rally- not just yours. They paint a broad picture of what transpired that day. Plus I don't need you to tell me what these things are like - i've been there and know the kinds of people they draw. Many different types to be sure, so don't try to play the game of claiming they are all just your everyday person fed up with the War.

I suppose you got some good "literature" while there - no? :laugh: I was stocked with enough by the time I left one to keep my fireplace stocked with good starter paper for an entire winter


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
if i didn't have to work i'd have been there, it's been a few years since i've been to anything organized, that wasn't local. we actually have good little community here, and have changed some. the organinization came out of tragedy. (google Brian Deneke, that was the catalyst)

btw i love the Bill for First Lady shot!


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

Link? By who? Credentials?

Is "Everyone" in the photo? eh?

Yes, the photo of the almost half full elipse.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

Link? By who? Credentials?

Is "Everyone" in the photo? eh?

Yes, the photo of the almost half full elipse.

Link of analysis? Headcount? Credentials?



Senior member
May 31, 2000
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
People will start to listen when 350,000(the real number... you can't listen to what the media reports, or in this case doesn't report) thousand people march on the Whitehouse.

Let us know when you reach that number because Saturday's little anti-whatever protest didn't come close to 350K. 100K - maybe, but not even close to what some of you are trying to claim.
Pretty pituful that the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest. I thought there was a "surge" or "increase" in the movement. Doesn't seem like it from the results of the anti-whatever protest.

I am unsure where you get your numbers from... yes CNN and others only reported 100,000(at first they said 20,000 and then changed the number). However I'm getting my count from people that were on the ground... the park ranger I talked with even said there was more then 200,000 people there.

I love it when people make very untruthful statements like "the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest". Umm, even the major news outlets disagree with that!

?Crowds opposed to the war in Iraq surged past the White House on Saturday, shouting "Peace now" in the largest anti-war protest in the nation's capital since the U.S. invasion.?

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

So, can you explain why the major news outlets are calling this the largest anti-war protest since the U.S. invasion of Iraq? Have you looked at any of the pictures of the protest? Maybe if you did you would change your mind... I was there I know what it was like.

Because you can't read. They stated that it was the biggest in the nation's Capital. The rally a year ago March was organized for NewYork.

BTW, I've seen many pictures from the anti-whatever rally- not just yours. They paint a broad picture of what transpired that day. Plus I don't need you to tell me what these things are like - i've been there and know the kinds of people they draw. Many different types to be sure, so don't try to play the game of claiming they are all just your everyday person fed up with the War.

I suppose you got some good "literature" while there - no? :laugh: I was stocked with enough by the time I left one to keep my fireplace stocked with good starter paper for an entire winter

Even not in the Capital, I am unable to find a protest that was bigger then this one... can you provide a link?

I agree there were many different types of people, however many of them were just your "everyday person fed up with the war".

Literature, yes sure there was lots of that, however I'm wasn't really interested in lugging heaps of it around with me, only to let it sit in a pile by my desk. If I want to find out about things I can easily search on Google, I do not need to read their pamphlets.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

Link? By who? Credentials?

Is "Everyone" in the photo? eh?

Yes, the photo of the almost half full elipse.

Link of analysis? Headcount? Credentials?

Link to proof of 250, 350, 500K? That's right, there are none.

You can whine about credentials all you want but it's quite clear from that almost half full elipse photo that there wasn't many more than 100K if that. You could spend a few hours counting pixels if you wish like one guy did but you won't come up with anywhere close to "hundreds of thousands" like the anti-whatever protesters like to claim.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Isaiah
People will start to listen when 350,000(the real number... you can't listen to what the media reports, or in this case doesn't report) thousand people march on the Whitehouse.

Let us know when you reach that number because Saturday's little anti-whatever protest didn't come close to 350K. 100K - maybe, but not even close to what some of you are trying to claim.
Pretty pituful that the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest. I thought there was a "surge" or "increase" in the movement. Doesn't seem like it from the results of the anti-whatever protest.

I am unsure where you get your numbers from... yes CNN and others only reported 100,000(at first they said 20,000 and then changed the number). However I'm getting my count from people that were on the ground... the park ranger I talked with even said there was more then 200,000 people there.

I love it when people make very untruthful statements like "the anti-war movement can't even get better numbers than a year ago with this anti-whatever protest". Umm, even the major news outlets disagree with that!

?Crowds opposed to the war in Iraq surged past the White House on Saturday, shouting "Peace now" in the largest anti-war protest in the nation's capital since the U.S. invasion.?

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

So, can you explain why the major news outlets are calling this the largest anti-war protest since the U.S. invasion of Iraq? Have you looked at any of the pictures of the protest? Maybe if you did you would change your mind... I was there I know what it was like.

Because you can't read. They stated that it was the biggest in the nation's Capital. The rally a year ago March was organized for NewYork.

BTW, I've seen many pictures from the anti-whatever rally- not just yours. They paint a broad picture of what transpired that day. Plus I don't need you to tell me what these things are like - i've been there and know the kinds of people they draw. Many different types to be sure, so don't try to play the game of claiming they are all just your everyday person fed up with the War.

I suppose you got some good "literature" while there - no? :laugh: I was stocked with enough by the time I left one to keep my fireplace stocked with good starter paper for an entire winter

Even not in the Capital, I am unable to find a protest that was bigger then this one... can you provide a link?

I agree there were many different types of people, however many of them were just your "everyday person fed up with the war".

Literature, yes sure there was lots of that, however I'm wasn't really interested in lugging heaps of it around with me, only to let it sit in a pile by my desk. If I want to find out about things I can easily search on Google, I do not need to read their pamphlets.

cBS link good enough for you?

Sure, there were some everyday normal people there, never said there weren't, but to suggest that was the typical attendee - you'd have to be willingly ignorant or just flat out dishonest.


Senior member
May 31, 2000
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

Link? By who? Credentials?

Is "Everyone" in the photo? eh?

Yes, the photo of the almost half full elipse.

The ellipse half-full... there was much more then that, the ellipse was totally full. However, the ellipse was only a small part of the crowd. There were many people in front of the FBI building, across the road from the ellipse, by the Monument, and over at Camp Casey. You cannot tell me the ellipse half-full was the ?whole? protest.


Senior member
May 31, 2000
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

Link? By who? Credentials?

Is "Everyone" in the photo? eh?

Yes, the photo of the almost half full elipse.

Link of analysis? Headcount? Credentials?

Link to proof of 250, 350, 500K? That's right, there are none.

You can whine about credentials all you want but it's quite clear from that almost half full elipse photo that there wasn't many more than 100K if that. You could spend a few hours counting pixels if you wish like one guy did but you won't come up with anywhere close to "hundreds of thousands" like the anti-whatever protesters like to claim.

You can't fit near 100k in the elipse... if you think that was all the people you a clearly wrong.


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2005
Originally posted by: Isaiah
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: ShadesOfGrey

Umm - the protests a year ago March were 125K+ This one didn't hit that number. The pictures don't lie and they've been analyzed. No where near what you anti-whatever people are claiming.

Link? By who? Credentials?

Is "Everyone" in the photo? eh?

Yes, the photo of the almost half full elipse.

Link of analysis? Headcount? Credentials?

Link to proof of 250, 350, 500K? That's right, there are none.

You can whine about credentials all you want but it's quite clear from that almost half full elipse photo that there wasn't many more than 100K if that. You could spend a few hours counting pixels if you wish like one guy did but you won't come up with anywhere close to "hundreds of thousands" like the anti-whatever protesters like to claim.

You can't fit near 100k in the elipse... if you think that was all the people you a clearly wrong.

I know you can't fit 100K in the elipse. However you again forgot to read and instead jumped to conclusions. The photo isn't only of the elipse but it provides alot of measurment data to calculate area and thus humans. The arial photo shows a street and the elipse. I believe it was taken at the "height" of the anti-whatever protest - about 2-3pm according to multiple stories I've read.

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