Different races, different tippers.

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Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
i used to tip by calculating 15%, add it to the sub-total in my head, round the final total to a good number and then sign the credit card receipt. i almost never leave cash, because i rarely carry any. oh, and i rarely, if ever, drink anything other than water.

personally i think the OP is just being a troll though.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
As a full time college student, working two days a week averaged $20+ an hour is awesome. It's not that were unskilled, it's that were smart.

Yes, as college students we're smart...

I keep thinking of that Dave Chapelle line:

"$iggers, jews, homosexuals, A-rabs, Mexicans, and all them Chanks!"

because they stank!
they're tricksters, bad tippers...and did I mention they STANK!?



Golden Member
Mar 5, 2004
Originally posted by: SupaDupaPan
Originally posted by: vood0g
Bitch, I used to work in a restaurant. My stepmother's mother (step grandmother??) owns a restaurant that I used to work at. I know what it's like to wait on tables. I know what its like to get tips. I know what its like to not get tips. But you know what? I don't bitch about not getting tips. Even if the repeat customers that i know are poor tippers, i still give them excellent service because the reputation of the restaurant is at stake.

I have nothing against tipping, but i do have something against snot-nosed brats being racially biased about the better tipping race, and giving poor/good service based upon that. You whiny little bitches advocate that tipping is part of the job and that it makes up part of the waiters' paycheck, well wake-up, fvcktards, getting stiffed is also part of the job.

Being a waiter is like gambling/investing, you may come out on top or you may not. It's an opportunity that college students take in hopes of getting a better paying job than working at a minimum wage paying job. The greater the return the greater the risks.

And yes, i do make a salary now, but i did work at various minimum wage jobs before also. so dont tell me to "stfu" when you obviously know sh1t about me. dumbfvck

My whole point of that post, was because you said 2 very contradictory things, you said,

so by that, my manager and supervisors should all tip me on top of my salary since i am at their beck and call...dont give me that crap. its their job to wait on tables, thats why they're called waiters.

With that one line, it says a lot of things. It says that you don't need to tip them, because it's their job. That's why I said that to the other poster. I'm not saying crap about what the OP said and how biased it is. I agree, that's messed up. Why else do you think I mentioned that you don't HAVE to tip them? Many people in this thread, think that they should not tip at all, EVER. That's what I'm saying. I'm not bitching about certain people not tipping, I'm bitching about giving GREAT service and not getting tipped, because the patron doesn't think that tipping is neccessary at all, due to it being, just their job. I was also explaining, what their tips go toward as well, not just them and their greedy little selves like the other poster I had originally quoted before you jumped in (with the quote above)

I have nothing against tipping, but i do have something against snot-nosed brats being racially biased about the better tipping race, and giving poor/good service based upon that.

Very contradictory to the previous quote. I admit then, I was wrong about you not working at a minimum wage job. I'll admit when I'm wrong and I'm not going to resort to immature name calling, just because someone said, STFU to me. Tips are the incenstive for people to become waiters, so in a way, yes, it is part of the job. But once again, good service should result in tips, bad service = no tip.

(edit) spelling

no, i do not think i am being contradictory with my posts.

1) I have nothing against tipping, and I do tip at least the minimum 15% for good service.
2) I also believe that tipping is NOT a necessity, even in the presence of the greatest service possible by mankind.

Like i said, its their job to wait on tables. If a tip comes, it comes. A tip is something a person gives because they want to not because they have to, no matter what the circumstances are. I can tell you one thing, if i were to eat at a restaurant, and the waiter gave me a perfect time there and when i am paying for the meal, the guy comes up to me and says, "i gave you great service, you should tip me at least 15%" i sure as hell wont be leaving him anything. i will only leave a tip only if it isnt mandatory or told to give one (excluding the times when i am eating with parties of 5 or more where the service charge is tacked on to the bill anyway). good service, bad service, it still does not change the nature of a tip.



Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Ulfwald
My wife and i drink water, not to save money, but because we like to drink it over anything else. plus we do not have to worry about the taset of the drink overpowering any food we are enjoying. And we always tip based on the level of service we get. We start out at 20% and go up or down from there.

Excellent service can equal as much as a 75% tip. Poor service can equal a 1 penny tip.

Keep our glasses full, deliver the food hot, check back from time to time, talk to us. flirt with my son, and you will be tipped in kind. Ignore me after bring the food, and your tip will start down hill very fast.

Same here, although I'll get a beer from time to time if they have the good stuff (porters, stouts, etc).

<-- White


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 2000
Please lock! I am offended. :|

This is a racist thread and I don't stand for racism. :|


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
It's not really racist...perhaps culturally offensive, but it is only an opinion based on observations.

It doesn't bear a solid foundation, but given it is a first hand account, it isn't truly baseless.



Golden Member
Jan 9, 2002
i rarely give 20%. sometimes i'll give 18%. i almost always give 15%. i've only given 10% once.


Golden Member
Jun 1, 2004
Originally posted by: vood0g

no, i do not think i am being contradictory with my posts.

1) I have nothing against tipping, and I do tip at least the minimum 15% for good service.
2) I also believe that tipping is NOT a necessity, even in the presence of the greatest service possible by mankind.

Like i said, its their job to wait on tables. If a tip comes, it comes. A tip is something a person gives because they want to not because they have to, no matter what the circumstances are. I can tell you one thing, if i were to eat at a restaurant, and the waiter gave me a perfect time there and when i am paying for the meal, the guy comes up to me and says, "i gave you great service, you should tip me at least 15%" i sure as hell wont be leaving him anything. i will only leave a tip only if it isnt mandatory or told to give one (excluding the times when i am eating with parties of 5 or more where the service charge is tacked on to the bill anyway). good service, bad service, it still does not change the nature of a tip.

Hah, I'm retarded, though I edit for spelling ... I missed a few things Anyways, yeah I think we just completely misunderstood each other there. Because I share the same exact view as yours on that. I was simply stating what their tips go towards as well so that people who think they DO NOT NEED TO TIP AT ALL EVER (Despite good service is what I'm saying) simply because it's their job ... and of course I would not tip if a waiter did the same to me, simply because that would have ruined the whole dining experience ... and that's what I'm tipping for, the service and the dining experience at that particular restaurant.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2002
i usually don't order alcohol in restaraunts because i don't feel like paying $10 or more for a glass of wine when they buy the entire bottle for less than $10. Same thing with beer.

And as far as Asians sharing plates of food, it's the culture. A group of people order a variety of dishes and take a little from each.


Golden Member
Jul 24, 2003
I'll order water when I feel like it. If the server rolls their eyes, sighs, or slacks off as a result, their tip will suffer.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Shortcut
I'll order water when I feel like it. If the server rolls their eyes, sighs, or slacks off as a result, their tip will suffer.


I think the OP is suffering from a little "self fulfilling prophesy" here.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
in my experiance it's not race, it's class. working class ppl tip better, and i think it's because they understand the value of money best. rich ppl just give you a dollar and it's mostly to just go away.


Golden Member
Feb 25, 2003
hey, i take offense to the original post. well, kinda.

unless i have a bottle of wine for dinner, i usually do water or just iced tea. i usually leave a pretty handsome tip, generally 20+. even if they suck, it's at least 15%.

ps, i'm chinese


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: LiquidX
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: LiquidX
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: LiquidX
Unless someone goes out of there way for me I dont think they deserve a tip and with eating out I generally never give one unless I regulary visit a certain restaurant and the only reason I would leave one is to prevent the waiters from spitting in my food which they probally do anyway because there pist the Indian or black party didnt tip enough.

I agree with the other poster, its your damn job. If you feel the pay is too low and you need me to make it up get another one or just panhandle on the corner.
Look asshole, most wait staff doesn't earn minimum wage like everyone else. They're paid a couple bucks an hour and earn the rest of their salary through tips. If you don't want to leave a tip then stay the fsck home you cheap, inconsiderate, bastard. :|

I hope one of the wait staff remembers you and puts spoiled food in with your meal to make you sick.

See I have to be the one making up your damn pay-check. And from your tone your one of the waiters that will surely spit in a customers food and drink if they leave to little or none at all. I come in a restauarant to eat not take on the burden of making up your pay-check. Sad thing is most here are talking about leaving a 15% tip and I bet will never give to the homeless are an charity but give to someone who is already getting paid for a job. If you were doing your job for free I would give you a tip but your not. Get a job you can making a living at you "inconsiderate, bastard". How much of that tip you get you then turn around and give the poor or the needy? 0% Most Likly.
Are you just playing around here or are you really that stupid? Let me explain it again and see if that helps... It's widely known that most wait staff is paid only a few dollars an hour by their employer BECAUSE THEY ARE COMPENSATED BY TIPS from the patrons. You and any other customer in a restaurant are expected to leave a gratuity/tip based on the level of service delivered. If you don't like that idea then don't eat out, period.

Anyway, you're not making *MY* paycheck. I work in a computer/network support position and I've never waited tables. And you're still an inconsiderate jerk... :disgust:

Again, so I am suppose to make up there pay-check because they dont make enough? I go out to eat not to tip some waiter until he gets enough for rent and who will wait on me better because I am white and thinks I will tip better than blacks are Indians. Yeah I'am stupid I guess because I choose to give to more needy. And it sounds crazy but I took four years of hotel and restaurant management so I should sympathize more than some of you but I dont. Sorry.
WTF is your problem? What do you have against waiters and waitresses? Did a bunch of them gang up on you and kick your ass in the past?

What is so hard to understand about the concept of eating out and leaving a tip based on the level of service? It is accepted practice when you eat out. If you don't like it stay home and cook for yourself.


Golden Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Skoorb
They'll all drink water (no ice), and order a couple entrees for everyone to share.
LOL too funny. An indian guy i work with has been in the US for four years and that guy STILL Fvcking drinks room temperature drinks. Damnit, it's better cold. He drinks juce boxes he keeps in CUBOARDS. I'm like WHAT THE HELL. This is America, baby. Fridges. HELLO!!!!!!!

Oh BTW Myself and mrsskoorb share drinks. In the US they're all free refills. I'm going to take advantage of that

???? Why the HELL should he have to prefer cold drinks over room temperature?? If he doesn't like them then to him they are not better.


Golden Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: illustri
Originally posted by: MommysLittleMonster
Originally posted by: njmodi
Originally posted by: rsd
Hmm...I would say I get water more often than not, but still tip %20 usually.

rsd -> I'm with you on that.... always get water, always tip 15-20% depending on the service.

I'll play from the other side....

1. Its how it typically works - Indians always eat family style.
2. Most Indians don't eat as much as the local folk. I know its a massive generalization - but bear with me here, its the truth. The portions here are insane - and the waistlines\ of the population is showing that. Since they can't finish an entree - why waste the food - just share it. I think it makes perfect sense to go to an Asian restaurant with a group of 4 people for example and only order 3 dishes.
3. Indians like their food spicy - so they ask for hot sauce, you are tending to the table, whats the problem here? If you know they are going to need a good amount of it, why not just provide them with a larger quantity the first time?

I do agree however, that they may tip "lighter" than most.... not sure what to do about that....

Just my 2 cents....

"Lighter"......NO, they tip horribly. So bad sometimes I just want to throw it back in their faces and say dont come back.

thats funny, i usually tip %15 but for you i'll live an ass penny
don't come back? like I should give a crap, there are tons of resturants in every area, hell i bet you can see one from INSIDE yours

hehe hear hear


Golden Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: MommysLittleMonster
Originally posted by: RightWinga
What's the point of tipping 20%? Let alone 15%? Heck why tip 10%? Waiters avg like $22/hour...for taking your order and carrying food...anyone else find that BS?!

Then get a job as a waiter. If you want to be a cheap as$, order take out or eat at Taco Bell. And it's not an easy job. It's fast paced and you have a lot running through you head that you have to remember. Most people wouldnt last a day in a fast paced resturaunt.



Nov 28, 2001
My GF and I almost always tip 20% of course I have tipped highier and lower than that depending on how good the service was. We both also ussually just order water cause we like it better than soda. I only turned 21 this year so I never typically ordered beer or other alchoholic beverages till recently, and she is still 20.


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 2000
damn, i've never seen a waitering/tip thread escalate to this degree.

people get over it...if you don't want to tip then don't

if you do...great!

tipping is never going to go away END OF STORY


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
Originally posted by: MommysLittleMonster
Originally posted by: ManSnake
Please lock! I am offended. :|

This is a racist thread and I don't stand for racism. :|

It's not racist. It's the truth. These are honest oberservations I've made.

I figured someone would call him racist.

Stating observations != being a racist. Lying or stretching the truth maybe.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2004
im white, ill always get hot tea (i really like it), ill usually get a few entrees to share among people. but then, i always order more potstickers than we can eat, and i tend to tip a lot. (ive been known to make up the difference to 20%+ when my friends arent looking, if i think the waiter was really good) hmm.


Jan 5, 2003
People who were not raised in a tipping society dont know what they are doing is "wrong" "bad" whatever you want to call it.

Everyone who was born here regardless of nationality knows to tip 15% and they do.
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