Did I really do bad on this assignment?

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Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2001
next time you get a long list of "requirements" and nothings mentioned about paper turn ins oething on like neon yellow/pink paper. If the prof gets asinine nothing better to do than to try and piss em off even more. The mroe you piss them off the better your chances of being withdrawn from the class and taking it from a better prof next semester (without having an F or drop on your transcript)
Since it wasn't in their list of rules they cant mark you down for it, and if they do you can see the dean and what he has to say about the issue. I'd say find someone else in the class whos having the same issue, or 2-3 others along wiht someone who is doing well to see what a "good" paper is in this profs mind, and see the dean anyways. Make it known whats going on cause this is just pathetic.


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: eigen
You find alot of these stuck up anal b!tches in the humanities.

Yup, nothing slipping her some Xdra manroot won't fix.

Take it to the Dean of your History dept.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2000

I have to say, you're overpaying for whatever education you're getting. That assignment (and its associated checklist of things to do) looked a bit out of place for a college course.


I do think you got screwed. You missed a few points, especially in #4 and #5 where I can only assume the right answers would have been to explain the answers for each QUOTED piece. On a whole though I would call that a C- quality paper.


You need to work with the professor on this one. When you get your next assignment, try to approach her to get clarification and make sure she understands that the reason you're asking questions isn't to get an unfair advantage (which is a common ploy to avoid answering questions by profs) but because you think you misunderstood some of what she was asking for last time and want to make sure you don't do that again. And as someone else suggested, try to find someone in the class that got a good grade on the assignment and analyize what they did.

Good luck...
Dec 27, 2001
You NEED to go back and get some feedback to work off. Maybe rewrite some of the answers and ask her to assess them or meet her in her office and ask for some critiques of your answers. Until you figure out what she wants to hear, you're toast.


Dec 6, 2001
Originally posted by: amoeba
Originally posted by: memo

I. The document was created by Queen Elizabeth(correct)
I. <edit>
I. <edit>
I. The document was written by Queen Elizabeth(incorrect)

Why is the second one incorrect? Kinda lame.

Yes, based solely on this, I can tell your prof is a retard.

Sounds like an anal bitch.

I do have two questions though:

  1. 1. What college do you go to?
    2. Pics of prof?


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2004
Originally posted by: amoeba
I think you misunderstood the questions.

. . . .

She means who was the intended audience for the american document and who was the audience for the british document.

we have a winner!


Platinum Member
May 4, 2002
Try and go to her office hours and discuss things about the next assignment and what was covered in class. She what she thinks on the topics there and try to shape your answers accordingly. You can even discuss the assignment itself idealy.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Drakkon
next time you get a long list of "requirements" and nothings mentioned about paper turn ins oething on like neon yellow/pink paper. If the prof gets asinine nothing better to do than to try and piss em off even more. The mroe you piss them off the better your chances of being withdrawn from the class and taking it from a better prof next semester (without having an F or drop on your transcript)
Since it wasn't in their list of rules they cant mark you down for it, and if they do you can see the dean and what he has to say about the issue. I'd say find someone else in the class whos having the same issue, or 2-3 others along wiht someone who is doing well to see what a "good" paper is in this profs mind, and see the dean anyways. Make it known whats going on cause this is just pathetic.

This is about THE worst advice I've ever heard. First, the dean will take the side of the professor in most instances, especially if the professor can show that the student is intentionally trying to annoy him/her. Second, some professors are more anal than others; just like in life, you can't always choose who you want your "boss" or "client" to be. The OP did the required work, but not to the liking of the instructor. And while an F may have been a bit severe (perhaps something more along the lines of a D or C would've been appropriate), at least now the poster knows what type of work the professor would like.

Sometimes you just have to suck it up and do what's necessary, whether or not you agree with it.

Edit: and as far as length requirements go--it's always better to err on the side of caution. Most professors would rather you put too much work into an assignment rather than too little.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
8th grade level answers for a 10th grade level assignment.

For starters - you've apparently missed the point of what "document based questions" are about. I can understand the confusion, due to the singular form of "document" in the questions, but seriously - if this is a history class and you're doing DBQ's, you either spend a lot of time day-dreaming or absent.
She means who was the intended audience for the american document and who was the audience for the british document.
Well, duhhhhhhh. I can't believe the OP didn't realize this if he's sat through the class for nearly half a semester.

Uhhh, wait a second... from the OP's answer to question 2:
"The documents were created..." Sorry folks. I guess he DOES know what a DBQ is.
#1: How did you not get all 10 points for that one? The witch!
#2: You stated that there were 2 documents in your answer. They're both biased toward their side - they did nothing wrong. I'm surprised you got 7 points for this.
#3: "Explain" does not mean "define." Your teacher doesn't need a definition of biased.
#4: When someone writes an account of what happened, they're usually not planning on filing it away for historians. ie the intended audience of a newspaper is not someone 100 years in the future (although it is reasonable to expect someone in the future to read it) I mean, what the hell. Can't you read your answer to #1 (which you got 9 out of 10 points for) and realize the intended audience was the people reading the gazette? Pat Sajak, for $100, I'd like to buy a clue.
#5. How could it "present facts from both sides" when the "facts" directly conflict with each other.
#6 full credit
#7 full credit
#8 What did the document focus on? How about "Each document focused on the events immediately preceding shots being fired and who shot first (both claim the other side). Each article also mentioned barbaric atrocities committed by the other side." You were half right. 5 points. Fair enough.
#9 You keep mentioning this comparing and contrasting. Am I missing page 2 of the documents? Any comparing or contrasting is made by the reader; I see no typed comparison being made.
#10 Good enough, I suppose. Then again, it's impossible to get a question wrong that says "what did you learn" - "I didn't learn a thing. I already knew this stuff" may be a candid, but correct response.

Overall - you got about what you deserved. About that -3 points. Attention to detail? The minor details may make a huge difference, especially when you get into the real world. I'm dealing with a "minor detail" that my mortgage broker overlooked. It's potentially going to cost me several thousand dollars.

edit: Some of you who took the OP's side must not have read the document, questions, and his answers. If you did, then wow - I thought the people in this forum were smarter than that. I didn't intend to sound flaming, but wanted to be to the point on each of the 10 questions. Sometimes, the truth hurts. I'm not going to type twice as much to sugar coat it.
Here: have a lollipop. :lollipop;


Platinum Member
Jul 14, 2001
Originally posted by: DrPizza
8th grade level answers for a 10th grade level assignment.

For starters - you've apparently missed the point of what "document based questions" are about. I can understand the confusion, due to the singular form of "document" in the questions, but seriously - if this is a history class and you're doing DBQ's, you either spend a lot of time day-dreaming or absent.
She means who was the intended audience for the american document and who was the audience for the british document.
Well, duhhhhhhh. I can't believe the OP didn't realize this if he's sat through the class for nearly half a semester.

Uhhh, wait a second... from the OP's answer to question 2:
"The documents were created..." Sorry folks. I guess he DOES know what a DBQ is.
#1: How did you not get all 10 points for that one? The witch!
#2: You stated that there were 2 documents in your answer. They're both biased toward their side - they did nothing wrong. I'm surprised you got 7 points for this.
#3: "Explain" does not mean "define." Your teacher doesn't need a definition of biased.
#4: When someone writes an account of what happened, they're usually not planning on filing it away for historians. ie the intended audience of a newspaper is not someone 100 years in the future (although it is reasonable to expect someone in the future to read it) I mean, what the hell. Can't you read your answer to #1 (which you got 9 out of 10 points for) and realize the intended audience was the people reading the gazette? Pat Sajak, for $100, I'd like to buy a clue.
#5. How could it "present facts from both sides" when the "facts" directly conflict with each other.
#6 full credit
#7 full credit
#8 What did the document focus on? How about "Each document focused on the events immediately preceding shots being fired and who shot first (both claim the other side). Each article also mentioned barbaric atrocities committed by the other side." You were half right. 5 points. Fair enough.
#9 You keep mentioning this comparing and contrasting. Am I missing page 2 of the documents? Any comparing or contrasting is made by the reader; I see no typed comparison being made.
#10 Good enough, I suppose. Then again, it's impossible to get a question wrong that says "what did you learn" - "I didn't learn a thing. I already knew this stuff" may be a candid, but correct response.

Overall - you got about what you deserved. About that -3 points. Attention to detail? The minor details may make a huge difference, especially when you get into the real world. I'm dealing with a "minor detail" that my mortgage broker overlooked. It's potentially going to cost me several thousand dollars.

edit: Some of you who took the OP's side must not have read the document, questions, and his answers. If you did, then wow - I thought the people in this forum were smarter than that. I didn't intend to sound flaming, but wanted to be to the point on each of the 10 questions. Sometimes, the truth hurts. I'm not going to type twice as much to sugar coat it.
Here: have a lollipop. :lollipop;

Holy crap, owned.

He's right, though. If you spent a "decent" amount of time on this, it might be best if you go back to high school. My eight year old niece could write better answers than yours. Seriously.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: amoeba
Originally posted by: memo

I. The document was created by Queen Elizabeth(correct)
I. <edit>
I. <edit>
I. The document was written by Queen Elizabeth(incorrect)

Why is the second one incorrect? Kinda lame.

Yes, based solely on this, I can tell your prof is a retard.

That and her font. I'd draw the same conclusion about the OP based on some of his answers, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's just a little confused. Unfortunately one misunderstanding cost him a lot of points because it affected a lot of questions.

#2: You stated that there were 2 documents in your answer. They're both biased toward their side - they did nothing wrong. I'm surprised you got 7 points for this.

It sounds like you're surprised he ONLY got 7 points for it, I'm surprised he got ANY points for it as it's entirely wrong. The documents weren't created for the purpose of comparing and contrasting, as you pointed out yourself that only happens when you read them side by side.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2003
Originally posted by: huypham
It's simple man. You didn't know what she expected.

You see where she put "Examples?". Well from the instructions, I would've answered everything the way you did. BUT you can tell she's anal and wants long, drawn out explantions and reasoning for what you write. So just do that in the future.

Lesson learned.

yeah, your teacher is not one i'd like to have


Aug 14, 2000
go to your teacher and ask her what you did wrong and how you can do better next time.


May 19, 2002
its a know fact that you need to do assignments the way teachers want you to do it, not the way YOU think you should do it


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2000
You are in a COLLEGE-LEVEL course, not grade school. Your answers are short, vague, and where you can elaborate they aren't elaborated at all. I would have flunked you on this - it looks like you put five minutes of effort into it, honestly, and that's not going to fly at the collegiate level.

I think you made the error of assuming simply because her examples like "The document was created by Queen Elizabeth" that you can get away with a two-sentence answer. While this may be appropriate for some of the questions (i.e. question 1), you really don't go beyond barebones information in a number of others, such as question #3, and question #5. Note that she writes "TOO BRIEF" in the margin - you should have expounded far more on what you can extract from the documents. Her questions may be vague, but ultimately if something is unclear you can always ask the professor what they are trying to get you to do.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2000
Considering how much of your grade is based on these assignments, you really should have expected to write a lot more than you did.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: z0mb13
its a know fact that you need to do assignments the way teachers want you to do it, not the way YOU think you should do it



Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2001
Originally posted by: cRazYdood
Considering how much of your grade is based on these assignments, you really should have expected to write a lot more than you did.

I agree. Even though the assignment seemed moronically easy, you shouldn't have treated it as such. I'm sure she had you include a word count for a reason: it probably should've been reasonably long (much longer than 335 words). Always, always, always do more than is required. You should've typed unquestionably correct answers, not half-assed answers like you have there. Cite information from the documents to back up your case, quote lines, do much, much more than you did. That's why you failed. It's not that you didn't know, it's that you didn't show you knew.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
"The document, The Fall of England, was created by Queen Elizabeth."

Is that proper punctuation? To me it sounds wrong. Commas just don't seem to work there for me. Perhaps a dash? Or perhaps just not even write the sentence in that format at all. Ideas?


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: mugs
Originally posted by: amoeba
Originally posted by: memo

I. The document was created by Queen Elizabeth(correct)
I. <edit>
I. <edit>
I. The document was written by Queen Elizabeth(incorrect)

Why is the second one incorrect? Kinda lame.

Yes, based solely on this, I can tell your prof is a retard.

That and her font. I'd draw the same conclusion about the OP based on some of his answers, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's just a little confused. Unfortunately one misunderstanding cost him a lot of points because it affected a lot of questions.

#2: You stated that there were 2 documents in your answer. They're both biased toward their side - they did nothing wrong. I'm surprised you got 7 points for this.

It sounds like you're surprised he ONLY got 7 points for it, I'm surprised he got ANY points for it as it's entirely wrong. The documents weren't created for the purpose of comparing and contrasting, as you pointed out yourself that only happens when you read them side by side.

No, I was surprised that he got any points for it. I said that they were both biased... he said there was no bias. I agree wholeheartedly with you. No credit was due.


Oct 8, 2002
I guess the big problem here is just not understanding the assignment. Ah well... you win some, you lose some.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2001
Writing a dcent sized answer makes the entire paper more viscerally pleasing and gives you a psychological edge when it is being graded. IF you only saw one or two sentence answers, you would have an inherent bias against it. However, I do think you got screwed over


Platinum Member
Jul 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Skoorb
"The document, The Fall of England, was created by Queen Elizabeth."

Is that proper punctuation? To me it sounds wrong. Commas just don't seem to work there for me. Perhaps a dash? Or perhaps just not even write the sentence in that format at all. Ideas?

That's the right form. If you pull out the phrase between the commas (The document was created by Queen Elizabeth), it still makes perfect sense. That's what commas are used for in this instance: separating out the parenthetical. And since it's the title of said document, you would separate it as was done there.
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