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Oct 9, 1999

<< I surmised they were the descendents of mecha, but I was also fairly jarred by the way their surreal appearence seemed to shout, "Hey Mom! Look at what I can do! More is better! Aren't you glad I took 3D rendering classes now?" >>

I guess you never caught the bit of forshadowing early in the movie.

What the mechas looked like at the end was exactly the same appearance as the symbol for the company that made David. They modelled themselves after their creators.


Jul 24, 2000


<< I surmised they were the descendents of mecha, but I was also fairly jarred by the way their surreal appearence seemed to shout, "Hey Mom! Look at what I can do! More is better! Aren't you glad I took 3D rendering classes now?" >>

I guess you never caught the bit of forshadowing early in the movie.

What the mechas looked like at the end was exactly the same appearance as the symbol for the company that made David. They modelled themselves after their creators.


And BTW, these mechas didn't look _exactly_ like the logo of the company which created David. Roughly, perhaps, but no exact match.


Oct 9, 1999



<< I surmised they were the descendents of mecha, but I was also fairly jarred by the way their surreal appearence seemed to shout, "Hey Mom! Look at what I can do! More is better! Aren't you glad I took 3D rendering classes now?" >>

I guess you never caught the bit of forshadowing early in the movie.

What the mechas looked like at the end was exactly the same appearance as the symbol for the company that made David. They modelled themselves after their creators.


And BTW, these mechas didn't look _exactly_ like the logo of the company which created David. Roughly, perhaps, but no exact match.

So that's the reason they looked like that. The whole final act would not have had the same impact if these new mechas just looked like humans.


Jul 24, 2000




<< I surmised they were the descendents of mecha, but I was also fairly jarred by the way their surreal appearence seemed to shout, "Hey Mom! Look at what I can do! More is better! Aren't you glad I took 3D rendering classes now?" >>

I guess you never caught the bit of forshadowing early in the movie.

What the mechas looked like at the end was exactly the same appearance as the symbol for the company that made David. They modelled themselves after their creators.


And BTW, these mechas didn't look _exactly_ like the logo of the company which created David. Roughly, perhaps, but no exact match.

So that's the reason they looked like that. The whole final act would not have had the same impact if these new mechas just looked like humans.

Ah well. I'm glad I removed the movie from my HD after watching it (skipping through the boring parts).


Feb 22, 2002

<< What the mechas looked like at the end was exactly the same appearance as the symbol for the company that made David. They modelled themselves after their creators. >>

That may be, but that logo was probably designed after the mechas were developed. That is, developed by the moviemakers. If this was the case, it may have been an example foreshadowing, but it was a contrived one.

I'm not too concerned about that. They could have modeled themselves after Mighty Mouse for all I care. I would have preferred that the filmmakers had spent a little more time ensuring that their presentation of the mechas made physical sense and appeared plausible when they walked around and interacted with things. They acted like they were made of balsa wood. Still, who am I to put limitations on the workings of advanced future technology (or interpretations of such)? In the end, it's just an opinion.


Senior member
Oct 6, 2000
I enjoyed the movie overall, but the ending was complete garbabe.

I honestly thought they were aliens at first because it made a lot more sense that way to me. My rational mind couldn't grasp the idea of thousands of years passing (including mind-boggling technical achievements) and no one ever noticing the little kid there for all those years and years, and no other evidence of what it was like to be human, etc. If it were just some natural disaster that wiped everyone off the planet, and aliens went to excavate, that would make marginal sense.

Either way, the ending is right out of a bad Outer Limits episode. That whole "well they only live for so long because of {insert techno-babbly explanation}" thing might as well have come straight out of a B movie with Van Damme.

I also felt that the stadium / A.I. hunting scene must surely have been the work of spielberg's touch ("beat you with an idea over and over until you are lying on the floor bloody with understanding of what they are trying to say").

Good moments made it worth seeing. Bad moments made it fall short of its potential.


Senior member
Jul 24, 2001
It does not matter whether they were mecha or aliens at the end. Most of the evidence points toward them being mecha, but why should it matter? They were obviously a highly evolved civilization that was curious as to what humans were like. The boy was one of their only connections to this past civilization so they used him while at the same time they made his wish come true.

Whether they were aliens trying to find out what the human spirit was like, or mechas doing the same is irrelevant.


Feb 15, 2001
i don't see how that is true. I'm sure someone already pointed out the circular nature of the story, with humans creating the robots to love, with the robots recreating a human at the end for love. imagine if it were aliens doing it..it would make absolutely no sense

another thing, why would aliens speak of humans as if they were almost godly reverence, one would only do that for ones creators.

<< I surmised they were the descendents of mecha, but I was also fairly jarred by the way their surreal appearence seemed to shout, "Hey Mom! Look at what I can do! More is better! Aren't you glad I took 3D rendering classes now?" >>

err what did you expect? terminators? we're talking 2000 years, it probably is a good idea to do something a little different. people couldn't even fathom computers 100 years ago.

Ah well. I'm glad I removed the movie from my HD after watching it (skipping through the boring parts).

that explains a lot.

and heres a very good AI FAQ with answers about aliens, fish and whatever. http://www.mysteriesofai.com/faq/

interesting note the faq points out. the twin towers are still in the film(with pic), i didn't notice that at first not edited out finally


Jul 24, 2000

<< Ah well. I'm glad I removed the movie from my HD after watching it (skipping through the boring parts).

that explains a lot.

By skipping the boring parts I missed the 'good' parts?


Jun 3, 2000
I don't like that kid very much...I'm sure he's fine IRL, but the roles I've seen him in really bug the crap out of me.

But then I'm not a big fan of Kubrick...and lovey stories are not fun to watch. I'm sure they have their value, but I find them boring. So the Spielberg parts of this movie were out to...

Overall it was a weak movie with a bad story and unremarkable acting.


Oct 9, 1999

<< That may be, but that logo was probably designed after the mechas were developed. That is, developed by the moviemakers. If this was the case, it may have been an example foreshadowing, but it was a contrived one. >>

GIVE ME A F'N BREAK! Is this some kind of JOKE??? Do you think all movies are made in chronological order? holy crap...

<< I would have preferred that the filmmakers had spent a little more time ensuring that their presentation of the mechas made physical sense and appeared plausible when they walked around and interacted with things. They acted like they were made of balsa wood. Still, who am I to put limitations on the workings of advanced future technology (or interpretations of such)? In the end, it's just an opinion. >>

Exactly...who are you to say what would happen in 2000 DAMN YEARS. LOL. That's the whole point of sci-fi!!!!!!! You can say pretty much whatever you want and nothing can be denied. I could say that in 2000 years I believe we will find a way to travel to nearby galaxies in a short amount of time. Who are you to say it's not possible?
God forbid new technologies would be invented. Look at the advancement of our technology in the last 50 years...what about 2000 years from now? Actually it's more than 2000 years since when the movie starts A.I. has already been invented.

Noriaki, how could you say Osment can't act? That kid is amazing...Jude Law was great too.



Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2000
Sitting through that movie was like my own personal hell. I thankfully had blotted it out of my memory until the DVD release now.

I hated the short story too.

Edit: The fact that children give me the willies probably had something to do with it.


Feb 15, 2001
So you don?t have to guess from memory what was said in the movie.

Well here's the full quote foreshadowing the advanced mecha

Gigolo Joe:She loves what you do for her, as my customers love what it is I do for them. But she does not love you, David. She cannot love you. You are neither flesh nor blood. You are not a dog or a cat or a canary. You were designed and built specific like the rest of us. And you are alone now only because they tired of you, or replaced you with a younger model, or were displeased with something you said or broke. They made us too smart, too quick and too many. We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us.

Limitations of Gigolo Joe level mecha. nothing more then toys that mimick humans, sure they have logic but thats about it. If a toy screams, does it really feel pain?
Dr Hobby:A sensory toy with intelligent behavioral circuits using neuron-sequencing technology as old as I am.

Description of mecha of a quantitatively different order.
Dr Hobby:a robot child that will genuinely love the parent or parents it imprints on with a love that will never end.
employee:a child substitute mecha.
Dr Hobby:but a mecha with a mind, with neuronal feedback. You see, what I?m suggesting is that love will be the key, by which they acquire a kind of subconscious never before achieved. an inner world of metaphor, of intuition, of self-motivated reasoning, - of dreams.

David and the Blue Fairy, the fairy speaks for the advanced mecha, and that they kinda don't act very blue fairy like until they are forced to.
David:I have a wish to make. +support that ending was VR.
Blue Fairy:and what is your wish?
David: Please make me a real boy so my mommy will love me and let me stay with her.
Blue Fairy: David, I will do anything that is possible, but I cannot make you a real boy.
David:Where am I? This looks like my house, but it is different.
Blue Fairy:Yes, it is different, but it?s also your home. We read your mind, and its all here. There's nothing too small that you didn't store for us to remember. We so want you to be happy. You are so important to us David, you are unique in all the world.
David:Will mommy be coming home soon? Is she out shopping with martin now?
Blue Fairy: David, she can never come home because 2000 years have past. and she is no longer living. Dearest David, when your lonely, we can bring back other people from your time in the past.
David:If you can bring back other people, why can't you bring back her?
Blue Fairy:Because we can only bring back people whose bodies we dig up from the ice. We need some physical sample of the person like a bone or a fingernail.
Teddy: David?
David:yes teddy.
Teddy: Do you remember when you cut some of mommy?s hair?
David:Henry shook me.
Teddy:and you dropped her hair?
David:I know. Now you can bring her back, can't you?
Advanced Mechas peering through display:Give him what he wants.

What the advanced mecha say to each other when they find David.
Advanced mechas:This machine was trapped under the wreckage before the freezing. Therefore, these robots are originals. They knew living people.

What the Ben kingsly advanced mecha says to David at the end. no "alien" would speak of humans with such reverence. kind of tries to steer david from his path, weaving his fairy tale in with the truth. also more support that the ending was VR.
Advanced Mecha: David, I often felt a sort of envy of human beings of that thing they called "spirit." Human beings had created a million explanations of the meaning of life in art, in poetry, in mathematical formulas. Certainly, human beings must be the key to the meaning of existence. But human beings no longer existed. So we began a project that would make it possible to recreate the living body of a person long dead from the D.N.A in a fragment of bone or mummified skin. We also wondered, would it be possible to retrieve a memory trace in resonance with a recreated body? and you know what we found? We found the very fabric of space-time itself appeared to store information about every event that had occurred in the past. But the experiment was a failure, for those who were resurrected only lived through a day of renewed life. When the resurrectees fell asleep on the night of their first new day, they died again. As soon as they became unconscious their very existence faded away into darkness. So you see, David, the equations have shown that once an individual space-time pathway had been used, it could not be reused. IF we bring your mother back now, it will only be for one day, and then you will never be able to see her again.
David:Maybe, she will be special. Maybe she will stay.
Advanced Mecha:I thought this would be hard for you to understand. You were created to be so young.
David:Maybe the one day will be like the one day inside the amphibicopter. Maybe it will last forever.
Advanced Mecha: David, you are the enduring memory of the human race. The most lasting proof of their genius. We only want for your happiness. David, you've had so little of that.
David:If you want for my happiness then you know what you have to do.



Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
LOL..Mighty Mouse, too funny.

I too just saw the Film, and had high expectations for it..but the ending was a little odd.

Until I read this thread I also believed that they were aliens trying to gather information about a long dead race of people, but now after reading the comments here it is painfully obvious that I was wrong

However that does not change the fact IMHO that the ending Sucked ...and if they did evolve from the boy, or at least that technology then one would wonder why they could not comprehend emotions such as the boy did.

Too bad for humankind though with the ice age and all, sucks to be us


Feb 15, 2001
However that does not change the fact IMHO that the ending Sucked ...and if they did evolve from the boy, or at least that technology then one would wonder why they could not comprehend emotions such as the boy did.

? huh? how so? the advanced mechas didn't have any such problems from what i saw? they seemed parental, and understanding of the limitations of david to me. could you elaborate? i dont' understand.


Senior member
Nov 26, 2001
Our family rented it last night and is planning to watch it later tonight. Based on all the comments, it sounds like what i've been expecting. I probably wont watch it all, I'm tired of the same worn out concepts being used over and over in movies.
Above all else, I dont really want to see a depressing looking movie little whiny kid actor.


Golden Member
Apr 22, 2001
It seem alot of people are confused about this movie. I think because they're looking at it from the wrong perspective. Basically the movie is a fairy tale. But it's being told by the mecha of the future to other mecha. This is why some of the things in the movie seem a bit off. The Mecha of the future are still learning about the humans and don't get everything exactly right. It's much like many of our fairy tales now.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< #2 they told david that because they just wanted to make him happy/feel loved, they didn't clone her. it was all a simulation. this is open to speculation but this isn;t one of those things you can just take literally >>

I don't think this is true at all. They couldn't do anything to help him until teddy produced the mom's hair. The only reason to need the hair was for DNA. A simulation they could have done anytime right? Still I thought the "one day" thing was kind of forced.

I like the movie alot and thought it was pretty thought provoking. But honestly I like the beginning the best. I thought they could have done a whole movie without the boy ever leaving the house and realized a lot of moral/emotional/technological issues fully.

When mom was abandoning David I was thinking WTF!?!? Can't she get him turned off? Won't dad get in huge trouble at work? At some point in the movie I had the distinct feeling that what had started out as a very intense, intriguing story was starting to be ruined. It all didn't fit together as well as it should have. I don't know if it was kubricks fault or if Spielberg just didn't know exactly what to do with what Kubrick had given him.

Anyway, for all my complaints it was still very worthwhile.


Jul 16, 2001
I have the DVD..happy/sad and strange all at the same time. Great story development.
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