Disappointed by Ati AIW Radion32 DDR horid software and no support for good ones-- UPDATE!! Read this Thread!! I changed my Mind!!! OH Boy Oh Boy!!!

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Dec 10, 1999
skipped most of the thread, but as for video ripping, you don't need scsi Just get a capture card that does compression for you.. or the new hauppauge tv card that has on board compression.. pretty kewl for tivo functions

for non hardware compression on the fly get Cyberlink PowerVCR II. With a decently fast cpu it records mpeg 1 or mpeg 2.. real time with sound


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
what is the Link and the exact name of the download? if you have it handy, I am on the site not sue what to look for is 3rd party a name or a comment?
and thanx for the interesting observations you documented as well as the MS software. Am so jeleous and frustrated waiting for the MOBO to come to market; am itching to try the capture editing rendering and burning a cd. Am tickled in tummy to read all this... so fine, just what I wanted to do.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2000
goto microsoft and look at the bottom of the page for Sonic Foundry on demad producer. You don't need to download the Windows Media encoder 8. but once you install the on demad producer you will have the almighty vid cap program.

Now if they can only relase the full Windows Media Techologies 8 that would be nice. Take a look at the Vid demos they are incredible.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001

>for non hardware compression on the fly get Cyberlink PowerVCR II. With a decently fast cpu it records mpeg 1 or mpeg 2.. real time with sound

I will look into it thank u. I own an ATI AIW so the rest is not an option except for the scsi comment and I hear you there.
thank u for the effort.


Jul 22, 2000
Oh boy Oh boy,

Anyone out there with an AIW Radeon who doesn't recommend this card for games? I am thinking about a GeForce2 GTS PRO 64mb, but for 210 bucks I can snatch the Radeon AIW, can tinker with MPEG2 xfers from my video camera and PERHAPS still have a decent go at graphic intensive games such as Half Life, etc. Anyone regret the AIW Radeon and wished they bought the Geforce GTS PRO @ ~ 200 bills shipped?

God this is a long thread! Perhaps there is no FINAL ANSWER?


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
all the reviews say it is not the fastest card on the marlet for games but 3 months ago or so it was the fastest and best. Still it isa fantastic game card and gives u the vodeo editing as well as TV on PC way more than a TV and VCR like captures to the hard drive. look for a review of the card on sharky TomsHardware anandtech and OverClockers, cannot recall where I read it I think 2 of them have the review. You could go to google.com and enter ATI aiw Radion 23 DDR and see if it ggets at least 2 reviews. My gut feeling is u are the new Owner of one comgrats LOL


Jul 22, 2000

Thats for the info, I'll check it out. Technology explosion means alot of information management homework. As I look into this further (again) does the AIW Radeon support DirectX 8.0? Seems that the Geforce 2 stops at DirectX 7.0. Also Anandtech scores on Graphics capability shows decent results. One of the issues with any Video card will be the length of time the card has before obsolesence.

Thanks again.


Jul 22, 2000

So I don't get tricked up buying an ATI product. Do I buy the "Retail" box version. Are there LE, VE, OEM versions that have disabled features (that I want to avoid)? How do I avoid not buying a stepped down version of the ATI AIW Radeon? Is there a part number that will insure I get the real deal and not a reduced version (limited functionality due to "E-Probe" failures detected on the die)?




Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2000
>Do I buy the "Retail" box version. Are there LE, VE, OEM

It depends on your budget and what you want todo.

The LE and VE are the chips that didn't make it to the high-end stress tests so they have the hiperz disabled. Most of em will work with hiperz enabled. but for $80 it's not bad if it does. but it's at your own risk.

The dif betwee Retail and OEM Radeon's is the core in the OEM's are 163 because of the slower memory and the Retails' are clocked at 180 and most and I do say most (not ALL) will do 200 because of the faster memory. In all honesty 180 on a 1Ghz bird is way more than enough though.

>the AIW Radeon support DirectX 8.0?

Yes all radeon's support dx8 and at one point in the evolution of the drivers dx8 is required.

>How do I avoid not buying a stepped down version of the ATI AIW Radeon

Get a retail version.

>AIW Radeon who doesn't recommend this card for games

For games I don't have a problem with it. with the many driver releases, improvements and game patches, the remaining problems are minor. If games is all you want then the AIW is not for you.

>have a decent go at graphic intensive games such as Half Life

LOL, HL is NOT a graphic intensive game for the Radeon. I personally capp CS at 72Fps

Welcome to the All-in-Blunder Radeon. Good Luck.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
if u read this entire thread u will see NicCold speaks what he knows to be true and tests it, and asks for help when he does not and has zerro arogance. I would listen to him in detail if u want to make good decisions and u seem u do.


Junior Member
Feb 28, 2001
I need to be as thurough as Nicolt! Then again using a mini Sony Vaio laptop at work makes it really hard to cut and paste.


I am still sticking to SCSI. Even ATA 33/66/100 STILL uses the same amount of CPU speed. BUT It allows MORE data to transfer at any given time. You can look at the cables and get a physical idea of whats going on here. IDE is a cpu hog and really will affect your performance. Yes a fast IDE 7200/7500 ATA100 unit will capture fine but NOT at the higher or highest bitrates.

I noticed everyone seems to use Mpeg1 or 2 here. I usually use Divx or Pegasus Mjpeg. Now with pegasus I can capture at ANY seting full frames (30fps) with no loss. With DivX however I can get like 480X400 or something close. This is a p3-800 oc to 950. Alot of it does depend on your software and the codec you choose. I was really not impressed with Mpeg 1 or 2 but if your into making VCD's you must comply to that codec.

I have Vegas Video, an evalutaion versionj
Have you seen any books or manuals on this program? I know premiere 5.5 ok, its really combersome and slow and doesn't support divx. You rave about it so much and the reviews do as well. Sonic foundary has some killer software and I really like the power and ease of use they stick to. Adobe requires a PHd in computer sci to figure out! Anyways, I will take a serious look at VV and see if I can figure it out.

AIW Raedeon and games,
I have had great luck. Even with the brand new Tribes 2 I have nearly all the detail up. Its smooth as silk. Now if you want a card for games get a Geforce 2 Ultra or the Geforce 3. I just can't justify spending $500 for a video card that does ONLY games in this current economy. AIW Radeon is just so well rounded and messing with video is SO fun (and frustrating!).
Oh btw! I played Tribes 2 in Win 2k and it was slow, choppy and would crash the game in about an hour. When it crashed I had to reinstall the game EVERY SINGLE TIME! Being a tribes 1 lifer and Coutnerstrike nutcake I installed Winme on another partition just for games (what a nerd eh?)
Needless to say WinMe plays the game about twice as fast, never crashes, and is SUPER smooth. Damn I hope XP solves the game problems but then again XP is moving towards an ONLINE model. Get your next office suite only online? Lame!

Anyways enough of my ranting. Seems like we are getting people on track and able to use this damn card!


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
>I noticed everyone seems to use Mpeg1 or 2 here. I usually use Divx or Pegasus Mjpeg. Now with pegasus I can capture at ANY seting full frames (30fps) with no loss. With DivX however I can get like 480X400 or something close. This is a p3-800 oc to 950. Alot of it does depend on your software and the codec you choose. I was really not impressed with Mpeg 1 or 2 but if your into making VCD's you must comply to that codec.
I do not know much about Pegasus Mjpeg what are the benefits of it and price, over Mpeg 1 and 2 u compair the 2 use so I do not grasp the benefits over the ones u do not use. Not impressed does not give me a handle to turn and view what u say, it is a subjective rating, (not messing with u just want more data.)
Remember for me it is a bit like this being a manual without the aeroplane pannel LOL, while u coomplain having the aeroplain and no manual on the Vegas Video... Bwahahahahah
See my point? a ballance between mass and significance is supreme, either isde of it begins suffering as u called it (mixed with fun of course)



Junior Member
Feb 28, 2001
Tung where are you from? Your posts are so funny but to be honest I rarely understand what you are talking about. But i get the manual deal.

Well Pegasus gives GREAT/Excellent quality and is the only codec i know that can capture full res, full frames with minimal or no loss! It has won numerous awards for quality and performance.

What it does is that it creates video using jpegs in rapid session. Kind of like those old books that have a man riding a bicycle and you flip through the pages really quick and it looks like he is riding along.

Same principle but you dont get a million jpegs. It records it in .avi
I do not know the expense as again this is an evaluation copy ;>

Maybe i should post my warez links on here eh?

It is a great codec, worth messing around with. Oh and another thing it takes ALOT of space. I think its better than Mpeg 1 or 2.


Oct 16, 2000

<< Maybe i should post my warez links on here eh? >>

This is not an intelligent thing to post here Junior.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
Thank you for the added information.

BTW your profile is not turned on so the bellow should have been said in private.

I am in hawaii since 1974 and b4 that calif from 1969 and b4 that NewYork, and US Military Service for 3 years, Geaorgia, North carolina, and new Jersey from 1951 and b4 that europe and middle east... b4 that swung in daddy's testies and moms eggs LOL.
I speak 9 other languages beside english. Mainly I mistype and misspell. And if u do not understand something, nothing like asking me to clear up a line by quoting it and what confused u.

Since you spoke in generalities I have no Idea which of my many posts is criptic to u do e-mail me My Hawaii e-mail my education was in physics math and science and religeos philosophy. I am an oral communicator and writing is not my strongest side so do help me get better by making specific coments I can correct and excell in; generalities cannot hold watter unless used to summerize speciffics. )How is that?

If u e-mail me I am sure you will understand me eventually bwahahahahah not trying to be rude to u, but I was 65 on october 2000, and short term memory begins to deteriorate at late 40ies. Wish u had activated your profile then this personal stuff would not be in this thread where it does not belong


Junior Member
Mar 1, 2001
I need to contrast what NicColt said about the core speeds of the Radeons, he is somewhat correct.

According to ATI the core speeds for
Radeons vary by the product. The Radeon AIW runs at 163 (default - not overclocked) no matter what version you buy. The Radeon 64 and VE both run at 183 when bought retail and 163 when bought
OEM. Typically the big difference between buying OEM and Retail besides cost and core speed is the software supplied with the board. When you buy retail you get software. When you OEM you
get no extra software. From what I hear about the software supplied, you are not missing much if
you buy OEM. If you do not get the ATI installation CD (Like me) then you just go to the following ATI site (CD Installation Site) and you should receive an Installation CD.


Junior Member
Feb 28, 2001
I hope this is not straying from the path:

Does anyone know how much of a performance boost you get with lets say the Radeon AIW at 166 over 183? I have the retail version and since this card cost me an arm and one testicle I don't plan on overclocking. Everytime I read about peoples obsession with overclocking (in this case video cards) its like &quot;Ya I overclocked my TNT 2 to 300mhz and now get 66fps as opposed to 62fps at 100 mhz!&quot;

To me that isn't worth my time nor the risk of creating a mini Chernobyl (spelling wrong, Russian Nuclear plant melt down) in my computer.

Anyways, any info on this would be appreciated not only by me but by others I'm sure.

Back to Tribes 2!

ps- Thanks for the info Tung. I thought you might be asian because one of my best friends types alot like you. Sounds like your an extremely intelligent guy! So many languages, quite impressive!


Senior member
May 16, 2000
Update time. After going through NicColt's post on getting VFW to work in W2K successfully, my next step was to take my just arrived Maxtor (rebadged Promise) Ultra ATA/100 PCI adaptor card and modify it into a Promise FastTrack 100 controller. Mind you, this was my first experience with soldering, and I've got a nasty blister on my middle finger as a badge of honor. Amazingly enough I got it to work on the first try.

Last night I was able to capture at 720x480 without any dropped frames, but 720x576 proved to be too much. Now with the RAID controller (and the 25% increase in speed from the W2K-controlled RAID) I can capture in full 720x576 with nary a dropped frame and my IO buffers never going above five. What is curious is that about an eighth of the screen at the bottom is flashing lines and total garbage, which appears to be the top misplaced at the bottom. Strange, but no bother as I have no need to capture at such a high resolution.

I will have to pull out the camcorder and test the AV synch over larger projects, as well as do some MPEGI and II captures which should be cake compared to the AVI captures.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
Your post is interesting, but it appeared near an entire window to the right of the rest of the posts. Hmmmmmmmm anyone else see Fobman's post that way?
I am comcerned if the sodering did something to your output.

Please input from others how Fobman's post appears to u? is it lined up under the rest of the thread's posts or way to the right?
Or is it my computer reading it weird?

Disreguard my comment- after posting this Fobman's post ;looks fine now.
must have been my computer.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
I might as well have written my previous message on 1st of april...
Someone wrote a message on the 1st of april about Roger RedDawan and Compuserv1 that was so well done it had several hundred of us here reading it sucked in till the very end and anouncing it was april fool's day Bwahahahahahahhah, got me goooood!!!! if any of u remember the link, please post it it is really hilarious after learning it was a joke but scary if u fall for it likw I did saying to mysel NicColt's well used remark &quot;Wtfk...&quot; and shuddering )


Senior member
May 16, 2000
Yeah, I saw that one too. I only started wondering about it when Roger started sucking on the processor.

Just captured 480x480 for 54 minutes with no dropped frames. Once you get this thing right it's a wonderful thing.
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