DirecTV receiver with Series 2 Tivo $49.95 + ship ($30)


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2000
First, I would strongly urge anyone NOT to subscribe to DirecTV, because of their recent extortion tactics of taking individuals to court because they "purchased devices which could be used to intercept their signal." This would be like the MPAA taking you to court because you bought a DVD burner, and the cases may set legal precident for just that sort of behavior in the future.

However, if you are determined to subscribe to DirecTV, currently has the philips DirecTivo series 2 receivers for $49 with a 1 year commitment. Ground shipping is about $30-35. According to the site, the deal ends on July 5.

This will cost you $199 just about anywhere else. Not a referral, just a happy customer. (of Orbitsat, I have a few choice words about DTV)



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Oh come on! Its not like these people just threw up any old dish and accidently picked up a FREE Direct TV signal. They knew what they were doing was wrong and illegal and they were intentionaly trying to defraud. I don't blame Directv from protecting themselves. If everyone hacked the cards and got FREE Directv then they would be out-of-business!

Originally posted by: flot
First, I would strongly urge anyone NOT to subscribe to DirecTV, because of their recent extortion tactics of taking individuals to court because they "purchased devices which could be used to intercept their signal." This would be like the MPAA taking you to court because you bought a DVD burner, and the cases may set legal precident for just that sort of behavior in the future.



Jun 7, 2003
Not valid for existing customers of DirecTV. The $49 package (dish, Tivo, install) cost $400+ for existing subs...
$149 for Tivo ony + $30 ground shipping.


Senior member
Feb 21, 2003
Oh come on! Its not like these people just threw up any old dish and accidently picked up a FREE Direct TV signal. They knew what they were doing was wrong and illegal and they were intentionaly trying to defraud. I don't blame Directv from protecting themselves. If everyone hacked the cards and got FREE Directv then they would be out-of-business!

The ill-informed scare me. ANYONE they get records for that bought what MIGHT be used to program an HU card will receive a letter demanding they pay money (typically 3500 bucks). Those programmers can be used for all sorts of things, most importantly smart card programming, ID creation etc etc. If anyone ordered from one of the sites that DirecTV has raided, they will most likely get that letter, regardless of whether they are attempting to steal or not.

This sets a terrible precident for companies to sue everyday consumers without having to PROVE you have even done anything wrong. However, there was a case last month in FL where a defendant had the charges thrown out because DirecTV could not prove he was stealing service...and since its a civil court, they will not search your house etc to further push their case. What DTV is doing is essentially legal extortion, knowing full well Joe Schmoe cannot defend himself against their staff lawyers and will more than likely settle out of court.

Granted, those that steal should have to pay...but DirecTV HAS TO PROVE it, while the possibility exists that they are stealing, that is not enough to make someone pay a huge settlement using essentially strongarm, fear tactics.


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2001
BunLengthHotDog --

"The ill-informed scare me."

So anyone who disagrees with your point of view is labeled "ill-informed"? How convenient. Let's be honest: if you're ordering smart card programmers from the sites their targeting, it's 99% likely you're purchasing the device with intent to pirate satellite. You know it. I know it. Dogs know it. If you were doing legitimate smart card id programming you'd be getting your hardware from a very different cross section of hardware providers.

If you're unfairly targeted by DirecTV in civil litigation, then it's your right to fight back in court. It's odd to me that so many bitch and moan about "extortion" and DirecTV's "nazi" tactics, then they roll over and pay instead of going to court. If you're innocent, fight back! Otherwise shut up and take your medicine. You got caught. Boo hoo. Just don't insult everyone's intelligence by claiming it was just for "testing". That's no better than the little grommets that share mp3's over Kazaa, then get mad at the RIAA for trying to curtail their "right" to steal because music is "too expensive". At least if I get caught doing something I shouldn't, I take the punishment like a man instead of blustering about making excuses.

Oh and a couple more things:
1) I'm very well informed.
2) But should still be scared of me.



Golden Member
Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: tangent1138
BunLengthHotDog --

"The ill-informed scare me."

So anyone who disagrees with your point of view is labeled "ill-informed"? How convenient. Let's be honest: if you're ordering smart card programmers from the sites their targeting, it's 99% likely you're purchasing the device with intent to pirate satellite. You know it. I know it. Dogs know it. If you were doing legitimate smart card id programming you'd be getting your hardware from a very different cross section of hardware providers.

If you're unfairly targeted by DirecTV in civil litigation, then it's your right to fight back in court. It's odd to me that so many bitch and moan about "extortion" and DirecTV's "nazi" tactics, then they roll over and pay instead of going to court. If you're innocent, fight back! Otherwise shut up and take your medicine. You got caught. Boo hoo. Just don't insult everyone's intelligence by claiming it was just for "testing". That's no better than the little grommets that share mp3's over Kazaa, then get mad at the RIAA for trying to curtail their "right" to steal because music is "too expensive". At least if I get caught doing something I shouldn't, I take the punishment like a man instead of blustering about making excuses.

Oh and a couple more things:
1) I'm very well informed.
2) But should still be scared of me.

so that 1% who did not buy the devices to hack DTV should shell out big money for a lawyer to defend them against something they did not do?


Golden Member
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: tangent1138
BunLengthHotDog --

"The ill-informed scare me."

So anyone who disagrees with your point of view is labeled "ill-informed"? How convenient. Let's be honest: if you're ordering smart card programmers from the sites their targeting, it's 99% likely you're purchasing the device with intent to pirate satellite. You know it. I know it. Dogs know it. If you were doing legitimate smart card id programming you'd be getting your hardware from a very different cross section of hardware providers.

If you're unfairly targeted by DirecTV in civil litigation, then it's your right to fight back in court. It's odd to me that so many bitch and moan about "extortion" and DirecTV's "nazi" tactics, then they roll over and pay instead of going to court. If you're innocent, fight back! Otherwise shut up and take your medicine. You got caught. Boo hoo. Just don't insult everyone's intelligence by claiming it was just for "testing". That's no better than the little grommets that share mp3's over Kazaa, then get mad at the RIAA for trying to curtail their "right" to steal because music is "too expensive". At least if I get caught doing something I shouldn't, I take the punishment like a man instead of blustering about making excuses.

Oh and a couple more things:
1) I'm very well informed.
2) But should still be scared of me.

last time I checked it was innocent until proven guilty, and without proof, they have no right to sue you.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hell, I have five, yep five DirecTivo Series two hooked up. And when the HDTV unit comes out I will be all over it. Great deal.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2003
Actually I ordered DishTV service from these guys, and got 3 months free and TIVO setup for just the cost of shipping.

then i found out it wasn't valid for previous subscribers.

in this case however, you don't own the equipment you have to send it back when the contract is done.


Mar 21, 2001
Actually, a friend of mine bought a couple of dozen of these smart programmers from a "pirate provider" for his company's security system. "The different cross section of hardware providers" were charging three times as much for the same programmers and he felt the "pirate" ones actually performed better. This was years ago so I doubt he'll ever get sued but what if he did? Would it be fair for him to have to shell out time and money to take on Directv? Do you think for a second that Directv wouldn't spend whatever is necessary to defeat someone who challenges them in court? If the devices could only be used to get illegal television then I'd have no problem with Directv doing what they're doing now.

Originally posted by: tangent1138
BunLengthHotDog --

"The ill-informed scare me."

So anyone who disagrees with your point of view is labeled "ill-informed"? How convenient. Let's be honest: if you're ordering smart card programmers from the sites their targeting, it's 99% likely you're purchasing the device with intent to pirate satellite. You know it. I know it. Dogs know it. If you were doing legitimate smart card id programming you'd be getting your hardware from a very different cross section of hardware providers.

If you're unfairly targeted by DirecTV in civil litigation, then it's your right to fight back in court. It's odd to me that so many bitch and moan about "extortion" and DirecTV's "nazi" tactics, then they roll over and pay instead of going to court. If you're innocent, fight back! Otherwise shut up and take your medicine. You got caught. Boo hoo. Just don't insult everyone's intelligence by claiming it was just for "testing". That's no better than the little grommets that share mp3's over Kazaa, then get mad at the RIAA for trying to curtail their "right" to steal because music is "too expensive". At least if I get caught doing something I shouldn't, I take the punishment like a man instead of blustering about making excuses.

Oh and a couple more things:
1) I'm very well informed.
2) But should still be scared of me.



Diamond Member
Dec 5, 1999
Maybe tangent1138 should move his arse to North Korea. His point of view would fit nicely over there. Last time I checked, in this country, one is inocent until proven guilty and no court convicts on circumstanial evidence alone. You make me want to puke dude.


Nov 26, 2002
"without proof they have no right to sue you"

That is freaking laughable. Our whole country is drowning in unproven lawsuits.

Hot deal for new customers. Tivo is AWESOME.



Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2002
If you get sued by DirectTV and you win then they are liable for your legal fees in a lot if not the vast majority of states.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2002
Actually I have met people that bought an ISO smart card programmers from pirate sat sites. Want to know why? They sold them for less than HALF the cost of other places. They could pick up a good ISO programmer for $30 where to order from mainstream sites cost $100 or more.

Only difference is the target audience. I know most people on here like to get the best possible deal on computer products.

DTV is out of line and that is why one case in Ohio that was taken to court was beaten. DTV will never win in court but the issue is the fact that it takes more money to fight it than it does to just pay DTV the extorsion.

If they can be proven to be breaking the law then why isn't DTV going after criminal charges? Why?? I can tell you. First they know they won't win and they can make money this way.

In civil court you can be sued for anything without the other party having proof. I can sue you today for whatever I want. It just depends on if you want to defend yourself. In the DTV cases most people can't afford to defend themselves. So they just pay DTV.

You probably won't be able to make DTV liable for legal fees because then you have to prove DTV had no reason to sue you. You have to prove they knew they had no chance at winning. That isn't likely to happen. So your choices are either pay DTV or go to court and win while paying $5000 more in legal fees.

Yes I have an ISO programmer for LEGIT reasons. My job provided one for my work computer for security but would not provide one for my personal laptop. I wanted to use my laptop at work sometimes so I had to get my own ISO programmer to access the network. So I bought one.


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2001
"Maybe tangent1138 should move his arse to North Korea. His point of view would fit nicely over there. Last time I checked, in this country, one is inocent until proven guilty and no court convicts on circumstanial evidence alone. You make me want to puke dude. "

Ahh yes. the old "you're free to believe whatever you want in this country as long as you don't disagree with me". oh, no! i disagree with you so i better leave the country! let me explain this to you: you're innocent until proven guilty IF YOU'RE CHARGED WITH A CRIME. the government is not charging these people. this is CIVIL LITIGATION from one party to another. i could randomly sue you for something, say crashing into my car, but when i get to court THE BURDEN OF PROOF is on me. you may not like it, but that's how our country works. the ironic thing is your point of view would fit more appropriately with the fascist regime in North Korea but you're not bright enough to know the difference. but i allow you to stay in my country... for now.

as for the directivo, it's a good deal, but i'd like to remind people that the home media option is -not- available on the directivo's like it is on the series 2 standalones...


Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999
I was just reading a article in RS this morning and it hit me. The government has been raiding headshops and taking the bongs. Now imagine this, the government takes the credit card receits from bong sales and sends you a letter saying they know you smoked dope with it and they are gonna sue you for $10k BUT.. they can make it all go away for $3500. Thats basically what direct TV is doing at the moment.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2001
Originally posted by: flot
First, I would strongly urge anyone NOT to subscribe to DirecTV, because of their recent extortion tactics of taking individuals to court because they "purchased devices which could be used to intercept their signal." This would be like the MPAA taking you to court because you bought a DVD burner, and the cases may set legal precident for just that sort of behavior in the future.

However, if you are determined to subscribe to DirecTV, currently has the philips DirecTivo series 2 receivers for $49 with a 1 year commitment. Ground shipping is about $30-35. According to the site, the deal ends on July 5.

This will cost you $199 just about anywhere else. Not a referral, just a happy customer. (of Orbitsat, I have a few choice words about DTV)

Yeah, come on... they were all guilty as hell. That is as bad as the 'people who buy mod chips only buy them to back ups' threads...



Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2001

"I was just reading a article in RS this morning and it hit me. The government has been raiding headshops and taking the bongs. Now imagine this, the government takes the credit card receits from bong sales and sends you a letter saying they know you smoked dope with it and they are gonna sue you for $10k BUT.. they can make it all go away for $3500. Thats basically what direct TV is doing at the moment."

So you're saying we all should have freedom in this country-- freedom to do whatever we want, freedom to sue whoever we want-- EXCEPT DirecTV? we've collectively decided that Directv doesn't have the same rights that any other person/company has? Come on. With freedom you get the bad with the good. If you want the right to sue someone, then DirecTV has to have the right as well. sorry, but that's the way it works. when i was little living in chicago, there was an american nazi/skinhead group that had a parade past my house. i asked my mom why couldn't they stop these people. she said if we wanted the right to march, then they had to have it too. that's what freedom is-- true freedom: when you completely disagree with someone but realize if you take their right away then you're taking your own with it.

anyway, sorry to bump this when i'm not adding to the "hot deal" nature of the thread, it just bothers me when people confuse fascism with freedom, especially on the 4th of july....


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Antisocial-Virge
I was just reading a article in RS this morning and it hit me. The government has been raiding headshops and taking the bongs. Now imagine this, the government takes the credit card receits from bong sales and sends you a letter saying they know you smoked dope with it and they are gonna sue you for $10k BUT.. they can make it all go away for $3500. Thats basically what direct TV is doing at the moment.

My motto, "believe 10% of what you read or hear and 90% of what you see".



Apr 19, 2003
My thinking about this whole thing:

I buy a DVD Burner...that does not automatically mean that I am going to pirate DVD movies...I can use a DVD burner to burn that does not mean that I can be taken to court by Sony Pictures, etc.

I buy those smart card programmers...satellite TV is not the only device that uses smart does that give DTV the right to sue me for just buying a smart card programmer?

In my opinion, TV should be free since profits are already generated from commercials and such. I mean, would you charge a entrance fee to get inside a casino?



Mar 21, 2001
Nope, the Tivo w/Directv receiver can only record Directv programming because it doesn't have the video encoder the standalone units have to record any video source. But, not having the encoder keeps the price down and the quality is awesome because it's recording the actual digital stream that Directv is transmitting. So, basically there's no difference between watching it live or on Tivo.

Originally posted by: dpjax
Can I hook this unit up to sat and cable to record from both?



Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2000
Originally posted by: superblast
Nope, the Tivo w/Directv receiver can only record Directv programming because it doesn't have the video encoder the standalone units have to record any video source. But, not having the encoder keeps the price down and the quality is awesome because it's recording the actual digital stream that Directv is transmitting. So, basically there's no difference between watching it live or on Tivo.

Originally posted by: dpjax
Can I hook this unit up to sat and cable to record from both?
Hey, I just finished watching "The Patriot" on DTV and I gotta say the quality just ain't awesome. Way too much compression, at least on the TBS channel. Sometimes it looks like a bad divx encode. Smoke and fog that has physical borders at the intensities increase and decrease. God forbid there is a bright light shining thru the fog. If there is strong focus on a face the background looks like a Monet painting, very impressionistic but unfilm like.What a waste on my epc but it is my best option unfortunately. And I have tried it on different tv's. It's a DTV problem. I wonder if they ruin their HDTV offerings as well? That'll be my next box.

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